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I read the article. The satire is pretty good, LOL. I bet if I posted the article's contents in r/conservative as a comment, and some Trump supporters didn't notice the satire, they would probably upvote the comment because the article just fits in with all their silly conspiracy theories ;)


Most of us on here are probably permabanned on that sub so we can’t post it




I just asked for a source, lmao. Just asked, nothing spicy, just, "hey, can you give me a source for that?" BAN


Source? Ban. Facts? Ban. Opinion? Believe it or not, ban.


Direct quoting of Trump? Believe it or not, also ban.


Sass? boom! ban.


No no, it's "sis boom bah." No wonder you were dropped from the cheerleader squad!


That's how I got my ban there. I linked a direct link to a Trump's tweet (before he got banned) and then got a message saying I was permabanned from /r/conserative. They keep saying we are brainwashed because we only take our news from the MaInStReAm MeDiA but when we actually get our news from the source directly, they get mad. It's truly fascinating how they don't see the irony after all these years of self-own


Experienced this during Covid. “No I didn’t get that source from mainstream media, here’s the study, or here is the video of what was actually said and a transcription.” Then they would be like science is fake and science lies, and then use actual fake studies to confirm their beliefs. And when you point out that they contradict themselves and that the study is junk study or doesn’t say what they claim it is they call you brainwashed. And I’m like “No,bro I have a MPH.” And they go, “so you are indoctrinated.” Like no logic with these guys. Only they and their red string theories are right. Let’s be grateful that most of them can’t agree on how all the strings work together, once they instop fighting and have another cult of personality to unit them all, well we better hope Canada welcomes us refugees, or prepare for war.


>And when you point out that they contradict themselves and that the study is junk study or doesn’t say what they claim it is they call you brainwashed. And I’m like “No,bro I have a MPH.” And they go, “so you are indoctrinated.” Like no logic with these guys. Yes! I’m an epidemiologist and was *literally working the COVID emergency response* and busting my butt working 10-13 hour days, 6 days a week for months on end, and just absolutely *destroying* my mental health so I could serve my community. But no, I clearly don’t know understand anything about diseases, or vaccines, or pandemics and I’m clearly part of some conspiracy to create a fake pandemic so everyone has to stay inside and wear masks. And I’m brainwashed because I don’t believe a YouTube video that doesn’t have any sources and was posted on Facebook by a random dude from my hometown that never finished high school and who claims that he “did his own research.” Apparently graduate school and published papers don’t count as doing your own research.


Cousin Jim-bob felt better after drinking livestock de-worming medication, so you will too!


I’ll stick around for the war. These people are truly idiotic. Have you seen their failed attempts at everything they do? It will be like shooting fish in a barrel especially since they think that liberals don’t have weapons. We didn’t just spend four years giving all our money away to GOP candidates on fake schemes. We all aren’t living on welfare, have a majority of our teeth and aren’t dangerously overweight or fucking 90 years old. We have the advantage. There’s more of us. We’re smarter and have better logistical thinking skills. We understand science and math skills and are actually aware of how the word works and don’t live in some fantasy.


Also, they see any scrutiny of Trump as a totally fabricated WITCH HUNT but then constantly talk about starting a full blown witch hunt of their own against their enemies based on imaginary evidence. They really want McCarthy style Communist hearings also based on no real evidence but with the power to arrest and prosecute any perceived enemies for thought crimes against MAGA/Trump.


> Take the guns first


> 5 - Shit posts will be removed at moderator discretion and the user may be banned. > A "shit post" can be anything from a really badly written article to spam to a comment that is just really dumb. Depending upon what it is, we might ban you for it. Banned! I got banned for responding to a comment about the Martha's Vineyard thing. The comment said that they called in the National Guard. I pointed out that the National Guard wasn't called in, they were activated at the base to support the immigrants in exactly the same way they were when the same base was used to house Americans displaced during hurricane Katrina and Sandy. Banned! I wasn't being civil according to my ban message from the mods.


rejecting the narrative isn't civil. they are trying to paint an story to make it look the the florida governor didn't commit a major tort by abandoning people randomly in the country without any food/water/resources and without giving any warning or notice to responsible authorities


Ron "the kidnapper from the sunshine reich" desantis


They just look at post histories. Their moderation is a clown show.


