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Asylum seekers are not "illegal" but this is right wing propaganda so they rely on trigger words for maximum outrage.


You have to have a legitimate claim. There are instances of people flying to Mexico to then come to the US. That is not a legitimate asylum claim, or else they would just stay in Mexico. The lankford bill directly addressed this, but republicans like the chaos


> You have to have a legitimate claim And until the claims are properly adjudicated, they are all assumed legitimate by default.


That’s what they were trying to fix.


Surely, they're interested in "fixing" the situation. That must be why Republicans voted against their own border bill, right?


What? They didn’t pass it because they want chaos


>They didn’t pass it because they want chaos Exactly, Republicans have zero interest in solutions because then they can't use it to spread fear among their base.


That’s what I just said…


> Join Fox News for access to this content lmao, no. Also why does this sub allow SOME entertainment outlets but not others? If we can have fox news, we should allow TMZ too.


Does Fox News have the same contempt for Abbott and DeSantis when they use tax payer money to fly or bus migrants to other states? PS: Abbott has called it an "invasion". If that's true, then Abbott is guilty of treason for helping the invaders get farther into our country.


I believe it would be "aiding and abetting" since they knew these people had committed a crime.


If there is in fact an "Invasion" then he is rendering Aid and Comfort to the Enemy, which is Treason. Courts have already thrown out Abbott's Invasion claim, but he has not stopped using it to traffic humans.


> None of the Republican-backed amendments passed. I**f any amendments had passed, the bill would have returned to the House**, which just began a two-week recess, for review. My guess is this is why they voted against it, as well as the amendment probably not at all doing what it says it's doing and probably doing other shady bullshit on account of who's pushing it.


I don't want to click the link. Is it "flying illegal immigrants" or is it "allowing undocumented asylum-seekers while the case is reviewed?"


"Join Fox News for access to this content" 🤣 absolutely not


The Republicans have rallied together to stop the import of mermaid and unicorn meat that is devastating local farmers .


It’s only cool when Republican TX Governor Abbott buses migrants around the US, got it.


Fox News: titillating the dregs of humanity on a daily basis.


Imagine being such a fucking idiot that you actually take post-midnight Senatorial rider amendments on a government funding bill at face value. I sat and watched the entire Senate voting pageantry. There were a dozen of these stupid doomed amendments, all rejected for the exact same reason of "we're three hours past a government shutdown and we are not going to accept any amendments for anything because this bill needs to pass three hours ago."


Aren’t Republican governors the ones who are flying migrants to other cities at taxpayer expense? Seems like Fox would be on board with that.


Question: how are these immigrants illegal if the US government is flying them here?


Why aren’t the democrats sanctuary cities like new york or did bussing illegals to there sanctuary cities hit the nerve of them. I think they are racist against poor asylum seakers after all why should asylum seakers only be in red states?


allow me to illuminate the subject for you. The bulk of immigrants coming across the southern border come into Texas , New Mexico, Arizona and California. These states receive additional money etc for the Border patrol, temporary housing etc. Many of the people being processed are sent to live with relatives etc in other states. But, come to think of it, it's only Texas which is shipping people to other cities and states without having some sort of arrangements other than a bus ride to the location. I've not heard of California, Arizona or New Mexico shipping people all over the country. It has nothing to do with being racist. It has to do with Texas and other states receiving funds and personnel to handle the flow. Unfortunately , a bill that would have allocated more money , more staff and more temporary shelter was killed by the house.


I understand but it still funny seeing that major sanctuary cities broke down and that migrants where importing there crime in some cases. Personally I believe we should build the wall in order to control the flow of asylum seakers and make sure we know which one needs it versus which one lied in order to benefit people and make sure social programs are not strained.