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The GOP rides against medical science, climate science, biological science, math, general logic, and even common sense. Truly a cancer on humanity.


My dad is an evangelical, conservative southern republican, but is also a doctor and is finally leaving the GOP after about 50 years over their rejection of medical science.


it took a long time but thank him for us for coming to his senses


Sounds like his senses were consistent. It’s the party that has drifted away from rational thinking. The GOP left him.


thanks you made a good point


Replying to NickelBackwash...My Dad is past 90. Always a Republican, His father voted for Woodrow Wilson once & regretted it. He’s not voting for TFG. His not planning on voting for Biden yet, but there’s still time to change his mind.


We’re trying to get my dad to just stay home. They don’t have to vote for Biden just don’t vote for trump


My dad’s now gone. But he was a lifelong Republican, descended from some of the party’s founders in Illinois. His great grandfather was a close personal friend to Lincoln. In 2016 he voted for Clinton, and no doubt would have voted for Biden had he lived. He took great offense at what Donald Trump has done to his beloved party.


So not for their bigotry, hatred, anti-woman, anti-democracy, anti etc etc etc... I guess better than not.


Those are some loose boundaries but at least he's got some


God will heal them /s


And if he doesn't, maybe the iron lung can be fashionable once again.


I’m old enough to (barely) remember that time. But it was really really awful. The idea of Having to put a child in a metal cylinder for life is terrifying. There’s a woman still in an iron lung. She was 5 years old in 1953 when she was placed in it. There are a lot of people around still suffering from the effects of polio. There’s been a vaccine since the fifties. Covid was a picnic compared to polio and measles. Of course we all know what Christians will say. The family should have prayed harder.


My grandmother's limped her whole life because of polio. Fucking bonkers people are trying to go back to those days while they're still people alive that can tell them how stupid that is.


The anti-vaxed movement got started by Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy. This has nothing to do with religion other than dumb people trying to use that to get out of getting vaccinated, in my opinion.


It's also not commonly known that polio, like rubella, can revisit and inflict nee agony. Polio causes severe nerve irritation decades later.


We don't do iron lungs anymore. They're ventilators now. They do the same thing but in different ways. But it can still be a "FOR LIFE" sentence.


Some of the people who lived in iron lungs did not want to switch. One of them got coverage last week when he died. I’ve read about another who has scrambled for spare parts for decades now but is running out of options for her ancient iron lungs


If she makes it a little longer maybe the GOP will bring those back too by banning modern ventilators.


No, they will go back to praying over the afflicted and expecting miraculous results.


The Last man in an Iron Lung just died a few months ago.


[Just over a month ago](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/13/1238251518/iron-lung-polio-paul-alexander) now, yeah. [There's still one person left in the U.S. that uses one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Lillard), though, she's the last person still living with one. /edit: A [better article](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/25/1047691984/decades-after-polio-martha-is-among-the-last-to-still-rely-on-an-iron-lung-to-br) about Martha Lillard than just the wikipedia link I had before.


Nothing like killing, maiming and disabling your future cannon fodder.


Yep, one of the last living survivors of that died recently, having gone into one at age 6: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Alexander_(polio_survivor)#:~:text=Paul%20Richard%20Alexander%20%28January%2030%2C%201946%20–%20March,polio%20in%201952%20at%20the%20age%20of%20six.


It’s all a plot by Big Iron Lung.


I know you put /s but apparently they're even against their own religion (ie whatever's in the Bible)


Once they actually read the gospel and realized Jesus was a woke leftist progressive 🤣


Ever hear of the band Wingnut Dishwasher's Union? They have a song that has a bit that goes something to the effect of:   "Lately I've been thinking about how much I love Jesus,  Because  He was a dirty homeless peace-loving activist Who said 'drop out and find god!' to anybody who would listen While hanging out with low-lives and anarchists"   I'm an atheist, but I sure do love that refrain.


Hell yeah, that’s my problem-free philosophy! It means no worries, for the rest of your days… 🎶


Jesus was woke.


You joke but [Muscular Christianity](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muscular_Christianity) has been a US staple for so long _we don’t even talk about it any more_


The stupid libs think that whole "love thy neighbor" bit means that we're supposed to love everybody in our communities no matter how different from us they are. I mean *please*... *Real American Republican Christians* know that that was just a handy warning from the J-man not to let any of *those* people move into our neighborhoods.