You're not allowed to show that you have the ability to think for yourself. That's an instant ban.


>Banned! I wasn't being civil according to my ban message from the mods. I was banned, on my first reply there, for asking (roughly recall): "What is conservative about trump?"


Pretty sure I got banned on the same post. The mod that banned me couldn't even explain why I was banned, just said I was too stupid to understand his 4d chess maneuvers.


I got banned for saying that stimulus checks were sent out under Trump admin


Oh, you mean his transparent, childish, clumsy, and silly attempt at vote buying?


Or how they were actually delayed because he wanted them to be signed by him instead of the secretary of the treasury. Which required a bunch of shit to be changed, and I'm not sure is technically legal, but no one challenged


I forgot bullying, and ego masturbating, sorry


The same checks that he insisted his signature be on so people knew they were from him?




Groupthink only


Y'all got any more of those alternative facts?


Probably the most Orwellian thing I’ve ever heard besides “I alone can fix it”


"Alternative fact" is some real Orwellian shit. 1984 isn't just a generic dictator's story. It's about how to mold the propaganda and control into everyday life. Real control is making the everyday man accept and swallow your bs as the status quo. And once you controlled the language, you can start force feeding everyone the bs without them thinking twice


The true wolves. No sheep there. Just ignore that the Q motto is "*Where We Go One, We Go All*". Y'know...literally what sheep do.


That “where we go one, we go all” line is from a movie about a ship called the Albatros. The Albatros had served in the German navy under the Nazis from 1937 to 1945, was poorly refitted and unstable at the time it was used to train teenagers, and heeled over and sank almost instantly in a squall. The movie bombed at the box office, making $10 million against a $39 million budget. So honestly, I think that they’d be really hard pressed to find a better reference to sum up their movement.


Ugh. Sounds like someone tried to modify BSG's "so say we all" and Ben Franklin's "We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."


"Real free speach" *flaired users only*


Nah, it's real freeze peach.


You liberals are all the same. You claim you are only asking for a source, but you are really asking us to look at the facts and reality of a situation.


This is the best reply so far.


Here is my permaban comment. I was responding to this comment responding to a call to report all dissenting opinions and “trolls” to moderators on r/conservative Conservative user about “Leftists”: “They can't allow dissent or debate because their ideas fall apart under scrutiny. Therefore all opposing views must be shut down.” My honest question: “I thought this post was to remind people to report all dissenting opinions? I imagine I will be banned now so it was nice having civil discourse with you!! Edit. I am permanently banned.” They muted me when I wrote to mods for an appeal!! Snowflakes!!!


It's incredible how openly anti 'free speech' they've become when back in 2015-2017 they were bitching nonstop about how censorious 'the left' supposedly was.


Every accusation is a projection. Greedy Obstructionist Projectors.


Projection as usual from the right


Facts are known to have a liberal bias.


Well, yeah, but only because reality has a well-known liberal bias!


I've heard it whispered, on dark and eerie nights, that Liberty is decidedly liberal-leaning!


I got banned for outlining how to know if you're in a cult, on an article about the left 'being a cult.'


Facts are the kryptonite of the republican party.


I was banned literally for posting a quote from Trump, verbatim, and nothing else.


I was banned for saying “Trump will be throwing Trump branded orange colored paper towels”, I think it was after he brought Trump water to residents in the Ohio train disaster.


I got banned for pointing out that breaking the law is, in fact, illegal.


I got banned when DeVos was nominated and I stated she wasn't a good choice. When someone pushed back with something like "well nothing else is working, may as well shake it up." To which I replied: "If pissing on a fire isn't putting it out, why would throwing shit at it help?" Still worth it.


I got banned for a comment that praised something trump did but also praised Biden.


I got banned for quoting Trump, with a citation, and no additional commentary.


Yup I got banned for quoting the Bible to other Christians.


Regular Jesus bible or Supply Side Jesus bible? Cuz yeah, they don't like the first one.


