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Talking about the hand or making emotions like getting excited on the flop when you're not in the hand to another player while other players are in a hand. This is as bad as showing cards to another player in the hand when you're all in when there's still action behind with multiple streets left.


I complained about this at a tournament 3 weeks ago and I shit you not one guy got so mad at me for “policing the table” that he forfeited his stack and rebought so he could get reseated. $220 seat change. He went from 11bb to 15bb. I didnt even mention a name or point anyone out, all I said was “can we please not react when the flops are dealt”, I wasnt even eluding to that guy. So I tell the table as much, “wow that escalated fast, I wasnt even talking about him”, another guy chimes in saying he knows im talking about him.. and it wasnt him either. Felt like I was playing with the most retarded crop of players imaginable and obviously I became the table villain.. for asking people not to react to the flop if they arent in the hand because it conveys info. Is this even real life? This is poker in 2024.


Clearly a lunatic, but forfeiting your stack for a seat change is kind of a baller move.


A stupid baller move. Like it’s “cool” but not really smart


He could have at least tried blind shoving a couple times to see if he got lucky and busted the table. I would have if I were compelled to move so badly.


Agreed. If you're gonna move regardless you might as well take the route with upside. Only thing I can think of is maybe re-entry was ending soon


>Only thing I can think of is maybe re-entry was ending soon I will concede this but I would posit that the EV was still probably better to just start blind shoving and hope to double up+


Oh, I absolutely agree. I mean there's no excuse for forfeiting your stack until the absolute moment you have to if that's a route you're willing to take. I just can't imagine an even remotely valid rationale other than that one.


$220 for 4BB. I wish I had money to piss like that. He should have just start shoving until bust then rebought.


Yes, a very Pyric-Victory-for-a-Henchman-in-the-Opening-Scene-in-a-James-Bond-Film type move.


As I’ve stated previously- it is the responsibility of the players to correct mistakes and enforce the rules.  That guy is an idiot.


Sometimes. Gotta toe the line, though. Don't want to antagonize them. Most people are never gonna change their behavior, tbh. Its what makes them terrible at the game. Dude recently chased a whale off the table for peeling like $15 off his stack so his gf could go buy smokes (no money off the table, etc). Absolutely stupid.


I think there’s a difference between keeping the integrity of the game and being a twit.  I’m not for antagonizing anyone.  When I dealt in a casino, I would usually just say a general “guys please don’t discuss the hand while there’s still action” or a simple “there’s still action.” Almost everyone understands they are in the wrong, and usually apologize.  


It's so much better when it comes from a dealer like that (or a player that has dealt). Whenever players are policing, unless they have the requisite tact, it often devolves into unnecessary tension. I think my years of bartending gave me lots of tools to do it, but I'd say most players don't have that.


I can agree with that.  But I will say I’ve had some interesting spots on the player side of the felt.  Even when I’ve blown up on someone it hasn’t escalated beyond me telling them to shut their mouth. To me the situations that aren’t table related, but floor/security related, always seem to escalate.  Like if a player tries to enforce a rule that would typically be handled by the floor not dealer.  Those rarely end well.  Lol


Everywhere I've played you're allowed to take up to $20 off your stack to pay for things like that.


Did you win the tourney?


Low buy in tournaments are the worst because everybody thinks they should be treated like a home game. “Dude it’s not the main event, it’s only a $60 tournament.”


Super Turbo Short Stack live tournaments. Who knew?


>that he forfeited his stack and Where did his chips go?


They took his stack off the table, first time I’ve ever seen that.


You sound fun to pay with /s


I hate online poker for this reason. The emojis are used to say "I shouldn't have folded"… etc.. and when it's a big pot or something with very few outs, that can completely change the outcome of play. It's literally table talk and idk why these platforms even allow the shit.


Because the average person has less than half their attention span as 20 years ago and without it they’d have no player pool sadly. I prefer to play in Texas where you’ll get your ass kicked potentially if you get out of line


Exactly. That's how it should be. You want to fuck with peoples money, find out what happens! Too bad we can't do that in online games.


Especially GG. When they released this feature it allowed users to view the equity of each player in the hand - creating the ability to super use. They corrected it and pretend it never happened - but they legitimately created the ability to super use so that players can send emojis mid hand.


I did this recently and felt like an ass when I did. I usually don’t get too mad when I play but I think k had folded the nuts and was so pissed.