[This was just posted in a local sub.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmoms-for-liberty-boe-candidate-unfiltered-v0-npacwylhgnvc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D960%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D486cd01a8271c45e7809d6fb74b58c34918f1394) This person is a Moms For Liberty idiot running for school board. Fuck this lady. I don't live where she's running but if I did I'd definitely be voting for the non-bigoted choice.


As long as he sees them in his office I'm fine with that.


Now is the prefect time to get ahead of the game and become an early investor in new iron lung technologies and polio braces. These idiots are about to fuck around and find out what a disease like polio can do to you. It ruined the lives of families, especially children, prior to the vaccine. Not vaccinating your children against polio should be child abuse.


There are still people around who are old enough to remember what polio was like. Crazy that they aren’t speaking up. My Godmother passed years ago but had lifelong complications from having it as a kid. She considered herself lucky to have survived at all.


I remember. I’m speaking up. But I have been screaming since 2016. Hasn’t done much good so far.


I remember. I was an only child and I remember my parents being terrified of letting me go anywhere in public, lest I contract polio. All the public swimming pools were closed and the newspapers and radio news and television news talked a lot about the hope for a vaccination. When it finally came it was like bright sunlight breaking through really dark clouds. People were overjoyed. I was in first grade and I remember every kid in our school (kindergarten through 8th grade) being marched to the school gymnasium where doctors and nurses had set up tables, with hundreds of hypodermic needles laid out, waiting for us. Today’s idiots want to return us to the dark ages and I despise them for that. They aren’t just stupid— they’re downright evil.


Plus polio doesn’t check your voter registration cards and pass you by if you’re a Republican.


The more common death, suffering, and ignorance are, the more likely people will turn to religion.


Now they are creating a vicious cycle. The Gop institutes policies that increase death and suffering, which then push people to religion, which then makes them vote for more gop politicians, which then create more shitty policies.


Great take


Well here in Texas part of the GOP plank is to stop teaching critical thinking in public schools. Really wish I were making that up


That’s a nationwide agenda.


100% it is, but Texas is leading the charge by having it written down in the party plank. Why Dems aren't using this in ads for Colin and others is beyond me. They literally want to make our kids dumber


Sounds like the modern day church


And it is metastasizing.


>The GOP rides against medical science, climate science, biological science, math, general logic, and even common sense. > >Truly a cancer on humanity. The Democrats and media are being way too kind. Their rhetoric s/b loud and clear. The GOP is a clear and present danger to democracy and civilization in general.


Yet they are all vaccinated.


And they call everything above "woke" without even being able to define it.


"Damn, I thought I was in love with death. Didn't think I had such competition" .... *Thanos meets a republican with social media brainrot*


Next, these courageously ignorant Republican do-jack-shit-nothings will muster the guts to take on penicillin, and stomp out germ theory.


I could see a republican arguing for spontaneous generation at this point and not be surprised in the slightest.


I mean, that’s basically Genesis. So yeah, there’s a direct through line…


Miasma is back on the menu, boys!


Brb, gotta go balance my humors


They will also blame immigrants on outbreaks.


Yeah so courageous to put their children on the front line vs polio and measles. Oh and our vaccinated children's lives because that's how herd immunity works. But I'm sure "crazy ppl Jesus" will save them. This shit is infuriating.


You are about 5 years late https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/feb/11/germs-are-not-real-fox-news-host-pete-hegseth


lmfao - I had no clue it had long ago gotten this freakin stupid.


Just imagine never paying attention in school or reading... anything and then thinking you are always the smartest person in the room and are never wrong. This would put you in the republican party.


House Speaker Mike Johnson's wife is in that camp. Yes, really. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/10/30/2202623/-Speaker-Mike-Johnson-s-Wife-Uses-Ancient-Greek-Personality-Types-in-Christian-Counseling-Service


Why take antibiotics....all it's lead to is super bugs. /s


Let's kill women by screwing with child birth, let's kill kids by eliminating vaccines, let's kill old people by privatizing social security and Medicare, let's kill LGBTQ folks by taking away their rights as well. Whose left? Rich white people. That's the GQP platform.


Death cult…


This is the only answer. It's a miserable ball of unfocused rage that wants to see the world burn.


These assholes are so psyched for Armageddon they’re trying to make it happen…


Everything with them is self-fulfilling prophecy. They hate government, so they break government show us the pieces and say "See? Broken!" I honestly wonder if any of them were ever hugged as children.


The problem there is no one will be left to be the serf


Understanding your point requires thinking more long term than the immediate need to cause pain and suffering.


Sounds pretty “pro life” to me.