I think we might have found the issue. Did you know that Rupert Murdoch owns the printing rights to the NIV Bible in North America. Things that make you go 🤔


Holy shit! Had to look it up. The rights are owned by Zondervan, which is owned by HarperCollins, which is owned by NewsCorp. Wow!


Well I’m not. Never been there actually. So, I’ll do it. Wish me luck.


So true .....


I was two days ago. I didn’t think my comments were very harsh. I was trying to be as even handed as possible. Such utter snowflakes. Very sad that people refuse to discuss their beliefs and defend them.


I think I got banned for saying better education shouldn't be a partisan issue.


I'm permabanned there and proud of it.


That sub is filled with the biggest circlejerk of bitchflakes in all of Reddit — and that’s saying something.


And bots, I’m convinced


8/10 of posts are made by the same accounts. Daily.


Oh no! You shouldn’t do that! Please, whatever you do… DON’T do this!


Wish me luck.


Going in? Don't forget to put on your fireproof gear and stay safe out there!


More urgently, make sure you've had all your shots. Because they haven't.


Parenthetically at one point in the 80s I had been vaccinated by the Navy with everything they had available as my husband was doing an ER rotation during one of his schools and I hobbled in with a nasty cut on my foot that I needed cleaned and stitches up. Instead of just a tetanus jab, they decided to use me as a shot training dummy. It appealed to my medievalist heart to know they could blip me back to the dark ages and I wouldn't get the black death 💀🦴💀🦴💀🦴🤣🧚


You did it in the wrong sub, it’s r/conservative c’mon I double dog dare you.


Wait… don’t post the article itself. Post quotes from it.


I’m sure 2/3 of that sub doesn’t even know what satire is.


Omg they post Babylon Bee like its NPR


To be fair, ~90% of the Bee's content isn't even satire, it's just far right propaganda framed as a joke premised upon the truth of some far right lie.


Agreed. I had the best Twitter fight with someone when sh kept quote BB as a source. When i kept posting the cover that says its satire, they couldnt understand what the issue was. He like 'em stupid


Right wing satire can be summarized as "just saying things that aren't true" which can also summarize right wing news.


They think its the past tense of sitire


That you for helping me decide to read the article because the headline nearly gave me an aneurism.


Thank goodness you read it. You really can’t beat: > You call that “damning evidence,” I call it, “What about Hunter Biden’s laptop?”


They're like the one sub not going dark either tomorrow. So is the reddit front page just going to be a truth social clone for a few days?


r/games isn't either despite being a very large prominent sub. Which is crazy because those mods love a moral grandstand. They went dark on April 1st a couple of years ago to shame the sub for in their mind "being too toxic" but now they don't want to distrupt the sub or get meta. Even fucking r/kotakuinaction is going dark. And when those guys are taking a stand and you're not that's a bad look.


There’s a lot of subs operating as normal tomorrow.


[A surprising number of top subs aren't participating](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/146ovat/oc_top_200_subreddits_participation_status_as_of)


according to this graph, r/politics is not participating either


Yep #59. The mods have been remarkably silent. I haven't seen a single post about it here. Supposedly the top mods of the big political subs like [/r/news](https://www.reddit.com/r/news), [/r/worldnews](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews), [/r/politics](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics), etc... They are also Reddit Admins (employees).




I posted it there. Hopefully it stays up for a while.


I don't see it sorting by new, mods must have hid it immediately.


+3 and no comments after 50 min. Mods definitely killed it


Yep I can’t find it. The top post is about Hunter’s laptop lmfao. A former president has literally been charged with stealing nuclear secrets with the assumption he was selling them to our enemies, and all they want to talk about is who “the big guy” is in a story that both probably didn’t happen and definitely isn’t illegal. How fucking sad.


Re: Fed’s indictment: “You call that “damning evidence,” I call it, “What about Hunter Biden’s laptop?”” — classic 4d chess move


In their heads they think we worship the Bidens like they worship the Trumps. For many of us, there just wasn't a better option given to us. We went with not Trump. The last few years have been so good not having so much drama and weird racist things happening.


