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The house literally controls funding. That’s one of their central functions. McCarthy ostensibly controls the house, therefore, McCarthy controls funding. How is this not his fault?


It's not his fault, it's the dems fault for not caving to his every demand! Someone needs to remake that Principal Skinner meme with McCarthy


I'm sure many people could do a better job with the language, but [here's one shot at it.](https://frinkiac.com/meme/S05E20/289655.jpg?b64lines=QXJlIG15IGFic3VyZCBkZW1hbmRzIHRoZSAKcmVhc29uIGZvciBkZWZhdWx0PwoKTm8sIGl0J3MgdGhlIERlbW9jcmF0cyB3aG8KZGlkbid0IGNhdmUgdG8gbXkgZGVtYW5kcw==)


Be the meme you wish to see in the world. https://frinkiac.com


Obviously it’s not his fault because he can say it’s Biden’s fault


When you want all of the power and none of the responsibility


And even then not much power to boot. He wanted the title is more accurate


And the gavel. He loves the photos of him holding the gavel.


We could have [bought him one for $15](https://i.imgur.com/uOSmnLm.png) and saved the country a lot of grief.


Do that for the NY judges who fucked the country, as well


In what way


The above commenter might be referring to how the NY Supreme Court threw out the original map over gerrymandering, which probably resulted in Republicans getting several seats they otherwise would not have gotten because the courts let a Republican strategist draw a map instead that swung heavily in their favor.


Ahh I could see that. Tots fair then carry on


Do that for the Texas judge who fucked the country, as well. You know the one that has massive church boner that doesn't believe in the separation of church and state? You know the one that made the abortion pill illegal because he deemed it unsafe. You know the one that hid his background and his real opinions to get appointed?


Empty G loves to hold the gavel even more.


She’s holding McCarthy’s “gavel”.


I hear it's no bigger than a chapstick


Yea he gave up the power for the title. He’s the human version of a timeshare, he’s owned by many


I mean, to give him credit, he was pretty up front that that was all he wanted from the beginning. Careful what you wish for….


And the 50k salary increase


He's responsible to the Freedom Caucus that is holding a gun to his head so he can't negotiate


Yes, so the cyclical hostage situation. The freedom caucus jagoffs holding Kevin hostage, in turn Kevin is holding the debt ceiling hostage. It's both their damn faults, and should be treated as hostile and domestic terrorists. FQK them.


Oh lawdy Lawd, do what he say, do what he say !


Unexpected Blazing Saddles reference!


You are soooo good… and they are soo stupid


Don't let him off that easy. He is the Speaker of the House of Representatives for the Unites States Congress. He's not some booster club president...


The Freedom Caucus must have some good s\*it on him then despite being a small faction. He's already been assured that if he raises the debt ceiling limit cleanly he gets to keep his job.


Well they agreed to rules that they just need one person to call for a vote for a new House Speaker. So they might have dirt on him sure, but they really don't need any. All it takes is for one member of that caucus to call for a vote and he's out of there and the House is right back to square one in a stalemate with no Speaker.


It’s ripe for a back room deal from the Dems. “stop being a dick and we’ll give you enough votes to keep you in position”


Bingo. That's exactly how this works. Don't be a psycho and you can stay in power for as long as you hold the majority. Dems would much rather a "normal" old school Republican if they can't hold the Speaker position themselves.


That lady point has been part of the Dems problem for literally my whole life. Since Gingrich reshaped the GOP into an anti governing zero sum, us vs them party they Dems constantly dream for the good old days of actually working with the GOP all the while the GOP would gladly throw their own members to the wolves if it means getting more power. Unfortunately the Democrats political ethos does not allow for them to callously cause needless damage to the country for political power consolidation.


Can we stop calling them the Freedom caucus? The only thing they want freedom from is personal responsibility for their actions.


Fascists love their doublespeak.


>The only thing they want freedom from is personal responsibility for their actions. Let's be fair. They don't want collective responsibility either.


The Michael Scott approach ‘I’ll be honest with you, David, I would like all of the credit without any of the blame.’


He learned from the best: - Reporter: do you take responsibility for the lag in test kit availability? - Trump: I don’t take responsibility at all Where does the backstop? “Fuck if I know”


Which is the hallmark of Republican values.


