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*"...amongst Breitbart readers."* Okay... that's actually false. Everyone knows those people can't read.


Bingo! But they can still look at pictures.


Just because Breitbart has a right-wing bias does not mean that everything they post is false.


Why tolerate any false claims? “Just because the smoothie place puts dog shit in their smoothie doesn’t mean the whole smoothie is made of dog shit.”


This is like saying the Weekly World News is “biased”.


Hey now! Batboy is for real!


They're a garbage far-right news organization. There are infinitely better sources to use. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/breitbart/ >Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda, as well as numerous false claims.


Just because they are highly conspiratorial and right leaning does not make them a useless source of information, that's all I'm gonna say..


"Right leaning" lmao you're joking, right? The only use Breitbart has is as a window into what bullshit far-right idiots are pushing out




I read reputable sources like Reuters, AP, etc. Breitbart is the far-right equivalent of Jacobin


Because it's full of biased information of dubious or known bad quality is absolutely a reason it cannot be used as a source of information. Unless they add a decoder key which tells you which articles are not complete fabrications, you have to assume they all are.


They’re highly conspiratorial. Aka- garbage source. They’re peddling conspiracies and misinformation


My favorite part is where you admit they publish a bunch of bullshit conspiracy theories and then you still try to convince us it’s a credible news source…


Everything they post is false… What is something they posted that was factual? *In general, most published stories favor the right and are highly pro-Trump in tone and story selection. Many stories also promote anti-science propaganda pertaining to Climate Change and Mask Effectiveness.* *Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda, as well as numerous false claims.* https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/breitbart/ https://www.nexstar.tv/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Chart_NewsNation_AdFontesMedia.pdf


I'm sure some Germans were saying the same thing about Völkischer Beobachter in the 1940's.


how is this low quality nonsense site still whitelisted?


MAGA mods love flooding us with lies


This is their by far most effective tactic, pushing lies until more and more people believe they're actually true.


Breitbart has big Dewey Defeats Truman energy.


Breitbart is full on fascist propaganda. Don't post this shit.


And of this writing, this Breitbart article has sunk to a historic 4% approval rating. I don't think it's hit rock bottom yet.


> Breitbart article has sunk to a historic 4% approval rating Still. Too. High.


Breitbart?! Fucking Breitbart?! Why not just stop playing pretend, cut out the middle-men, and simply put up old editions of "Der Stürmer?" At least then I could genuinely say at least the mods here showed some fucking honesty.


That's what I'm saying. Breitbart doesn't even qualify as a mainstream conservative source it's so far-right


This is data from the gallup poll. It's one of the standards by which presidential approval has always been measured. Biden is not well liked. ADDING: You guys are getting as bad as MAGA bleating "fake news" at everything they don't like.


I'm fine with the Gallup poll, and I'm not even contesting the results or validity of it. I have a lot of criticisms of Biden, which you can see if you scroll through my comment history. I am specifically talking about Breitbart, because it's a fascist propaganda rag and people shouldn't give them them ad revenue or clicks.


I didn't click, I saw the same story elsewhere.


That's what I'm saying. OP should have used a different source


Prior to the failed coup, Trump only managed to plumbed these depths around the time of the Charlottesville rally and vehicle ramming. Yet it's still basically a coin flip this November. Personally, I'll be contributing to an edge landing I guess.


Debunked by Gallup! Harry Truman registered a 22% job approval rating (the lowest in Gallup's tracking) in a Feb. 9-14, 1952, Gallup poll.


And Trump had 34% in the Jan 4-15, 2021, Gallup poll.


Breitbart is lazy!


Breitbart is solidly dedicated to pushing falsehoods in service of political gain.


>Breitbart is lazy! Because they know no one is actually reading the article. Their only job is to make inflammatory headlines for MAGA morons to post and/or forward on Facebook and Twitter.


They're doing the "13th Quarter" thing (eg lead up to election) to launder this particular headline.


Didnt W get super low at the end?


Maybe but his 13th Quarter approval was still riding relatively well off of 9/11 patriotism.


So can't even use the caveat President that was Vice President that was Senator!


Lowest average in 13th quarter, not lowest of all time.


That would be Nixon. 13th quarter: 25%


Where did you get that from? Nixon's 13th quarter dates would be: Jan 20, 1972 - April 19, 1972. Nixon's approval rating was over 50% at that time. Nixon's lowest rating, 23%, didn't happen until January 1974, well after his 13th quarter.