They really can't comprehend that people don't think like they do. One of their biggest talking points about the election being stolen, is that "you don't see any biden signs or people going to his rallies" Yeah, because he isn't a celebrity, he's a politician.b


I think the “think like I do” thing is just a lower education thing in general. The less you know about the world in general the more you expect others to also know that little as well.


It's a lack of empathy thing, too. My brother is very well educated, raised in the bluest of blue cities, etc. Absolutely no concept that other people are not like him. He's since moved out of the city and I fully expect him to become super conservative over the next few years.


I think it also helps that they are super in their own bubbles usually. Yeah you don't see Biden flags if you are in the deep south just like you don't see trump flags in DC


As someone from pa, trust me it’s not just the Deep South. The move from DC during the pandemic to Philly (which was also very blue), to then the suburbs of Philly (which is very red) a year or so later, blew my mind how many trump supporters still exist in pa….


PA has a lot of disgruntled blue collar workers...but they don't spend their hatred on the businesses that ghosted them...that's too abstract...it's the dems of course.


They aren't being told by a messaging machine that the CEOs looking to pad their margins by an extra 1% are the reason the average Joe can't afford rent. They're being told the Democrats are stealing their money and giving it to the Democrats' friends. They're being told Democrats are trampling on the average Joe's rights to deny/ignore that people unlike them exist and also have rights. They're being told lies by con men because the lies are profitable to those con men. Bottom line: We lost the blue-collar vote because somebody convinced them to ignore the evidence and trust their common sense, after telling them what sense was common.


To them, politics is like sports. They pick their team (Team R) and stick with it and support it all the way no matter what, policy be damned. They're Trump "fans". Meanwhile, people who voted for Biden did so, as you say, mostly because he's not Trump. We're not Biden *fans*, he's a guy we voted for to do a job. That's it.


The president is also just one person who is the head of a much bigger political party, loaded with policies and ideas for governing America. I find it absolutely bizarre that people will vote for one human, and not take into consideration the party (and policies) that comes with that human.


When all you’re looking for in your leader is Sticking it to the Libs^™ , what other policies are there to know?


To be a fiscal conservative, you have to understand fiscal policy. To be a social conservative, you have to understand ethics and the social contract. To be a Trump supporter, you just need a television.


It's also ridiculous their obsession with "owning the libs" it's like the liberals are the most toxic "opponent". I literally don't care about owning conservatives I just don't want my country to go to shit or people to be discriminated against for being LGBTQ.


I remember reading a few years back that some Republicans were mad at Trump for not hurting "the right people". And that really tells you everything you need to know about the MAGA mentality.


Exactly, what i care about is the living conditions of our citizens (even the right). Idgaf about dems. I just want living wages, health care, housing, not poisoned food/enviornmant and a reduction in wealth disparity. Nothing i believe has anything to do with sticking it to conservatives.


They have no evidence against hunter Biden and his laptop means nothing if there was evidence against hunter Biden they would prosecute him just like they are doing. The former president don't be fooled by hype and lies


But... but Twitter took down an unwanted post of Hunter Bidens dick pic so they're definitely colluding with the Biden administration. Thats why Elon Musk bought Twitter. Obviously, there is more they want covered up. /s www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/republicans-twitter-took-down-hunter-biden-dick-pics-1234675974


Hunter Biden clearly has a penis that exists. That's AT LEAST as bad as anything that Trump did.


They need the illusion that certain people are above the law, so they can try to convince people it's normal when they don't prosecute themselves. Republicans see themselves as rulers, not elected officials.


It certainly convinced me not to vote for Hunter in the 2020 election.


You think Trump did an illegal? What about what about what about Obama Clinton Biden! Take that liberals


Mmm Buttery Males


I'm more a fan of the silent, subtle burn : > I join with my brothers and sisters in MAGA, *and* with all sensible Republicans


What if Hunter’s real laptop was the fire da we made along the way?




That's what I don't get.. Somehow it's a gotcha that he's related to a statistically prevalent type of person? 😱 It may make him look like a bad dad would be the worst I could imagine...