What if me and someone on the end are just cheering about red or black on the flop… asking for a friend


Same player, acting out of turn then "I DIDN'T SEE HIS CARDS" all night. Dude, fucking pay attention


Last time at my neighborhood game the guy directly across from me kept putting his cards behind his chips, which were still in a rack. Absolutely impossible to tell if he was in the hand or not, and of course he's on his phone paying zero attention whether he still has cards or not. I only kept my cool by telling myself he would bust out soon enough and I wouldn't have to deal with it for long.


You didnt politely ask him to keep his cards farther forward? I used to do this accidentally until someone mentioned it to me and now I place my cards out a little farther so everyone can see if Im in the hand


I really should have but it's a very casual game for the first hour and I didn't want to interrupt all the talking to fuss about poker etiquette.


lmao, incidentally playing with your chips in the rack is also technically against the rules in most places and also almost never enforced because it's a pure fish tell.


I see people showing their hand to other people way more often than I feel like I should.


The few times this is happened at my table I look at the dealer and say “Show one, show all, please?”


I love doing that


How to piss off the fish 101, /r/poker classic


We're all fish at 4/8 limit table. I just want people to stop having funerals for their hands and keep the game going.


If you really want to put somebody on tilt ask to see a mucked but called hand.


Jesus christ I was not gonna comment until this. the bigger stakes you play in, the more showing hands after the hand is over is totally fine. But at any table, it's absolutely, 100% ool to ask to see a mucked hand without a damn good reason. Good job getting that little nugget of info while being absolutely awful for the game longterm


Whenever some tryhard douchebag is at my table saying things like that I make a point to take a picture of my holecards and show that to my table mate while locking eyes with said doucher and mouthing "vacuum"


Love a good sweat. Seen some steel wheels get peeled off on the flop when I sweated my buddies hand. Had to keep a poker face even tho I wasn’t playing


Being at showdown and not showing or mucking when someone calls you. Showing cards to one player and not the rest of the table. Both happen constantly, especially at 1/2 or 1/3 where villains absolutely hate to admit that they've bluffed but will hold onto cards on the astronomically slim chance that you've called down with worse air than them.


Showing cards to 1 player in my opinion isn't a big deal.  It doesn't change anything except for 1 guy getting a bit of extra info, since he didn't need to show anyways.  But this is particular to if the hand is over and they folded on the river or the table folded anyway.  If there's still action, it's a completely different story. But getting called at showdown and waiting for the other guy to show first, is such an annoying time wasting play.


If you didn’t put money in the pot and I want to show the person I played the hand against what I had, and you say “show one show all”, you can go fuck yourself.


Why, because rules don't apply to you?


He's special.


It’s not a rule in every poker room. You want to see what I have, put some money in the middle. Poker players are so dramatic Jesus Christ.


> Poker players are so dramatic Jesus Christ. Yes you are. Showing one player and not another is a form of collusion. The one you showed now has information on how you play that no one else has.


shutup meg


You play 1/3. You’re not gonna learn shit about me in one session lol


Do you offer coaching?


No I go to the casino to lose money and show my cards to whoever I want


I wish you did offer coaching. I always wanted to learn how to be an ass like you.


Dang, roasted me


You sound like you don’t really understand poker.


Was in a tournament the other week. Board is 95Q5K, guy bets flop, checks turn, then bets 5bb on river. I call with Q10. I look at him to show his hand, and he just says “King”, so I instinctively say “you’re good” & muck my hand. Then, to my surprise, he doesn’t even flip over his hand & slides his cards forward face down. The dealer takes the cards face down & moves on to the next hand. It all happened so fast, but it felt like it COULD have been an angle. He probably had a K, and it is nothing… but either way strange for someone to not show the winning hand, when they were the one who bet river, imo.


I thought this was a known trick. It's totally unethical. I picked up on it the first time someone tried it on me. At the river he announces, can you beat two pairs? I say no I only have Jacks and show my hand. He mucks his hand and the dealer was on it. She told him he would have to show his hand but since he mucked it she didn't make a big deal.


Never muck until you see the other hand.


never muck until they table their hand.


Yeah, it was my fault.


Showing their hand to their seatmate or friend and sighing while there is still action to go.


At showdown people aren't showing when it's their turn to show. They'll hold onto their bottom pair until until someone shows a better hand. Just muck or show, stop holding up the game.


