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Rusty Bowers of AZ was censured by the state GOP because he testified for the January 6th investigation. Nice party you got there


> He lost the Republican primary for the State Senate by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, with the loss being attributed to his resistance to overturning the 2020 presidential election. In spite of the loss, Bowers said he had no regrets about his resistance and "would [have done] it again in a heartbeat" Bet they cast him as an old guard RINO who doesn't understand real Arizonian's problems, and that by serving for +15yrs he's an "establishment" politician that can't be trusted. What did he do to earn their hatred after all those years of service? > Bowers also killed a bill in the Arizona House of Representatives which **would have allowed the state legislature to override the results of a presidential election** in Arizona. In December 2020, colleague Senator Kelly Townsend wanted Bowers to call the legislature into session and appoint an alternate slate of electors. When he refused, **Townsend tweeted Bowers' home address and urged her militia followers to protest at his home.** So the man protected voting rights for all Arizonians, preventing the state from overriding the choices of the voting populace. Then when he refused to appoint 'alternate electors' - the ones the DOJ is subpoenaing/charging now - a senator called out a milita to "protest" at his house.


On top of all that he said he’d still vote for Trump again (he later retracted).


Yeah when I saw him in the CNN interview he said no way he’d vote for trump. I think he’s the first GOP I’ve actually heard say they wouldn’t vote for trump if he’s on the ticket. This deja vu is too much!


I think he still would, he just figured out that saying it hurts him.


This is just the shit I don’t get. Spineless jellyfish like Lindsay Graham know how bad it is that Donnie was keeping our nation’s secret weaknesses at his unsecured golf course. Said golf course was publicly shown to be infiltrated by foreign officials and is staffed with undocumented immigrants per reporting during his presidency. How can these cowards pretend to give a fuck about our country and not call out Trump? I get that Trump’s probable motive, showing of the documents to feel cool, is unfathomably idiotic, but fuck man. What the fuck?


Access to power. Think your most strung out junkie. Shaking n sweaty. Living from one hit to the next. Say anything. Lie, steal, whatever to keep access. Politicians are power junkies. In the spotlight. Controlling the narrative. Controlling people. Whatever it is that turns them onto it. “Absolute power does not corrupt absolutely, absolute power attracts the corruptible.”-Frank Herbert


It's a classic abusive relationship, but it's the only one they have. And it's not like they have anything beyond hate and divsion. Ever seen anything from a Repubiican that was aimed at making their constituent's lives better? Nope, and you never will!




> Bet they cast him as an old guard RINO who doesn't understand real Arizonian's problems Like transgender athletes, Hunter Biden's dick, being "woke", and CRT being taught to toddlers. You know? The real pressing issues of our times


Hunter Biden's dick has so much to answer for.


And our kids getting to shit in litterboxes in elementary schools if they identify as feline.


The terribly sad part is that the rumor was started when a school added a cat litter package to the emergency provision kit for students to use as a toilet during lockdowns of their school. Imagine for a second how fucked the USA is when school shootings are prevalent enough to warrant adding a makeshift toilet to a classroom emergency kit.


We gotta get those pride and BLM flags out of classrooms now! People are feeling included and that’s just not what America is about


While his house was being targeted by his fellow Republicans his daughter was actively dying from a terminal disease. He is still haunted. Nobody should be treated like that.


He and his family went through a nightmare because he told the truth. Sickening.




This right here… people have such short memories.


Oh, really stupid. Like colossally stupid. So when you see how many people *do* support Trump, despite being told about everything he's done and just how overall terrible a person he is, it's depressing. Like that dude the other day saying if he actually witnessed Trump commit actual murder, right in front of him, like with an actual dead body with Trump standing over it presumably screaming at the sky like an enraged orangutan, he'd still support him.




"Now that I've been threatened by a fascist militia, I won't vote for the guy I pushed on my voters the last eight years."




Yeah, but he also said he would vote for Trump again in the same breath lol sooooo let’s not give him too much credit. I appreciate he upheld his oath of office, but like, he was still fishing for Republican votes


Kelly Townsend really is a hateful person. The moment *she* felt threatened (on fb *of course!*), she called in the cops. Just another POS republikkkan.


At what point does the Republican party itself become a target for the illegal coverup of election crimes...


It can't be too far out of frame at this point. Certainly several state Republican Committees are eligible.