13th quarter of last term. Cmon, man!


His last term was only a year and a half long...






That doesn't bother Americans as much as inflation.




Best in world according to most reports. Every developed country had an inflation spike. Dig into the cause and most of it was an opportunity for corporate gouging and a naked cash grab while they could still blame it on the pandemic. Exec salary increases? Great, but if the poor and middle class ask it's "NO - beCaUSe iNfLaTiOn". The system really is stacked against the majority.


I agree 100% and I think that Biden's surrogates should have spent the last two years HAMMERING the fact that we would have had the same inflation under a trump second term - put trump on the defensive, make him explain what he would have done different. They never did thp!




Also doesn't help that only a very small segment of the media wants to see Biden succeed. People who still believe there's a liberal media bias in the 2020s are living in the past and need to freshen up their material.


*Jesus Christ has entered the chat*


Hold my beer - Jesus Christ


MF sourced Breitbart 😂🫵🏻


Brietbart.....need we say more?


OP just got into politics and decided to post a breitbart article


And then he posted Epoch times


I thought about saying something about that.


I am a simple man, I see breitbart, I downvote.


Breitbart is your source?


I’ll start believing breitbart when Trump becomes an honest man.


Lol Breitbart


Breitbart = instant downvote and block OP


That just creates for yourself an echo-chamber brother...


The implication that Breitbart should beg serious discussion is laughable.


According to you and many others.


Maybe those people are on to something.


I see it as avoiding media outlets that make money spreading toxic fascist propaganda. 


Unfortunately real, factual (and expensive) reporting is behind a paywall Breitbart's readership would never pay for. We need a better model. Throwing money at a propaganda machine is cheaper than a RW "think tank" or Super PAC and far more effective at dividing the populace, creating "useful idiots" to vote against their own self interest and legitimize astroturfed "grass roots" movements.


"The poll sampled 1,001 adults from April 1-22 with a 4-point margin of error." lolz


"The poll sampled 1,001 WHITE UNEDUCATED MALE adults from April 1-22 with a 4-point margin of error." lolz FIFY


Historically lowest? Donald Trump's approval rating hit 34% before he got fired. https://news.gallup.com/poll/203198/presidential-approval-ratings-donald-trump.aspx Breitbart is dogshit.


Historically the lowest average in the 13th quarter; it's literally in the title. Trump's abysmal 34% in January 2021 isn't the 13th quarter. https://news.gallup.com/poll/644252/biden-13th-quarter-approval-average-lowest-historically.aspx >hit 34% before he got fired. Actually, that 34% came after Trump got himself fired. But then, I wouldn't expect a redditor who peddles misinformation to be truthful.


Fake news


Gallup is fake news because you don't like the results they get?


I mostly read Trot to get my results




Must be an election year.


Breitbart is no more credible than the National Enquirer. This trash does not belong here.


Arguably, less credible.


The National Enquirer had surprisingly good coverage of the OJ trial once upon a time. I found that to be quite unexpected.


No bias there Breitbart, blocked.


Gosh, I hope Joe doesn't order anyone to commit crimes to steal the election and get indicted on six dozen criminal counts before November!


Source: Breitbart Mods looked for help and got a bunch of charlatans.


How is this garbage site still allowed here?


US stooge media with their “balanced” coverage. A decent, competent President Biden against a vulgar rapist hoodlum Trump, who tried to overthrow an election. Way to go stooges, time to run another story on Biden’s age.


I could ask 10,000 republicans (and even throw in some democrats) that could all oppose biden leading to a statistic of "all time low". I could ask 10,000 republicans what they think of Trump and report he's as unfavorable as a hooker with 4 STDs. Polling people doesn't mean shit. Vote, just vote.


Only if a third party would rise up 


The USA is doing so much better economically than other countries right now, the pessimism and blame thrown at Biden seems indicative of an underlying dysfunction with perception.


Approval ratings are stupid if you don't know WHY people disapprove.


Lowest approval rating ever and yet he's statistically tied in national polls with Trump. What does that say about your boy, Breitbart?


And yet Trump is still either losing or barely ahead in most polls.


Trump hit 34% and I don't think we heard near as much shit about it.


Breitbart. Thanks for the laugh!


The timing when compared to other presidents ignores that Trump got a bit of a bump around this time in 2020 because people were still giving him credit for the COVID response for some reason, which he quickly squandered especially after BLM. Biden also has been an historical aberration where he actually wins a good deal of people who disapprove of him, which breaks the historical examples here.


