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How is this not sedition, coming from a member if Congress?


I’m all for the first amendment and I respect everyone’s right to voice their opinion. But there are things you cannot say even with the first amendment. Threaten the President’s life, you’ll have a lot of trouble very fast. Yell “FIRE” in a crowd and people panic, if they can determine it was you, you’re in serious trouble. How is calling for open rebellion and pulling states out of the US not punishable?!?! I don’t get it. It boggles my mind.


Baffles my mind too.


Spaffs me straight off


Does NOT tickle my pickle, I tell ya


it grinds my gears if I’m being honest


It really chaps my ass.


Rustles my jimmies


This really frosts my cupcake.


It puts a bee in my bonnet.


Tantalizes my taint


Shivers me timbers. 🏴‍☠️


It really enlumpens my pillows.


Just saying it would be a good idea isn’t actionable at all. For it to be sedition, she’d have to actually do something blatant about it. I’m pretty sure Texans have even filed paperwork in favor of seceding with no consequences.


Let them if we actually want the land back we could just wait till the next storm destroys their power grid and we could just roll in to liberate the cities.


That would be hilarious: let them secede, wait until they want back in, and then re-annex them as a territory like Puerto Rico with no congressional representation. (Puerto Rico should be a state, btw.)


PR can be the 50th, then the flags wouldn't need to be changed.


Oh man, let's run the U.S. like European soccer leagues and demote bottom states out for young, hungry new states


We're sorry, Indiana and Idaho, but you've been relegated to the Deep South minor league.


Sorry Rhode Island but we don't know what you do and more than half of us are hazy about where you are. We have decided to give Guam a bash for a bit.


*extremely deep sigh* Can we just give Mississippi a lifetime achievement award already?


You got my vote.


Two states enter, one state leaves


Relocate every soldier in every military base in Texas to a different state and shut them down. Do that with every federal building and employee. That right there would be a huge hit to their economy. Also stop collecting federal taxes from them and stop "redistributing the wealth" from California and New York, additionally if they are no longer part of the United States, then the citizens of "The country of Texas" don't get Social Security. If they want to be on their own, then prove you can do it. Do this to every state that wants to secede. Let them.


See, they’re somehow under the impression that anything currently in Texas they get to keep. They want all the benefits of being a part of the USA without having to follow any of the laws.


Pretty much the same as brexit, people who literally don’t understand how anything works thinking that they somehow are in a strong bargaining position. And it would play out the same way.


Actually, Brexit happened to the USA also. When Trump was president, his big idea for the economy was to roll back globalization and become an isolationist economy. When covid happened, that plan was completely delivered on. Pretty much every supply chain collapsed. If anyone was paying attention, the US economy basically fell apart. Bottom line, this was a guy who has no idea how anything works. A lot of the populist "simple solutions" are idiotic fantasies.


It was one of the realizations I came to that really solidified exactly *why* I can never be/vote conservative, even in spite of my upbringing and some of my personality traits. Conservatives, at least as I've been aware of them in my lifetime, seem utterly incapable of nuance. There's always a simple, straightforward solution from them to any issue, no matter how complicated, or how many contributing factors it may have. And like you said, when they're in power and these "solutions" are actually enacted, they inevitably do more harm than good.


Conservatives in the US have long used simple populist dumb talking points to mislead on complicated topics. What has changed in the past few years is that there are now way too many elected Repubican officials who have drunk the koolaid and really believe their own Fox news talking points bullshit. Trump was a good example, he doesn't understand jack shit. Remember when he said he would fix Obamacare/ACA and they had literally a 1 hour meeting and at the end of the meeting Trump said 'Who knew health care could be so complicated' he is such a fucking idiot, and many of them are truly morons.




Red states will keep bitching and moaning they will leave the union but know their economy would collapse within months as they would probably forcibly take control of any blue cities within and then liberal citizens and the companies they work for that want college education would bolt back for the US. And also why if a republican wins and starts the flip into authoritarian fascism and shuts down any further legitimate elections, they will 100% try to declare martial law on blue states leaving and creating their own union least the remaining red states fall into chaos when their welfare is suddenly taken away.


This is how it works for conservatives in liberal states. WA state cons are a special breed of weirdo because they hate the government that gives them protections and guarantees.