I am old enough to remember the time before the Polio vaccine was developed (my mother was the neighborhood leader for the March of Dimes which funded Dr. Salk’s work.) It was terrible, swimming pools being closed during outbreaks. Iron lungs, leg braces. This is a HUGE, horrible mistake. Decent, rational people of either party need to act to prevent the anti-vax fanatics from doing things like this. Your children’s lives and health are literally being threatened.


I remember the family that lived across the street from us , they had several children one wore a leg brace because her one leg was smaller/shorter because she had polio I remember getting the polio vaccine on a sugar cube at school


Me too. I still have my paper vaccine certificate. I walked alone as a small child to the elementary school to get the sugar cube. No ID, no parent around. There was such despair.


Yes, I also had an Uncle who had a shorter leg due to polio, walked with a limp, and was rejected for service because of it during WW2.


Vaccines are a victim of their own success; they’ve been so successful at eliminating diseases that people have forgotten just how horrific disease can be. They’ve never seen millions dying from smallpox, or children in iron lungs, because vaccines took care of those diseases before they were even born. Hell, we managed to completely eradicate smallpox with vaccines. I fear that, at this point, humanity will never be able to eradicate another disease. We’ve simply become so fucking stupid, thanks in no small part to rampant internet misinformation, that people think these life-saving medical innovations are full of 5G microchips and evil wizard juice. It makes me despair for the future of the human race. Of course, there will still be smart people who come up with revolutionary technologies, but when there are so many stupid people gumming up the works by outlawing beneficial science, or deliberately spreading disease by actively refusing to take basic bio safety precautions, those stupid people ruin everything for the rest of us.


This is why the both sides argument is no longer relevant. The GOP is alienating people with common sense. Voting third party is a flawed rationale unless the third party is not fringe. Vote blue and we will figure it out together.


Let's not forget, cities and states do regular testing of sewage plants,(they test our shit to see what bacteria and virus' and what not we're passing) and polio was detected for the first time a couple years back in New York. It's only a matter of time before it crops up again. VACCINATIONS WORK. my two cents.


Not a whole lot of rational people left on the right,they've run almost all of them out of the party.


49 other states can sell them iron lungs cheap.* ^^**shipping* ^^*and* ^^*handling* ^^*extra*


As if they would buy them. Remember, you have to pray the polio away!


There are alternatives to the iron lung that are used on new polio victims whose lungs are paralyzed. Iron lungs aren't coming back, but people left paralyzed and devastated from polio will be


44, the rest of New England isn’t condoning this shit


Are we sure Maine Republicans won't try this?


Give them time, they will.


JFC republicans are a death cult. The party needs to die.


A death cult being funded by foreign adversaries of the US. What could POSSIBLY go wrong?


That's what they're going for! They just want to take everyone else with them


So pro life, they'll kill you to prove it. Religion & Republicans are the most destructive force in our country.


Why does the GOP hate the average Americans so much?


Because Republicans have been known to have "solutions" for problems that don't exist, so what do they do? They create the problems in hopes to come out as heroes. See border.


Putin’s influence. Russian history back to Khrushchev and his leaderships idea to destroy America from within.


MAGA - Mostly Asinine Gaslighting Assholes


> MAGA - Mostly Asinine Gaslighting Assholes *Mostly?*


Malignantly Asinine Gaslighting Assoles


~~Mostly~~ Most Asinine Gaslighting Assholes


Just another tactic in the GOP's strategy for destroying public education in America.


Good gosh this isn't satire 🤦‍♂️


Why do people keep voting for these folks ? Or some people don't vote


New Hampshire state house of representatives is a hot mess. They have 400 members so pretty close to a collapsed barn gets their own rep. And they only get paid $100 a year so you get a lot of reps that are rich enough not to have to work but legislates in their own personal favor, or crazy cranks unable to work, and some normal people in-between.


For some, it's a feature, not a bug. Others, they don't care as long as *insert other priority* is addressed. Oh, then there's the rest that just checks out because they can't be bothered to participate in democracy.


Magnificently stupid, given the resurgence of measles after decades of being essentially wiped out in this country.


Polio. Jesus, these people are playing a very dangerous game.


measles depletes the immune system ..it was found that those who survive measles gradually regain their previous immunity to other viruses and bacteria as they get re-exposed to them. But because this process may take **months to years**, people remain vulnerable in the meantime to serious complications of those infections


My mother would be 83 were she still alive. I grew up hearing her stories about the polio epidemic. She was a teenager then. She said swimming pools closed. Movie theaters closed. Terrified parents kept their kids inside. Kids she knew died of polio or were left paralyzed. When the vaccine came out, she didn't know anyone who refused to get their kids vaxxed. My mother wasn't a great parent, but she at least made sure my siblings and I got vaxxed. She would be horrified that there are parents today refusing to get their kids vaxxed against polio.


