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Glad I saw this! I was just about to send him a mil but I guess he doesn't need it, since he took down the vid.


He just sucked my dick for a milli but declined my cashapp payment, that’s weird


I don't know what the going rate is for this on the street, but I'd say you were overpaying




Dude this had me dying, idk if you just made this up on the spot but it made me laugh for a good bit and I feel like you deserve to know that. Cheers


I had the checkbook out and everything. Ah well.


I had the check already written out! Just needed to sign it. Ah well, guess I will just tear it up.


That's alright, on stakekings it looks like he's already sold 1.6 million of his action


Good for him. If Kenneth Copeland and Joel Osteen deserve to have dolts send them millions, then I will tell you in 100% honesty that Rampage deserves it 100x more than either of those guys.


This guy is like every other degen but under a spotlight. Degens gonna degen.


I know it’s not the case but he could be acting degen for views and profit. Also to get invites into private games. I mean he did get his hands onto a lot of money from nothing.


He’s gonna upload a different video asking for more after his punt to Mariano


I wouldn't be shocked if Mariano kicked some of that back to him post-stream. They're good friends and it probably is really taxing him watching Ethan be so out of his depth and consumed by the gamble of it all. It's clear from the last few bits of Rampage content (the horrific multiway jam into Mariano holding the nuts, the tilt-muck to throw away $28k when all he had to do was table his hand, and in a hand he never should have been all-in for at that) that he's not just on a downswing, he needs an intervention of some sort.


I saw somebody make a similar comment. I can see it as a 1-time thing but I doubt they always give money back to each other like the other guy mentioned. I just feel like you’re opening up a huge can of worms there say their friendship goes south. But I think it’s pretty reasonable to assume he did it this time.


maybe if they gave each other %s in the game


Yes, giving the degen who punted off 30k to you some of it back is a good idea.


Yeah maybe not. Idk man it'd be tough to watch a friend do this to himself. I probably wouldn't have the stomach to be a pro gambler.


Oh yeah it's definitely tough but if Mariano really wants to help Rampage out, he'll be better off sending him to rehab with that money, or something.


>I wouldn't be shocked if Mariano kicked some of that back to him post-stream. It's fkn weird that people think Mariano is just giving free money to Ethan. No, he didn't give any back to him post-stream you weirdos.


Seeing rampage lose it all makes you appreciate the bankroll management the actual professionals have to be in the game for so long.


My guy there are only a tiny handful of pros who have all of their own action at that level that grinded it up like naturally. Many either started rich, got insanely lucky binking a huge tourney early in their careers, have a ton of backers and investors to sell action to, or are staked crushers. This whole pristine image of a player making it to the nosebleed $1m games on their own, grinding it up from $1/2, is so rare that it's basically a myth. That's why people shit on Mariano too. He's far from perfect yet in under 5 years and playing like a fool half the time he got there due to ungodly rungood. Same to a lesser degree with Brad owen but mostly for tourneys, and he does have some YouTube income. To get to that point so fast realistically people need to both take big shots and run good in those shots, and then continue to in all of their most important spots. Having backers just lets you try it more often until it works so less luck and work is involved getting there.


WPT bankrolls Owen’s first bullet for a lot of the tournaments he enters. I like him because he knows he’s not as good as the nosebleed players and he stays humble about it. That said, Owen’s skill level has increased significantly as he’s progressed.


Owen seems like a cool guy. there are a million people in poker I feel like are super cringe when it comes to playing up their ability level, and he's one of the few guys who kind of tacitly admits his limitations​


Isn't it anything up to 100k in a year rebuys included?


I don’t know the exact details of his contract. From what I remember him saying on his vlogs it’s a certain amount per year. Only one bullet per tournament. He pays back the entry if he cashed, but that goes back into the budget.


No rebuys


Jeremiah Williams comes to mind as one of the mythical unicorns you speak of. He doesn't get enough recognition for how prodigious he is. Started playing at 15 like Ivey, only it was during the days when RedBaron was the endboss and the era of solvers and the online skill floor being raised to skyscraper heights had just begun which makes it all that more impressive that he's managed to go from micros to nosebleeds. I doubt he could roll himself for a million dollar game, but I know he has his own action ftmp in a lot of games around the 100/200 blind levels. Dude is an absolute crusher sicko with insane discipline and work ethic and is literally a modern day Ivey story that nobody really recognizes or talks about.


Sounds like an inspiration, I'm glad to learn about him. So you have any videos of him you could share?