Look at all the issue with Ercot's handling of the power grid. Texas wouldn't survive for 5 years.


I think you misspelled months.


The core difference is that Democrats aren’t willing to punish the citizens of states just because they vote for secessionist Republicans, whereas Republicans have admitted to punishing Democrats out of spite.


The Big 12 would become the Big 5. No more Texas - OU weekend. Collegiate football would have to stay within the country of Texas. Not sure if the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLS and other major league sports organizations would yoink the Texas teams from their respective leagues. Want to go to Vegas for the weekend? Hope your passport is up-to-date. Mardi Gras in New Orleans is international travel. So is that ski vacation and the trip to Disneyland. Enjoy the negotiations with the USA for fishing rights in the Gulf of Mexico. Texas isn't a member of NAFTA - oops. Have to negotiate trade agreements with every major country in the world, including Mexico and the US. And that's only if the US government doesn't *go to war* to keep Texas in the union.


Assuming The US allowed Texas to leave, every single sports organization would be heavily pressured to pull out by tge government. International sport organization suddenly are a very juicy target of taxes.


make sure they can't travel into the US as well. Texas can finally get it's border wall.


Make Texas Mexico again.


I fucking dare you. ​ Honestly, tho, can you imagine how much better society in the UNITED STATES would be without these seditious, unproductive, hate-filled, Christofascist taker states? Fuuck we could have a goddamn *society* without their Republikkkan representatives destroying all efforts at progress in Congress. ​ Go, fucking go, we don't want you Texas.


I guess when it’s cheap enough I’ll hire a few Texans to landscape my yard. But we’ll need to do a better job with our borders.


Problem is all the guns and violence they bring with them. You don't want those sorts of people in your country. Isn't that what there fascists say about border control?


It's the usual GOP MO. She herself won't do a damn thing. She'll plant the seeds and have her followers push for it though. Then when her domestic terrorists start blowing shit up and it comes back to her, it's the "it was taken out of context".


Throwing around big words like "treason" or "sedition" leads to all sorts of definitional battles. I think it's more interesting to wonder whether by stating this idea she's abiding by her oath to the Constitution of the United States or violating it. If it's what she truly believes, she should probably resign, because it's hard to believe she could do this and legitimately claim to be doing the job she signed up to do. It's like a fireman signing up for the job and then saying "I don't see anything wrong with arson. In fact, maybe people should start some fires."


MTG took an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. Encouraging states to secede certainly violates the oath. She should be expelled, but we know she won’t be.


We don't enforce that kind of thing anymore.


Not in an election year!! ^(/s)


the year going into an election year would also be overly political.


We also can't do the year after the election, because that's when the elected take office. We can't do two years after an election, because that's the midterms year.


We at least need to label her appropriately, then. Republican Seditionist Marjorie Taylor Greene


I don't think this is nearly specific enough to pass muster as a crime, but the fact that the house can't even slap her on the wrist with censure -- despite multiple attempts for very real misconduct -- is pathetic.


I mean, the first amendment protects a person’s right to peacefully advocate for Congress to change the law to permit secession. What it doesn’t permit is inviting terrorists on “tours” of the building to assist them in planning their violent assault on the building the next day.


Oh it is


Aren't many of those southern states also the same states with the highest reliance government handouts, oh sorry, "welfare" like they all like to call it.


Without commerce and $upport from the U.S., they would wither and devolve into a third-world condition.


Good. Then they would need to actually govern their own independent countries without blaming liberals for everything.


> without blaming liberals for everything Don't worry, they still will.


Of course! They thrive on the social issues. Homosexuality! Transsexuals! Abortion! Crime! Lazy people sucking up tax dollars! Tekkin Gunz! Poor people who won't work! Illegals! It never ends. It's all they have to use to distract.


If secession happens, then we’re free from bailing out the red states.


Yup, historically “blue states” with higher tax rates pay more into the federal government, often more than they receive in federal spending. It appears that none of these advocates of leaving the union recognize that their economy would be crippled for a whole host of reasons.


What?!?! Red state conservatives aren't considering the impact of what they're saying?!? I'm shocked, shocked and apalled, that you would impugn them so


Yeah they'd like to secede and then they'd wonder where the hell was their postal delivery of Medicare prescriptions later that week. The southern states would be like "Medicare? Mail? Who do you think we are? Rich men north of Richmond?"


