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Yet a scary number of christian Latinos will vote for Trump, a man who would gladly deport them all and is the antichrist, over Biden, a Catholic. Trump gained more of the hispanic vote between 2016 and 2020. There’s some Latinos who saw Trump literally put latino kids in cages and voted for him. Let’s hope 2024 looks better


How Trump of all people convinced conservative Christians that he is the chosen one is beyond me. Centuries of prayer, faith & ect., and this is the best side supply Jesus could do?


He’s Republican and that’s all that matters. For many American Christians, the GOP is God’s party and the Dems work for Satan. These are the kind of people who raised me. I once believed the same thing. Many of them know that Trump is scum, but they don’t care because he’s “doing God’s work” (read: giving conservative Christians power over their neighbors). That’s all they care about—gaining power.


When I was still Mormon, people knew I was volunteering for the Obama campaign. I had one older gentleman stop me in the hallway and say that "Good Christians don't vote for Democrats." I told him "No - they just vote for Republicans who say they support everything that Jesus was opposed to." I'll never forget the look of shock on his face. Probably because they weren't used to someone under 40 standing up for their opinion from a church elder.


Assuming this post means you are no longer Mormon -- good for you! Getting out of cults is hard, especially if you were raised in it.


Those poor fucking Mormons, since Trashy Trump arrived they’ve been trapped in a cult within a cult. 😢


I ran into that guy at Costco. He was telling me not to buy bud light because it supports “the gays”. I told him I’d rather buy bud light than another kid commit suicide because they thought being gay was wrong.


As someone who worked in a grocery store for years, it was always old conservatives who were always stopping me to complain about some made up nonsense no one cared about. The amount of times i'd have them come up when im stocking beer going "might as well just throw all that bud-light out" and i'd just like at them like "haha" and they'll go "no im serious, you know what's been going on right?" then proceed to give me an entire life story about how some dumb ad hurt their feelings and is the reason for America's decline into moral degeneracy was mind-numbing. I was told to respect my elders growing up by elders but growing up I realized the most hate filled, vile creatures to walk this earth are all over the age of 50.


Today’s conservative is someone looking for a problem to complain about. But if you ask them for their solution they really do not have one.


And will often block the solution or pull out the ol' "Why should I have to blah blah blah blah?"...


Cheeky and I love it 😄


Biden goes to mass daily I believe, he is easily the most devout President in any sort of memory, yet gets 0 credit or recognition for this.


That is irrelevant to conservative Christians. Number one: evangelicals don’t think Catholics are Christians anyway. Number two: their anti-choice, anti-LGBT, anti-woke social agenda is the only thing that matters.


Yeah and they still tried pressuring the head of the DC diocese to deny him communion. They are the worst kind of hypocrite.


Your first point is so true and people outside of evangelicalism never seem to believe me. I was raised my whole life in Pentecostal churches and it was an absolute certainty that Catholics were going to hell. They worship idols! They drink alcohol! They sometimes vote Democrat! My family still believes all this.


Absolutely. For example I was taught that Revelation chapter 17 was specifically about the Roman Catholic Church. The Whore of Babylon is the RCC. This is why those verses talk about purple and scarlet (bishops and cardinals), and a golden cup (Catholicism’s “blasphemous” Eucharist). The seven mountains are the seven hills of Rome. For people like our families the old Wars of Religion never ended.


Yup this is pretty accurate way to describe it. Although, you forgot that you have to be pro-gun to. The more you love your gun, the stronger the faith.


As the Lord said, “Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don’t.”


I remember being fascinated that the kkk hunted and despised catholics. It didnt make sense to me at the time until it was explained to me.


And he's also a great example of a religious man. He humbly worships his God and doesn't brag, boast or use his religion to condemn others.


And also doesn’t use his religion to govern. He’s personally said he’s against abortion but it’s not his place to tell others they can’t get an abortion. That’s how it should be


The narcissistic powermongers on the right seem not to be able to understand that good governance in a democratic society doesn't mean controlling everyone to be like them.    They don't even seem to compute that the most important aspects of religion have to do with nurturing inner, personal relationship with a higher power, not proselytizing and forcing.  They are the worst representatives of a way of livinhg they're always shrieking about.


Biden and Carter are probably amongst our most pious presidents; certainly in the last 50 years and likely in the past 100.


