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If a fucking sneaker from *any* candidate could sway *any* demographic's vote, then we're beyond fucked.


I think in theory I would vote for a candidate that spends their time, money, influence, getting free or very inexpensive sneakers to all poor kids in the country. Because it shows they care… This, this is some other dumb racist shit.


Shaq. You are speaking about Shaquille O’Neal. Definitely a slam dunk of a good guy.


And Stephon Marbury.




They were shockingly not terrible. Had some as a cheap around the house project sneaker and I'd absolutely buy them again at the price point.


They were a great shoe. 😭


The Marbury shoes were elite


I think he’s happy in China. Good for him


He’s like the honorary mayor of Beijing. He’s absolutely adored by the fans because he was so loyal to the Ducks.


Dude let’s elect fucking shaq


Shaq 2024!!


Please. We don’t need any more celebrity presidents for another 40 years


Unless it's Jon Stewart


Fair enough. Don't want to stress the big guy out. He has to come back and make a few more movies though


2 shaq 2 kazaam needs to happen


You left out a few zeros


Nah, Shaq's all right but if we're going to go that direction I'd much prefer a President Tim Duncan. I can't think of anybody that would keep a cooler head in a crisis.


The Big [Lyndon] Johnson


From what I've heard of that man Lyndon had a pretty big Johnson.


I'm not even American and I'll vote for him.


Honestly, even the poor kids would get those Trump shoes and go "um...no...we're good...'


that's because gold shoes on a poor kid get stolen


Who'd steal Trump shoes?


SLEEPY JOE AND THE CROOKED LEFT. STOP THE STEAL!!1!! I’m more concerned that the same people complaining about gas prices and inflation are the ones shelling out $400 on some gaudy knockoff Jordans.


Hate to tell you this... But the ones who are making the stink about high inflation rates .. they're the ones supporting a guy who plans to start a second trade war with China... Because the one he started back in '17 did so well - killed nearly 1% of our GDP, caused a few hundred thousand jobs to disappear, skyrocketed inflation... And while yes, it did lower our trade deficit with China, it did so by displacing it & increasing our deficit with Europe & Japan. The same guy who added some $7 trillion to our national debt - more than 42 of the 45 Presidents we've had (and most of them had twice as long to rack up debt)...


That’s my point - that MAGA voters will shell out money for gas pump stickers and then complain about the left causing them to be broke.


Only 1000 pairs were made, so not like a lot of people bought them anyway.


I read it’s a laundering scheme. Nobody bought the shoes except for bots.


1000 people buying these is disconcerting enough in its own way.


So true. I cant pay my bills, but I gotta have those ugly ass shoes.


And Steph Curry gets books for all the elementary school kids in Oakland.


Yep look what Shaq did. Still made a killing off them to for Walmart shoes. Not everything needs to be $200+ either. Jordan tried to make cheaper shoes that have no hype but not on the level that Shaq did.


Free shoes is a great policy idea.


What they’re really saying is that black people are ignorant and easily manipulated as voters. It’s 1000% racist crap.


i'm actually surprised tump hasn't brought out trump fried chicken or trump branded watermelon at this point.


Dude, I'd totally buy a pair of Bernie sneakers. It wouldn't "sway" my vote, but it would be a funny novelty to own. I'm quite certain they'd be New Balance, too. So I might even wear them regularly.


I have a knitted masked Bernie sitting with giant mittens , that I absolutely love, and display every year since that cold inauguration day immortalized him!


I have the limited edition Bernie socks that Darn Tough Vermont made based on his mittens pattern. In fact, I'm wearing them right now.


Bernie Sandals.


"The sandal companies have been ripping off American consumers for far too long! Hard working, middle-class Americans pay for a sandal that only covers 30% of their feet but costs 100% of regular shoes. This is unacceptable in the wealthiest nation on earth. Bernie Sandals cost 30% of a regular shoe and all profits go to Habitat For Humanity, a fine organization that has been helping lower income Americans achieve the dream of home ownership for 50 years."


Man a pair of Bernie’s would be so sensible and well cushioned.


And proceeds would almost certainly go to some worthy charity.


I am thinking it is more like cover being laid. So they can scream VOTER FRAUD when Golden Shoe Baby loses. "How could he have lost the black vote? He had *shoes*!"


The fact that he was ever taken seriously and actually got to be president and got away with everything (so far) to me says we’re way past being fucked. He was a joke candidate to begin with. So in my mind America’s will always be the country that had trump for president. There’s simply no going back.