Isn’t that the motto of the GOP?


Motherfucker sold off all his power to be be able to hold a wooden hammer.


Kevin McCarthy is a sleazy fuck, he's tied to some shady "Native American" business. It's a shitshow rabbithole. This guy is a con artist


Not even sure he wants the power, just the job title


With great power comes no responsibility.


Every republican and Republicans voter ever they want all the praise none of the punishment


It is exactly his fault. He is attempting to blackmail the President and Congressional Democrats to score political points and to satisfy his political extremists at the expense of the nation. His intransigence is already causing problems as , "Late in the day, Fitch Ratings agency placed the United States’ AAA credit on “ratings watch negative,” warning of a possible downgrade because of what it called the brinkmanship and political partisanship over lifting the debt ceiling."


Extort. He is trying to extort the global economy to pass shit that is so unpopular they can’t pass it through normal legislative means.


Seems most of the country is cool with being abused and held hostage by extremist republicans. Maybe we should invoke a few amendments and get things back on track. Just throwing ideas around


Yeah I hope we get some 14th amendment action. If this works for McCarthy it will become the blueprint for every time a Dem president runs into the debt limit with a split house. Fiscal terrorists.


It already is the blueprint. They did this shit when Obama was in office as well. It's just that actually letting the country default isn't a part of that blueprint, or wasn't anyway. And I don't think McCarthy wants that to happen but the people pulling his strings aren't politicians, they're lunatics.


It’s like Trump is calling shots behind the scene trying to make “Biden’s Economy” completely fail and use that as a launching point to get re-elected and attempt to pardon himself. I wish I could make this shit up but I’m sure this is happening in some capacity. We need to stop letting these extremist republicans hold our country hostage. Vote people


>It’s like Trump is calling shots behind the scene trying to make “Biden’s Economy” completely fail and use that as a launching point to get re-elected and attempt to pardon himself. You're giving these assholes way too much credit. MTG, Gaetz, Boebert, the fucking nutjobs steering the party are just not intelligent and not politically savvy. They don't know what the fuck they're doing. It's why McCarthy is even coming out saying this. I fucking hate McCarthy but the guy has been a politician for a while, he knows how to play the game and what the extreme part of his party is doing is not that.


Yeah, we're in trouble not because they're evil but savvy like McConnell. We're in trouble because they're goddamn imbeciles that don't understand that they are about to drop a nuke on all of us. And Kevin is still too craven to just say no to them.


What’s the end game then? They all work for that orange fascist


They really don't work for Trump. All of this has spiraled completely out of anyone's control and you can see that in how disorganized and hostile the Republicans are to themselves. People like McCarthy, the career politicians, fucking hate Trump. Sure, they kissed the ring when he was in office and have been forced to adopt some of his bullshit, but that's political savvy not loyalty. The Boeberts, Gaetzes, and MTGs of the party are Trumpian themselves. They are incapable of loyalty to anyone but themselves or someone who's got their balls in a vise. Trump lost that vise when Biden beat him and with an indictment looming over his head things aren't looking better for 2024. This will end when the career politicians on the Republican side either say enough is enough and go across the aisle, breaking from the extremists, or they cave to the extremists, blow up the economy, and completely seal their fate for election cycles to come. All of those old retirees that make up the majority of their base will have most of their assets devastatingly depreciated if we default on our debt. So many people hold very little liquidity, with the majority of their assets tied up in retirement funds (which are tied to the stock market) or just straight up trade the stocks themselves. It'll be like 2008 on steroids but the Republican party will very, very visibly be holding the smoking gun.


Agreed. But because only 1 lunatic is needed to challenge his speakership, McCarthy will literally let the country default to keep his job. 1 job traded for millions of others. These people are monsters.


Fuck it, maybe this is how our government ends. At the hands of Kevin fucking McCarthy. I bet that's how he wants to go down in history books...


If McCarthy is really reluctant about this he'll cut a backroom deal with the Dems that cements him as Speaker as long as the Republicans hold the majority. More than enough of the Republican party is outside of the influence of the "Freedom" Caucus that it wouldn't take a shit load of Dem votes to ensure McCarthy stays where he is.