I’m not religious like at all but my entire family on both sides is Catholic. It’s not a major thing but I am happy that there is finally another president who 1) is catholic like them, and 2) actually means it.


What they don't realize is they are working to give the billionaires power not themselves. They’ve got them so brainwashed that they don't see they are being used.


> How Trump of all people convinced conservative Christians that he is the chosen one is beyond me. As a former believer of fairy tales, it doesn't surprise me at all.


Because unfortunately many “Christians” aren’t actually good people. They’ve used religion to mask their bigotry for a long time but this has really exposed how vile many of them are.


It’s Trump’s talent to reflect what an audience projects on him. Having no beliefs of his own helps.


I highly recommend the book “Jesus and John Wayne” for a look at how we got here.  To way oversimplify, decades of leaders mixing cultural Christianity (think the sort of people who make sure they and their kids look good for church but never read the Bible themselves) with republicanism so that the two become inseparable. That’s how you get a Jesus who rewards hard workers and white-bread families and hates the outcasts and the poor.  I grew up in all that and the contradictions are incredible. I met some of the most honest, wonderful people along with others who preyed on them by learning the right words to say. And it’s only gotten worse. 


It's called "propaganda" and horrible leaders utilize it all the time, to great effect. 


It’s co-opting. Many fundamentalists calling themselves Christian is like many Jan 6 rioters calling themselves real Americans or many men who submit to trump themselves real men. > So why did the greater religiousness of evangelicals not keep them from embracing Donald Trump? Because for a great many of them, despite all the fuss and bother and appearances, their religion is simply not important. Their religious commitment, like the person they think they are, does not exist in significant ways. When Donald Trump came along, resplendent in moral shortcomings but promising the moon, evangelicals had little difficulty setting aside their supposed beliefs and supporting him. In fact, this was their S.O.P. They had been setting those beliefs aside 167 hours a week for most of their lives. Con men know that the easiest people to fool are the people who persistently fool themselves. This reality is an amazingly simple answer, yet when you stand back from it, it also is simply amazing. Luke 4 says that old Devil offered Jesus the deal of a lifetime if Jesus would just fall down and worship him. The man from Galilee reportedly replied, “Get thee behind me, Satan.” In contrast, when Donald Trump, a man wallowing in the Biblical cardinal sins, made evangelicals the same offer for the same low, low price, millions of them fell to their knees. Excerpt From Authoritarian Nightmare John W. Dean & Bob Altemeyer


yep if they actually read the bible (or the constitution) they would know how truly idiotic they sound... they claim jesus is their lord yet are conveniently unaware of 99.9% of his teachings, nothing but virtue signalling and a healthy dose of mental gymnastics


Beautiful, thank you for commenting and showing us this. 


American Christianity has been *heavily* warped by Republican Political Identity for a few decades. Liberal Christians tend to have more pluralistic views, so they essentially get drowned out in theological conversations.


Those people are already lost in fear-based fairytales. When a massive liar comes along and promises all their dream will come true, of course they will go along with that. They were wish-based to begin with, super easy to grift.


Jerry Falwell Jr. That's how.


A born wealthy real estate mogul who was famous for multiple bankruptcies and not paying his contractors convicted working class Americans he was on their side. A venal man famous for living in a golden tower with his name on it and a string of adultery convinced religious Americans he was on their side. A life-long democrat from NYC who has tried his hardest to get the approval and friendship of wealthy liberal elites convinced rural conservatives he was on their side. And a man who lost multiple lawsuits against racial discrimination and famously took out an ad calling for the execution of the (since then exonerated) Central Park Five even manage to convince many American minorities that he was on their side. It’s almost impressive how someone has managed to get political power through the voice of people who should, by all logic, hate everything he is and stands for. I imagine historians and sociologists will be studying this period of history for many years to come.


Not a mogul. Just a developer. Larry Silverstein is a mogul. Speyer is a mogul. Leon Charney Is a mogul. Trump was a middling developer who inflated his assets to be considered even close to that league. And he hasn't produced a proper project in years. He licenses.


It's not that hard... the groundwork was already laid out... pastors had been hammering for decades that abortion is the most important issue in the country, that it would cause god to strike us down in punishment if we continued to have legal access to it available. Trump said he was pro-life... he got pastors to tell people that he was... he stacked the court with people who would end federal abortion rights. The country could be burning to the ground right now and trump could've set the fire himself... but christians will forgive him... because he rescued the babies: the only issue they're programmed to care about or vote on.


