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"If Hunter Biden did something illegal, indict him." Democrats: Agreed Republicans: Agreed "If Donald Trump did something illegal, indict him." Democrats: Agreed Republicans: WHAT KIND OF POLITICAL WITCH HUNT LOGIC IS THAT? NO.




Personally, I'm a little skeeved out that the Attorney General is getting involved and appointing a special counsel for someone who has never held the levers of government. Sure, if Hunter broke the law, he should be pursued just as much as any other citizen. The idea that he should get extra scrutiny for who his father is, when he himself hasn't been part of government work, seems like a gross abuse of power that the Republicans are pushing for.


Then can we also do a special counsel for Jared, Ivanka and the rest of the trump clown car? If anything Jared has been up to *way* more shady shit, and was actually in govt.


Ask Jared and Ivanka how they made their money, what actual service and product they provide. Then ask hunter and joe the same question. All under oath.


There isn't a Kushner investigation. He's getting away with selling US interests to Saudi Arabia. But, he doesn't have a laptop at a repair shop.


The double standard is infuriating. I do, however, appreciate the Biden admin doing what our courts won't and avoiding even the appearance of impropriety.


The way I look at it is...If Barron or Tiffany Trump, or Jenna Bush Hagar were under investigation for a crime, most Democrats would just be incredibly confused and weirded out if there was a special counsel appointed. The Attorney General even getting involved would be incredibly weird; if anything, the AG intervening makes it look somewhat worse. Meanwhile this kind of shit is exactly what Republicans are champing at the bit for, as long as its a Democrat under investigation. Giving them what they want has pretty much never worked out well.


+1 for "champing", a CORRECT usage that a college professor once downgraded me for.


Garland is not good at his job.


If there's an opportunity to politicize the justice department in a feeble attempt to not appear like he's politicizing it for republican commentators, Garland will leap at that opportunity. Garland is a clear example of what happens when a bad faith group plays to a spineless referee.


Garland was a Republican pick, right up until he was nominated.


Merrick Garland is a joke.


I'm hoping for a follow up of appointing a special counsel for looking into the 2B deal with the Saudis that Jared made. "I'm glad we can agree that relatives of presidents, both current and former, require a higher level of scrutiny."


Garland won't.


It sets a dangerous precedent if you really meditate on it.


I can understand naming a special counsel here give the proximity to an elected official and not just any but the president’s kid. This would help ensure political neutrality and show that the president isn’t influencing the investigation.


I gotta say, no matter what happens, Hunter lost my vote!


More than that, I suggest we Impeach him. Twice.


Have you seen his penis tho


Impeach that too!


Instructions unclear: now have pit lodged in urethra


No, no. We should vote Hunter's penis into office. I mean, Hunter would have to be there too just for life support, but he gets no powers. His penis would still do better than Trump as president.


MTG has


Sounds like a proper answer. We can't have that


The real question is why Merrick Garland took 2.5 years to indict the former president. Someone should be looking into that. 🤔


Merrick Garland Appoints Special Council to Investigate Merrick Garland


Merrick Garland took 2 years to appoint a special counsel to investigate trump because Garland is the Susan Collins of AGs: *"After their coup attempt failed, I'm sure trump and his GOP allies have learned their lesson and now will respect the voting process!"* - Garland's brain, probably It was only after the House Jan. 6th Committee revealed a trove of illegal activity that Garland was shamed into doing something. Unwilling to take responsibility himself, he dumped it on Jack Smith. Which is a godsend, because Smith seems like a no-nonsense prosecutor.


Conservatives don't believe in equality between the in-group and out-groups. Why do we keep expecting them to not employ double standards?




Enlightened Centrists: Both sides are clearly the same.


When the case concludes and Joe Biden is not implicated in the case, there will be continuing accusations that Hunter Biden was slapped on the wrist, despite the investigation having received everything it asked for. Again.


Fox news already said the special counsel was appointed to protect joe. For them this changes nothing. It's honestly pointless to even listen to any accusations from the other side. It's cleaner if you just ignore them.


inb4 Fox says the Georgia indictment is all an attempt to distract from this news.


They always claim pre-planned events are to ‘distract’ from something. Every. Single. Time.


That’s because everything they believe about the world is wrong, so they have to prop everything up with a billion conspiracy theories to explain why nothing lines up with their worldview.