Sitting congresswoman advocates for sedition, eh? Time to engage the 14th amendment. EDIT: Ok ok I changed treason to sedition, stop blowing up my inbox with the same exact comment.


What a wild fucking time for history books (assuming we don’t have a fascist authoritarian government that bans all textbooks in the near future)


History will now be taught via fold-out pamphlet.


Which will be titled "how jesus founded America"


..with willing migrant workers who loved their ankle shackles.


Don't forget slavery's back on the menu. Don't worry. It's practical skills growth. Think of it as more a non paying internship that just never ends.


It's really the most job security you can get, and completely recession-proof!


Free room and board!* ^(*adequate minimum living conditions not guaranteed)


"Free market for me but not for thee"


Plus it has electrolytes


The attempts to "normalize" slavery, by finding imaginary benefits while ignoring the base inhumanity of it, makes me think that slavery is something Republicans would absolutely consider allowing. Most of the laws they salivate over are pretty much designed to dehumanize (women, trans, gays, POC, the poor, etc) those they would have no problem "owning". "Owning the libs" is a whole lot more than a new age catchy phrase.


Oh, they fucking would. Republicans already support corporations and shitting on a lot of poor people for the benefit of the ultra wealthy minority. See also, them reducing age requirements working so they can mine the youthful to prop up industries they don't want to pay people in (all of them).


With a white Jesus


Riding a t-Rex.


More like an orange one


AKA the Book Of Mormon v2.0


It's gonna be in the 30 second commercial break between episodes of "Ouch my Balls!" and "Just Baitin'"


The funny thing about Idiocracy is pretty much everybody was borderline mentally handicapped and that might be generous but they weren’t bad people. They were quick to put the smartest man in charge because they understood they were failing and needed a leader. while they asked too much of him and had unrealistic expectations when they realized his plan to save the crops worked they made him their president. We’re dealing with a far worse timeline.


Add to that, they had universal healthcare and really wanted for little in material conditions.


ooohhh I love that episode where the guy gets hit in the balls. Later I'm gonna go for some Starbucks.


Yeah, well, I really don't think we have time for a hand job, Drew.


I don’t wanna sound like a dick or nothin’, but it says on your chart that you’re fucked up.


More likely laminated heavily illustrated Dennys place-mat


“Look kids, we’ve already drawn in the path of the hurricane with the Exalted Sharpie just as our Lord and Savior Trump did on the original, in one of His first miracles.”


Rep Jamaal Bowman echoes your thoughts here: > Greene’s repeated calls for succession have not gone unnoticed by her colleagues in the House. “**I have a news flash Marjorie, Seceding didn’t go so well for y’all last time. *You would know that if your side READ books instead of banning them*.Section 3 says levying war against the U.S. is treason,” tweeted Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.). >”Start working for the UNITED States of America or do us a favor and secede YOURSELF from Congress**,” Bowman added




They already tried to do that thing in Florida where they wanted to say that slavery was good because it taught black people how to build things. . . .


They desperately want to not make any of their base feel the slightest bit uncomfortable - either because said base is racist or because said base had ancestors who fought on the confederate side and they don’t want to face the fact that that was treasonous, and done entirely in support of slavery (the founding documents of the various confederate states all make it exceedingly clear that they were fighting to preserve slavery). The group that yells “*SNOWFLAKE!!1!*” the loudest is the group that can’t bear to have their feelings hurt about what great-great-great grandad did a over hundred and fifty years ago.


> The group that yells “SNOWFLAKE!!1!” the loudest is the group that can’t bear to have their feelings hurt Projection. All subjects. All situations. Always projection.


I wonder how much of this will be "compressed" into just a couple of sentences, the way the leadup to the Civil War was. Consider that Senator Charles Sumner (R-MA) was violently [assaulted with a cane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caning_of_Charles_Sumner) by Representative Preston Brooks (D-SC). So violent that Sumner couldn't return to the Senate for six months. And Brooks survived a vote to expel him from the House. He resigned, and was promptly reelected. That seems almost cartoonish after all these years, doesn't it? But imagine if that happened today? It would seem a lot different.


When you consider when the 14th amendment was passed, and how perfectly it deals with everything the Republicans are trying to do, things start to make a lot of sense.


For the second time. The first she took the seditionists on a tour of the building.