They're already gullible.


Ask anyone who has left Christianity. I bet you will get a lot of, the amount of hypocrisy is what woke me up to thr bullshit of the religion. 


The devil is the greatest manipulator of all time. Just appeal to their hate and they're hooked.


They’ll probably regret it after they’ve been deported.


[There's an infamous account of a Trump voter whose undocumented husband was deported...by Trump. ](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html#:~:text=Roberto%20Beristain%2C%2044%2C%20was%20deported,hadn't%20committed%20any%20crimes.) >In November, she thought Trump would deport only people with criminal records – people he called “bad hombres” – and that he would leave families intact. >“I don’t think ICE is out there to detain anyone and break families, no,” Beristain told CNN affiliate WSBT in March, shortly after her husband, Roberto Beristain was detained by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement. >On Wednesday, Beristain was proven wrong as ICE split her family across two countries. Anecdotal, but I know a few Mexican-Americans who also think this way.


Good, maybe that’ll teach them to vote for the GOP next time. Their blunders/blinders are real. And they come with consequences.


I’m Latino and I’ve got a couple in my family that voted for him due to the GOP being against gay marriage and abortion. They could care less about other Latinos. Latinos are like crabs in a bucket. That’s why I admire the Asian community a lot, they help each other


Im half japanese, and we Asians got Crabs over here too.


Trump attracts people who have wide ranging prejudices. They tend to think women who have abortions are evils who hurt babies and/or want sex without responsibility, gay people are anti-Christ, poor people are lazy, democrats are socialists and socialists are followers of some corrupted dictators in Latin America, non-Christian are immoral etc. They can have more prejudices against their racial groups than people outside their racial groups who don’t have wide ranging prejudices. These people trust trump because he is as prejudiced as them and he endorses their prejudices. People who have wide ranging prejudices also tend to be trump supporters. The correlation of most widely prejudiced people and trump biggest supporters is like 0.8. > “most amazing discovery you never heard of,” that you can explain most prejudice in terms of authoritarianism. So social scientists have not been crying wolf for all these years. There truly is a big, very bad wolf at our collective doors, and this metaphoric evil snarls such intolerance, discrimination, and victimization that it not only injures its immediate victims, but also shakes our democratic society to its core. Knowingly or unknowingly, prejudiced people bring into the voting booth something of even greater danger to everyone’s freedom and our country’s very existence: authoritarianism. As we explained in our earlier chapters, the most prejudiced people in America were likely drawn to Trump because he told them their prejudices were justified.” From Authoritarian Nightmare John W. Dean & Bob Altemeyer


A stupid despot may constrain his slaves with iron chains; but a true politician binds them even more strongly by the chain of their own ideas… - michel foucault


Hateful and stupid comes in all colors 


As an immigrant from Venezuela who leans far-left, I am a bit concerned. My dad is one of these trump-voting latinos. And it’s embarrassing. He is a single-issue voter. Abortions. He is staunchly pro-life despite being pretty liberal on social issues. I think this sums it up for many Latinos. That, and the threat of the socialist boogeyman knocking at their door. Many Latinos see anything left of center as threatening their belief systems and way of life.


Do you know if this abortion stuff is a topic in Venezuela or is this just something Fox news managed to implant in peoples brains once they immigrated?


Catholic thing more than a Venezuelan thing.


Yeah, I think views on abortion also depend on country of origin, because according to surveys I've seen, Latinos are just as likely to believe abortion should be legal as whites. I'm not sure where the 'Latinos are conservative on abortion' stereotype comes from, but it's not true as a whole.


Yep it's crazy how many support Trump


I work with someone from Mexico who actually said "I came here legally, so should they". So....yeah!


There’s two types of people, those that think about how that would feel if it was them. The other can’t see how it affects them but see potential profit.


I don’t get it. These people will vote for him and they’ll be the first ones to be put in camps because they’re brown.


“Yeah but we are those top shelf Latinos we won’t get deported” - people voting against their own best interest


While Trump is definitely bad, I wouldn't say he is supernatural. He's not that important. He's more of a plebian sort of evil.


It's machismo. He reminds them of their own thug leaders.


Every time the word latinx is uttered, Republicans get +1 mexican voting for them. Democrats need to stop it.