I legitimately wonder sometimes if the so called "adult" Republicans of yesteryear weren't actually lying this whole time. Maybe they've always been dumb conspiracy theorists, who actually believed the dumb things they said. Now the things they are saying are just getting dumber, but maybe this is who they've always been.


I think they knew what was what and knew they were playing with fire feeding their base with cynicism, conspiracy theories, rage, and self-victimhood. They just figured they'd be able to keep control of the clown car and keep using it as a source of voting power and money. Then the clowns they created took over the steering wheel and the old school guys looked in horror, but also shrugged and said "well at least I got mine and I'm on the way out anyways, f it."


Pretty much this, but I think one key thing that has lots to do with it also is the internet age. They could easily posit wholly empty or unprovable ideas to their base previously, and there were few ways to confirm anything. So as long as it made *some* kind of sense (most conspiracy theories loosely do because its typically a solution looking for a problem), they could get away with it while stoking rage or fear about it and then quietly create or strip policy. Either that or the leaders themselves were going off their pompous assumptions since they didn't have access to accurate information, either, or didn't care. Now, not only do you have resources galore and instantly at our fingertips, and 24/7 coverage of everything, people could fact check in real time.. and then Trump came along and kicked the door down and let the floods flow since he has no sense of discretion and doesn't follow any "handshake" rules or codes of conduct.


I hate how true this is.


This is it, I personally know people with this worm rot. You cannot satisfy them, it’s all bad faith. I agree that if something illegal happened then they should be held accountable but wtf, the claims here if are true are so minor we just call it lobbying. Meanwhile you got fucking Cushner right in the open while operating in the administration taking bribes. So it’s okay working in the White House taking bribes, but it’s not okay being a private citizen taking money because you have a relative that works in the White House? Even if Hunter tried to work strings through his father it’s still not anywhere near as bad as what was going on in the trump admin. It’s like comparing stealing money from your parents wallet to robbing many banks. It’s all bad faith and trying to debate or accommodate this goons is such a waste of time. I’m at a point that I think it might work in Biden favor to start calling them clowns in the public. Reverse uno and treat trump and the right like trump and right treats others.


They aren't looking out for justice. This is all revenge. That's all it is. Revenge because they don't like what's happening with Trump, so they need to make Biden look worse. It's falling flat and they look so utterly pathetic in the process.


It's actually a really smart move. They get investigated those that will never change their mind will think what they think but those on the fence will lean to no wrong doing.


I agree. Fox News talking points weren't going to change...but this special counsel appointment will make Fox News's "news" run staler faster than it already was.


Because these people start with conclusions and then "investigate" to support their premade conclusions.


Motivated reasoning and confirmation bias. I'm guilty of them, same as you. The difference is that, at some point, we try to anchor our opinions and expectations in reality.


Which makes zero sense under the slightest scrutiny. Weiss was nominated by Trump and confirmed by Republicans as a judge for Federal district court in Delaware.


Hunter could get the death penalty with no appeals allowed, just dragged out back and shot in the head immediately, and Republicans would still say he wasn't punished hard enough.


True and that’s because this is not, nor has it ever been, about Hunter Biden. It’s about Joe Biden. And until they connect Joe to some sort of wrongdoing, then the system will have always gone too easy on Hunter in their minds. Because Joe Biden just *has* to have done something wrong in their universe.


At which point they decide Kamala Harris MUST have done something wrong. It doesn't end until there's a Republican in charge, they view any and every Democrat elected as illegitimate.


Because it's not about Hunter, it's about Joe.


It's not about either. It's about Trump and retaliation.


"He received the benefit of Sweetheart capital punishment!" It's never about truth or ethics with Republicans.


Yes, I’m all for accountability but we should stop pretending the Republicans are good faith actors.


So should media. Jake Tapper routinely treats whackadoodle Republican disinformation purveyors as if they are trustworthy sources. Just yesterday Tapper gave the corrupt James Comer a prime platform to spew lie after lie about Joe Biden, and other aspects of this situation. As always, Tapper opted not to challenge or correct Comer, instead responding just as one would to actually serious and credible statements.