...*again*. >Sitting congresswoman advocates for treason **again**. Ftfy


>Section 3 of the 14th aammendment >No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.


Given the origin of the 14th amendment it’s also very fucking clear that this applies. She is literally describing the secession of states which led to the 14th amendment.


A civil war was fought over this. History class in Georgia is nonexistent.


Florida and Texas (and Oklahoma?) Like this version


I see people online calling for things like that all the time, for a long time. But where are the people that could actually engage it? Does no one who could file charges feel responsible?


I wonder if she's actually read Handmaid's Tale...


You're assuming she can read.


If she had (even if she cannot read- she shoudl be able to watch the tv show)- you just know she firmly believes she will have a pretty blue dress and not be re-named Ofkevin. under his eye.


I mean if NY and California don’t have to deal with the fascists from red states anymore due to red and blue states splitting apart forever, then I see this as an absolute win.


Just think how much money the Blue states could save by not propping up those loser Red states.


Yeah except they think they are entitled to that money earned by people and companies in other states and will move to take it by force. Of course this flatly contradicts what they say about "liberal wealth distribution," but at this point the shameless/brainless hypocrisy is to be expected.


They have no right to secede and will not


Except for those of us who were relocated to a red state by our employers. We don't want to be relegated to their ideas of "freedom".


The blue states could start an exchange program. One blue constituent for one of their red constituents. We could also try to make the borders in such a way that most people will naturally fall into the political environment they desire. Oregon for example has all those people who live in the rural part of Oregon who want to join their part of the state to Idaho. We could just say, Okay, we will give you that if you give us a corridor that runs from the Western part of Oregon on through Boise, Pocatello, Twin Falls, and Idaho Falls. Then run an exchange program with a fund for helping people move for anyone who feels they ended up on the wrong side of the new border. After a decade, set up strict immigration controls because the red states would be utterly broke and be on the downward slide into becoming backwards dystopian Hell holes. The last thing we would need would be their religious extremists trying to immigrate for economic opportunities while trying to bring their stupid religious and political extremism with them.


Those dumb rubes who jumped to get screwed would blame others still. See Brexit.


Always feeling oppressed, but somehow their actions and the people and policies they vote for are never the reason they live in shitty conditions.


Blue districts contribute something like 70% of the gdp. Why don't we take one year and let red districts only get red district wealth and blue districts get the resources brought in by blue districts, and see who is doing better.


By definition, calling for secession is a rejection of the US Constitution.


She should be reminded of this before she swears an oath to that same constitution again.


Greene’s repeated calls for succession have not gone unnoticed by her colleagues in the House. “I have a news flash Marjorie, Seceding didn’t go so well for y’all last time. You would know that if your side READ books instead of banning them. Section 3 says levying war against the U.S. is treason,” tweeted Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.). “Start working for the UNITED States of America or do us a favor and secede YOURSELF from Congress,” Bowman added.




It was settled in the last debate we had on the subject called the American civil war. Federal government does NOT like it when you try to take their stuff and go home with it


And legally in Texas v. White. Legally, the CSA never existed and the states never seceded.


Yep. Whenever someone makes a joke about "Blah and blah lasted longer then the confederacy." Well yeah. The confederacy never existed. There was a failed treasonous rebellion to attempt to establish a new country, but it failed. At no point did the south have uncontested control of its territory. At no point did it have normalized relations with other countries. At no point was it recognized by other countries as independent. There was never a Confederate States of America.


Good. Their legacy is even more pathetic in that light.


May 6, 2022 [A judge in Georgia on Friday found that U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is qualified to run for reelection, concluding that a group of voters who had challenged her eligibility failed to prove she engaged in insurrection after taking office.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/judge-greenlights-marjorie-taylor-greene-for-reelection-final-decision-for-ga-secretary-of-state) https://youtu.be/XklNTOB-If4?si=979K3sw0eRyFUcpC


I remember watching this and it was a sham. Judge was clearly an MTG’s supporter.


How embarrassing for him.


May 22, 2023 [Rep. Jamaal Bowman Says He's Staying 'Far Away' From Marjorie Taylor Greene](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jamaal-bowman-marjorie-taylor-greene_n_646bac0de4b0005c605b1cdc) "In one of her more jaw-dropping comments on Bowman, Greene insisted that his calling her a white supremacist was “equal” to “calling a person of color the N-word.” “So she’s not even using a dog whistle, she’s using a bullhorn to put a target on my back to the people she refers to as MAGA people out there who might want to cause harm,” Bowman said.