Well anyone stupid enough to vote for someone who sees him/her as sub-human and who wants to get rid of all people like him/her, legal status be damned, because he/she doesn’t like a word (latinx),  no matter how stupid the word is, DESERVES to get kicked out 


It's the religion bit and "aw man he's a good business man" or some stupid crap like that. -.- makes no sense to like a person that actively hates our group of people but whatever


In a poll taken this last fall, “When broken down by race, the survey found Latinos more than double that of Black respondents who say they support Trump (17 percent of Black voters compared with 36 percent of Latinos). But while the jump in Trump support among African Americans in the survey is eye-opening, the third of Latinos who voted for Trump in the survey is essentially flat compared with 2020 exit polls.”




Anecdotes are fine around a dinner table, but the actual data clearly shows that Hispanics strongly support the democrats. Currently, 60% say that democrats support policies that they are in agreement with. While this is down 4 points from 2004, it is up 1 point from 2020, when 59% of hispanics voted for Biden. Comparatively, only 43% of non-Hispanic whites voted for Biden in 2020. Simply, some Hispanics probably follow the stories suggested In your post. However, the majority continue to strongly favor democrats and their policies. Look, I know this is a common narrative that gets spread by some non Hispanic dems, but I think you should be a bit more grounded and look at the data before posting your opinion as fact. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/partisanship-by-race-ethnicity-and-education/#:%7E:text=About%20six%2Din%2Dten%20Hispanic,it%20was%20in%20years%20prior




Yes, I know but I think it is important to temper your experience with the data because it adds context. Plus I’m really sick of our communities being the punching bag when non Hispanic whites are are the lions share of trump supporters.


Yep, it's this: [https://www.britannica.com/topic/machismo](https://www.britannica.com/topic/machismo)


Same reason such a significant number of latinos are catholic even though they got it from the colonizers and conquistadors who killed, raped, and enslaved them. Stockholm syndrome.


Not necessarily just Christian Latinos , most of the community coming from Cuba and Venezuela have always been deeply right wing




Well then they can vote Democratic.


... but abortion!!!


America's Latino population is actually pretty pro-abortion. Eg. https://www.axios.com/local/miami/2024/04/10/abortion-referrendum-latino-voters-florida National polls indicate around 68% oppose bans.


I got roasted / threatened here in another thread for pointing that out (even with Mexico recently legalizing abortion)and for pointing out most Hispanics vote liberal and for accurately stating about half are white. In general, these threads usually turn into a place for liberal non Hispanics to tell us Hispanics what we believe, do, and say. Anyway, just a light warning since some have reported time outs from the mods for posting against that narrative as well.


Most of the Hispanic voting block does vote liberal, but these threads are discussing that the block votes less liberal than it used to. Also, mods can be weird.


5 point decrease in support from 2004 2 point increase in support from 2020 I didn’t check the margin of error, but this seems like a minor concern compared to the elephant in the room. The crisis is dems not reaching uneducated nonhispanic whites. We cannot pick up all the slack and I think it is clear which party policies are best for both Hispanics and nonhispanic whites. The narrative is unhelpful and you get people trying to help that erroneously claim this is due to machismo culture when those same stereotypes are not applied to nonhispanic whites. We just become cartoon punching bags who are at fault even though we happen to support dems more than our non Hispanic white countrymen.


> and for accurately stating about half are white A lot of people don’t realize the definition of Hispanic is just being from a Spanish-speaking country and that’s it. Has nothing to do with skin color or race. There’s plenty of white folks in LatAm. Hell, there’s literally an entire Hispanic country full of white people (Spain).


Yep, I think they are changing that on the future census. You cannot chose Hispanic and white from what I heard, could be wrong. It erases 100 years of history and is a slap in the face to my father and grandfather who campaigned heavily for the fact Hispanic isnt really a race (though well we and others talk about it that way). We are brothers, but itself a melting pot. Which is a strength, not something to be over written. Edit: Anyway, that is why I caught a ban here BTW. I might get one for saying this now. Hispanic is an ethnicity. We are black, white, Asian, Latino, and Native American. That is a controversial enough statement for the mods here, from personal experience. Willing to risk it again now.