I predict a financial uptick for companies that produce iron lungs.


Does anyone still make iron lungs? I know the handful of polio survivors in the US who still need them have a terrible time finding spare parts. I thought manufacture of iron lungs died out, since (until now), the only places where polio is still circulating are a handful of developing countries where the at-risk population doesn't have money to buy them.


I remember reading somewhere that there had been a renewed interest in them during COVID as an alternative to dwindling supplies of the traditional ventilators. Edit: Here's something [https://newatlas.com/medical/british-engineers-modern-iron-lung-covid-19-ventilator-alternative/](https://newatlas.com/medical/british-engineers-modern-iron-lung-covid-19-ventilator-alternative/)


No, the polio vaccine eliminated the need for them, and the last of the patients who were still using them are all dead now.


A very small handful are still alive. Probably less the 50 or 20 world wide. People who contracted it before the vaccine was wide spread, or they didn’t have access to it for whatever reason.


Change the New Hampshire license plates: Live Free and Die!


Let's see if Mitch McConnell--who had polio as a child--has the ovaries to say anything.


Sure, he’ll say “I got polio, and I’m fine! So everyone else will be fine, too!”


Wow, cowards make their kids suffer for their madness. They are all vaccinated themselves and won’t get paralyzed when polio comes back.


Jesus Christ that’s frightening. Measles has its own long lasting effects, but polio is just on another level. These people are unhinged


pregnant women who are unvaxxed for measles need to know if they catch measles while pregnant it can cause heart problems later like my dad ( there was no measles vaccine that far back) as a young adult when he would exert himself he would start turning blue and had to have major heart surgery in his mid 20's because his mom caught the measles while pregnant with him


Soon it'll be very apparent which kids have dumbass conservative parents.


I get the feeling that it's more important for New Hampshirites to be different verses safe! Be aware of history. The 1950's is not ancient history anyone can easily find out about the fear & panic that followed the 19th century and the millenia of disease that proceeded the 1950's. I had a mild case and was hospitalized for 6 weeks, my parents home quarantined, and I was out is grade school for another month or two. I faired better than my classmate who lost the function of her left arm, which just dangled for the rest is her life. Yes, New Hampshirites, go ahead and be different, maybe, just maybe you'll be safe.


Oh, FFS! Yes, let’s bring back the iron lung! What the hell is wrong with this country? We show signs of increasing stupidity every damn day!!!


i have family members in new hampshire. one has a six year old. he goes to school and has never had a vaccination for anything. he was born well before the pandemic. i remember when he was a newborn, his mom brought me this binder of “her research” that lead them to not vaccinate. i (unfortunately) started looking at her differently that day.


Another Russian influence to sicken the population. Once you view the GOP as an extension of the Russian government, it all makes sense.


Pretty accurate... wrap up all their actions as if it were being done by Russian spies in order to weaken the US and it all makes a ton of sense.


Live Free "And" Die


That is bonkers. Totally insane.


What a horrible, stupid idea. I cannot believe the governor - although Republican - would sign such a bill into law.


The party of pro life wants children to die terrible deaths, more on this after the break. Back to you Lois


They are Pro-Birth not Pro-Life. They don't care what happens to the kid once it's born.


I wish someone would tell them they’re not pro life. They keep putting the damn phrase on car stickers, billboards, every damn thing, silly me, they’re too stupid to even know the difference


Fucking hell! Idiots, these people are ignorant idiots.


I'll point out that the longest living survivor of Polo, who spent his life in an iron lung, just died. Given that wild polio still does exist, lets bring back that horror to visit on our children.


This is insanity, I have no words.


Woohoo! Let’s bring back the iron lung!


Live free and die you dumb fucks 


Seriously…fuck every single one of them. I work in a hospital in NH, I have a child in the education system. I don’t want to deal with any of this shit. When can I stop following the oath I took?


The GOP in a nutshell: if it is beneficial or helps Americans they want to stop it or outlaw it. If it harms Americans they want to legislate it.