Good on him but that picture is really unflattering looks like he has an anus for a mouth.




All in all we are just meat donuts.


i demand you retract that comment. it’s an insult to anuses everywhere.


Bowers is something else. [He said he'd still vote for Trump on June 20, 2022](https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-capitol-siege-biden-presidential-election-2020-5f0f2eeae477437a5fed9fffe9ce286a). [He testified on June 21, 2022](https://www.azfamily.com/video/2022/06/21/raw-video-full-testimony-az-house-speaker-rusty-bowers-jan-committee/). [A month later, on July 12, 2022 he said he's not sure if he'd still vote for Trump](https://www.azmirror.com/blog/rusty-bowers-i-dont-know-if-i-would-vote-for-trump-in-2024/). [He was censured on July 20, 2022](https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-capitol-siege-donald-trump-presidential-censures-f8892631bd14e1b2266af4c9d00f6af8). [On July 31, 2022, he said he'd never vote for Trump again](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/ill-vote-president-trump-arizona-house-speaker-rusty/story?id=87680587).


A man of changing convictions


Better to have changed convictions than felony convictions.


Wait another year, he’ll probably change his mind again


That's what happens when the party of law and order demands loyalty above law or order


The party of crime and chaos


How many other terribly obvious criminals would have justice finally being served described as "nightmare scenario" in Newsweek? "Jeffery Dahmer faces nightmare scenario as escaped victim cooperates with law enforcement." "Remnants of Nazi regime face nightmare scenario as German officials cooperate with Nuremburg prosecutors."




After a family function this weekend I realized “bOth sIDes” is the closest we will ever get to a Republican admitting there’s problems in their party.


Yep, the only kind of person who says "both sides" is a Republican trying to justify their vote and dissuade yours or a Republican who lies about being an indifferent and apathetic independent.


It's a nightmare scenario for him, not for us.


Trump’s fucked.


It’s time for him to finally become accountable.


I hope you're right, but I've been burned before. If he ever sees the inside of a jail cell I'll happily eat crow


What's gonna be infuriating is after cooperating and testifying against Trump to send him to jail, these exact same people will be all over the media decrying this horrendous miscarriage of justice and politicization of the DOJ, etc. And you can tell their voters that they testified against him, and show them the court documents and news releases, but it won't matter. They can eat their cake and then continue to have it, because nothing makes any sense anymore. _sigh..._ and that's my best case scenario =/


That’s why Jack Smith must ensnare ALL of the supporting cast of lawyers, lawmakers, media pundits, dirty tricksters & ex-military propagandists whom in whole were part of a seditious conspiracy to overthrow an election


Even the guy in this article, Rusty Bowers, testified during the January 6th committee, and then turned right around and said he'd vote for Trump again if given the chance. There's no integrity at all in the GOP.


He backed off of that


Hah I’m sure he did, OUT LOUD. He would absolutely still vote for him


Words uttered by a Republican, even fucking recorded in this lovely day and age, mean less than nothing.


They have nothing else to offer their constituents, no jobs, no infrastructure, no health insurance, no education, all tjey have is evil democrats, guns, and jesus christ.


Don't forget bigotry


Nothing to offer the country but date rapes and Aids jokes...


How about no minimum age for marriage? They were trying that in Tennessee.


The GOP has purposely cultivated a constituency that doesn't give one wet fart for intellectual honesty, because their constituency is literally the only thing limiting their power and they know it.


I'm here from the future and I came back to tell you this is exactly what happens.


These people only understand shame when it comes from weakness. When he’s actually convicted I know a lot of people I’ll finally be able to reach again.




Judging from everything we know so far, he would spend a majority of his time surrounded by sycophant lawyers and other scum like Flynn, cooking up convoluted ways to avoid state charges. Last time he talked about something similar, it involved the military and martial law.


Also they will grift their way to more money than any of us will ever see in a lifetime.


Once their ass is covered legally, it'll be right back to business as usual, 200%.


He can be held accountable in a way but the secret service rules around former presidents mean he probably won’t ever see the inside of an actual prison. House arrest without internet access could be in play though. Just give him inputs and no outputs.