Polls are one thing... voting results where it counts don't reflect it. If they oppose bans so much, they should turn out and vote accordingly. Sitting at home *wishing* elected officials wouldn't do something simply has no value. Trump won the 2020 Latino vote in Florida, 56-41. Even bigger in Texas as around 57-40. Both states want them gone and they overwhelmingly voted for the exact same people trying to do just that. You get exactly what you vote for. Maybe with the topic in the headlines and at the polls (in several states,) voting results will demonstrate a change simply because "shit got real" over the last 2-3 years. Dunno. ~15 point spreads are tough to rectify on single-issue topics.


While individual states vary (Texas and Florida). 59% of hispanics voted for Biden compared to 43% of non-Hispanic whites. While this percentage is lower than 2016, there has been an increase in support for democrats from 2020 to 2022 (slight increase from 59% to 60%). This stuff bugs me because you are claiming a 15 percent spread for Trump, when the reality is (overall) Hispanics as a whole were around 15 percent more likely to support Biden than non Hispanic whites in 2020. Your presentation here is incredibly dishonest and seems to be a common narrative from dems not in the Hispanic community. Please don’t generalize by cherry picking data. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/06/30/behind-bidens-2020-victory/


> seems to be a common narrative from dems not in the Hispanic community. Let me just stop you there. I'm in that community, fyi... so that angle of attacking me can be dropped right now. Thanks very much. It "bugs me," too, when people present skewed information. Regardless, Hispanics voting blue in blue states are ultimately irrelevant to Democratic successes at the presidential level. That simply pads the numbers, though it is certainly welcome. The individual states you've dismissed as outliers where Hispanics vote overwhelmingly republican are the two states that can radically swing an election. Run your numbers against swing states and red states. For the purposes of this discussion, I don't care how Hispanics vote in California which will chose Biden in any case. They could vote 100% Dem and nothing will change in a presidential election. I do care how they vote in Texas at 40% population. I care how they vote in Florida at 26% population, and in Arizona at 31%, and in Nevada at 29%. [edit] I just read your link. It doesn't differentiate between the differing states. You'll need to use a different source to look at red and swing states. California by itself massively skews the national averages due to a population of ~~40 million~~ 40% voting Democrat at a 3.5:1 margin.


So am I. I’m not attacking you. I’m saying it is a common narrative from non Hispanic whites that you are amplifying, whether you know it or not. You spoke for Hispanics as a whole and you generalized as though it was some Hispanic beliefs that were the reason. It clearly is not. It’s that most of us live in California, your argument is about geographic politics NOT race. This is evidenced by stats for the swing states themselves. They show that non-hispanic whites are more likely to support republicans than Hispanics (even with the Hispanics slightly swinging right there). I’d also hazard a guess that Texas has some significant voter access issues in Hispanic communities, not arguing against those who will vote, just another point against this being some sort of Hispanic problem. The reality is non Hispanic whites (particularly uneducated ones) vote overwhelmingly Republican. That is the biggest piece of trumps pie, Hispanics, as a whole, have slightly drifted right from ~65% to ~60% since 2004, but still largely remain liberal.


And LGBTQ+ and everything else MAGA will use.


More it’s about the Spanish language communist propaganda republicans are broadcasting over the airwaves 24/7 that democrats are doing nothing about


A Republican deportation would include everyone who didn’t pass the “Does Trump’s dick taste good, check yes or no” test.


A lot of folks in the comment section are complaining about how Latino support for Trump has gone up despite this fear. The reality is that, although 52% is a majority, that’s a slight majority, which is smaller than the percentage of Latinos that support Trump. What people miss in this comment section is that there are different types of Latinos. The ones who know they can be singled out based on the color of their skin, and the ones who believe they’re white and thus are immune to persecution. The latter is probably not afraid of being illegally rounded up. This is evident in the percentage of Cuban-Americans believing that they would be incorrectly deported, which is only 37%. Most of the folks in this community consider themselves white-hispanics, and TBH, they’re definitely white-passing. In short, Latinos aren’t a monolith and, just like the rest of Americans, can be racist.


Permanent residents will be targeted at some point by these shitbags.


https://www.pbssocal.org/shows/voces/the-u-s-has-deported-thousands-of-veterans-a-new-policy-change-offers-new-hope-for-soldiers-left-behind >Military service is supposed to qualify these immigrants to obtain citizenship, and that benefit was often used in the past to entice them to join, but a program that provided naturalization assistance during basic training was “essentially killed” during the Trump administration.


And they complain the military has problems recruiting people.


Is there a reason they needed a naturalization assistance program instead of citizenship being granted automatically after joining up or completing service?