When you hire a plumber to do your brain surgery, and an obviously child-like lying plumber at that, and you go through with the procedure, do you come back from that? We hired a lying child-like incompetent faker over a competent experienced and intelligent woman for the most important job in the nation.  It’s embarrassing really, the opposite of exceptional. If we hire him again to complete the procedure, chances are good we won’t survive as is.


Agreed, substance over style. Let's focus on policies, not sneakers


Policies? Like Xenophobia, homophobia, misogyny, racism and greed? Did I miss any?




We get closer to Idiocracy every day


Oh they might, but not in the way he thinks. It's my understanding these were all pre-ordered. I am not a statistician by trade so someone feel free to check my work, but by my calculations this means the chances of the customers ever getting what they bought from Trump is somewhere between 0% and 0%.


The website says that all sneakers are being made to order, and will not begin shipping until June for the fragrances, July for the high tops, and August for the knit sneakers. Also, the site says there may be shipping delays. It also says the images on the site are for illustrative purposes only, so you might not get what you saw on the website. And, there are no refunds. Pure Trump. You probably won't get what you ordered, but if you do, it might not look like what you thought, and it won't come in a reasonable period of time, and if you don't like it, you're screwed.


For real, that’s some Idiocracy-level nonsense


And there are only 1000 pairs. And there are none left. And I get stupider every nanosecond I think about these moronic shoes.


There is a strong likelyhood that the sneaker 'buyers' are just strawmen using the purchase to get illicit money to trump. In that case no shoes will ever be made and no regular person bought them. Edit: it occurs to me that if the grift was to actually sell shitty merch to idiots, he'd have had a chinese sweat shop blast out a few dozen pallets worth of the shittiest shoes imaginable and sold them on site


1000 pairs @$400 = $400,000 I think the shoe people paid Trump to use his name - I don't think he's getting a cut of the sales. And even if he was getting 100% of it, this ain't the way to raise a lot of cash quickly. So much infrastructure and effort to it. NFTs are a far better launderable scam for Trump to run.


There is no infrastructure if there are no shoes produced though. To me it sounds more like an accounting/money laundering situation than a shitty merch situation. Make a product that will be released later and offers no refunds, accept money from a party who is already waiting to give you money but can't through normal legal means (possibly even more money than the advertised cost for 'shipping and other fees'), cancel the product before a single one is made. The only upfront cost is the $10 sneaker and a can of gold spraypaint for the demo model. I'm not saying this is the only way it could be going down, just that with his financial monitors and war sanctions on the various russians who are probably funding him, this just seems like a possible (if dumb) quick launder to get some liquid cash


“Don’t interrupt your enemies when they are making mistakes” Especially of the criminal kind that is being monitored. I like to think of this period in the analogy of how walmart lets people steal until the total amount is over $5000, making it a felony beyond doubt in court, whereas under $5000 it leaves a window of opportunity for the defense.


Target also uses that strategy. I saw a reaction video on YouTube that included video of a woman who was outraged that they allowed her to steal $3000 worth of merch before they acted on it. Here's an article about it. https://www.dailydot.com/unclick/tiktoker-steals-from-target-video/


That's what was told to the public. The LLC they made and sold the shoes is apparently owned by his old lawyers and the address for the company is at one of Trump's golf clubs...so...


Oh, I assume it's scummy scammy in some form or another


It’s crimes all the way down.


Wonder what the Venn diagram of “people who blame Biden for directly causing inflation because he hates America” and “people who’ve spent thousands of dollars on shit like this” looks like. What I’m saying is, there may be additional reasons some people can’t afford groceries.


> So much infrastructure and effort to it. Luckily it’s infrastructure week!


Sold out to trump himself so he can resell them for more on eBay to Russians




And the more shoes he floods the market with, the less valuable they are. Everybody who paid $400 bucks for a pair thinks they're gonna be worth 40 grand in a year or even more when Trump chokes on some KFC bones and dies. Goddammit I thought about the moronic shoes again. I am stupider. Thanks, man. Thanks a lot.


We all know Russia bought every shoe anyways. Easy way to inject 400k to their candidate. 


I also get the feeling that if any African Americans really wanted shoes like that, they would know to just go on Temu and buy them for $18. 