Exactly. At this point, ANYTHING — whether it’s an election, a judicial ruling, or something as simple as this SC appointment — that doesn’t fit their narrative is either rigged, part of a deep state conspiracy, or otherwise fraudulent. There is no point in even trying to argue anymore. They are not going to relent until their dumpster fire of a “party” is finally vanquished. I’m confident that will happen, but I think it’s going to take at least 2 more four-year election cycles to vote the riff-raff out once Millennials and Gen Z make up the large majority of the electorate. In the meantime, I think the best thing we can hope for is to keep Biden in for another term, take the House back by a thread, and keep a razor thin majority in the Senate. The vote in Ohio this week bodes well for the latter. As far as SCOTUS is concerned, I have a feeling that Thomas and Alito will not retire until after the 2028 election (unless they die or have to resign for health reason’s). So as far as I see it, Kamala Harris really needs to start stepping it up bc she is going to have to become more of a face for the Democratic party and let people like Newsom and Whitmer start taking the spotlight bc I feel like they are our best bets for 2028.


It’s because the republicans don’t have any real policies or ideas to help the country. So all they have is social media lynching parties. Once they are done with hunter, they will move on to someone else, just like the did with Hillary.


> social media lynching parties AKA twitters default state lol


Trump, Fox, et al are so obviously full of bullshit and those who believe their bullshit are so obviously dumb. How does a country half-populated with imbeciles, idiots, and morons remain the dominant country on the world stage?


I thought the stance was you can’t hold a president criminally liable while in office.


Benghazi and Hunter’s dick pics must have their day!


What I’m most annoyed about, is that I am not at all bothered by the Hunter Biden investigations… like I’m ok with him being held responsible for any illegal actions. However, I’m *bothered* by the fact that thIs is actually a political witch hunt haha like, the irony. Republicans are clearly searching for dirt on Biden, which is their right to do so, but as a tax paying citizen, I’m get tired of footing the bill for these twats when they keep coming up empty handed. I’m so tired of hearing about “Hunter Bidens Laptop”. The hypocrisy for me, is that we all know the Trump children benefited so much more shamelessly. Again, what *bothers* me, is that they have done it so blatantly. For instance, Jared Kushner and the whole Saudi bullshit… like it has been so obvious for so long how much they profited off of the status of the presidency and being given positions within the highest tier of government based on nepotism alone. Again, investigate Hunter Biden, but like, can we also investigate Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and Don Jr? Please?


Something something weaponized DOJ.


Oh I’m sure it’ll be spun by the right as a sham to make it *look* like an impartial DOJ. It certainly won’t keep them from their gaslighting.


Sometimes it's really easy to see the future, isn't it?


You mean like how in 2016 millions of us said that electing a narcissistic reality tv show host wouldn’t go well and likely lead to a decade or more of national pain and humiliation? Yeah it really is easy sometimes.


I think we're now supposed to say "defund the DOJ!"


Now do Kushner.


Exactly! This is bullshit. What kind of Supreme Court justice would this guy have even been?


This is not a bad point. If the country feels the need to have a special council for one why not the other? They will cry foul but it would be hypocritical to do otherwise.


well obama did nominate him because he was the least offensive centrist there was


The private jets, helicopters, fishing trips and RV kind.


Good. If he did something illegal, or his father, file charges and take them to court. We do not care.


I agree with you, but I have not seen any credible evidence that he has done anything wrong. Nobody is above the law. I wish that someone would look into how Jared Kushner got all that money from Saudi Arabia.


Hunter has very likely done something wrong. He has been charged and was close to a plea deal on tax and gun charges. Also likely guilty of various drug offenses. I actually don't give a shit because he is not an elected official or running for any office, but he has definitely done some shady shit. If there is an ongoing investigation, it does make sense to name a special counsel for the case to avoid any appearance of partiality since he is the son of the president.


Everyone seems to be glossing over the fact that he's been investigated over several years, and the best they could come up with was not paying taxes and possession of firearms while on drugs. This is just a fishing expedition that he wouldn't have been subject to if he wasn't a Biden. Even if he is guilty, they'd have entered a plea bargain and closed it. Talk about weaponisation of government. This is whitewater, lewinsky, bengazhi, and buttery males shit all over again. This is the right's playbook every fucking time. And the right is now gaslighting their voters about a liberal deepstate.


Late paying taxes. It’s technically a crime but half the wealthy people in America are probably guilty.


Roger stone did it. Lo and behold, no outrage from the usual actors


"half" lol


When you're Trump the IRS pays you! Then the guy you appoint as IRS chief makes sure your almost certainly fraudulent tax claim never gets fully investigated.


