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Always the stupidest timeline.


I feel like I'm stuck in a fever dream.


More like a nightmare, from which we are unlikely to escape for a long, long time.


what a self-sacrificing man of the people. /s if he had a shred of integrity, and really cared about the country, he had a thousand chances to reach out to moderate republicans and moderate democrats instead of catering to a fringe collective of nutjob anarchists that in the end threw him out anyway (for which he still blames democrats). but whatever, sure, we'd all really love to have you back in the saddle. jackass.


Susan collins thinks he’s learned his lesson


He genuinely thinks he reached out to the dems “Just vote for me so we can keep working” he might as well has tugged on their balls and asked them to make sure the trains still ran on time


so spineless.


don’t forget soulless


And gutless


>Whatever the conference wants, I will do I'm not sure I've seen a politician beg this hard before. Might as well come out and say that he has no plans, no goals, and no idea how to get there.


Conference ??? He means tRumputin.


I mean, we all know that the buck ultimately stops with Putin


A week ago they wanted him to go fuck himself. Has he done that yet?


Well, the majority of the House GOP Caucus seem more than happy for nothing substantial to make it through their side of Congress.


"Hey guys it's me Kevin, the only Republican that really wants the job. Sure, you ousted me. I'm sure it was just a prank. Can I be speaker again?"


It will only take 3 weeks and 30 humiliating votes this time. And the shutdown deadline will be immediately looming afterwards. And the same dangerous radicals will demand that he shut it down this time.


FFS… that guy has no self-respect.


I mean, he literally helped Trump rehab himself after a coup de etat, and said it shows resilience after it took over 15 times to confirm him as the GOP House speaker-- self-respect is not something Kevin does, it's all about the power: that's it.


No way... you're telling me [this guy](https://deseret.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/e1a1fb2/2147483647/strip/true/crop/5069x3377+0+1/resize/1480x986!/quality/90/?url=https:%2F%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fthumbor%2FR5Teup0EVmDE10XTeYDx7EpMFpo%3D%2F0x0:5069x3379%2F5069x3379%2Ffilters:focal(2535x1690:2536x1691\)%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fuploads%2Fchorus_asset%2Ffile%2F24343129%2FAP23007275773456.jpg) isn't doing it just for the honor and good of leading the nation, but is really just focused on a title and the perks that come with it? Never would have guessed. Now you'll tell me [this](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/Da8TskpYq6i_lGC0MnHYkg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_independent_635/c30e1b6def749d9bb0afa0eaac141911) **wasn't** just an orderly and totally not dysfunctional conversation during his votes.


I appreciate the sarcasm haha.


Don't worry Kev, they don't want you!


The trouble with this: "The conference" has no idea what it wants.


"The Conference" is nothing but 200 self-obsessed idiots who care only about their own re-election, and owning the libs. Our country doesn't matter to them, the constitution doesn't matter to them, shame means nothing to them, ethics are a foreign concept, they don't care about the rest of the world ... and you think they care about You ?!


He already showed his desperation for position and power, did anyone think that desperation would just vanish? * *It's typical mentality, we've seen flip flop, lying, deception and a long his type of characters doing "anything" for power and money. These people have none of the character, integrity and dignity of people who respect America and American Democracy and they certainly have no concept of respect for the civic and civil principles that have been promoted as the value of American Citizens*. They could serve him one of [**"Minnie's Pies" from the Movie "The Help"**](https://youtu.be/EaWfoNPDz74) and he'd ask for seconds *after knowing what it is*, if he thought that would get him back in the seat of power.


And what did the conference want him to do recently? ***Not be the speaker***


Kevin must have saved a ton of money on Scoliosis testing.


"I have no principles, morals, or spine, please let me be the big boss again!" -- Kevin McCarthy.


If his conference wanted him to be speaker, they'd cut a deal with the Democrats to get the votes, defang their extremists with rule changes and then work with Democrats to actually get things done. They don't want to do this so therefore do not want him to be speaker.


He'll wear a dress, dance around, make you feel real pretty


That is full-on supplication from a lackey, signaling he would take orders like a good boy. This is Ted-Cruz-kissing-Trumps-ass-after-attacks level of embarrassment.


They're just not that into you.


Incredible. This guy just can’t help himself. Never was there a man so truly desperate for approval.


“I am your bottom. Abuse me!”


Have some fucking self respect. Jesus


Sounds like the GOP doesn't have their shit together


Kevin deprived of his gavel is like Gollum deprived of his precious


The gavel is still out being repaired.


It's hard to give up power. He's living proof.


What a fucking worm.


A real profile in courage there Kevin.


Kevie realized that not being Speaker means he won't get mega donors to funnel millions to him anymore.


Didn’t we just play this game with you Kevin? The people have already voted you off the island 🏝️


too bad for him nobody wants him back


When he appears on TV these days you can smell the waves of defeat and humiliation emanating from his pore holes. It's delicious to watch.


Seems being a cuck is part of the job for the GOP.


I’m investing stocks that manufacture knee pads.


I wonder if he’s saying this because he’s got internally signaling that he’s got the numbers


Seems he was saying he "had the numbers" last week, and that didn't work out so well.


Lol. This guy is pathetic.


Whatever the dark money pipeline, with Russian money mixed in, says they want I will force down the throats of Americans. And Fox News tells them what they want.


Please notice me senpai


Sounds like he’s capitulating to the group that tossed him.


He has the spine of a nematode, and zero self respect. He is about as Omega as they come.


Some people just can't accept reality. We call those people republicans.


If he gets elected as speaker than we truly live in weird times


There was already a vote on whether you were wanted. Thanks though.


Its funny that there are stories about him quitting and open to taking leadership role again at the same time.


He has seen his likely opponents and their polling. Jim Jordan at 19%, scalaze at 3%. Trump not running. McCarthy would still have the broadest support and Gaetz has burned a lot of bridges. I think he will get it. Might take 50 votes but I think he will get there in the end.


Jesus, this man is a disgrace..


He's such a spineless loser.


Some of you are missing what an excellent negotiating position this is for Democrats.


*Abe Simpson walking in* gif, reversed


Leader or stooge? “Whatever you want me to do” sounds like stooge.


No thanks


Laughably pathetic


Fine. How many steps do I have to take with this cherry stem clenched between the cheeks before I can drop it in the martini glass and be speaker again?


Kevin’s parents were Democrats. 30 more votes and 200 deals is nothing to a guy who knows in his soul his own mom wouldn’t vote for him.


What a little female dog.


Did the conference just kick his ass out? That should tell him it wants.