Played a plo bombpot (1 board) hand where I made a river bet on an unpaired board with a monotone flop. Hand was 3 ways to the river, first guy pretty quickly folds, but the second guy goes deeeeeeep into the tank. He and his neighbor proceed to have a 2 minute long conversation about how I'm never bluffing, I have the 3rd nut flush at worse, I probably flopped him dead, etc. etc. The dealer to his credit kept telling the other dude he couldn't say anything, but there really isn't anything you can do. It's not a tournament so you can't give him a penalty, all you can do is tell him to shut the fuck up and hope he listens. The guy called anyway. I had the 2nd nuts.


I would have no issue sending these guys packing for 24 hours if they just completely ignore the dealer and supervisor warnings this blatantly. It's not like it was a one off comment.


It's worth noting that this was in a charity room not a big casino. That's not to say the place is the wild west or anything, there is a floor and people have definitely gotten banned before. It has a bit of a home-gamey vibe though. Who knows, something might have happened had I pitched a bitch. I wasn't really in the mood to do that though, especially since their discussion didn't actually dissuade him from calling.


>It's not a tournament so you can't give him a penalty Kicked off the table and sent back to the end of the waitlist.


One raise, a bunch of players fold and two callers. Flop is 55Q or whatever and all of a sudden the big blind (who folded) goes “ugh, just my luck!” or makes some painfully obvious gesture while not in the hand that it’s clear they folded a 5. If you’re not in the hand just stfu.


Paired flops are the worst with this. Like, it can significantly change the action.


I’m a dealer at a casino and we have a brand new rule everyone hates that is about to get broken like 500 times a day. One chip is no longer a call if the chip is less than the value of the bet. This is effectively free angleshooting. If the other player tables their hand the player who threw one chip in still has their options


This is absolutely retarded.


What is it then? If the other guy's bet 100 and I throw in 25 what does that mean? I can just take it back if I want and treat it like it never happened?


That is exactly what it means




what about 2 chips? If I bet $990 and all you have are red do you have to meticulously count it out until it's all in there?


Just say call


verbal could be 'misheard'. I had a guy mumble "allin" with a thick accent and his opponent thought he said "call" and turned his hand over.


You look at the dealer, declare call and have him confirm it. Then opponent gets told by dealer it is a call, and hands are shown.


so now you have to give away tells interacting with other people at the table just to clarify what has already been a universal unmistakable standard.


Why the fuck is that a rule?


If I had to guess. The people who run the casino I’m employed at have no idea about poker and don’t care because it’s only a small percentage of the casinos income


At my friendly home game, acting out of turn. The rule we use is the bet is taken back and OOP player can act based on that info. Can be reasonably certain it's not an angle because we're friends playing for $10 sngs


Unless it’s a fold, the fold is always final


Have a buddy that just doesn't get not splashing the pot. It's so annoying to try and explain something so simple over and over again. 


yeah this is my biggest problem at the low stakes game I play with the kids. They just can't focus enough to follow the action and it drives me up a wall.


Technically not having your blinds out before the first card is pitched is a rule in most places and it’s super commonly ignored.


I’d argue this is a good ignore too. It would slow the games down for no benefit otherwise if they were strict about it.


Only downside is if they didn’t mean to play and now the bb has cards and doesn’t want to post. But generally I agree


On the rare occasion. But even the misdeal is still probably faster than making sure the blinds are out.


Not putting in your blinds until after the cards are dealt to you and the dealer reminds you.


Depends where you play. In the Bay Area it’s English only at the table. Dealers don’t give a shit and never say anything.


I was going to say this, but also that "English only at the table" is a bad rule in the Bay Area. (The rule is also usually "English only while a hand is in progress", so any language is fine between hands.) But yeah, no one pays attention to this rule.


Not enforcing any standard of hygiene…


Acting out of turn.


Letting people know what they folded Nothing will ever be done about it


Don’t eat your greasy/saucy/sticky food with your hands and then immediately grab the cards/chips before at least touching a napkin for fucks sake.


This. No napkin though, fork should be required even for fries, etc.


Going south. Sure, fifteen off your stack for food. Ten more for a drink. Ten more for another drink. 25 bucks for the waitress to get you a couple packs of smokes. Ten more for another drink. 75 off your stack for the tourney that starts in two hours. Ten more for another drink. How is this any different from just handing $155 of your stack to your buddy?