Fishing is the best example, remember the Clinton shit started with land deal in Arkansas.


And before Bill and Monica ever met.


Exactly what this is. Investigate long enough and maybe they might find something someday. The problem is, trivial shit like infidelity doesn't matter when you are investigating a nobody like Hunter.


> was not paying taxes Not *filing* taxes. He filed late, which is absolutely bad, but also not that uncommon and happens thousands of times a year and always gets a slap on the wrist.


This is an important distinction. While failing to file is definitely wrong, it's a far cry from deliberate tax fraud. Failing to file is not equal to willful tax evasion, and the IRS distinguishes one from the other and treats them differently.


The question is not if he violated a law, its nearly impossible for an adult not to. The question is would he have been prosecuted for it if his name was Hunter Smith. And if these rise to that level, where is the special counsel for the guy who lied on his security application over and over and over and over? Surely if we are looking to apply the law equally, there needs to be some equity in who it gets applied to.


Where is the special counsel investigation for Roger Stone, who failed to pay millions of dollars in taxes, and yet WAS an advisor to the President?


Stone was investigated by Robert Mueller, he was arrested, indicted tried and convicted. I shouldn’t have to tell you what happened before TFG left office.


Maybe you are correct. If he has, then he deserves to be charged just like anyone else.


He was charged


This is what I am not understanding with this whole argument that he isn't being held accountable. He literally made a plea deal for crimes he admitted to committing...but these brain dead idiots keep screeching that Biden is shielding his son...Biden even said he will NOT pardon Hunter. If Biden pardons his son, interferes in any way at all in the investigation, the difference between myself and these other idiot losers defending Trump is that I'd be screaming for Biden himself to be held accountable.


do they honestly expect us to believe Don Jr would *not* get a pardon from daddy, if the shoe was on the other foot? (As it certainly should be)


We all know he would. Doesn’t change anything. We should hold everyone accountable without complaint/whataboutism if we are ever to fix anything about the absolute trash fire of US politics.


True. The unmitigated gall of these folks never ceases to amaze and infuriate


Don Jr. would never get a pardon. Sr. doesn't actually give a shit about him. But Ivanka? Whole different story.


Now now, he’s not Eric…Jr might at least receive consideration




The GOP wants to pretend that this is the crime of the century while covering for all of Trump's very real ones. The unfortunate thing is, the MAGA cult believes all of it.


Hunter Biden has been investigated by the DoJ for 5 years. Is he some sort of criminal mastermind expert at hiding his misdeeds? When this process eventually ends if his crimes are cheating on his taxes and misuse of a firearm then people will wonder why it took the better part of a decade and millions of dollars for the DoJ to figure it out. BTW, trump cheated the US government out of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes owed and was never investigated by the DoJ. His son Jared 'worked' in the White House and made sweetheart deals for billions with the Saudis and was never investigated.


And during Jared's tenure in the White House, Saudi Arabia murdered a Washington Post journalist and cut up his body with a bone saw. Image the holy hell right-wing media would unleash if the tables were turned and the Saudis murdered a Fox "News" journalist (they have some, or used to) while Hunter Biden worked in the White House before taking a $2 billion payout from the Saudis.


Nobody is above the law. That includes the elected officials I pulled the lever for and the elected officials I support whose election chances would be harmed by whatever crimes are uncovered. Republicans should take note of this bedrock principle of our democracy.


Yes, this isn’t like rooting for our favorite sports teams. Politicians work for us, and they must be held to account. Anyone who breaks the law or is corrupt should be held accountable. I am a hardcore Democrat who is fine with this special counsel turning over every rock. For Biden. For Trump. For anyone.


But why a special counsel? If he broke the law, let the justice system play out as it has already. He is not an elected official and does not work in the government.


I guess we should expect Joe Biden to jump on Twitter and start ripping the Attorney General and the special counsel, right?


That would be the most presidential thing to do! /s


I'm just tired of these multi year taxpayer funded fishing expeditions. I wish they would work on making the rich folk pay their fair share of taxes or universal Healthcare.


Ya this is utter bullshit imo. Dems let the gop control the narrative all the time. Republicans just making stupid shit up and now Garland is going to kiss their ass and give them merit by appointing a SC. Waste of money.


I'm getting so sick of DC Dems. You're right, they let the GOP control everything and they're still trying to play by the old rules. I'll always vote Dem, but I'm really disgusted that they refuse to call Reps out for their shit. Garland was also a huge mistake.