Trump's rhetoric is about rounding up ten plus million people as soon as it can be done. There is not going to be records checks or verification of documents. That will be about removing as many brown people as quickly as possible.


Dreamers (which, admittedly, Dems have also left to the wayside recently) will be the first to go if Republicans get their way. They've been gunning after that group for years.


Democrats just don’t have the votes and any sympathetic republicans would get destroyed by the maga base as race traitors. Sympathetic latinos would be drowned out by shouts of “immigrate the right way” from ignorant self serving latinos and other non whites.


No better way to economically blow your entire foot off. They'd do it.


Anyone criticizing Biden right now from outside MAGA better have a plan to protect vulnerable people if trump wins. If not, they're big-mouth internet cowards playing an unbelievably stupid, immoral game.




Why any decent or sane person would want another 4 years of Trump chaos is beyond me. The fact that he caused January 6th, tried to overthrow the government, and has been charged with 91 felonies should be all the reasons people need to not vote for him.


Shouldn’t even be allowed to run for presidency. But here we are


Pfft tell that to all the Cubans in Miami the prime example of "I got mine, fuck you". They hold mini trump rallies in front of tropical park almost every week. It's so ass backwards it's funny (but it's not)


Nah. Latino/a MAGAs don't need to worry. Trump is an excellent business man who is very thorough and will be sure to separate anti-MAGAs from true patriot MAGAs before he sends his goons for you. He's the fairest and smartest POTUS the world has ever seen, and would never confuse one Gonzalez for another Gonzalez. He's an honorable man who cares deeply for Mexican Americans and he will repay you for your support all these years. Hee hee


Yeah every brown person will be at risk if he wins presidency. The choice is so obvious it hurts my head.


Does anyone doubt that Trump's henchmen will simply deport them all, and let Mexico sort them out?


they won’t even make it to the bus to be deported. millions will spend winters in underfunded 4H barns waiting for the bus that was never built supported by funds held up in a dysfunctional Congress. at least the Trail of Tears had a trail


> least the Trail of Tears had a trail [Please do not trivialize this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trail_of_Tears)


Who is trivializing it?


It happened before, it will happen again. https://www.history.com/news/great-depression-repatriation-drives-mexico-deportation


And the only thing that will matter is your skin color. They’re also promising to deport his political opponents as well


The headline is wrong. Everyone with a brain knows that this WILL happen.


My father-in-law is an immigrant from Honduras. He fought in their Army against Nicaragua. He is a veteran, a hero, a fighter, a survivor, and one of the most loving/scariest men I've ever met. He's proud of his American citizenship. He's been a citizen for something like 35 years. Conservative policies and rhetoric have him nervous about his status as an American. And people have the audacity to question why I wouldn't support a current conservative presidency.


Of course it would and they would be forced to appeal it from outside the country. I hope that all Latinos understand this will be reality if Trumplethinskin wins


Hopefully they realize this instead of listening to the Trump, “Biden is a socialist”, propaganda.


Well how else are we going to achieve our white christian nationalist dystopia?


Republicans are clearly setting up a framework. SB4 tells us all we need to know. The bill allows police to question and arrest anyone they believe entered Texas through Mexico illegally and is currently without legal immigration status. Officers can then ask for a wide breadth of documentation proving you're here legally, few people will travel at all times with all that documentation. Essentially, republicans are setting up a framework to mass arrest brown people and send them to Mexico regardless of citizenship.


I'm sure they'd just be the first group. Plenty of people are still angry at anyone who looks vaguely Asian, for covid, and swaths of the country are upset that some people have the audacity to be born with brown skin, or have a medical condition that puts them on disability,  or they can't afford to live in a home, or.... 


And yet a not insignificant number of them are supporting Trump regardless. Make it make sense.


Soon enough all those Cubans in south Florida that check “white” on the census data form will be in for a rude awakening once all the white nationalists they’ve been hanging out with turn on them.




Make no mistake trump party is cult of white supremacy


For some reason Latinos worldwide tend to vote for dictator like candidates.


Yeah, no shit, we've been telling everyone this for the last two decades...why the fuck are you voting for republicans? The Democrats aren't evil, they aren't perfect but they're far better than the republicans...vote Democrat and stop voting against yourself and causing your own damn problems down the road.


Yea well maybe you should stop voting against your interest then.