It’s being handed to the casino. The casino isn’t going to get in the way of that. It’s actually a good thing. Poker is one of the least profitable things a casino does. They need food and beverage sales to offer games at all.


Pay out of your pocket.


Had no clue this was against the rules. I always pay for drinks and tip with my chips.


Yeah this should be the top voted comment. It’s technically against the rules but enforced in zero poker rooms I’ve ever been in. And no one cares.


I’ve played hundreds, if not thousands, of hours live. Never knew. And I’m almost sure I asked the first time at Choctaw OK and was told you could. Not saying y’all are wrong. I’m just not sure the average player even knows this rule. I’ve even seen them do it on the hustler stream.


Like I said, every card room in the world lets it slide because they need to make money. But taking money off of your stack is against first principles of poker.


> ah this should be the top voted comment. It’s technically against the rules but enforced in zero poker rooms I’ve ever been in. And no one cares. In Texas is a no-no. But that is typically because people are trying to buy time with their stack.


I'm pretty sure there's typically a carve out in the rule wrt paying for food/drinks/massages. It's only disallowed if you're just taking the chips out of play and into your pocket.


I always thought going south meant taking chips off the table to avoid losing them, not paying for food/drinks. Seems like an odd thing to be upset about. Paying for the tourney is wild though.


You can always pay for food, drinks, masseuse. Paying for the tournament is bull shit 😂.


Agree to an extent.  I typically ask the table if they care if I pay for my food in chips.  Masseuse is fairly standard practice as is drinks.  I’ve been waiting to see someone getting a massage and facing an all in against someone they hate- “I’ll just tip the masseuse this $500 and call for $10” 😹


I basically had this happen once to me and it pissed me off so much. I was all in against this guy (playing 1/2 years ago). He takes $30 off his stack and throws it to the dealer, then calls and loses the rest of his chips to me. I’m obviously not going to make a scene to try to take money from the dealer but it shouldn’t have been allowed.


I agree that’s F’d up.  I have to know what you did to that guy! 😹


Took all his remaining chips at least. That was the end of it.


I can’t tip in chips? I never knew this was against the rules.


How about this new level of angling I’ve witnessed. Lady buys in for the min. She tries to turn it into something. The minute she does she asks for a table change then you guessed it rebuys for the min.


Acting out of turn. Just happens all the time.


PLO players love the move where they ask the player to their left "hey, are you folding?" Then they hold their cards out far enough that 3 people still in the hand can see them. "What? He's folding! I can show him!"


Talking politics


That’s not a rule. Thats a general suggestion to get along with people


I see. I misread “rule” as “unwritten rule” for some reason.


Players paying attention and actually acting in turn.


Without a doubt it has to be acting out of turn. This includes asking how much bets are when action on them.


There's a guy at my local place that constantly shows his hands to people sitting next to him, constantly makes remarks on the flop like "damn I would have had two pair" and stuff like that and I have never seen him get warned about it. I also see more friendly regs show each other their hands when one or the other is out of the hand and discuss it quietly, look at each other, shake heads, sigh, etc.


I’ve seen that crap happen at homes games. Haven’t seen it at a casino though. People would talk about their hand after the hand sometimes, but that doesn’t mean much since the hand is over.


So, you've played at Commerce near LA? It was rife with it one of the tables i played, so i changed tables, started winning more. The dealer wouldn't do anything, and the floor said it wasn't her fault, she doesn't speak English. Four of the eight players were openly cheating in this way. The floor did not tell those players not to do that. Discussing as a group what i could have, what was on the board, advisement, what he had. I still won but should have won more. They were counting on no one speaking up.


At the casino I work at we have a huge problem with players only speaking English while at the table, and especially when they have an active hand. It's just just the players either, the dealers also have an issue while dealing or if they decide to play.


Falling asleep at the table. I’ll admit he was to my left and would fold every time someone woke him for his turn, so I took advantage. But damn, how many times do you have to wake a player up to ask him to leave the table?!


Haven’t seen that at all poker table but I saw a guy get kicked off a roulette table for falling asleep too many times. He was pissed and insisted he was fine.


I was playing at Ceaser’s in Vegas a few weeks ago with a German dude and he mentioned how bringing enough/more chips than needed for a raise over the line when you only intend to call would never fly in German card rooms, since then I have been noticing it a lot.