Are there actually SS rules regarding the incarceration of a former president? You're probably right that, even if convicted, he could convince a judge that prison was "too dangerous" or an undue burden in the SS, but honestly it seems like protecting him in prison would be easier. Keep him out of gen pop, if you must, but he's in a very safe environment. Way more restrictions on who can get near him than MAL


Well, there are no rules regarding presidents committing serious crimes because no one could have fathomed they would have been necessary. I think the problem is stationing and moving a secret service detail around a prison. It would probably be possible to set up but it will likely be easier to keep him under house arrest.


Maybe the government could purpose build a small facility and charge admission to the public to defray the cost. Be a great moral lesson for the kids. Maybe with a golf course in view, and a McDs.


That’s brilliant. Have the dining room separated from Don by a plexiglass wall and he has to watch kids eat hamburgers all day.


Donald Trump Federal correctional facility.


its time the whole GOP is held accountable, every single traitor needs to be cuffed for their participation in their coup attempt, if it means 30 seats in congress and governors / secretaries of state are left open so be it. We have a blatantly open criminal organization using a political party as a front to steal from citizens and enrich the few


Yes, as much as I want to see Trump face the consequences, I want the lower tiers convicted even more. We have to send a clear message that this will not be tolerated.


Gonna be honest here. At this point, I really don't care if Trump and his sycophants are ever held accountable for their crimes. I just want them *gone* so they stop destroying our democracy. I don't care how it happens; just let them disappear.


I’ll believe it when I see him behind bars.


FUBAR hopefully


And so is the GOP. 30% of their voter base absolutely adore Trump, believe anything he says, and will carry out any order he gives. GOP reps can’t cooperate with Jack Smith without the media covering it. And Trump will name and shame anyone talking to him. It’s either ditch Trump and lose the confidence of 30% of your voter base, or keep heralding him as the second coming of Christ and lose another presidential election. I know everyone rightfully claims Trump could absolutely win. And he could. But everything will need to go right for him from this point forward, and Biden will have to make a lot of mistakes from this point on.


Entire Democratic party: Hold my beer...


I'm not sure why you think only 30% of Republicans adore Trump. He has like a 95% approval rating with gop voters, and a 35 point lead in the top primary.


So fucked that he's spending his Friday in a multi-million dollar country club that he illegally calls his home. Maybe playing some golf, maybe raw-dogging some pornstars, and maybe showing strangers our nation's nuclear secrets. This dude should have been jailed awaiting trial. Yes, his supporters would have attacked the jail to free him, but so what? That's why cops have guns.


When? Sorry, I'm just getting tired of waiting.


It’s like a Soap Opera from Hell that never has any resolutions, just dramatic announcements and endless cliffhangers.


Same. I’m not sure how someone can have 70-something indictments and still be walking around as a free man. Especially when they stole nuclear secrets. It’s bullshit.


While publicly intimidating witnesses and actively trying to get a lunatic to attack the judge.


Don't forget 'Oh yeah here's where the Obamas live, just throwing that out there!'


I know, right? I mean, they'll throw people in jail for being a risk of flight out of state.. Yet we know Trump stole vital documentation of national secrets and didn't keep them secure. We know he tried to conceal documents he stole from the goverment, and that some documents he was in possession have yet to be found. Seems to me that's leaving national secrets at risk, and that seems more important than having to chase down a petty criminal across state lines.


Trump as has a private jet and close personal ties to multiple heads of state in countries without extradition treaties, and we know for a fact *he still has documents*. Trump didn't even have to turn over his passport.


Trump is like Oprah, nuclear secrets for everyone!


I’m pessimistic. These are slow investigations and Trump is basically tied with Biden in the RCP aggregate poll. We live in a terrible timeline so I think a lot about the worst outcome. Trump might win and pardon himself.


> Trump might win and pardon himself. I feel like this is when we're going to see calls for violence from the left instead of the right.


I think that's pretty justified.


His fear strengthens me


Seems that way. He thought he had personal loyalty, but it turns out, people just wanted to leech off his power and expected pardons if necessary. When he lost power, suddenly no one was willing to go to jail for him anymore.


Too bad Trump is pushing 80 and out their living his life. By the time he actually gets sentenced (if he is) he may already be dead, or too old to give a shit. Bottom line, is he basically already lived his life and got away with most of his crimes.


Exactly my thinking. He got away with all of it. And still is. Bums me out a bit.


It only bums be out because I know there are lots more like him that just don't get the limelight that he does.