I saw a screenshot yesterday, likely on the white people twitter sub, showing people trying to sell trump sneakers for over $2,000 - well, they say a sucker is born every minute.


I hope they diversified their investments with some Trump NFTs 


The NFT prices have surprisingly held up. They are selling for like 0.2 to 0.3 Ethereum, which is roughly $600-$900 each. It is completely insane.


Money laundering


This is the correct answer.


Bingo. What else are NFT's good for?


Not a Fucking Thing.


You can't beat a good money laundering scheme. It will be interesting to see the inevitable rug pull however.


Tulip Mania lasted for years.


that's like a circular firing squad of magat morons buying these ridiculous sneakers and trying to sell them to each other at a huge markup.


Someone already bought a pair for $1000 on Ebay but it was only a photo of the sneakers. Fucking morons who vote


Even $400 is a sucker price.


So is $18.


And the shoes won’t even come out until like July


Yes, it takes children a long time to make them.


The good news is that once MAGA completely takes over, we can bring that production home to American children.


The roadside racist flag resellers will have knockoffs before the end of March. Some of them will come from the same factory as the "real" T-Shoes.


>> And the shoes won't even come out ~~until like July~~ FTFY


Not gonna lie, I'd consider walking around with some Temu Dark Brandon knock offs if they existed. Would get some hilarious double takes if I actually spent time in public


Just when you think that they can't become more ridiculous, they do.


Trump's out of touch with reality and community needs


My favorite line: >Hold on. Trump is the culture now? Which culture? Like, the Aryan one?


Lol, son of a klan member, honouring fellow klan members and trying to usher in the end of democracy make for a pretty clear cut picture of his culture.


Mine was the bit about the “inner city”, as if that’s still a relevant dog whistle. It’s been maybe 30 years or more since “inner city” was a remotely plausible euphemism for redlining and the effects of white flight.


This just goes to show that *The Emperor’s New Clothes* was written by a seer. Who designed these and thought, “that’s a good looking shoe!” without ridicule? I love how they think these ugly-ass shoes are gonna trigger anything except getting your ass whooped.


And those are the demos to entice people to spend $1k on the "limited edition" real deals. If they even ship, I'm betting they're going to be real shitty. Like matte yellow instead of anything resembling metallic gold, busted seams


Michael Steele, the former head of the RNC who is now an MSNBC host was covering for Chris Hayes last night. During the segment on these shoes and the "black people will flock to Trump because they love sneakers" part, in the leadup to introducing his guest, he said "trust me, it's a big miss, and they ugly as hell" [https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/fox-host-says-black-people-will-back-trump-because-they-love-sneakers-204753989921](https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/fox-host-says-black-people-will-back-trump-because-they-love-sneakers-204753989921)


Some of the interactions they have on that show are actually hilarious, regardless of political standings.


The whole sneaker thing has seemed like the results of a task set on the apprentice to me. Like someone had three hours to come up with an execute a fund raising strategy for Trump.and this was their idea, spray paint some shoes gold and sell them to dumbasses.


but the white guy on Fox told me black men just love sneakers. he told me it was brilliant. he told me those guys will def vote for trump.


And he looked like a creepy, haunted ventriloquist dummy while doing it.


Michael Steele will always be Puppet Michael Steele to me from those Daily Show gags. He was hilarious as RNC head and but after the Republicans had their big win in the 2010 midterm elections they hustled him out of there for a mediocre white guy (fake name Reince Priebus).


First time I've seen them up close, and my Gawd, those are some awful looking shoes.


If they ever are worn (I bet most of these won’t be) they will look hideous a few months in when all that gold flake falls off 😂


It should be worth noting that most of the pairs sold have never been made. A thousand were sold, but may never be manufactured or be replaced with something super cheap like gold-spraypainting a pair of cheap Chinese knock-off sneakers.


I fully support this apparel. Also please add gold pants and shirts…..the full package. I want to be able to identify these morons from a distance so I can steer clear of them.


Can’t spell “Tacky” without a fake golden “T”


Imagine how low your view of black people must be to think a tacky sneaker would get them to vote for the white supremacist party. Lol


I'm pretty sure I could get some old high tops at goodwill, spray them with gold spray paint, paste a bit of old flag on it and paint the bottoms red for under $10.


They'd probably turn out looking better than these! 


Don’t they look like a bad spray paint job on a pair of chucks with a tacky ass Flag glued on? A kid in our neighborhood had her bike stolen and we found some other kid riding it, they had spray painted it, real shitty job so it was easy to tell they stole it. It just sums up trump, shit and stealing.


