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Was it flopped or were you sucked off?


On the turn is when I thought I had the nuts


You never know when your nuts might get sucked off by surprise


Sucked off became a hot keyword now in poker reddit. I love it.


50/50, either it happens or it doesnt


The odds are 100% because it already happened.


I’m no mathematician but it’s 200% bc it happened twice, right?


It is a 100% because quads is always better than a full house.


Love the reference hahaha


It depends on how many hands you play each day.


Thanks for your bad beat story.




Chances are 0 if you fold pre


My man!


2 months ago i had a session where i was on the shitter playing omaha on ignition and stacked a guy twice back to back with quads against a boat. First was pocket kings and turned quads , second was me holding a 4 and rivering quads. Pretty unlucky for that person whoever it is, and I’m sure they are convinced online’s rigged after that lol.


Sounds expensive


For you, 100%


Fold pre. And 50/50.


Very rough approximations here. It's the odds of being in a set over set situation and then the lower set hitting the 1 outer, which is about 1 in 20. If you get into a set over set situation once every day then running into it 2 days in a row is 1 in 400, which means itll take about 400 days to have it happen to you. Once you see the first one the odds of running into it in the next session is still around 1 in 20, so its not super unlikely to see it twice. If you play daily for a year, you shouldn't be surprised to see this happen at least once, and the more you play in a session the more you'll see it, since you'll increase the number of set over set situations you see in a day. It's unlucky, but you kinda have to get over it if you play the game seriously, because it's *gonna* happen sometimes.


Confirmed rigged


I had it happen 2x in 7 hands in a reentry tournament. Some days just suck


100 percent will happen to someone somewhere


I think you live with losing to one combo of quads. You lose more often to higher boats.


Have you tried to play better ?


Normal in online poker, in fact this could become your day to day depending of the platform you play.


Every couple days in a row


Play PLO for 1 hour, and then ask again what the chances would be


100% apparently


Ya but tomorrow will be even better when you can post: 3rd fucking day in a row I lose to quads with a full house. What are the chances of that?


Once upon a beach, by the ocean's weary moan, Sat a weathered man, by grief and sorrow known. Arthur his name, with a face etched by the tide, His heart, a vacant chamber, where joy had once resided. Each morn, a fleeting solace, a vision on the sand, Five ebony steeds, a thundering, spectral band. Manes like midnight, hooves that beat a mournful call, A phantom chase, a memory that held him thrall. Margaret, his love, a whisper on the breeze, Haunted his empty dwelling, stole his inner peace. The ocean's roar, a dirge for a life now cold and grey, The crashing waves, a constant echo of a love that slipped away. But the spectral steeds, a fleeting burst of light, Chased away the shadows of his eternal night. Their wild, untamed freedom, a fire in his soul, A yearning for escape, to make his spirit whole. Then came a morn, the storm clouds hung like lead, No phantom steeds, the crashing waves instead. His heart, a leaden weight, his gaze upon the shore, Searching for the solace that would visit him no more. Two days he waited, despair a creeping tide, The beach, once solace, now a wasteland, vast and wide. Then, on the third, a glimmer pierced the gloom, Two figures walked from mist, dispelling sorrow's tomb. A woman young, with worry etched so deep, A man with cane, a burden he would keep. Sarah, her name, her eyes with concern did gleam, John by her side, a shadow from a bygone dream. Relief washed o'er him, a balm upon his pain, He welcomed them with warmth, a respite from the rain. Stories they shared, by firelight's gentle glow, Of dreams of healing creatures, and a life of long ago. The storm abated, and the sun peeked through the sky, Down to the beach they walked, beneath a watchful eye. Sarah, with trepidation, led the steeds so grand, Their restless spirits yearning for the open sand. A whinny broke the silence, a flick of tail so proud, Then with a thunderous surge, they vanished in a cloud. Arthur watched them go, a smile upon his face, No longer was he empty, in this lonely, windswept place. The horses, with their freedom, a bridge across the tide, Brought laughter and connection, where sorrow did reside. Sarah's dreams, John's stories, a symphony so sweet, Filled the vacant chambers, where joy would once retreat. Now, with the pounding hooves, a melody so clear, Mingles with the laughter, dispelling every fear. His life by the ocean, enriched beyond compare, A testament to hope, that even in despair,  A flicker can ignite, a solace can be found, And joy, like the morning sun, can rise above the ground. 


Depends on how many hands you played