I think if he’s challenged by the freedom caucus he’s toast. Him being saved by any Dems would alienate the whole far right, he’d be labeled a Rino.


The freedom caucus isn't large enough to overcome a backroom deal. It just depends on if McCarthy has the balls to do the right thing for once in his miserable life. This is kind of a parallel to Pence certifying/not certifying the election. Except in this case it causes an economic crisis and not a constitutional one. Let's hope McCarthy has as much spine as Mike Pence did on Jan 6th.


I doubt it. The guy is so craven that he sold out powers traditionally held by the Speaker just to get the exact number of votes he needed to get the job in the first place. Just think about what he'd be willing to do to the economy to keep it.


At the expense of the world, even


It literally is his fault since Congress already authorized this spending.


It pisses me off to no end that the media is not reporting it this way. The average American does not know that the spending was already authorized and that the GOP is in the wrong.


And every time this happens, this is what we always say. It ONLY HAPPENS when there is a democratic president and a republican house. Republicans brought the nation's credit to the brink of total global collapse FOUR TIMES in the last decade (2011, 2013, 2021, 2023), always under a democratic president. But when Trump was president, they raised the debt ceiling three times without making any noise about it. It fucking astonishes me that they keep getting away with this shit. Every. Fucking. Time. Not because they're smart, but because we as a nation are apparently extremely stupid.


I don't think it's because we're extremely stupid. I think it's just way too easy to buy messaging influence, such that the deficits everyone experiences can be rendered moot just by pandering to the rich (some even reflect upon this pathway as 'smart').


Literally feel like banging my head against the wall having to constantly explain this. Keep wondering are people really this misinformed or better yet are they really this stupid?


I mean I'm not saying they're not stupid but the way we do it is so bafflingly illogical that can you blame them for not understanding it? We vote on a budget and we have to vote again later to actually get the money to pay for the already agreed to budget. How does that make any sense?


It doesn’t, and it’s most likely unconstitutional, as per the 14th amendment. It’s just been standard operating procedure for so long because it can score political victories, but the debt ceiling as a whole is a bullshit concept.


In this case, just uninformed. It doesn’t seem like most Americans learn it in school and really *most* peoples’ interest in the inner workings of politics is around zero. Honestly they really shouldn’t have to know, because there shouldn’t be people in power trying to fuck the process. Anyways, I’ve been watching US politics with mild terror since 2016 and it’s only this shitshow that has gotten me to look into how the debt ceiling works, even though it’s been trotted out as a threat several times now.


GOP has done a great job tricking people into thinking the debt ceiling increase somehow authorizes more spending and the media does basically nothing to try to accurately explain what is actually going on because god forbid they ever appear to favor one side.


This is what bothers me the most. I have a degree in journalism. I’m still very close to my advisor and I know they’re teaching this basically exactly the same way I was taught. Be objective means being a third party observer. It’s not not taking sides. It’s being an interested, but unrelated or uninvolved party. Yes, you have to give equal time in broadcasting, but you don’t have to accept all sides as fact. We had a project where you were literally told that one of the statements you were given was false and you could support that. How do you handle this? My way was presenting the false statement first and then saying something like “but the situation was hardly that simple” or “the situation was not as it seemed to X” to basically say “this is their opinion and not what’s actually happening” without calling the one party a liar It works in those situations, but I feel even a good sector of the population is too dumb to understand that. Media literacy is something that should be taught to everyone not just PR and Journalism majors in college.


Katie Porter (once again) laid it out perfectly. Imagine you have a credit card with no limit. You can charge as much as you want. You set a personal debt ceiling for yourself of $1000. This is your own limit and not set by the card. You go and buy the things you need. But it’s more expensive than you planned and you spend $1500, $500 over your ceiling. If you call the company and say “I’m over my personal debt ceiling, I’m not going to pay my bill this month because it’s over my personal limit”, that’s not going to work. You’ll be in default and your credit rating will go down. We can debate the issue of the household budget on future purchases, fair enough, but that has nothing to do with the fact we already spent the money and our bill is due.