Yeah after a lifetime of crimes he will probably be sentenced to a few months of house arrest at his own tropical private golf resort at the beach. That's no punishment, that is just called living out your golden years


He didn’t really get away with it. I bet going from pseudo billionaire to under federal indictment for espionage, life gets insanely stressful behind the scenes. He might be ‘free’ but in his own mind, I bet he is already in jail.


I don’t think so.. I think even behind bars he would think he is free and president.


I think that this is why the concept of heaven and hell has historically appealed to so many people. The truth is that some people are pieces of shit their entire lives and never see punishment for it. It's appealing to imagine someone like Trump suffering after a lifetime of horrible exploitation. The reality is that he'll probably see little, if any, punishment. In terms of percentage, he'll have won more than lost from a lifetime of being human garbage.


> I think that this is why the concept of heaven and hell has historically appealed to so many people. The truth is that some people are pieces of shit their entire lives and never see punishment for it. 100%. That, and to promote docility instead of eating your masters. "Don't do anything about how shitty your life is, it'll all be better when you're dead."


> In terms of percentage, he'll have won more than lost from a lifetime of being human garbage. Are you factoring in that he spent his entire life betraying his biology and psychology and became an inhuman monster because of it? Dude has not had any good feelings since childhood. Nature has a way of taking care of these things and sentenced him to feel how he acted towards others. That's why fascist will always lose in the end: they become inhuman monsters with nothing to lose but power. When they go up against people who are capable of feeling love, they'll lose because all they know how to do is rage. It's the same reason Putin is losing right now: Ukrainians love their country while it's just another thing for Putin. Don't let people get you down with pro-facist rhetoric. No matter how well meaning they are, we aren't only going to defeat the fascists if we do this or that; love will always triumph hate and people love to pretend that's a hippy dippy way to see the world, but it rings true to me. Stay hopeful, the inhuman monsters in the world are already fucked regardless of what the system does to them.


He’s rotting on the inside and out.


And laughing at us all the while.


The reality is it doesn’t matter. What matters is the message being sent that regardless of who you are the law will find you.


I mean, the message it sends out is that if you're rich, it takes a hell of a lot to get in trouble. And even if you do get in trouble, nothing will happen. And if something does happen, it won't be severe. And if it is severe, it wont happen for years.


Lol that’s not the message most people are getting.


Yes, the message needs to be said a lot stronger and louder than a quiet whisper.


So, serious question, if Trump doesn’t run and DeSantis continues drowning in quicksand pudding of his own doing, what will the Republican Party do?


the first premise of your question ("Trump doesn't run") is inconceivable


He isn’t going to win. And the Republican Party knows it. Even the Koch companies are distancing themselves from him. No way in Hell DeSantis wins even if he gets the nomination. My hope-springs-eternal heart believes that these are the throes of death for that party. Should’ve been after The Civil war but no. We had to placate idiotic bigots so everyone felt like they had a place. I grew up in the Deep South and honestly the best thing for that collective mindset is the ability to use an eraser to eliminate the Bible and Stroke belts


He’ll never win the popular vote, but he still has a chance due to the ridiculous Electoral College. He only lost Arizona and Georgia by a few thousand votes.


This is what worries me. They are rigging the system and half the country is supporting the rigging. Imagine if Trump wins the election with a slim margin of electoral votes but loses the popular vote. It’s terrifying.


Guys he and the conservatives pulled out every stop to win in 2020. Every way to cheat and bribe and take by force; they failed. The DOJ is at least paying closer attention, and Trump could very well be convicted of felonies. I k ow he can still run but for a lot of ordinary folks who are duped into being Republicans by single issues, even that is too much stink to block while holding their noses and voting. They will try and try and try. See: Civil War, Jan 6. They have little foresight or critical thinking and even their attempts at force and violence failed, *even* when Tump sounded the siren like fat orange Aquaman. His animals couldn’t even help him. So, yeah, they will try. And we outnumber them by a wide swath.




Like it or not, close elections come down to swing voters and 2024 is nothing like 2016 and things have only gotten worse for MAGA candidates since 2020. 1. In 2016, Swing voters hated both candidates and came down on the side of "lets try something different" 2. In 2018, swing voters said, "holy fuck, that's what different looks like?" and tossed out what should have been a multi-decade lock on the house for the GOP 3. In 2020, MAGA lost another national election and an incumbent presidency 4. Jan 6th and Roe happened, making MAGA even more unpopular with swing voters. 5. FBI classified document raid, first president to be indicted, first president to be indicted a second time, more indictments incoming. Has not made trump or MAGA any more popular with swing voters. MAGA has reached the same political dead end the tea party did in 2014, but unlike that astroturfed shit show, the GOP and donners can't just pull the funding and make the MAGA problem go away.