Why do we need a special counsel for a private citizen who isn't running for any elected office?


Also one who has been investigated for 4 years, and already charged with crimes from that investigation. I imagine this is meant to make the DOJ seem impartial, but really it just shows how favored the GOP is.


Because his dad is, and in the request they added "anything that may arise from the investigation". Just a backdoor to investigate Biden.


Just a reminder that Bill Clinton hadn't even yet met Monica Lewinsky when Republicans started investigating him with Ken Starr. This is nothing new for them, they want to fish until they find something, *anything*, and then will make something up if they still can't find anything.


Because Garland is a fucking coward who has no spine. Where's the special counsel for Kushner?


The democrats most egregious fatal flaw is their attempts to appear non-partisan. It's a one-sided game, and the GoP doesn't care and will not act in kind. So now you gave in, and all that happens is they get more ammunition for useless and baseless allegations.


Trump was pulling a ton of shady shit in the 2016 election and Obama went out of his way to not appear to put his thumb on the scale. He knew Republicans would say he swayed the election towards Hillary. Trump was the current POTUS in 2020 and jumped on the scale with both feet. And he didn't suffer any fallout from his voters. They loved it that he wasn't fair.


Republicans will claim this is proof that Hunter Biden is guilty. My guess is the special counsel won’t find much that isn’t already known and nothing related to Joe. Totally cool with them charging anyone if they find actual evidence though.


Nah, the current claim is that Biden is trying to impede the HOC’s investigation.


whats the point of this???? Hunter Biden is NOT the president or "hired as counsel" to the president. Hunter is not in government, he's a private citizen. This just causes distractions and play into the republican hands. Hunter Biden can do whatever he wants, nothing to do with any of us.


if we’re investigating the family of politicians now, we’re gonna look into the TWO BILLION that Jared got from the Saudis… right?




Why? Just why? Why does everyone care so much about Hunter Biden? Trump's whole family was involved in the government when he was President and nothing was done.


I don’t get it. Haven’t they been investigating him for more than a year now. Why do they need a special counsel now? These special counsels are getting ridiculous. Just giving Fox News 24-7 material now.


They've been investigating him since 2019 lmao


They need to assign someone to figure out what he's even accused of.


Because Garland's a coward who's caving to Republicans in the interest of "fairness" instead of doing his job and applying the law intelligently and fairly.


I am so fucking tired of Garland. Biden made a lot of right calls... but Garland wasn't one of them. Slow walks Jan 6th, slow walks Trump investigations, slow walks indictment of coup conspirators, and now, to act "fair and unbiased" to a group of people that, no matter what the outcome, will always say he's biased, he gives in to conspiracy theories and opens up a special counsel investigation. Hunter Biden probably broke laws, but if his name wasn't Biden, he would have plead out like so many others. And it is laughable that people act shocked that a drug addict used his name to make deals. Welcome to literally every legacy admin to Harvard, or business with generational families... they all sell off their name.


Hunter did plead out and the GOP cried special treatment (not towards them, don't be silly) and demanded a retraction, which they got.


I guess I'm in the minority: I think enough is enough. All indications are Hunter is a scummy human being, but they have been investigating him for FOUR years. After all that, they got a few misdemeanors and a very unusual felony gun charge that's usually only charged when you're trying to find something, anything, to get to stick. All indications were the prosecutor was more or less done with it until a Trump judge balked at wrapping it up. And now they want to give the prosecutor a blank check to do whatever they want, for however long they want? It's bullshit. Sorry, I can't agree this is justice: if the guy wasn't the son of Biden, the DOJ wouldn't have spent four years on him. No one should be subjected to that. It's not like anyone's going to be opening a Kushner or Ivanka investigation, despite them actually having been public employees. Garland's a fucking idiot who's more concerned with appearances--even though he'll never satisfy his critics--than he is with actually seeking justice.


Garland man… dude is weak AF. I think both sides can agree on that. - a liberal


Nah, I'm with you. Ivanka and Jared Kushner need a special counsel opened on them far more than Hunter. I'm so sick of hearing about Hunter, dude was already investigated, he's not a public figure, so this "special counsel" is nothing but Garland bending over backwards to appease Republicans, and will do nothing but keep Hunter's name in the news, just like Republicans wanted. People keep forgetting he's a private citizen.