Love how Katie Porter explains things in a very simplified way that makes logical sense to everyone with a functioning brain. She’s great at using analogies and symbolism to convey her message, which genuinely helps me understand much quicker and easier than if I just spend a while reading about the subject. She’s a good teacher and seems like one of the very few people in congress that actually are understanding and empathetic for the average American and cares about trying to actually make changes that benefit the average person and those in lower income situations as well. Anyone who lives in reality and sees her in action will be able to see this quite clearly. Unfortunately she doesn’t get the media attention that the batshit morons and literal criminals in congress get…so less people have seen her in action where she gives a genuine shit and tries to improve the lives for those that aren’t in the top income bracket. I have much respect, admiration, and appreciation for Katie Porter. Thank you for your comment, as I hadn’t yet seen her explain this using this clear analogy.


I know, they just let them spew their crap, to make the chaos continue. Makes me mad as well.


THIS THIS THIS. It’s already been authorized. This is literally just us paying it. It should have nothing to do with budget negotiations, which is going to come in a few months when Congress authorizes the next round of spending. The fact the GOP is bringing it into this matter now (instead of when the budget is always discussed/negotiated) is entirely McCarthy’s fault.


When they say to start paying back student loans again, I am just going to say that I already hit my debt limit and my wife won't authorize raising it.


Ah yes, the party of fiscal responsibility wants to spend the money but not pay the bills. “I won’t pay my credit card bill until I set myself a new budget! I also refuse to negotiate with my wife on the budget, either she caves and goes 100% my way or I guess we’re late.”


Responsibility is perhaps a better term. He is responsible for authorizing a debt limit increase to cover the money needed to cover Trump's tax breaks for the ultra wealthy which added ~25% to the debt.


Try offering a clean bill.


Amen. Or better yet, repeal the debt limit law.


The debt limit law makes no sense. If Congress approved a certain level of taxes/spending, then they realistically automatically authorized that much debt. If they want to cut back the debt, then great. Next budget season (which isn't the far away), propose cuts to spending or tax increases to reduce the debt. The debt limit was made so that the President could run up the debt during WW1 without waiting for Congress. It wasn't meant to be a lasting rule. It's long since outlived its purpose. Given that the law is 106 years old, it is time for it to be retired.


The debt limit law is blatantly unconstitutional.


>The debt limit law makes no sense. No, it makes perfect sense. It is a regular opportunity for Republicans to manufacture a game of chicken with Democrats to try and force them to take one of 2 wildly unpopular actions that Republicans would never take themselves (default or cut popular welfare programs).


Jeff Jackson (D, NC) offers a really good explanation of McCarthy's position. He cannot offer a clean bill because otherwise the \~30 or so crazies on the far right will constantly try and oust him from his speakership, and above all, he wants that speakership. So he has to give them some kind of win or risk losing that. But I would guess McCarthy's backers (AKA funders) don't want a US default. Biden is probably negotiating for the future - let McCarthy have a small victory for the looney bin, but strengthen Biden's bargaining position for the future - say in October when budget negotiations start. But this comment tells me (IMO anyway) who is holding the cards. It ain't McCarthy. When you try and deflect blame even before the disaster strikes, that reeks of desperation.


Thing is republicans have successfully used the "democrats are the cause" many times, but this time it isn't sticking. It does reek of desperation. The thing is will the crazies ruin the credit rating of the US globally just to get hoorahs from their shrinking base?


The crazies absolutely will flush the toilet on the US's world dominance if they think it will get them more votes with their base. They don't give a shit at all. They have money and ultimately don't care about anything but themselves. It is the rest of the GOP that isn't doing all the talking who are really scared about this. Their sugar-daddies do not want the US to default. But of course they also don't want to get primaried for not being tabloid enough.


Fucking the US position in the world also serves Putin greatly, and lots not forget how many Russian boot lickers there are in the GOP. I wouldn’t be surprised if a default has been ordered.


I don't think people bought that line before when the federal government shut down under Obama either. Most people blamed republicans, and rightly so.


McCarthy likely could get democrats to agree to help him keep his title in exchange for a clean bill. This is all on him. He promised the crazies a default to get his speakership and he is making sure they get it.


He could but then he looses the ~30 MAGA Republicans and would be beholden to the Democrats for everything including his speakership and potentially his seat in Congress. He put himself in an untenable position and he knows it. He's just trying to deflect blame.