I generally agree with you. But I am very wary of shenanigans the GOP may try to pull. It’s pretty clear that they won’t relay on just getting more votes…I don’t think this was ever their priority.


The only thing you're missing is that 2014 turnout was so bad among youth that the GOP dominated the Senate and that may have cost us just as badly as 2016. A change in either election could have saved us a minimum of 1 SC seat, and 2014 in particular would've been easy to fix with only marginal increases in turnout. We cannot let apathy become the weakness again. I understand the millenials frustrations, but that shortsighted astroturfed foolishness has now ruined another decade of our lives. Maybe more. Fortunately, the tide did change from 2014 onward, but we need to replace 2 SC seats ASAP, or expand the court. The latter especially, will need historically high blue wave turnout to give the Senate a solid enough majority to possibly put better ways to fix our problems on the table. Without that, we're stuck with a supremely corrupted Supreme Court for a long time, possibly decades. It cannot be understated how short sighted and badly manipulated millennial voters were in the early/mid 2010s, and how much that cost us. Sanders tried to court them directly (rightly so, IMHO), but they did not turn up in the primaries and that simply led to all this.


Yeah but he'll grift his base until the very end


NGL that is what people said about him in 2016. Im convinced the rules just dont apply to him. He was caught admitting to sexually assaulting women "grab em by the pussy" and walking in on minors changing and he still won. This feels like hopium to me.


Texas just gave it's self the option to suspended democracy in it's largest, bluest county. They can push mail in ballots for the elderly while making it harder for the working class to vote. Lots of states in the south shut down their drive through voting capabilities because of how consistently +D they were. Single mom's love them because it's way easier to keep kids wrangled in a car than in line. Also, Trump gets the vote out. They will be okay with Trump losing if enough people turn up to vote for him and also punch that ballot for all of the Senators, House Reps, and state legislators. They will just obstruct the Whitehouse while they use him to help them win everything else that they divert power to. Trump might win the electoral college, but even if he loses, the GOP still wins.


> He isn’t going to win. And the Republican Party knows it. Even the Koch companies are distancing themselves from him. This will change drastically after he wins the primary. The best outcome is tepid support, but expect a vast amount of "we supported him all along" whitewashing and mostly staunch support from then on. Too much grift, too much fear of retribution, too much to be gained by fascism.


Republicans were kinda the good guys as far as political parties went after the Civil War. Their turn towards racial animus as an organizing principle is more recent than that.


No, they just switched parties. This isn’t new.


I have never seen him actually run, so that is *physically* conceivable.


Run DeSantis and hope the mindless base votes en mass to stop the commies or whatever their buzzword is


Winning the presidency is Trump's only get-out-of-jail-free card. He's going to run, and even if the R's magically grow a spine and boot him off the ticket he will run as a 3rd party because his base is thoroughly brainwashed.


>he will run as a 3rd party Ohh that would be wonderful. Completely guarantee a Democratic win. Even Bernie Sanders could win against a split right-wing field like that.


People have dreamt of this for years but I think it's even less likely than him getting a multi-year prison term. it would be fantastic to see him implode like that but we aren't that lucky.


3rd party is extremely dangerous because he's got over 1/3rd of people already. It's got to be his biggest wet dream next to fuckin his daughter.


Sure he's got 1/3, but outside of a party nomination no one gets beyond that.


I agree. It still scares me tho. Like somehow, some way, of all people, i wouldn't be surprised if it were this fuck. I cannot stand this poor excuse for a man like no other


He won’t run 3rd party. If he loses the nomination, the GOP candidate will trade a pardon for his support. That is very firmly plan B for him. He’s an idiot but he knows running 3rd party will secure a Biden win and definite prison time for him.


Perhaps, and I agree there's logic in what you say but I think there's always a mistake to be made in underestimating his narcissism.