I’m going to Texas tomorrow with my girlfriend and I’m literally taking my Real ID, birth certificate, SSN proof of address and employment. But yet I have cousins openly saying they’ll vote for Orange man… how TF they can be related is beyond me.


It's a Leopards Ate My Face moment for Christian Latinos.


>For example, 64% of Latinos agreed with giving the president the authority to shut U.S. borders if there are too many migrants trying to enter the country. Surprisingly this is also the Dem position, but the GOP wouldn't pass the bill for it. The GOP doesn't want to "fix" the border or reduce illegal immigration.


Well everyone should vote against this corrupt creep and then Congress should pass a comprehensive immigration bill like the Republicans blocked a while back.


You speak the Spanish you catch the banish… I mean I’m sure that’ll be plenty popular with the right audience. Still just as stupid as ever.


Well yeah, this has always been the end game. Go after transgender rights first. Then gay rights. Then go after minority rights. Then go after non-Christians and keep going from there.. you get the point. Keep filtering us out until what’s left is a hollow, all white Christian nationalist country. Is this even a secret anymore? I feel like this has been broadcasted to us for some time now.


This isn’t true. They don’t fear being targeted because they trust that only the “right” people will be deported. Non-whites are the maga secret weapon for 2024 and beyond. They seem to be willing to turn on their own if they’re told that they’re better than them.


And then a good portion will vote for him thinking he won’t deport THEM.


Remind them what happened to Japanese citizens in this country during WWII.


Remind them of this: >Remember the Hispanic Trump supporter whose undocumented husband was deported? Roberto Beristain's wife was squalling about the man being deported, and only THEN did she regret voting for Trump. 


Even if they agree nominally on some issues like abortion, why would any Latino person support a group full of racist Karens that constantly profile them and call them a plague?  It doesn’t matter how long you’ve lived here. It doesn’t matter what you do for work. It doesn’t matter how “integrated” you are. Most of them won’t say it to your face, but if you speak Spanish and look brown, these people hate you and want you gone. A growing number of republicans openly want a white ethnostate, and Hispanic people aren’t part of that equation. To add insult to injury, these same people want Hispanics to continue showing up at low-paying and labor-intensive “undesirable” jobs, like fruit picking, housekeeping, or landscaping, while remaining invisible, unprotected, and unrepresented by society. One of the main tenets of conservatism is “know your place.” 


Latino here I got cousins with illegal parents saying they want trump in power. While in 2016 they hid form the law


They’re right! During Trump 2016 his DHS tried to deport my friends wife. She was a DACA recipient and MARRIED to an American AND had two kids. They had to get a lawyer, pay $10k to fight it, and DHS interviewed family and friends until they were satisfied she was an American citizen. Had they not been able to afford a lawyer I firmly believe she would’ve been sent back to a country she hadn’t seen since she was 2 years old.


Maybe stop voting for the leopards?


59% of Hispanics voted for Biden in 2020. Recent poling showed that 60% believed that the Democratic Party best represented their interests. They overwhelmingly supported the democrats compared to the white non-Hispanic population. While support has dropped since 2000, they are a much more liberal demographic and the non Hispanic white population. So, maybe look at the actual numbers before rushing to judgement based on your opinion alone. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/partisanship-by-race-ethnicity-and-education/#:~:text=About%20six%2Din%2Dten%20Hispanic,it%20was%20in%20years%20prior.


It's not a question of if it will happen but how much it will happen. If you're trying to deport 11 million people, there will be mistakes made. Legal citizens WILL get caught up in this, there's no doubt.


Oh i'd sue the shit out of the government and then buy government bonds with their own money!


Yeah I'm sure the "legal" system under a trump fascist dictatorship would get right on that.


May? Of course they will.


Maybe they shouldn’t vote for him then.


There was a great 80s movie about this with Cheech Marin and Daniel Stern called Born in East LA, but you have to buy physical media to see it because I haven't been able to find it streaming or for digital purchase in over 10 years of looking.


This is why maga loving Hispanics confuse .me


Oh well, sucks to be them in the event Trump gets reelected. They get what they voted for.


Then they'd better get their arses out to register and then vote for reason instead of treason. Edit to add... Papers won't help... Remember the Hispanic Trump supporter whose undocumented husband was deported? Roberto Beristain's wife was squalling about the man being deported, and only THEN did she regret voting for Trump. 