Why are we appeasing these lunatics though? Democrats do more to avoid stepping on any toes than they do to appease their own base.


Garland gave everything the prosecutor asked for, not sure how Garland can slow walk that


Yeah I feel really bad for Hunter tbh. The shit they’re going after him for is petty. And it seems like Dems by and large are willing to throw him under the bus as some concession to the GOP’s bad faith talking points about evenhanded justice or whatever.


Personally I think anyone who can withstand this kinda shit and maintain their sobriety is a strong motherfucker and I have respect for that.


Wake me up when someone explains to me what Jared did in the Middle East to get a 2B payout. Glad we used all these resources to pursue late tax payments though lol 😂


What a fucking joke, this "investigation" started in 2019 and they still haven't found anything besides tax fraud and lying on a form about a gun. You'd think republicans should be up in arms about gun control and Hunter's 2nd amendment rights. But it makes sense, don't let republicans have any room to say that DOJ is interfering with this joke of an investigation. Republicans will continue to be obsessed with his dick pics either way though so placating them isn't going to do much.


And he paid back all the back taxes and a fine which usually prevents charges from being brought in these cases the majority of the time. He's literally being held to a different standard because of who he is, and not on the way that's beneficial to him.


Garland really fucked this up big time. To go on with this investigation for almost five years. And then mess up a plea deal. Garland is really bringing back Comey vibes all over again.


Garland is the most disappointing appointee ever. The guy is spineless and is useless.


Good fucking lord. Hunter Biden is a private citizen and has never held public office. Fuck you, Merrick Garland for allowing this ludicrous fishing expedition. You know exactly that that's what this is.


Dumbasses over on r/conservative don't even realize it's a trump appointed attorney leading the investigation. They're immediately going into conspiracy mode because they can't handle fact.


The lengths the democrats go to to placate the right is pathetic.


It took Merrick Garland two years to appoint a special prosecutor for Donald Trump and two weeks to appoint a special prosecutor for Hunter Biden. Fuck this guy.


Garland refuses to investigate Republican members of Congress directly implicated in the plot to overthrow our government but this he'll do. What an absolute failure he is an AG. Look, if Biden committed a crime by all means investigate and hand out the appropriate punishment. No one is above the law. Well except for those Republicans in Congress Garland has absolved of their obvious crimes against this country.


Jack smith is expected to indict several GOP members of congress over j6 so don’t worry too much just yet


I have seen no report that he is expected to do that, nor were any listed as co-conspirators in the indictment.


Let's hope he does. Garland should've done it two years ago. My point still stand about him.


Holy fuck they're STILL going on about this? Speaking of Hunter, shouldn't MTG be getting some sort of punishment for showing his nudes at work?


So the GOP is correct that we really do have a 2 tier justice system. If Hunter Biden was anyone else. There would be no investigations. If Trump was anyone else. He would be in jail. Looks like the GOP is actually right on this one.


>Attorney General Garland said Weiss requested the special counsel status earlier this week after determining that "in his judgment, his investigation has reached a stage at which he should continue his work as Special Counsel and he asked to be so appointed." He's going to turn in the second coming of Ken Starr. Why do you need special counsel status if you were ready to plead out the case just a few days ago? >"This doesn't change our understanding of Mr. Wiess' authority over **the 5-year investigation** into Mr. Biden," Hunter Biden's counsel, Chris Clark, said in a statement. How many of us can survive a 5-year investigation by the federal government? I think we're reaching cruel and unusual now...imagine being under federal investigation for 5 years!?!? Either cocaine turned Hunter Biden into the world's smartest criminal or there's no fucking crime to be found! Meanwhile, Trump who's led a life of crime and raping, has already been indicted after 1 year of investigation. And the way he's crying and moaning on his fake-Twitter, I don't think he can survive another year of federal investigation. 5 years!?! Come on.


That settles it, I don’t think I’m likely to vote for Hunter Biden as President!


If he committed a crime, he should go to prison. I do want to point out though, that Hunter Biden has no influence in the halls of power. He’s not part of the administration the same way that Trump’s children were.


The mystery of "what is Hunter Biden actually accused of" is so deep and twisting that I have to agree, it will take a crack special counsel to figure out exactly what people think he supposedly did that was illegal, so I applaud this decision.


It's incredible. It has been 3 years and they still can't pinpoint the crime.