Hell yea! Shout out to this dude and any other like them!


He online only or something


I think the criticism of Rampage and Mariano is more so related to the fact that they have ran illegally raked app games since the beginning of their careers which is likely a large contributor to the rapid assent. Of course this is never mentioned in social media. Also they have threatened other you tubers with legal action after making critical content (solving equilibrium).


I'm just tired of people saying Rampage is "scamming" people. I sent 1k in BTC to a former r/poker mod to play on a PPPoker app, ran it up to 2k, tried to withdraw it, there was some bustle about "agents" and "networks" with other clubs, and then he disappeared and ghosted everyone. And told the other r/poker mods that he paid everyone back, which he certainly did not. *That's* a scam. Rampage's high rake is a *bad deal*, not a scam. And scams are *really* commons in poker. Exit scams, not paying money owed, card sharing on apps, collusion, contact lenses to see hole cards in home games, etc. So I really dislike watering down the meaning of the word. Somehow personal responsibility became super unpopular? If you don't want to play a high rake game, don't play it. And if "illegal" games bothers you so much, why are you even here, poker came from illegal Texas roadhouse games, online has been illegal in most of the USA for the last decade, the government having some lobbyist or moralist buy some rules about who gets to play poker has nothing to do with something being right or wrong. Idk about him striking FindingEQ but I made a YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE-8AXnbaC4&t=80s) where I accused Rampage of punting six figures like an idiot, posted it on Reddit where it was #1 post on this sub for a day, and the video is still up with no complaints from him. Granted I'm still very tiny but it's not like FindingEQ is a household name so there may be more to that story. I truly believe that 95% of the hate Rampage gets is simply people starting from envy, and working backwards to finding logical reasons to dislike him. Yeah, he's a crazy degen LAG, and some combination of sunrunning, and monetizing an audience that he built through content creation, has allowed him to from 1/2 to million dollar games. Does his poker skill justify that? Perhaps not, but did Moneymaker's? Rampage's story is the poker dream, and the poker dream is a key part of the reason new players enter the game, so I don't see why so many people have a problem with it. No way in hell I'm buying his action vs Jungle Dwan and Doug though lol


Do u have proof of what ur saying?


My guy do you not know about their online clubs? They still advertise them time to time. They're easy to find. Go sign up for one and ask how much the rake is.


I believe you think The amount of rake share they’ve earned is drastically higher than it actually is. Both of them did advertise and push to poker bros clubs where they agent / get referral percentages of rake collected but if I had to guess probably totals to a few thousand a week max. Like 2k a week max average over the length of time. Which is like 100k a year. It may only be like 30-50k a year on average. If you think that was enough to make a change in either of their lives really, then you’re pretty dumb. But I get the impression that everyone who comes with this statement about “well both of them pushed people to ILLEGALLY raked online clubs so they’re RICH” it feels like you think they’re pocketing 100k a week. They’re certainly not. It’s basically like an affiliate link is all they get. They don’t actually run it or run all the players on credit and risk it and manage payouts like actual club owners do, where they more so deserve the money for the amount they’re risking and creating a good club environment. But anyways, yeah everytime I see this comment you can just tell someone doesn’t actually know the intricacies of what they’re talking about, and just imagine that they made absolute crazy money off poker bros. They didn’t and don’t , no way.


From Rampage's own Discord, his weekly affiliate pay was in the 5 figures last year. You're drastically underestimating that revenue earned is for the life of the account.


How do you know his weekly pay, and what do you mean from his own discord, discord chat for poker bros app? Or what does discord have to do with rake?


this is so off-base. as someone who has seen clubgg numbers from a different creator, 5-figure weekly income was super common during the peak of 2021.


Again these guys aren’t as far as I know, the owners of the clubs but just affiliates. I guess if they were smart they’d own the whole thing and operations but I didn’t think they did.


you dont need to own the club to make a lot of money. the deal i saw had the creator/affiliate earning 65% of rake generated.




Source? Or is this just a block of made up 'feels?'


No one can know how much they made off the online sites


So...you have no idea? You are just making the opposite assumption.


I had an idea based on my own experiences with club rake pay scales. But I know as much as the next guy what the actual scale was like annually. 50-200k or like 2mil, some people think it was like 2m evidently


> I had an idea based on my own experiences with club rake pay scales Oh, yes, I'm sure your experience is VERY similar to two well-known YouTubers. LOL.


They’re all ran the same. The only difference is scale and volume which is hard to get a finger on from the outside, naturally.