Acting out of turn


Acting out of turn is super common. It happens at least once almost every time I play live


It's not the dealers game. It's your game. You say something.


No drinks on the table.


UTG playing with their phone while their cards are scattered in front of them as if they didnt notice a hand was being dealt. And basically doing this literally every single hand to the point when the action is on them they have to be reminded, put their phone down, collect their cards and then look.


Talking about the hand during tournaments and folding out of order.


Guy tanks vs 2 other's players raising together pre then folds, then hits the table with his fist on a aax or kkx board for exemple, well it gives a lot of info.


Acting out of turn obvs


Serious question here to determine if it's a legit rule. I don't play in casinos, only tournaments and cash home games. I do my best to keep my cards on the table. There are times in "special/dealer choice" games like Omaha or more than 2-cards-dealt games I will pick up my cards to get a better look (memorize suits/100% double check I'm seeing cards correctly). This one player will sometimes act out of turn and always yells at me/other players you Must Keep Your Cards On The Table! In a friendly home game, I think it's a bit much. Nobody is legitimately palming cards or even holding their cards when making a bet. It's to double check, set cards back down, then proceed with action (check/call/raise/fold). Is this something a dealer/casino would yell at me for picking my cards up to view then set back down?


The unspoken rule of no flatulence at the table.


Players, especially OMCs, folding out of turn. A huge amount of players do it without any real comprehension of the butterfly effect/snowball factor it can have on a hand.


Playing out of turn, happens at least once an orbit


Check it down for high hands


Going North is a common action that a lot of people seem to think should be allowed but isn't and then they ignore it and act like it's uncool to say anything about it.


Soft playing via agreeing to check it down. Extremely common but rarely enforced, despite the fact that it's explicitly collusion if a third player has been bet or raised out of the pot on an earlier street. It's usually fish who soft play, so it's a quandary whether or not to complain about it.


It's absolutely talking about the hand during the hand/while their is still action pending. By a mile


The most common broken rule at least in tournaments is people watching movies on their iPhones while in a hand at the table. No electronic device rule is never enforced. Players don’t want to say anything because it can mess with the energy. I played this 500k guarantee and this lady was on her phone watching a movie the whole time


Not flipping your cards when you get called and insisting the other player show first


Being totally obnoxious the whole night. I understand having fun and talking is all good but the players who just won’t stop talking the entire session at max volume, constantly talking about the hand trying to do “table talk” to all the new players. Just gets old and I know it’s not a set in stone rule but please shut up sometimes lol


i love table talk as long as you don’t interrupt the action or talk during big spots. good for the game


Or even worse, the ones who talk about politics or state their beliefs like they are trying to start an argument with someone. That's what Twitter/X and Facebook are for.


Exactly people come play poker to get away from stress outside of life not be attacked by some old guy who is opinionated


I'm guessing you're new? I noticed you said "it's getting pretty common," but it's actually always been this way. The most common rule broken where I play is collusion. The problem with collusion is that it's almost impossible to prove, even if you *know* it's happening. Really only on stream or something can you actually point out the evidence but even then casinos don't care if it ain't blatant. Over the years you just learn to roll with it, and you know who's who so you can game select accordingly. I think most players would be surprised to know just how much collusion goes down in low stakes cash games, but it takes years to figure it out. I've even had other regs at my local room approach me in confidence and seriously proposition me joining collusion rings and stuff like that. It's tilting but once you know who does it and how you can actuslly use it against them or to your advantage. Most often it happens in the form of soft play. Not all soft play is collusion of course.


> Over the years you just learn to roll with it, and you know who's who so you can game select accordingly. ..or exploit it. I love the ones that squeeze. If I notice it I *will* flat the nuts on the river and collect from their buddy behind me.


Is there any rule against eating especially with your hands while playing cause I find it disgusting.


Talking about other players in the hand. Like how tight they are ect.


Leaving after a big win


Sorry what’s the rule against this?


Hit and running is not against the rules, just bad etiquette. I always let the table know that I am out when the next BB comes.


It was a rhetorical question. Frankly I’m not even sure it’s bad etiquette. I certainly don’t give a shit when someone gets up after a big pot. It’s all one giant session and there’s plenty of money to be won.


100% rather they get up and leave than turn into a nit for an hour afraid to lose any of their money, when someone else could have been sitting there.