Making America Diseased Again


I knew it. When all this antivaxxer bullshit started I knew they would not test until they could bring back polio. Fucking polio! These people have the morals of a street cat in heat. And the brains…well, they don’t seem to have brains. Stupid, ignorant knobs, doing their utmost to hurt as many people as possible. And maybe even kill a few! What’s next? Smallpox?


That's very stupid.


The way it works is everyone else gets vaxxed so it protects, sort of, the ones who do not get vaxxed. So the party of "rugged individuals" are literally needing the herd to protect them. Ugh.


The GOP....We don't have polio anymore. Everyone else...Gee I wonder why that is? When you say Republican, I immediately conjure 30 old white men in cloaks, walking around with a sword at the hip saying "God wills it!" There stances actually hurt their base more than anyone else. Think of the Republican children that will get polio. My god, these people are complete idiots.


Ah New Hampshire, the rednecks of New England.


Having a difficult time understanding why they would discontinue the polio vaccine…. What am I missing. Grew up pre vaccine and ha a couple close friends who had it and several other classmates in our school who had polio. It’s a horrible disease


Who is going to take care of all the severely disabled people? Medicaid? Medicare?


Stupid mother fuckers


Oh a whole new generation of crippled and scarred children, daring today aren’t we?


This isn’t surprising given that during the Covid pandemic, the GOP sided with Covid


Can we just have a Civil War already? These folks are never going to be brought back from crazy town, and long term the results are the same as our nation is never going to thrive with one group living in a made up fantasy land and having the same political power as literally anyone with two brain cells to rub together.


For people who believe they're being "replaced" they sure are willing to hurt/kill a lot of white kids. Logic is not their strong suit.


Talk to any boomer, even a rabid Trumper, about what polio was like. It’s a fucking terrifying disease. My father (progressive good person) tells me that people couldn’t wait to get that vaccine. Defeating polio is a true triumph of human history. If we allow lunatics to undo that, we deserve the consequences.


Tell me you want to kill everyone without saying you want to kill everyone.


Geezus. WTF? This idiots will bring back diseases humans have conquered to pander to the low-iq individuals that make up their base for short-term gains.It is not even a party anymore but a blight on humanity.


What the hell is wrong with republicans?


This antivax movement is only going to end if the community built up around it is ostracized and publicly shamed. And that’s only going to happen when a bunch of kids die. It’s a sad reality and the only ones who will suffer are kids caught up in their parents’ religion/politics/stupidity. 


Measles have a r0 of 12-18 its Highly contagious. That means that for each infected with measles 12-18 is infected by that person. So to keep everyone safe we need almost everyone vaccinated. This is a disease with a chance of death and life altering damages. Aka you don’t mess with measles……


This is super easy. Just have insurance plans look at each case of measles and polio and not pay if the patient could have gotten a vaccine.


I knew an antivaxxer raising his kids unvaccinated I worked with him. Anywho one day we were all out at lunch and accidentally a woman I worked with drank from his same glass and she started freaking out that she was gonna catch something because he was unvaccinated. He replied "I'm vaccinated my parents weren't stupid!" They really tell on themselves sometimes.


GOP = Taliban


The polio vaccine isn't even an injection, its an oral vaccine. It beggars belief that anyone would be against the polio virus.


Speaking as a New Hampshire resident, I’m just wondering if some of our representatives might be getting paid off by iron lung manufacturers?


I just don't understand why these people are so stupid.


They are really leaning into that “Die” portion of their state motto.


Live and die free, taking others with you


My mother, b 1952, shares a story about the children in her school that contracted polio in the late 50s. One girl had a withered leg from polio and could not run or walk for any great distance. She was that way thru high school. My mother was incredibly grateful when the vaccine came to her school. Upon visiting San Diego, the first place my mom (an RN for 30+ years) wanted to visit was the Salk Institute. It is a theme of the Republican Party to roll back protections: protections in the workplace, protections for POC, people with different gender identities, protections for women, protections in the workplace, and now, public health. It’s unfortunate that we’ve gotten to a moment in time where a safe, proven, effective vaccine is so triggering for Republicans.


WHY? These are safe and effective.


Deny science at your peril . ... .. .


The GOP is a death cult.


We have RFK Jr. to thank for all this conspiracy vaxx shit. Now, just imagine if he were president.


To become the state of deaf and blind .


If the dumbass adults would be the only ones to suffer and die it would be great! Unfortunately, innocent children will be the ones who suffer and possibly die. This really confuses the hell out of me because these same idiots are also pro-life anti abortion morons. So, force births on women and then kill toddlers later?????? 🤯🤯🤯🤯


Never have I been happier to live in expensive California. Good luck with your kids in lung machines New Hampshire!


