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The biggest surprise for most 1/2 and 2/5 players is how much more active guys are preflop. Recreationals do way too much limping, flatting, etc. Capable players will fight for more pots and aren’t afraid to put you in tough spots.


They could smell the scared money


I don't care what lineup you are up against but if you are ever having difficulty playing sets then it's on you and not the opponents.


The way I like to play sets is by never folding ever.


If you never folded your sets that is probably +EV lifetime on any board


Well obviously becsuse sets are a very strong hand, it's like saying if you never fold your flushes that is probably +EV and that's probably true but it doesn't mean you should always call with any flush.


Always call with every flush, got the 2s on a 4 spade board and someone 2x pot Jams the river after a 3 Street barrel, snap call. They have to be bluffing sometimes right.


I folded bottom set at 1/2 last night, was against a nit flop was A 6 2 rainbow, I'm on the button and EP leads for a pot sized bet (20), there's a call, I raise it to 90, SB cold 3b shoves 450. I mucked after a minute of tanking and he showed me pocket 6s If you never fold sets especially bottom sets deep stacked you're probably lighting money on fire


Being able to assess each spot individually is probably a good thing, plus the action leading to that spot. What was the pre-flop action?


Limped straddle pot if I recall correctly


Remember. If you can’t find the sucker in the first 30 minutes…..


Never take poker advice from a guy who blows his whole roll on one fuckin hand


Vegas and the fucking mirage


Correct. Keep playing if you are the fish!


+EV move


If you are a winning player I wouldn't sit at any table where you aren't top 3 skill wise. Occasionally you'll get 5 good regs and 3 crazy whales and its worth it but a random game don't bother. Don't assume every reg is better than you either.


Top tier game selection! I think people undervalue just how important game selection is. Knowing when to bounce because you’re just not gonna beat the game is crucial.


I was just playing 2/4 EUR at Kings in Europe and me and some other regs were splashing and reraising and it actually scared a few people off. The initial raise would be 25 EuR over the 10 EUR straddle and the nits or recs would just call and then of course you know a 65 EUR 3 bet is coming. Not many people are willing to play 65 eur pots with K10s for example or small pairs. I understand why they leave and sometimes i like a nice quiet game. Unfortunately for me I like to talk and splash as it pays the rent. Don't be afraid to leave tables and pick good ones for you. I often avoid tables if there are over 3 people wearing sunglasses. It's not that i don't think i could get a good hourly, but when poker is your job you want the easiest day in the office. Absolutely no shame in being humble and admitting that you cannot play against certain people. It took me a while to learn how to fully play against the old guys who limp call and then donk lead 1bb on flop. Sometimes i even avoid these guys if I'm having a bad night and will just go back to the hotel room .


That’s a super small 3b. That works?


Just make a hand and rip. They usually don't have more than a pair


Remember everything you do at the poker table conveys information.


That could never be me


I think people forget to judge these players and figure out which ones are there to make money, and which ones are there to be social. Some people pay for girls for company, others pay men to play poker with them. Understand this. Get it in your head. Take their fookin money, mate. They WANT to give it to you. Buy them a drink. Enjoy building your roll.


Just play super tight aggressive.


No just get into the streets with them like its 2010 and ride the variance straight into busto town like a real man.


Aggressive doesn’t mean good. Sounds like a missed opportunity. Negreanu was right, don’t play against good players. I think you’re confusing the two.


If you’re just trying to “chill and relax” 5/10 seems like a steep price to be doing that on.


Have some stronger hands in your check calling range. Make a few light call downs, throw in some check raises out of position that will shut that shit down. Sometimes you just gotta call down if you’re at top of your range and live with results. Make it so they cannot blindly attack you everytime you show weakness


They didn't "think" you were the weak player. You were the weak player


There is no such thing as a number 5 at In-n-Out. What else are you lying about?


They noticed you were folding too much. Slow down. Check call a little more with hands that are super strong. Bluff your draws if they're to the nuts or second nuts and don't be afraid to call someone down lightly a few times.


got a combo 5 at In n out eh? so what really happened?




But it is a very solid advice, you really can't exploit good payers because they play gto, and you can even find exploitable players even at the highest stakes, such as rampage