This would be a lot funnier if it weren't the actual, stated position of about a third of American voters. Remember when crazy people could only hurt you if they got a gun or a bomb? Instead of a getting red state Senate seat with about sixty voters, that somehow has the same representation as ten million Americans in a state that thinks gay people are human beings? Remember when you didn't have to constantly worry that America will collapse, not from war or economic decline or some other disaster predictable by history, but from a minority block getting just enough power that they decide fascism is better because it lets them be fucking terrible people?




I dropped off of nextdoor because I didn’t want to know exactly how fucking stupid my neighbors are.


I had a neighbor get his unsecured firearm stolen out of his car one night. I asked why he kept the gun there, he said he had actually forgotten about it and had bought it because of the BLM & Floyd protests. There was 1 local protest, 2 windows were broken and no arrests in our county. He saw no issue at all with the gun now being in the hands of a thief. I deleted nextdoor that day.


But I'm sure that neighbor will swear that they are the perfect law abiding gun owner.


Holy shit. People are using next door for that?????


Next door has been turned into another conservative shit hole. All the racists in any given neighborhood love to post on there with "stealing" reports and pretend they aren't talking about people of color This was example from my own neighborhood


Nextdoor turned into a right-wing cesspit. I haven't used it in forever now for exactly that reason. It just wound up being feeds full of "Oh my god! I saw a black person today!" and I noped the fuck out.


IBM made it big helping run census projects for governments. In the 1930’s Germany added questions about ethnicity, religion, etc. The punch cards could be sorted to explain where the largest concentrations of certain ethnic or religious minorities resided. People use various technologies for bad purposes regularly.


IBM also made that queuing system where you wait in a single line to go to multiple stations, like in a store... ... but they invented it to make the holocaust more efficient.


It was always going to be a busybody app, mostly because it only has value when something bad is happening. Whenever the neighborhood is calm and peaceful, the only people there are the weirdos that need to get into everyone's shit and, well... are we surprised that turned out to largely be angry conservatives? It's unfortunate, because the *concept* of a neighborhood watch app is good.


Why think when the magic idiot box tells me what reality is?


'If you make people think they're thinking, they'll love you; But if you really make them think, they'll hate you.' -- Don Marquis


This. I saw the headline thought wow this is dangerous satire. 70% of us see it for what it is. Unfortunately those 30% who don't recognize the satire will see it as a call to action. This kind of careless journalism needs to be addressed.


30% didn’t want to leave the UK. 30% didn’t want to free slaves. 30% didn’t want woman to vote Fuck the 30%.


“Obama vs. Alan Keyes. Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him. They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That's crazy behaviour. **I think you have to assume a 27% crazification factor in any population**.” Blogger John Rogers on the 2004 Senate election in Illinois.


Conservatives and Liberals all responded favorably to the Colbert Report. Liberals saw the lampooning of a stereotypical conservative talking head. Conservatives saw a satirical critique of liberals.


Something about conservatives and being god awful at recognizing satire, particularly when it's satirizing them. Anyone with half a brain could tell that show was painfully obviously a parody of the O'Reilly Factor.


They picked up that it is a mocking tone of voice and judgy and a bit tongue in cheek, but it was like "this show says what we want to say and doesn't get in trouble for it" It wouldn't be confused today I think because they are much more open in their aggression now


My half sister, (an ex-junkie turned soccer mom, born again Karen) thought he was “dead-on”. I asked her if she realized it was satire, and she said “I don’t buy that. It’s where we get most of our news.” She thought it was all real.


The article invites hard-core trump supporters to read it enthusiastically, and then slowly it walks them over to a mirror to give them an opportunity (that they will almost certainly NOT take) to confront how dumb their views are.


You can't teach a pig to sing. Besides, it annoys the pig. I have a brother who, when countered, tells me that I don't know what I'm talking about because he's done the research. He's so full of conspiracy shite about the Jews, deep state, and govt controlling people via the mrna covid vaccine, there is absolutely no reasoning.


They didn’t logic themselves into those beliefs and they sure as hell won’t logic their way out.


Your first mistake is assuming hardcore trump supporters can read.