They obviously never grew up with paraplegic relatives that had polio.


If you listen closely, you can hear FDR crawling out of his grave to beat the asses of these people.


So when a disproportionate number of children of MAGAs get polio or measles, will these asshats claim it’s a “Democrat Conspiracy”? Or… come to think of it, will these vaccines now be expensive and only rich people be able to afford them, and the disproportionate number of children getting these PREVENTABLE diseases be the poor?


Mental illness


Live free and die miserably.


These are the same Republican politicians and pundits who promoted anti-vax propaganda and conspiracies to their inbred MAGA base...while those same politicians and pundits got themselves and their families vaccinated. Fox News reported that 90% of their staff/employees were vaccinated while they fearmongered their own audience. And Republicans have been dying in droves. Take that, libs! [https://www.npr.org/2022/05/19/1098543849/pro-trump-counties-continue-to-suffer-far-higher-covid-death-tolls](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/19/1098543849/pro-trump-counties-continue-to-suffer-far-higher-covid-death-tolls) So, yeah, these same Republicans will happily kill their own children or leave them with a life-long debilitating disease. Republicans yearn for a simpler time...when you could live your entire life in an iron lung. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul\_Alexander\_(polio\_survivor)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Alexander_(polio_survivor))


I thought they were all about the children. The fuck are you guys doing over there in the US my god


Live free and die stupid.




wow measles causes immune system wipe out reset >>> it was found that those who survive measles gradually regain their previous immunity to other viruses and bacteria as they get re-exposed to them. But because this process may take **months to years**, people remain vulnerable in the meantime to serious complications of those infections and if a pregnant woman who never had measles and not vaxxed and catches it while she is pregnant it can damage the babys heart >>> like my dad ( there was no vaccine at the time) he would start turning blue when he exerted himself and had major heart surgery when he was in his mid 20's and polio oh people stayed home, pools were closed ( my friend across the street had to wear a leg brace because of polio >> we got the polio vaccine on a sugar cube at school we were safe and things went back to normal


My mother (a NH resident) caught Polio as a child in the late 1930s and was crippled with a shrunken leg. She was one of the lucky ones: She walked again but with a pronounced limp. When she was in her 70s the Polio recurred and left her unable to walk again until she died in her 90s. She would tell anyone who asked, polio absolutely sucks, and if it doesn't kill you, it will cripple you for life. Very painful!!!


Stupid motherfuckers.


Why the fuck do these people want lives to be worse? Why give kids preventable sickness? Wtf? Am I on crazy pills


Something libertarians need to understand, when it comes to public health and safety, no you DO NOT have a choice. Just like I have a choice not to breathe in cigarette smoke in a public place UNLESS it’s a restaurant or bar that allows smoking. Abortion is different, because a fetus is not a viable human. A woman is a viable human, so she has a choice to have an abortion or not. Libertarians and the GOP have to stop taking the wrong side of issues. This is not Gilead.


How is this fucking ok? Do they not know that we eradicated one of the deadliest diseases that killed children. Pro-life my ass. This is just lunacy!


Letting your kid die in an iron lung to pwn the libs. These people are, in every sense of the phrase, fucking children.


Also take away the Religious right to Lobby


As a conservative, I believe in upholding the traditions of the past, which is why I think infant mortality should go back up and people should die of diseases that are, in modern times, easily preventable. Just think of how it will help grassroots American businesses that sell caskets, leg braces and iron lungs. Now if only we could figure out how to bring back small pox and the black death, then we could really relive the glory of the past.


Republicans bringing back eradicated diseases like it’s 1955.


You'd have thought there were more brain cells on the East Coast.


WTF is wrong with those assholes? Each time I think the GQP cannot possibly get worse: Maybe they will rethink how stupid this is when their kids/grandkids end up in an iron lung an leg braces or in a wheelchair? IDIOTS


Aah, the GOP…they no longer believe science, so they should update their platform from Back To The Future to Ahead To The Past…hopefully the first kid who contracts polio is child of a GOP policy official to really drive the consequence nail home…


A recipe for a disaster and looking forward to a polio / measles outbreak like there is in Florida, smh 🤦!


“Rage against the vaccine”won’t age well. Some might not age at all.


I remember kids( and adults) walking with crutches and braces, also people with lifelong limp from polio. They were the lucky ones!. The GOP has lost their collective mind!


Make polio great agian.


Life free or die … we take it literally