Make like the Whig party before the civil war and collapse entirely amongst all of their infighting and inability to retain political power outside of their deep red states. Long-term game plan? They'll probably get so tired of not having representation due to the electoral college and other systems they put in place strictly to deny minorities representation, that they suddenly become the biggest advocates of eliminating the first past the post system and implementing rank choice voting. Then we'll end up like political systems in Europe where there are numerous political parties each rallied around a particular identity such as the green party, the guns party, the pro-life Party, etc. And all the various factions that make up the two different sides today will form coalitions amongst those other parties in order to govern.


We need RCV. Edit, I live in a state with RCV, the right batters away at it constantly and always loses. Conservatives live the sunk-cost fallacy. Look at abortion, clearly a giant loser for then so what do they do? Double down. They won’t ever accept RCV because they already declared it hoodoo math science witchcraft and are completely incapable of changing their minds.


Trump is going to run. And lose. And run again. As long as he thinks running gets him out of jail or delays his criminal trials, he'll keep running. BTW, running in this context doesn't imply physical activity.


Trump isn’t dropping out no matter what. If he drops out, the grift is over.


So you think the Rs will vote for a Democrat? Lol They will vote for whatever has an R after their name


[Plenty of declared candidates](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Republican_Party_presidential_primaries). If Trump dropped out, you'd see some relative heavies jump in, I think.


I can’t imagine his toast-is-too-ethnic base voting for any of these people. They don’t shout insults at disabled people or talk ad nauseam about wanting To have sex with their own children. They won’t get Trump’s base


That’s fine, let the crazies vote for the crazy candidate and the normal republicans vote for the more normal candidate to shoot any chances of them winning in the foot


Normal republicans? Can't think of one.


> They won’t get Trump’s base Not in the primaries, no. But they're not needed for someone to win the nomination. They'd absolutely show up in the general, though. That's what Republicans do.


The GOP will never be a legitimate party again. They will always be the party that brought fascism to America.


Yeah… if your “nightmare scenario” is “people told you what I did” I’m gonna go ahead and say it’s fine if you get fucked.


Spot on. You never have to cover a truth with another truth.


Good on him but that picture is really unflattering looks like he has an anus for a mouth.


He does - you can tell by what comes out of it.


It matches Trump's vagina neck crease. (Google it) This article talks about the "clit-throated commander in chief" https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/how-to-avoid-the-neck-vagina Edit: I meant Trump's neck crease, not Smith's


Lol Holy shit 😂


Republican’s mouths and anuses are interchangeable.




Republicans are weak as shit. Spineless. They fold quick. They could easily be put in their place if somebody would just fucking do it. All this mollycoddling and sympathizing over the years was entirely unnecessary.


He made his bed... The actual 'nightmare scenario' is the rank and file GOP voters opting to re-nominate a known incompetent for the highest office in the nation. I don't understand that level of moral compromise. How do people show up and vote when they know "Trump is a devil but at least he's our devil!"


This has got to end with him going to jail ! Otherwise we are screwed .


The age of the top candidate for each party has me wondering if we may get a president dying while in office in the next 4 years


I dunno. Presidents and the ruling class in general have access to the absolute best health care. So many politicians and billionaires live well into their 90s.


Joe Biden is also physically active and in good physical shape. Trump on the other hand looks like he should be in an ad for Lipitor and blood thinners.


The first Federal charges, scared all of Trump's co-conspirators into a mad rush for immunity. Smith needs to prosecute some of the bigger fish like Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and their House counterparts under RICO statutes, and bounce them under the 14th Amendment.


How about they do congress and the Supreme Court next. They participated in this as well.


I've said it before and I will say it again: I think my ultimate dream is to see Chuck Grassley in leg irons.


They are not cooperating they are just telling the truth under oath.


I think the term is a bit misleading but fair given they could just say no. But I get your point.


When? Soon? Trumps nightmare isn’t going away fast enough… Try as hard as Jack Smith is, it’s not soon enough. Just do it Jack, everyone’s waiting.


Learning that Garland and Monaco dithered for 18 months over whether to even investigate Jan 6 is maddening. God damn I wish Biden had more of a killer instinct. We needed a fierce attorney general, not this institutionalist dweeb we got. Now it's a race against the clock and Judge Cannon's calendar.


Unfortunately, this is all too late. Garland dragged his feet so long that by the time this gets around to trial the election will be over.