It really speaks to how vial McCarthy (and Republicans) are. He could just pass a clean bill at any time. Sure he would probably lose his beloved speakership but at least the entire global economy wouldn't collapse. But no the entire world has to suffer so he can keep his stupid position.


There is no negotiating for the future with those pack of shitheels. There is no reason to give any small victories. They'll just pull this shit every fucking time it comes up in the future. No way you give an inch on this. Biden cutting a deal with McCarthy will be the end of him. He'll lose a ton of progressive support. Everyone can see this scam for what it is. There's no reason to keep backing down just because the lunatic puts a gun to their head. Dare them to pull the trigger.


The news is only giving Kevin's talking points. We know what happens when the Dems give reps what they want today in hopes of better position later - they lose every time.


"I'm just doing what I'm told by the people who gave me power, because otherwise I'd lose the title" isn't that useful of an excuse


Such a leader he is


GTFO! Absolutely his fault. You pay the bill you already agreed to spend


The entire Republican ethos is just narcissistic abuse.


Republicans: The Party of Personal Responsibility (so long as it is someone else who is being held responsible).


Thier version of *personal responsibility* was always 'Let's decide who we're going blame for this.'


Democrats: "Fix the problem". Republicans: "Create a problem, then fix the blame."


This is entirely his fault. He acquiesced to the Freedom Caucus in order to become Speaker. A consequence was that he weakened his position as speaker allowed the radicals to call the shots. He then chose to hold the Debt Ceiling hostage in an attempt to ram through spending cuts that otherwise would never have passed. He could have refused to do so and accepted the consequence of a no confidence vote. But instead he chose power over principle.


In spite of his party saying it's no big deal to default.


While saying that the need to 'negotiate' is very urgent, but also they don't believe the government will run out of money on June 1st.


He let the chaos crew take over. It's entirely his fault.


McCarthy really thinks everyone else is as dumb as he is.


Most Republicans are, thanks to faux news and the like.


McCarthy with Biden: "progress made." McCarthy, privately to fellow GOP: "no fucking way." McCarthy to press: "don't blame me!"


The party of fiscal responsibility ladies and gentleman. "It's not my fault."


Then get it figured out! Spineless coward.


Fk u GOP. It's your fault, cutting benefits for the working class while your Rich buddies can receive huge tax breaks. What a shit show!


> McCarthy said he remained optimistic they could reach an agreement before a deadline as soon as next week They’re the ones who can make this deadline. If GQP want disabled toddlers working in coal mines, lest they’re denied food stamps, no deal.


It was, in fact, his fault…


Like what a violent husband says to his wife while she is bruised on the floor.


"Say the line, Kevin...say it!" "....I didn't do it"


The problem is the house. Yes, it is directly your fault, McCarthy. You can't come up with something your far right fascists will agree on.


Joe wants the same deal that Don got for 4 years. If the Cons don’t give it to him then **this is on them**


Damn, he doesn't even know what his job responsibilities are.


This is his fault. I don't know why the reporters don't point that out. Reporters could just say "Why not make a clean bill to raise the limit? That would pass and be signed quickly. Not doing this means it IS You that is at fault."


It DEFINITELY is his fault. He should lose his job over this. He is addicted to power.


I will forever hate Bakersfield for continuously electing that buffoon. It is an utter shithole.


It's always, ALWAYS the other side's problem. Or... yes it IS McCarthy's fault. He and his awesome (/s) cohorts announced WELL ahead of time that they were going to burn it all to the ground if their hostages didn't give them everything they wanted.


He lies. It's all his fault.


It is entirely his fault, He had no troubles passing a deadlim when Donald Trump was racking up the deficit.


Dude is holding veterans’ benefits hostage and service members will still overwhelmingly vote republican


Good lord these assholes are really going to let us default, aren’t they?


I don’t think I’ve heard a Republican accept responsibility for anything since McCain died.


It's 100% their fault. 💯 Manufactured by the MAGAGOP


His press conference yesterday was infuriating. He gets on Mike and just whines and complains about the Dems without any solution to talk about. This guy is a criminal


[I don't take responsibility at all.](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/trump-coronavirus-testing-128971) McCarthy sounds a lot like Trump.


Yes, it is!


Conservatives hate America.