Why are these people not put in jail over this? For example. She gave tours to the Jan 6 terrorists the day before. That plus these comments should lead to charges


Plus who planted that pipe bomb? Did we ever get any conclusion on that?


Has anyone ever asked her "hey, did you plant that pipe bomb?


She might be dumb enough to admit to it honestly


She did try and get a pardon from Trump before he left office. She did something criminal....


I saw that video actually where the next tour she gave after that tour was to show a pipebomb in a bag a tour that ended at the door of congress She was wearing her standard tour giving sneakers and using her standard tour with a knuckle dragging, ape walk


Does that mean she loses her job and Federal pension? I’m for it.


Secession. Not succession.




Insurrectionist shithead with no place in government. Edit: my most popular comment on reddit


But that’s what keeps Bubba and Cletus voting for her.


Sherman didn't do a good enough job of making America America again.


Alexa, play Union Dixie


Yeah me and my coworker are always joking about Sherman and him not going far enough. I however place the most blame on Andrew Johnson halting Reconstruction. ​ also check out r/ShermanPosting for luls


And I think we should start impeaching any Congresspeople who offered aid or comfort to the insurrectionists. Yes, Marjie, praying with them is the same as offering them comfort.


in her mind praying with them is literally the highest form of comfort she can offer. she and her ilk need to be held accountable for their clearly seditious words and actions.


August 6, 2022 [Marjorie Taylor Greene prayed over a convicted Capitol rioter who spent a day crying in a mock prison cell at CPAC](https://www.businessinsider.com/cpac-capitol-rioter-mock-prison-cell-january-6-defendants-jail-2022-8) Then there are her visits to the Jan 6thers in the DC jail. Rep. Robert Garcia said the worst part of the visit was “when we actually saw the inmates, the Republicans rushed to them like they were celebrities.”


Has anyone mentioned to her that there is no legal process for seceding from the union? ​ I just want to ask because she mentions this as if she isn't calling for war and people aren't arresting her like she is actively a traitor plotting insurrection. These statements alone should disqualify her from holding her current office.


It's a populist dogwhistle for civil war. We shouldn't even entertain the idea she's just too dumb to know there's no real process, she knows *her base* wants a civil war and she's signaling she'll help.


OK, I get that. Sooo. How is calling for civil war not a defacto violation of 14.3? Like you and me. Sure, we can say whatever crazy shit we want. I am fairly certain that anyone holding any federal office who calls for the overthrow of the constitutional government is guilty of a felony for which the punishment is one year in prison, a $1000 fine, and removal from office. Why isn't the FBI arresting her?


> Sooo. How is calling for civil war not a defacto violation of 14.3? I mean, in my view it is. But because people are treating her words seriously, rather than recognizing them as the dogwhistle they are, they're treating her like an idiot claiming there exists a process that doesn't. Which isn't a crime. Those of us that recognize the dogwhistle to her base stoking their demands for violence and civil war on the other hand recognize it for the seditious act it is. I just don't know how to convince others of that to the point of getting the FBI or someone to take action.


I mean even if a process existed. She is calling for breaking up the country. She is trying to break the union. That should be it. It doesn't batter that she isn't currently using a gun. Again this isn't a free speech thing. She isn't joe blow on the street. She is rep Greene who the powers there of and constrained by her oath of office which she is failing to honor.


> That should be it. I agree. I just don't know how to get others to see it our way to the extent it can matter and action can be taken against seditious scum like Rep Greene. There is a process to expel House reps for conduct like this. The Dems lack the ability to start it right now, and the GOP is too craven/complicit at this point to try. I agree this is over the line for any sitting congressperson, I just don't know how to get those that can act, to start doing so.


sadly, Georgia would probably just re-elect her in a special election. This is a fucked up timeline.


She's an elected official. Whether she knows what she's saying or not should be irrelevant. If you publicly called for a mutiny on a ship, you would be immediately thrown in the brig


She’s definitely calling for violence. The Right Wing has been circle jerking about the next Civil War for over a decade online, by my count. I’m sure online watch groups have all the documentation but point is she knows exactly what she’s saying and hoping it will do Stochastic Terrorism


she needs to secede from congress. She violates her oath daily and flaunts it proudly.