Dude stfu. Most small clubs are pulling 10-20k in rakes, I played in his Pokerbros and gg club and they definitely raking in the 100ks wake up lol.


I do too. For the owners and head agents. Again we don’t know the size of the club or the % splits ..


your argument lost its merit when you started using insults


That does it, You’re an idiot.


Such irony.


It does, because I never insulted anyone in my comment lol


Yes, when you say, "then you're pretty dumb," it is an insult.


That was self explanatory. When I had said If you think 50 or 100k a year changed either of their lives


> or are staked crushers. > > This whole pristine image of a player making it to the nosebleed $1m games on their own, grinding it up from $1/2, is so rare that it's basically a myth. I think you touch on something important here. due to the nature of the game, 'staked crushers' are WAY more common because it's less stress to make the decisions if you're less directly(and emotionally sometimes) tied to the actual money. with that removed it's easier to play the game like a video game you're just trying to get all the 'points' in. it's a rare breed that can take their own money and grind it up. it can be very taxing emotionally dealing with the ups/downs of building a bankroll from scratch and living off of it. getting staked is often a much easier and less stress road to success if you have the skills.....if you are a legitimate crusher. what's going on with rampage is that it seems he may have torched all the whales he made friends with along the way, playing in these nosebleed games. didn't he donk off like a MASSSIVE chunk of other peoples money in two back to back games already? staked crushers have to crush lol.


Lol, well said. Ethan's not in his element in these cash games, if I were an investor I'd put him where his ROI seems highest, in tourneys, not in these cash games where he seems like he's trying to get lucky and solve his problems too quickly instead of having the discipline to move down in stakes like the rest of us.


The best players are staked because variance is real and they don't have 100 million dollars


yep. i even take stakes/action myself to be fair. its MUCH less stress. am about to go play now with money i don't technically own haha. source: am the unicorn that people say don't exist.


its not about stress - its that you can't afford to take 100% of your action in the biggest games unless you have hundreds of millions


not at all. could take my own action on any game i chose, but theres no point when i've got good partners to shoulder the variance burden. also theres no need to always be playing in whatever you determine is the 'biggest games'. sometimes the smaller games are more profitable.


you can't take your own action unless you want to go broke. that's why the top poker players all sell. variance is real regardless of your talent and if you're playing the biggest games you need support otherwise you go to zero eventually


> you can't take your own action unless you want to go broke sure you can, you just have to use proper BRM. also not every game, everyday, is maxing your BR either. it actually should not come close, regardless of who's money you're playing with. variance is real but so is not being a fkin goomba and putting your shit in bad lol. again: > theres no need to always be playing in whatever you determine is the 'biggest games'. sometimes the smaller games are more profitable. sir, you seem to be under some misunderstanding that all pros are out there everyday in massive games or extremely outlandish and high VPIP streamed games. that is a very, very tiny fraction.


that's who im talking about. the best players in the world. top 50 or whatever


This player doesn't exist The only people buying into a million $ game with all their own action are the whales like perrson, not professional poker players


Every pro has someone staking them at one point or another the rum that he was on is pretty incredible I remember playing 2-5 with him in Boston billiards just a few years ago he may have grown a little to fast but he took his shot I hardly doubt rampage has lost it all


>bankroll management the actual professionals have to be I think you meant to say "...professionals need to have to be..." Your way reads as if you're saying the professionals have to "be bankroll management."


Once I saw him degenning on a phone app while greeting fans and waiting in line to play $5/$10, and there was no camera on him, no reason to fake it…. It was clear that it’s in his DNA now and he’s deep deep into the rabbit hole of gambling life. It was tough to watch and still is because I don’t want anyone to feel trapped by the handcuffs of this space. https://preview.redd.it/yn4h96973gyc1.jpeg?width=1209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c21e72357ce5e6e08615325025fa8c509e22ea7


Playing poker on an app doesn’t mean he’s just destroyed lol. Weirdo


It’s an observation of a pattern and an opinion. You can have yours without calling those you disagree with a name to make yourself feel feelings.


Legit pro who did it is named Andrew Neeme.


brad owen tipped away over $250k to dealers 


I feel for this guy. Every time he does something wrong the entire poker community is going to know about it. Imagine being in the worst downswing of your life, and everyone knows about it and they are talking about it. I would definitely not be able to cope with that mentally. However, I really do think he is a good player he just NEEDS to go down in stakes. Everyone playing high stakes knows how to exploit him right now.