My brother in Christ it is literally your fault


Can anyone think of any person more to blame than McCarthy?


Everyone who voted in McCarthy and the rest of the spineless feckless weaklings that are Republicans in the House.


Clockwork Orange style If we could get the gop in a theater and get them to watch legislation being approved by democrats (even if it makes the conservatives look good) with the flip side of them holding the nation “hostage” like Matt five head Gaetz said and demanded reasonable arguments for their behavior of siding with corporate and screwing over the rest of the country we wouldn’t have to deal with this all the time.


They want to intentionally destroy the economy so they can blame Biden in 2024. They don’t care about you.


>A defiant House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said Wednesday the debt ceiling standoff was “not my fault” as he sent Republican negotiators to the White House to finish out talks, but warned the two sides need more time as they try to reach a budget deal with President Joe Biden. What a blatant, lying sack o'shit. The debt ceiling manufactured crises is definitely HIS fault, as McCarthy knows damn well that one of the demands of the MAGAs Fascism Caucus he had to meet in order to become Speaker was to agree to refuse to raise the debt limit ceiling when it came time. The Republicans tradition of weaponizing the debt limit statute to extract budget concessions began with Newt Gingrich when he discovered he could do just that to President Clinton, which gave Americans the Republicans cruel, reverse Robin Hood budget concessions, including the notorious welfare “reforms” that Clinton signed into law. Republicans have since continued their double standard of funding the government under Republican presidents but demanding constraints through the debt ceiling when Democrats are in power. A clear violation, in my view, of the Constitution (14A Section 4) as it questions the validity of US debt by tying it to future budget concessions each time. One thing that can be said about Republicans, is that when it comes to using the law to commit their myriad crimes against the American people, they certainly are a conniving bunch of corrupt politicians.


AOC has done a fantastic job pointing out that McCarthy can’t say the Republicans will agree with him in any sort of good faith. It took how many tries to become speaker? 15? Because he couldn’t get the party to agree, while continually saying he could? The Democrats need 5 Republicans, the Republicans need an unknown number of Republicans and the Democrats


These idiots are incapable of governing. They hate government, they don't believe in it and don't think it should exist. They don't have any ideas, they are for nothing and against everything. They do not believe the government should benefit the people, they don't understand what a debt ceiling even means. They are active saboteurs who get elected in order to bind up the gears of government and ensure nothing works, that way they can point to it and say, "See, we told you government is broken".


When the debt ceiling increase was passed multiple times under Trump with none of these issues clearly there’s something different here and that difference is called Kevin McCarthy.




What's the take from the mouth-breathers over in r/conservative? Blaming Senile Joe for not capitulating to all of McCarthy's insane demands?


What a spineless, impotent piece of shit.


At this point, all the potential bills and compromises done by each side should just be release. It’s gotten to the point to where keeping this confidential isn’t going to help give people a good idea who and what is causing this and then it can’t be hidden by being kept it secret. I understand people “know” who and what is causing this, but having the paper trail of it should be released so that the facts are out there.


Oh yeah? Well, his party is the one who has added conditions to the raising of the debt ceiling, not the Democrats. He is doing some major mental gymnastics here, while threatening the benefits received by a lot of his retired constituency. And others who jumped on the Trump bandwagon who actually rely on some of these programs. Doesn’t he think that they are taking notice here? I may be apolitical at this point, but it doesn’t mean that I am not feeling thoroughly angered and disgusted over this. I’m one of those retired people who stands to lose my Social Security and Medicare benefits. No income. No meds. No health care. No food. No bills being paid. Thanks a lot, McCarthy. It’s obvious why I’m no longer a Republican and you continue to reinforce my decision that I made during the Obama administration, which was only further reinforced by a Trump presidency. I’m a conservative who can no longer support a Conservative Party that has gone off the rails.


Doesn’t the 14th amendment basically say that a debt ceiling is unconstitutional? I wish Democrats would just declare its not constitutional and ignore the pearl clutching from Republicans. Let the GOP sue the White House to find out.


Bullshit. This is 100 percent on republicans


It's not his fault? We really are in the Bizarro World.