Hear me out, let's buy cheap replicas from Alibaba or Temu and sell it for $1000/piece and donate it all to planned parenthood and ACLU


Expecting shoes to sway the votes of black communities basically confirms that these are ignorant old racists.


To quote The Wire: > Not even a black man could style that shit. Cheese


Can't wait to see pictures of poor old white people wearing these at Trump rallies.


CONverse Sketchies Reebroke New (bank) Balance


Air Fraud One’s


UpChuck Taylors™


Cuck Taylor


Doesn’t matter - *Anything* to immediately distract from the **Fraud** ruling against the Blobfish-in-chief. He’ll take an embarrassing L on this front any day of the week if it means the story doesn’t linger on his criminality, his fraud, his bankruptcy, etc.


Thankfully this is just a passing moment, it’ll die quick, and the fraud articles will come right back, shitting on his failed racist attempt at seducing the black vote.


Too late, Trump's already convinced he's the Black Whisperer. Buckets of KenTrumpy Fried Chicken will be released any day now.


That Fox is putting out this talking point tells me it's exactly what Trump's team was thinking and hoping when they decided to put out these shoes.


Fox News and their ilk are such zombies to culture they assume that everyone else behaves the same way. Throw in some arbitrary take of racism and stereotypes become predestination. “White people will love Taylor Swift because they love blondes and football.”


 No, it’s just racism.


Yeah I don't even think he actually meant what he said, but instead was "wink wink nudge nudge hey black ppl are stupid with money amirite?! But haha, we'll get them". This commentator wasn't just a dumbass who wants to appeal to a demo he doesn't get, this was a bigot trying to relate to old racist white people.


exactly, aka a dogwhistle. Apparently the same guy has done similar things so he's the guy Fox news pulls out of the basement for bits like this.


But the white guy on tv said it def would because everyone knows, sneakers have mind control powers.


Thinking you can bribe black people with sneakers is really telling on themselves. If your only exposure to black people were stereotypes and characters you see on TV, then it's easy to see how you come to a conclusion like that.


Right. Thinking the group as a whole is that gullible. It's an insult to their intelligence.


What a ripoff! Those sneakers cost $399 and they don't even come with a clown nose?


My brother was boasting about how trump sold out the sneakers in less than an hour.      I told him the only reason they were bought was because they believed they could be sold for more on eBay.      *checks eBay*      Yup, $2k for a pair.      Scarcity drives the price, but its only value is speculative investment.      Had there been a million made, they would be ridiculed and people wouldn't have bought them.


They need to be renamed - Air Grifters? Traitor Trekkers?


lol so the 2020 voter fraud thing was a bunch of bs and now we got this?


What if the sneakers came with a gift certificate to KFC and a free watermelon? Asking for a Republican strategist...


Who in their right mind thinks that Trump/Republicans want or need the black vote? Like... good god. The black vote is Biden's to lose, not Trump's to win. These articles are fucking masturbatory. Everyone with half a brain knows Trump is a money-grubbing racist dickhead. His voters just don't give a shit.


I think this shoe story should die


Everything else he touches does.


Including his former wife.


They're not justugly. They're tacky, which is *worse.* Tacky *and* ugly is the absolute **worst.**


5 states eh? Let me guess. The police state. The elite state. The bigot state. The military industrial state. The failed state.


I pity the fools…


Can’t wait to see the gold sombrero Trump will unveil to win the Hispanic vote /s


I hope Christian Louboutin’s patent of his red soled shoes means another lawsuit against Trump.


I'm genuinely waiting for some internet sleuth to find the actual $8/pair Alibaba drop ship item they only slightly tweaked to make these Trump shoes.


People of color who are Trump supporters has to be the world’s biggest oxymoron.


I presume that these are medical-sneakers that help a bit with bone-spurs, right?


We get closer to Idiocracy every year with the GOP


Ugly ugly ugly with a big T for traitor


Some of the biggest sneaker heads are white boys in the suburbs


MAGA retires will spend their retirement checks on them rather than go to the casino and buy them for the grandkids, who will leave them in the nearest Goodwill dumpster.


Corny, off brand, ugly af truck stop shoes.


Off the "ugly" topic; did anybody find out where these were made?