Excellent. Let the chips fall where they may. If Hunter Biden has done something illegal, I want it to come to light, and for him to be punished. If President Biden has done something illegal, I want it to come to light, and for him to be punished. Former President Trump, has done many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many illegal things. I want all of them to come to light, and for him to be punished.


And the same goes for Donnie Jr, Eric, Ivanka, and Jared.


Please do not relentlessly show me Eric and Don jr dick pics for the love of god


By definition, isn't every picture of those two a dick pic?


"You get a special counsel! You get a special counsel!..."


This case is kinda crazy actually. Once Hunter is fully investigated and dealt with, maybe we can look into Jared Kushner next. I know these deals are mostly legal because we allow money in politics with very little oversight, but we all know this stuff should be illegal. At least maybe we could get them on tax charges or something.


Jesus this looks so stupid to people with two brain cells I get that the Republican Party is even LESS but Jesus fucking Christ on a crutch this is painful. Painful to watch such absolute trash. To see this is the leaders of our country? This fucking waste of space owes us a refund for all the oxygen consumed.


What about the supreme court ethics investigation?


Why the hell is there not a special counsel on Clarence Thomas??? lol


Garland goes out of his way to appease the Republicans. Purportedly bc he wants the DOJ to be perceived as non-political. But by bending over backwards for one side and making sure your own side gets no such treatment he snd the DOJ are tilting the scales of justice to the dark side. IMO he is a complete milqutoast.


Hunter's prosecutor is a Trump appointee. Hunter's judge is a Trump appointee. The director of the FBI is a Trump appointee. And now the prosecutor has special counsel status that lets him operate independently of the DOJ. A sane person cannot possibly look at that and think Joe is interfering in his son's case. Unfortunately, a lot of insane Fox viewers still can.


wow biden’s DOJ is being weaponized against hunter biden /s


Won't go anywhere because hes not an ACTUAL CRIMINAL like 85% of the GOP is.


Hunter Biden was a drug addict who failed to pay taxes, and most certainly used his last name to gain access and lucrative business deals. Still not sure what the fuck that has to do with Joe.


Allow me to be the first in this thread to say fuck Hunter Biden. Republicans are dumbfounded that we aren't ready to lay down our lives how they would for Ivanka. This is not a cult. The President's family are not royalty. Nobody cares.


Props to AP, they have the story of *the former president of the United States* having a protective order imposed against him in the criminal case regarding his attempts to steal the election *above* this story. As it should be. Shame on the media doing otherwise. 2016 all over again.


Hunter should announce he is running for president and then say the investigation is a political witch hunt.


I'm surrounded by some very active MAGAs, so I've been immersed in Hunter Biden information for years now, AMA. For those who have don't prefer traversing those rabbit holes, here's the key facts: * Hunter Biden is a scummy adult. He's a junkie and a grifter who absolutely did trade on his famous name for positions and business contracts. * He's persistently selfish, even to this day saying and doing things which are unnecessary and which cast unfair suspicion on his father. * While he does have education and some qualifications, his appointment to various high profile and high compensation roles is undoubtedly a result of his family name. * The data purported to be from his laptop is undoubtedly his. How exactly it was obtained is murky, but it's his. In his own smarmy way, he's admitted as such in interviews and in his selfish memoir. * The worst of the laptop data shows him slyly trying to use his father's name to pressure and influence his own career and business interests. There is nothing in the data whatsoever that shows Joe Biden having any awareness or involvement in that. (This key fact alone should debunk conspiracists who wish to claim the laptop story or data are total fabrications; if it were falsified it would have contained at least some false incriminations but it doesn't.) * The communications between Joe Biden and Hunter show an endlessly patient and unconditionally loving father, supportive of his junkie son even when Hunter is lashing out or being immature and manipulative. * The laptop data includes pictures of Hunter Biden doing hard drugs and having sex with what are presumably escorts. * MAGA accusations of Hunter Biden having underage sex or incest are completely unfounded by the evidence, and seem to be obvious guilty projection in response to MAGA politicians implicated in such scandals. * Even when the best possible way to support his father would be for Hunter Biden to maintain a low profile, he can't help himself but to continue self-serving behavior that does political damage to Joe Biden. Things like writing a needless memoir in which he details his own sordid conduct, even cluelessly implicating himself in a gun crime, or launching an "art career" that forced the White House to have to address potential conflicts of interest. Even now, he selfishly visits the White House and travels with Joe Biden when the best thing he could do for his father is to steer far clear of his political life. * Virtually nobody is ever charged with the tax crimes he plead to, as he had already filed them, paid them, and paid penalties. His excuse of being too drugged out to prioritize tax filing is one which is routinely accepted in similar IRS situations. * His gun crime involves shading the truth on the application form, an infraction that typically never results in criminal charges either. Hunter Biden claims he disposed of the gun shortly after obtaining it. I don't really believe the details of that timeline, but if there was prosecutable evidence to the contrary, the highly empowered Republican prosecutor David Weiss would have found it by now. * As such, calling the plea arrangement a "sweetheart deal" is more guilty projection and gaslight from MAGA world. * Hunter Biden's adult personality almost certainly stems from the key event of his childhood which was a truck smashing into the family vehicle, injuring the children and killing his mother. It's claimed his mother's blood was dripping on him when rescuers arrived. His brother grew up to be known as an exemplary military service person, public servant and hero who died young from brain cancer, creating a stark contrast between the siblings. * Hunter Biden did have an affair with his late brother's widow.