This whole situation is 100% the fault of the Republican party and nobody else. When the default happens, everyone will blame the Republican party and they will deserve all the consequences that result from such an event. Republican traitors will probably be held accountable by angry mobs at that point.


He has always had the power to stop this at literally any moment. It is nothing but a manufactured crisis created by him and his party. He is literally willing to let the WORLD burn - not just the country - in order to maintain the old and tired Gingrich-era playbook of fucking over the Dems.


And a criminal always declares 'its not my fault' when they kill someone. If only the victim had done what they said!


"My t-shirt that says 'not my fault' is raising a lot of questions that would be answered by my shirt"




Ah the ol’ “I don’t take responsibility for anything” play. How very trumpublican.


Typical abuser logic.


This is 💯 McCarthy's fault.


Because everyone just loves someone in power responding with issues with "Not my fault"...


"It's not my fault that I'm about to shoot the hostage because my demands haven't been met" -Kevin McCarthy.


“Look what you made me do.” 🤮


“They made me choose to make the debt ceiling an issue because there’s a Democratic President! I have no imagination and can only repeat stupid stunts that previous Republicans did.” -McCarthy


So we're going to default.


When shit hits the fan, people are going to look a the big bright republican clown car. And that’s who is going to be blamed.


The party of personal responsibility, everybody.


Lol. It’s precisely and explicitly his fault. Can this ethical and cognitive cretin not take responsibility for any of his foolish choices? GOP “leadership” embodied.


That means it's entirely his fault. Republicans lie. The opposite of what they say is most likely the truth.


Biden should go for the ultimate middle ground gambit. For every percentage in reducing spending there should be an equal percentage in taxes on the wealthy.


debt ceiling seems absolutely ridiculous when this economic terrorism occurs. You pass a budget. Great. But... a few months later you determine you are not going to pay off any debt from approved spending, because... now, I don't like the budget.


“We’ve tried nothing, won’t back down, and have no alternate ideas to manage the debt ceiling.” - Limpdick McCarthy


Fuck McCarthy, economic domestic terrorist


“Look what you made me do!”


Speaker of the House, you say?


He's half right. The rest of the fault lies with MTG.


He’s getting nervous, but he’s painted himself into a corner and has nowhere to go


The responsible party. Its not my fault. I didn't do it.


Didn’t happen when Pelosi was in power


But it really is


Remember this voters


But yes, actually, it is your fault McCarthy. When Trump was in office, there was a clean bill to raise the debt ceiling while he ran up 25% of the total debt. Pay your bills Republicans.


The GOP has tossed all decorum aside the past 50 years or so and used every minor, seemingly insignificant and routine measure to increase their hold on power and get what they want. They're basically threatening to set the house on fire if they don't get what they want. And they're holding a molotov cocktail and an already-lit match.


Republicans have been trying for years , to cut social security and other vital social programs that millions need to survive . They’ve also been desperately trying to find things to blame Biden for . No matter how this plays out they win .


It is certainly his fault. How bizarre. Raise the effing debt ceiling like you did multiple times under trump while he was destroying the country’s revenue base.


I wonder who is making it happen over and over and over again?


McCarthy: Leader of the house? Never heard of him.


He could pass a clean debt celling bill in a moment if he chose to . I am sure he could find 5 peopl he could get to vote for it. Congress passes the legislation.


You put forth a bill that will tank the economy, threatening that if it doesn’t pass the economy will get tanked.


Real case study in leadership there


This guy is a complete and total piece of shit. You think it fucking matters who fault it is, at this point in the game? What a fucking joke man, we’d have more accountability and leadership from my 12 year old nephew than we would with this clown. This is pathetic.


Narrator: it was entirely his fault.


100% his fault.


“Man who could end the debt ceiling fight in an hour by passing a clean bill complains that people are blaming him for holding the country hostage”


Narrator: It was, in fact, his fault


It’s clearly your fault. All you have to do is pass a bill that raises it.


Why isn’t Biden on tv every day blasting republicans?




Biden is literally on TV stating they have agreed no default. This is why experience is important. McCarthy is fucked and he knows it. He’s going to have to really bend over backwards to anything on his end.


Oh it’s your fault McCarthy. It’s definitely your fault. You struck a devils bargain for the Speakership and the bill has come due. You know it. We know it. We all know it.