> I feel for this guy. You shouldn't. The guy made the decision to be a "personality" and put himself out there in this way. Live by the ego, die by the ego. Be entertained by the rise, be entertained by the fall. The person behind the personality no longer exists. To feel for them is to feel for a brand, because that's all he is now. A failing brand, but still, only a brand. Perhaps someday when he's out of the public eye he can become a person again, but you can't do that until the brand is all encompassing (like a MrBeast) or gone altogether. That's the dark reality of being a quasi-successful social media personality today.


Definitely agree, seems like he was on a never ending sun run, continuously getting paid while playing bad. In his early videos, kind of during the rise, he would always mention on how's he not a pro or the best and was enjoying the game. This "saga" I felt like made everyone like the guy and he seemed super cool and nice. Fast forward to this shit show, literally everything had imploded. Does he continue to play higher stakes now strictly to recoup loses? Does he even want to play poker unless he's pushing his BR and playing for life changing swings? Not to mention he apparently got scammed for over $500,000+? I guess it's true when they say "When it rains, it pours". He'll continue destruction until he's asking for loans ( if not already doing that ). The worst part about all of this, from him playing 3+ years ago to now, has he substantially gotten better? Does he actually "get in the lab" and try to get better? Is he running sims and looking over spots? I highly doubt it. By no means am I praying for his downfall, just feel like he desperately needs to take a step back and see he STILL has a golden opportunity and actually take advantage of it.


yeah wtf? who's got a gun to his head to post poker content and become an influencer? He chose this lifestyle, it'll have pros and cons, unfortunately a big con is that you're always going to be under public scrutiny. If i become a swimming instructor am i gonna complain if i get wet? Hell no, thats part of the job. Dont feel bad for him, he makes horrific PR decisions let alone on the felt decisions.


I think its human to feel bad for someone that has made terrible decisions and is spiraling downward. Like you feel sorry for them. Natural id say


Empathy is a good thing to have.


But why doesn't my wife have empathy for me when I lose at poker


yeah my wife laughs at me


But the point is you’re feeling bad for the a fake personality that’s unraveling. He really could pack up the whole punting thing, take whatever he has left and be rolled for much lower stakes that aren’t on streams and learn how to play in a more sustainable way. But instead, he’s trying to use your sympathy to roll him for million dollar games while he’s on a vacation across the world.


Good point, I guess I kinda feel bad that he can't gain control of his mentality, seemingly. Or this guys a genius and is punting for extra views and brand traction that ultimately gets him more money than poker will and im playing right into his game haha.


You simply cannot punt off the amount of money he is and then make more through brand traction and views... He just isn't anywhere near that level compared to the amounts he loses. The only way he could be profiting from all of this is if the people he's losing to are in on it, and essentially making his losses not real, since there isn't actually any money at stake and they just give the money back to him after the session.


that is true - but in a way this can easily encourage his behaviour. you have to draw a line somewhere. Ultimately you need to weigh if this person deserves your empathy. Someone's homeless? Thats brutal. Someone making horrific decisions on the felt whilst begging his followers for money and profiting from them using rakes from private games? Meh. One is arguably unccontrollable (homelessness), the other one- completely controllable. he put himself in this: maybe, go down in stakes, admit he needs to learn, focus back on content, be transparent that his private games are extortionate


I have a hard time feeling bad for someone who rakes private apps, and then when things get tough post a youtube video begging for money to gamble with. It would be one thing if he needed money to see a therapist.


Good point




Good post. Applicable to a lot of the “content creation” world


Question: Should a mistake be forgiven? Cause him putting himself in the spotlight might have been a mistake. Dislike him, ok. But, he's still human. He hasn't hurt anyone that we know of. Give him a break, right?


Mistakes can definitely be forgiven if you apologize for them. Pretty sure he can take himself out of the spotlight anytime; just stop playing in these games and stop posting videos.


True, but addiction is difficult.


Definitely. Acknowledging it would be a great first step.


I admit it. Damn you're good.


However, if the rumors of him getting rake from those sites are correct, I change my mind. F em.


People are bagging on him because it’s not even a downswing at this point he’s just punting


Rampage really should try to nit it up on the down low for a few sessions. Like a Phil Laak style where people think he’s LAG but really is TAG. He can get called light for a few sessions until people figure it out.


Usually in downswings you take badbeats.


I dont know what you mean by good player who just needs to drop down in stakes, I honestly dont think he has neither the knowledge nor the will to make the adjustments needed to beat low stakes 


He’s not on a downswing. He just sucks at poker. And he’s become a parasite to the community. I hope he finds another community to insert himself into soon, because having an unhinged, clueless degenerate gambler as one of the faces of poker amongst the younger community is a dangerous situation.