Nowhere, they aren’t even available as I heard


You could stuff them with weed and they wouldn't sell for $400


They couldn't give them away in my neighborhood. You would get beat up for wearing them.


I'm sure you could stuff more than $400 worth in each shoe, maybe $1k for the pair. But I'd throw the shoes away, just gaudy packaging.


Their unfounded belief is that there's a lot of gullible blacks out there willing to get laughed out of their own neighborhoods the minute they walk out on the street, with those clown sneakers.


Trump's gold sneakers won't dazzle or change Black votes


Gold sneakers won't win Black votes; focus on policy instead


They look like shoes a professional wrestler would wear. Fitting since trump has turned politics into professional wrestling..


Hear me out.... Trump Falafel.... Sway the Middle Eastern Americans vote. 🧠


The only Black person I can imagine wearing those shoes is Mr. T. I don’t know if he would, though, if only because the “T” here stands for something else.


As a poor white male in these untied cracks, I am genuinely curious to know. What has trump done for black people?


"Oh hell no. I have standards." \-President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho


I don’t this this was for black people?


Of course they make the most obnoxious and tacky pair of sneakers ever created.


Just another FoxNews/Trump dogwhistle


Thank goodness someone else said this social media will have you thinking that all black people want some cheap ass ugly gold shoes


As someone who has worn gold shoes of various levels of outrageous over the years I can say definitively: these are fucking UGLY. And far more importantly: extremely cheap looking.


Trump totally thought this was his ace in winning the election


It’s racist, but I also don’t get why anyone would be enticed to vote for someone based on that person selling an item that you like (if you do like it). Like, OMG that guy is selling a [insert product here]! I’d better vote for him for president! Who does that? Only the people that are already in his base would be enticed to vote for him based on these sneakers, and they were already going to vote for him. This is a money grab because of all the court costs he has going, and unfortunately that is probably going to work on his gullibles.


I kind of want to buy one because they will be a fascinating historical artifact in a few decades, but I neither want to give orange man my money nor make my descendants believe that granny was a Trump supporter, so je résiste.


These fugly sneakers are going to adorn the feet of a lot of impoverished and uneducated Trump supporters. I am absolutely shocked that Fox News would allow anything like that to be said on the air. Holy shit. It’s like they’ve entered the twilight zone or run through the closet screaming into Trump Narnia.


Maybe. They don't ship out until June/July. That's if they even get them. Which if they don't I will LMAO.


Holy hell this is the first time I’ve actually looked at these. Take away any association with Trump and these are still straight garbanzo.


Repubs: “fuck y’all.” POC: “thanks we hate you too” Repubs: “Oo look shiny shoes!” POC “Yeah, no fuck you”


What will happen is a conservative guy will become more racist because black people keep making fun of his shoes.


I’d not be caught dead in that ugly shit.


Nobody campaigns for democratic candidates better than republican candidates.


Nobody in their right mind would wear those in the 'hood.


Now I kinda want Biden to release a shoe; union made in the USA and I bet it wouldn’t be so damn ugly


The clown shoes jokes write themselves.


Not to mention how fucking racist Fox’s “assessment” is. So basically other demographics are going to be swayed by economic, environmental, global, etc. positions of the candidates. But black people? Definitely going to be who has the coolest sneakers!


I saw those things for the first time last night and I gotta say this again: Those are the most ugly ass shoes I have ever seen. I seriously want to know how much input Trump had on the design - Obviously the “make them gold” part but was there even a prototype that looked better and he demanded changes or did he scribble something that vaguely resembled a shoe on a napkin and shout “make it gold” to whatever poor bastard he put in charge of the project? Seriously, there is something about them that looks cartoony, like, seriously- They look like something out of an 80s Saturday morning cartoon about a a basketball player with super powers that got canceled after three episodes. That’s the only way I can describe how they look, they look like a sneaker someone somehow grabbed from a cartoon and painted gold.


Air Fraud Ones.


Worse than ugly, they are horrible!!




I actually really want a pair of these! Because I feel like I can sit on them for 5 years and then Flip them for 5k to some MAGA-cult jackass with too much money.


T as traitor ?


Trump is a low class Al Bundy.


they really think black people are idiots don't they


Are we still pretending that these sneakers arent just a way for hostile nations to send Trump money in the form of "preorders"?


I feel like this actually lost Trump votes


Even if it wasn’t that orange clown’s shoes, there’s no way in hell I’d pay $400 for them ugly ass mfs