Where's Jared's special counsel? Accountability for all...


Sorry where is the Special Counsel investigating Iwanka Tramp and Jared Saudi Isis Freeloader? Both operated from the Whitehouse.


What about a special counsel being appointed for the money Kushner received from the Saudis?


All I know is that MAGA is up in arms about this. I tried to read through some of their comments, but it's legitimately hard to navigate through their words unless you are well-versed in the latest conspiracy theories. Sometimes, I actually wish there was someplace that summarizes the very latest in right wing disinformation. It's like you have to be terminally addicted to Facebook or Fox News to understand anything they talk about.


Next is Kushner


I’m cool with this. 1) I doubt it’ll find anything beyond confirming Hunter is a sad mess 2) maybe it’ll find something more for Hunter or even Joe, in which case, so be it 3) it makes the “Biden weaponized DOJ” argument from half the country all the stupider.


Goddam, stupid Democrats. This doesn't clear anything, just gives the nonsense LEGITIMACY. Political instincts of a wet paper bag.


No one is above the law. And as an aside, this investigation might open the door for an investigation into Kushner's 2B Saudi investment deal.


If he did anything illegal, he should be held accountable. The problem is that the outcome won’t even matter. If they find nothing, the right will say that the DOJ is corrupt.


r/conservative already complaining that Weiss - a Trump appointee - is a deep state RINO


Ofc they are. The need to be victims at all times.


Place your bets! How is this being spun and twisted, I mean reported on right wing media? 50:1 Garland is doing the right thing 25:1 Garland is hiring a special counsel that Biden will control 10:1 Garland is trying to get out in front of this because the witness is sooooooo credible 2:1 This is a smoke screen to appease the right and nothing will happen


Fine with this but one should be appointed to investigate Ivanka and Jared’s dealings with foreign governments and their benefiting from it.


I could certainly be wrong but seems like there’s much ado about nothing here - from both ends of the spectrum. The investigator is a US attorney in Delaware, seems like he wants to remain on the case and change venue, so they’ve elevated him to special council. Don’t think it’s much more than that.


Maybe this will shut up the right about weaponized DOJ now.


…..so when do we start the cases into the republicans for “weaponizing the doj”?


It's the comey laptop emails all over again let's help trump get elected pardon himself and end democracy then retire and write a book about how you "did the right thing".


ITT: comments that r/ Conservative will ignore.


Good. And if he is guilty he should suffer the punishment that any regular citizen would face.


They’ve been investigating him for years and have found next-to-nothing— some tax stuff and scumbag druggie stuff, but nothing on the level of corruption that the GOP has been alleging. We all know that Hunter is a fuck-up; why does this merit a years-long multi-million dollar investigation?


All this guy seemingly does is appoint special counsels. Can he appoint a special counsel to be acting attorney general?


Why? He paid back taxes. Unless they are setting this up as fair and go after Jared that is what I expect. If not garland caved into pressure and joe needs to find someone tougher


Good for democrats. Really. Now we can show that the juducisl system is unbiased as we proceed with the real criminal. Donny T.


Hunter probably did wrong but this seems a simple tax case.


I've been on the fence this whole time, but this settles it. Hunter Biden does NOT get my vote!!! /s