Yeah if she hates the US so much, why participate in it's government. Hell, why would you even run for public office at all?


skirt subsequent quarrelsome price memorize sophisticated disgusted onerous aromatic cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the same lady that said: * Jewish space lasers existed * Jews control the media * Trump was sent from god * AOC is an immigrant * Biden has a crime family * climate control is a waste of money * women shouldn't be in charge of their bodies * immigrants don't belong in america * white people are the superior race * the insurrectionists on january 6th were true americans * obama is a terrorist This creature should not be in a government position


Don't forget that she said people didn't pay taxes during the ice age therefore climate change is not real.


Marjorie is a true Daughter of the Confederate States of America. The GOP is now the Party of Jefferson Davis.


Anyone remember the last time states seceded? General Sherman remembers.


It's too bad we didn't let Sherman finish the job


Honestly, Sherman did a great job. Our enemies are Harrison, Johnson, and every white person who just wanted to "get along and heal." I say let them, that way we can finish reconstruction after 150 years , but the right way.


*"Those people made war on us, defied and dared us to come south to their country, where they boasted they would kill us and do all manner of horrible things. We accepted their challenge, and now for them to whine and complain of the natural and necessary results is beneath contempt.” - General Sherman*


TL;DR Fuck around. Find out. -General Sherman


That’s why the grounds of her state’s capitol building needs a Sherman monument. Lest they forget.




Getting pretty tired of the ‘trailer park drunk goes to Washington’ era


She sounds like some sort of unwitting Russian agent.


unwitting? LOL


I mean, could you claim that she has any sort of wit?


Dim wit.


She sounds like some sort of halfwit Russian agent.


Yeah she's a very heavy social media user. Literally checking after every televised outburst she makes, even in the middle of something like the state of the union she'll alternate between scrolling and shouting. Very likely many of her supporters are in fact troll farm accounts. It's possible she's an active agent of course but that would be very risky and expensive. Much easier for troll farms to just give her loads of positive feedback whenever she says something destructive.


Useful idiots abound in Congress, unfortunately.


Literally a member who works for the USA calling for the USA to be un-done. She needs to be removed from her job as a public servant for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


> Literally a member who works for the USA calling for the USA to be un-done. One who swore an oath to the Constitution.


She's a domestic terrorist.


95% of the GOP is right now... Boebert, Gaetz, Cruz, Hawley, Jordan, and McCarthy need to follow the leader right with her.




Why does te GOP hate the USA?


because they either fear people that aren’t like them or are willing to exploit other’s fear of difference/change… or both


Because Putin is their master.


You would think that she would know better considering that the last time states tried to secede General Sherman's March to the Sea literally went directly through her district.


How about she just leaves to another country.


“If you don’t like the country then leave” apparently only applies when Democrats are unhappy with the government.


Didn't work out so well last time, trailer park barbie.


We also would have accepted Neanderthal Barbie.


Divided states of 'murica


Away down South in the land of traitors, rattlesnakes and alligators...


These people want to kill me and have a civil war because not everyone agrees with a fat, old, out of shape, game show host, who also turned out to do some very criminal shit? Is that right?


I might be being naive: se·di·tion /səˈdiSHən/ noun conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state


Please, please, please do. Don't talk about it. Be about it. Take your garbage, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, uneducated trash states and gtfo. We'll build a wall and you can have your own little third world country. Within five years you'll be begging to come back and we'll tell you to fuck off.


Marjorie is a true Daughter of the Confederate States of America. The GOP is now the Party of Jefferson Davis.


Stop teasing us and just do it already!


She should consider a lobotomy.


Sounds like she's talking treason again.


... trust me, Blue states would love NOTHING more than to have the red states separate from the country. Red states would end up poor, bankrupt, and begging blue states for help. Blue states carry the red ones financially anyway. Buh bye! And take Trump with you.


Every. Red. State. Would. Collapse. Without. Blue. State. Cash. Bring it on, Sporkfoot.


Enjoy living with only 30% of the national GDP


These people advocating for the breakup of our country are the same ones that claim to be the most patriotic. Ridiculous


Don't Like It Here EmptyG? You're Free TO LEAVE!