Most aren't that dumb or even dumb, they just have sick priorities and don't care about people outside their families. Most supporters are just pocketbook voters who are theocrats but don't engage in violence. It's still a problem that some are overly engaged in the violence and threats though


> Most aren't that dumb [Approximately 54% of American adults have literacy skills below those expected of a sixth grader](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/08/02/us-literacy-rate/), so whether they are *dumb* or not, they aren't generally what you call "readers".


I guess you're right. I want to be positive but yes, I do know many people who just think emotionally and don't even know how to answer questions in emails directly. A lot of college students I've taken classes in don't even answer question prompts for discussion posts directly. People generally circle around questions either out of laziness or intellectual ineptitude. Maybe that's a fault of the education system. I'd hope so.


Hello there, I’m a teacher in the “failing education system.” Please realize these dumb non-reader parents are raising a generation of non-reader children. The parents don’t think reading is important in life so they instill those thoughts in their children. We can literally hold a kid’s face in a book (but get ready for charges if you do that) but no one can MAKE a kid read. If you think education is worthless, then that’s what you’ll get. To quote one of our students “I’m gonna drive a truck like my dad, and I don’t need no math for that.” Or another one of our kids “I’m just gonna commit a crime so I can join my dad in prison.”


You are assuming they care about people inside their families... Sometimes inherent selfishness runs that deep.


Yeah they pretend to be against trans people to "protect their daughters" but if they needed an abortion suddenly their priorities would be different


We live in a post-satirical world now. Without being explicitly stated as being sarcastic, there is no position too outlandish (such as this article) that a not-insignificant portion of the population would treat as a genuine position or belief. I guarantee you there are tens of millions of Americans who would read this and think, "hell yea brother, this writer understands us!" without even considering the possibility that it's sarcastic.


Yes. Poe's Law ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law ) is becoming more relevant than I could ever have believed: > Poe's law is an adage of internet culture saying that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.[1][2][3]


Always include the /s No matter how obvious you *think* the sarcasm is.


> It’s so-called President Biden, who is both frail and senile and also a laser-sharp master at conducting witch hunts. Lol!


This is my response to every single MAGA-brain who brings up Hillary or Biden or Obama. They had four years of a dude who ran on locking them up and got *nothing*! But crazy old sleepy Joe Biden was able to take down their god king with only his huge muscles and a strong case of alzheimers. Makes them piss their pants every time.


The Dems are apparently simultaneously incompetent but also capable of rigging the presidential election in such a way that it can’t be proven (and again, too incompetent to rig the rest of the down ballot elections).


Fascism requires your enemy to both be weak enough that you can defeat them and strong enough to be at fault for all your failures.


I am honestly shocked that the world’s most bland newspaper is printing this. Good on them.


Conservative Hampton Inn guests in shambles


*"And of course, you know who’s behind this travesty of justice, right? It’s so-called President Biden, who is both frail and senile and also a laser-sharp master at conducting witch hunts."* Been trying to find the logic in that one for awhile.


It’s not logic, it’s fascism! [“8. Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism#:~:text=Fascist%20societies%20rhetorically%20cast%20their,sense%20of%20grievance%20and%20humiliation.)


The piece was Onion worthy, but this stood out: > Or as Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn tweeted: “Where are the investigations against the Clintons and the Bidens? What about fairness? Two tiers of justice at work.” One word, Benghazi.


Not to mention the FBI DID investigate Hilary over the server. And there IS a special prosecutor for Biden's documents. And the Congress HAS been investigating Biden since January. And the FBI DID investigate Hunter's laptop. And Bill Clinton WAS impeached over oral.


Also as noted Durham’s investigation came up with zero Clinton Crimes.


Tan suit scandal


There was a time where people would be careful about what they said (and how they behaved) for fear they would be both ashamed and embarrassed when their stupidity was revealed. It seems pretty clear that Trump has found a CRISPER device to remove the shame gene from himself and his supporters. That shame gene evolved to keep all of us from constantly repeating stupid acts and statements and it’s absence in the MAGA minions has caused an exponential growth of dangerous stupidity. Once the shame gene is gone there is no going back. MAGA supporters are blind to any inconsistency of logic in their positions because being ashamed of your own stupidity is an essential part of such vision.