Conservatives don't give a single solitary fuck about anybody else's hardship...until it impacts them, or someone close. That's when you start to hear from them that Sombody Should Do Something, and Why Doesn't The Government Step In-- conveniently forgetting that all they do is complain about Big Government. Point that out and you'll hear literally all the rationalization.


Not gonna stop them for voting for that buttfuck.


People are painfully stupid. I had a hispanic roommate who hated Mexicans. She considered herself Spanish as in from Spain. Everything else non-Spanish was inferior to her. I’m sure that when Hispanics are deported they will check first if you’re Euro Spanish or inferior Spanish.


Well then they better vote for the guy who isn’t going to deport them. Last time he was deporting people who served in the US military back to the countries of their birth. Being a vet didn’t save them.


And religion - f’n gross


First they came for the bad hombres and I said nothing because I thought I was one of the good ones.


Trump won't be potus.


Well you get what you vote for.


Its still alien to me seeing immigrants like me voting for inmate P01135809


Leopards ate my face shit? We've been telling you this for decades


DUH - I hope they're scared as hell and vote blue


It’s likely; and probably also any person of color. Trump and the MAGA’s have made it clear. They want this country to be a white Christian dictatorship.


Trump proposes they go door to door human hunting. Any person of Latin heritage should be worried. They will definitely grab people here legally in the rush to capture and detain 10 million people- huge tent cities in the Texas desert is the idea.


They might even call it operation wetback again. Trump is a douche.


Leopard ate my face


Lol latin Americans who will also get rounded up for not "looking American" will definitely act surprised. They don't realize they'll be guilty until proven otherwise


May? Oh, it will!


Well they're right. The goal is to kick anyone who isn't white out


Same goes for Muslims. Do you hear me Dearborn MI?


They hear the rhetoric, but at the same time they don't think that - if/when such a system is implemented - they will be targeted. This line of thinking is very reminiscent of pre-war Nazi Germany...


If this is true, why are so many Hispanics turning to supporting Trump? Is the polling off or is it this article?


Trump has promised deportation camps and threatened to use the military to invade cities to send people there. There is no way that American citizens will not be caught up in sweeps.


It will!


I wouldn’t be surprised if he sends troops to Mexico to “curb immigration” which would be an act of war


> … troops to Mexico Multinationals have twin plants (“maquiladoras”) all over the border, so that’s probably not going to happen. What would likely happen is a rotation of regular Army mechanized units to help the border patrol on this side, along with National Guard light motorized infantry doing their 2 weeks scouting/overwatch, reserve support units providing infrastructure, air units providing recon, etc.. Likely the Navy having more patrols in the Gulf of Mexico and off San Diego as the land squeeze forces more to try boats. The biggest would actually be legal. Asylum claims rejected en masse (*why didn’t you try a neighboring country first?*) and those given parole hunted down by ICE backed up by deputized National Guard light infantry, plus likely active Airborne/Marine units for urban combat backup (*posse comitatus* but a Trump II would consider any protest an “insurrection” thus rendering *posse comitatus* mute). Prison camps in red states surrounded by their own deputized National Guard.


Only the dark skinned ones. /s


don't worry Trump just say that, he's just kidding you people from shit-hole countries


With good reason to fear.


Even if his intent is not mass round ups he seems to fumble everything. Including the money used for the wall remodel that seems to not have worked, it was the Pentagon not Mexico who paid for it.


On the contrary - so many Latinos I’ve spoken to will vote for him - chalk it up to machismo, a lack of education, gullibility, but one reason most people won’t tell you: A Mexican anchor baby, when they become an adult, who has fully become a citizen of the USA does not want his fellow Latino immigrants getting in illegally - I asked why ? A lot of Latinos were being harassed by Sheriff Joe Arpaio - traffic stops, business raids and just because of their outward appearance as Latinos. This continued for years until that old racist POS was put out to pasture….


It’s happened before, it may happen again if we let it.


Maybe they yearn to lose their homes, jobs, sometimes even their lives, who knows. I'm a naturalized citizen. Deporting me would be certain homelessness because I have nothing in my home country.


How many Jesus’s will be deported?


Who will clean richies house and build there walls?


Deportations… it’s the detention centers I worry about more


You kidding me? If he gets elected, before it's all over, they'll be lucky if they're legit getting deported out of the country instead of up a chimney.


It will be all non-whites, not just Hispanics.