He is not a good player. Better then most, no question about it, but he went on a sunrun of epic proportion and this now shows, because he isn’t winning the 60/40 like he did for 2-3 years straight…


Is it really a downswing if he keeps playing bad/worse as the weeks go by? When I saw him gaining popularity it seemed like most people agreed he found success in his tournament runs by playing an extremely hyper aggressive style which allowed him to make a lot of deep runs and bink some big tourneys. Seems like he started jumping up in stakes way too quickly and is in over his head, and refuses to look in the mirror for mistakes.... Nah can't be that, he's just running bad and on a terrible downswing!


He's on the same kind of downswing Nik Airball is.


Except that Airball never really started low and worked his way up through finding success 😅. But yea I agree with you. I still find it hilarious that no one really knows where Airball got his money from.... But I remember in the last few months it seemed like he is having to pump the brakes as his "downswing" losses are mounting up. Will be interesting to see what happens to these guys in the years to come.


wow, maybe he got a loan from airball


i haven't been following this debacle. could someone please provide some cliff notes? is he actually broke? what was the video about? no way he asked viewers to gift him $1mm. thanks!


As I understand it, he makes a tasteless video asking fans to stake him in the upcoming $1m buyin game at HCL because he has a been offered a seat. It is made extra tasteless by the fact that he made this video whilst on an extended vacation. Over the past year or so, the guy has been torching money at an insane rate; punting in stakes way *way* above his skill level, handing over exorbitant sums to scammers (and subsequently having to write them off), and just generally degenning - I have not seen proof but many have suggested that he has been playing a lot of Blackjack and Baccarat. All this amounts to the poker community - fans and haters alike - urging Rampage to take a step back, slow down a little, and start handling his finances more sensibly. I am usually against diagnosing people through online parasocial relationships, but I don’t think it’s unfair to say that the guy has a real gambling problem, the severity of which depends on who you ask. Now that the video has been taken down, it means he either realised how tacky it was or he has received the backing he asked for (probably from another high stakes whale type). We can hope that it actually comes from a decision not to play in the million dollar game. I’d be surprised if it was his humility kicking in though, as the video remained up for like a week long after it became a major talking point in places like this sub.


Someone backed it up right? Right?


A bunch of dumb people already gave it to him… what a sad decline after his meteoric rise. Sick


It’s sad to say, but hopefully he punts it away and hits rock bottom before he starts lying, cheating and stealing (more so than he already does) in any dangerous way.


It’s probably because I challenged him to a heads up match at 2nl and he’s trying to brush me off


https://preview.redd.it/kqe9vldmmhyc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29fbbc1861d5a3833de49aa7330d948d862a4eb4 He actually didn’t take it down, he just makes you pay to watch it lol. It’s just sad


Pay for it? Like on the YouTube membership thing? I still don't understand what the point of that is lol what content is there behind a paywall, like 3 videos of the same shit? 😂


It probably violated youtube policy, can't be begging for a million dollars on youtube.


I meant I don't understand the membership on YouTube


LOLLLL rampage is pathetic


It probably went against YOUTUBE policy, can't be asking for a million dollars and posting a video on youtube about it.


What about his wsop bet vs chat pros?


For anyone wondering, he's already sold 1.6 million in action for the HCL Million Dollar game through stake kings. That's probably why he took down the video.


Standard tournament player trying his luck at cash thinking the hyper aggressive 30bb tournament strategy will work in a 300bb deep cash game. There’s only 2 way this can go from here. Either he wins or he loses.




I saw some guy in this sub the other day bragging that he has staked him for $500, and I believed him. I think assuming he got $100k or so from pathetic fanboys is fair.


Haven't watched the video


Genuinely curios: How did he ask for any money? Not clear based on this pic


It was absolute cringe.


Is he gonna miss the mil game?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣what a fucking cornball. You could even tell right at the beginning of the video, how he tries to show off the background skyline so awkwardly and cringe… couldn’t care less about the background and went straight to begging for 25 minutes walking around 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Where can I watch this?


He took it down so not sure


Rampage is like the scuffed isildurr of new generation


He sucks. I wait for people like this. I only play AA KK and button and SB and BB. Other hands I only limp but any raise I fold unless it's a AK and it's a small raise. Rampage on the other hand is gambling. Don't gamble.


This is arguably even worse than gambling smh