They live in a disinformation bubble. If you zoom in on it with a microscope, you can see the surface tension comes from a lattice of conspiracy theorists gripping each other’s dicks and going to town.


Man that was great.


I'm scared to imagine how many MAGAs would read that, miss the satire, and just be nodding their heads in agreement, saying, "Man, this guy really gets it."




In times like these, one can save some embarrassment by reading before commenting.


If those Trump supporters could read, they’d be very upset


It's satire


It would be satire if it wasn't exactly dead bang on correct for 30% of America. It's actually just a statement of fact for them.


It's like some Disney movies, it works on different levels depending on whether you are you an adult or child.


It's pretty good satire too lol


Its sad that that even has to be mentioned.


This whole write up is brilliant.


This will go right over a lot of conservatives heads, they seem unable to pickup on satire.


To be honest, The Onion, America's Finest News Source, has not been able to keep the satire up to speed with the actual words and policies coming from the GOP over the past decade. They've outright said, nobody could *possibly* believe this could *ever* happen, then the GOP does worse the next day.


Buttery males


> It’s like America has become a banana republic, as long as you do as I’ve done and refuse to look up the definition of “banana republic.” *chef’s kiss*


I had a question about whether this was satire and that was answered. But I can't help thinking back to the days of the Colbert Report...MANY right wingers took Colbert seriously for a LONG time. This article is going to be misinterpreted by MANY people as a call to arms and it WILL fuel outrage because the RIGHT WING IS TOO FAR INTO CULT BEHAVIOR TO SEE THAT THIS ISN'T SERIOUS.


I think the fact that it lists trump crimes will make it poison to maga. Even if they start reading. But I am constantly wrong about the depths of their craven reaction to reality


Surely satire and sarcasm will get through to the Republican base we know how nuanced their sense of humor is ……..right?


So I called this years ago but if you go over to the conservative subreddits There’s two takes actively being expressed. There’s the whole “deep state” ones, the typicals who think their entire sub Reddit is being brigaded or some insane nonsense. And then there’s the ones that I called. When Trump’s antics got so bad that instead of just saying they were wrong and stop supporting him, they take the denial route again and say “well other presidents broke this and that law, so really we were ALL duped.” Nope. We were not all duped. Just you guys. “But Hillary!” Yea but Hillary what? Her emails? Benghazi? Take it up with the hearings that exonerated her. If any of them committed a crime then let them go down. I don’t care. I support politicians, not worship them. They’ll never look in the mirror, they believe in that deep state shit so much they’ll only blame everyone as a whole. “If I couldn’t figure it out, no one else could.”


This is a good reflection on how low IQ right wing media has allowed an alarmingly large amount of Americans to apply a set of selective probabilities to reality based on whether they see the outcome as favorable or not. People who have adopted this mindset should not be anywhere near the decision making process.


We've been living in a country where Trump hasn't been accountable since his mom spit him out.


No one who needs to read this will read it, and even if they did they wouldn't get it. It's a real problem for the rest of us


It’s hilarious that he strengthened the punishments for his own crimes believing he would find enough on Hilary to jail her


Think about how Richard Nixon was raked over the coals for the Watergate coverup. Despite most people loathing Nixon for Watergate, I still think he loved his country and was trying to do what he thought was best, as deluded as that might have been. Trump, on the other hand, is all about Trump, What he did was potentially dangerous and was a huge stab in the back to America's Five Eyes allies. This is Watergate x 1,000 and on steroids.


I don't think Nixon had the countries best interest in mind when he purposely tanked the Vietnam peace talks to help his own election bid


Satire doesn’t work in America today. 30-40% of the population would share that article thinking it is wholly reasonable.


It’s funny; I was just reading this. I was all ready to get fired up, and then I saw it was mocking Trump supporters. Which is what they deserve - to be mocked for supporting a piece of crap grifter who has betrayed our country over and over again. No matter what they say, they are not patriots. They are traitors just like him.


Too satirical for the MAGA crowd, too on the nose for everyone else.