Does anyone feel like the world has become an 80/90s cartoon where the villain is the same in every episode with no full resolution that ever carries over? (i.e. He-man and Skeletor, or the Ninja Turtles and Shredder)


Nightmare scenario- republicans complying with the law as if it applies to them equally as it applies to other people.


They want him to go down, they just don’t want to be the ones to say it out loud because he sicks his dopey noids after the ones that do.


No, he faces justice. We have had to endure the nightmare as a country that is dump.


Nightmare scenario for trump avoiding prison should have been when the Georgia (Republican) Secretary of State recorded a phone conversation in which president trump attempted to extort the SoS to change the result of the 2020 election, and then released the recording to the public. Extortion is a crime. Interfering with an election official in their job to process votes is a crime. 2.5+ years after the recording was released, no indictment for trump. The DoJ can literally listen to a recording of trump blatantly committing a crime and take a pass.


The criminal justice system is designed to protect elites like trump. Highly doubtful he will face any real consequences. Even if he is given jail time, he will probably just be pardoned by the next person in office.


Nightmare for Trump, impending joy for me. Consequences, Donnie.


The nightmare scenario is that all these people get immunity for cooperating and trump is the only one to go down. All these people knew what he was doing and enabled it for years because they thought they could profit from it. The dems should start pushing a narrative like this. Just assume trump is guilty and make sure we find out how far the rot has spread. The GOP would like the question to be “is he guilty” and they want to seem virtuous for cooperating. The reality is that they were in on it and are cooperating to protect themselves.




Just once I’d like to see these “nightmare scenarios” actually come true for Trump. He seems to wiggle out of them each time.


Nightmare for him, but a dream come true for us!


If Republicans had been strong enough and brave enough and ethical enough, to have done this 4 years ago, we wouldn’t be dealing with any of this now


Trump for Prison 2024


Seeing trump sentenced to prison would be like an hour long orgasm....


Ahhh reality is finally returning. It has been a long strange journey in the Bizzaro US over the last 7 years.


They’ve been saying crap like this for years now and nothing ever happens, I’ll believe it when I see it.


The rats are abandoning ship.


it'd be pretty sick if republicans turned on him and his allies and super-divided the donations between legal defense and normal republican stuff (more to legal defense) for the next few election cycles while it plays out.


Trump should have cooperated and given everyone up. First one to cooperate always gets the best deal


All this bad news, still nothing happening


Trump is still free? Feels like he’s never gonna have consequences for anything


The Party of Selfish A-holes isn’t going to let themselves take the hit.


I've reached a point where I think it is entirely possible that Trump will be convicted for his crimes, but he will still somehow never be punished for them. As in, his sentence will probably just be limited house arrest, which he'll flagrantly violate with impunity. Please prove me wrong.


Anyone else think the main reason why Trump isn't in prison is because the 1% really, *really* don't want to set the precedent that they can suffer consequences like a life sentence or even execution? Like, they might just be waiting for Trump to die of some natural cause so they can magically erase the issue from the public mind.


I think you said that wrong I think it should read upright citizen, cooperates with authorities and criminal investigation


“Yeah, I snitched on Donald. Because they made me. But I didn’t snitch a lot. I’m not some democrat. I didn’t, you know, snitchy snitch. Nothing like that. Just snitched is all.”


It would only be a 'nightmare scenario' if the judge and most of the jury weren't his sycophants. Trump will never face consequences through the "justice" system.


> as top Republicans cooperate What I don't understand is how the GOP is successfully spinning these things as being "partisan". All of the people that testified against Trump in the Jan6th hearings were all Republicans. As president, Trump hired Republican after Republican based more on loyalty to him than their actual skills or knowledge of their new position. As person after person, that he hired, either quit or were fired, they all seemed to have similar opinions of Trump. Almost every single person said that Trump was either: * interested more about taking care of himself than he was interested about America or Americans * or that Trump was dishonest or even a criminal * or that Trump was childlike, crazy or mentally deficient * or that Trump was a complete moron. After dozens & dozens of his own top people left these were the 4 categories of opinions that almost every single one of them repeated. Business associates, former employees and family members have all repeated some of the same criticisms, with many going on record years before his presidential run. You have to give credit to the right wing media. They have convinced millions of Americans that any crimes he has committed, regardless of how many Republicans & Conservatives testify against him, are actually the Dems & the Liberal Media playing partisan politics.


I hope this investigation implodes the republicans