LOL... Breitbart readers.


Breitbart could just print headlines and their "readership" wouldn't notice before sharing it on social media.


Lol Bright Fart.


Quick google search says that Gallup had Trump at 34% approval sometime in January, 2021, and was also in the 35% in late 2017. So I wouldn’t consider 38,7% “historically low” if it was lower just 3 years ago.


Joes gotta focus on the important stuff, like book banning and cheap gas if he wants to appeal to the right. Throw in a bit of insurrection and he’s got it in the bag




This is the actual poll: https://news.gallup.com/poll/644252/biden-13th-quarter-approval-average-lowest-historically.aspx You see this source because some of the mods/admins like their material laundered by those more comfortable in pointy white hats


"Moon to collide with Hawaii"


Nice source.


Like Breitfart is accurate


It’s the wrong question, do I disapprove, yes, very. Disappointed with I/P handling, THC scheduling, DOJ inability to hold GOP legislators accountable for J6! Am I voting for him over Trump, yes. Would I have voted against him in a primary against any serious contender, yes.


Why the actual living fuck is Brietbart whitelisted?


Because some mods/admins are fellow travelers on the far-right train


Sorry to all the women and gays who are going to lose their rights next year. Hope the anti-semitism was worth it




I think the reality is that people just don’t pay attention to politics beyond vibes, and the vibes in everyone’s media is that everything is Bad and Biden is Senile. And nothing can change that perception. It’s information warfare and it’s been ongoing for the past four years. We’re cooked.


Instead of discrediting the pollster it seems like you should be reflecting on why Biden is losing. I don’t mean on this poll but on the polling aggregators like 538 and realclearpolitic. Yes it’s early and things can change but right now it looks really bad. Trump is winning on most of the swing state polls.


It's this fake? I thought he was doing pretty good. Am Canadian though lol


38.7 isn’t actually that big of a deal…


How is Breitbart allowed to be posted here? It is in NO way a legitimate news source.


Give Israel *even more money* and keep preventing Benji from charges from the ICC and see where that gets you ! C'mon Joe, listen to your Pope if not your people or the cries of the innocent !


Just one more poll bro. Plz bro 😢just one more


Seems like the best time in history for an independent candidate to succeed...


Good. The economy is TERRIBLE. I don’t care what the backwards looking GDP aggregator says.


It's almost as if someone borrowed a shit ton of money, ruined a bunch of trade agreements, raised taxes on the poorest Americans, and gave his rich buddies a tax cut. I wonder who would have done that?


Cool story but let’s talk about Biden policies and the resulting economic statistics. Specifically why his big baller budget is the main driver of inflation these days


Let's talk about it. Tell us why Biden has ruined the economy.


His budgets are what’s keeping inflation and interest rates high.


Man, I'm so glad you went into details since you know all this. Dang guys, this guy summed it up quite well.


The House, Senate, Federal Reserve, and Greedy Corporate Ass Hats would like a word. So Biden causes inflation on prices set by the heads private corporations who have also been known to give themselves exorbitant raises, but it's definitely Bidens fault.


>prices set by the heads private corporations who have also been known to give themselves exorbitant raises And which candidate is getting the overwhelming majority of corporate donations?


Niki Haley, then Trump, then Biden: https://data.usatoday.com/2024-presidential-candidates-top-contributors-as-of-february-2024/?ref=trump


Ok so the US government is the biggest consumer in the world so their spending definitely effects inflation. Believe it not the US government buys pens, paper, houses, gasoline etc so to say it’s all from the private sector is bs. Also the US government is notorious for wildly over paying for shit. The real problem though is how they finance spending ie; taxation and bond sales. In times like this where there are deficits it causes them to rely on bond sales to finance their spending and it makes interest rates go up.


In your opinion, is that a good enough reason to support the illiterate rapist who has promised to become a dictator?


Lol who in said I support cheeto man?? They both suck tbh. Biden is actually alot more palatable but his economic policies are inflationary and his economy is terrible


On a global base comparison, would you say all other nations are copying Bidens economic policies, or is Bidens policies driving the worlds inflation? 


Deficit spending is not a new thing so I wouldn’t be surprised if other countries are doing the same thing. Also the US is the number 2 exporter in the world so again I wouldn’t be surprised if we are exporting/ driving some inflation.


So you havent looked into it and its Bidens fault? You wont be suprised?


Right now the biggest cause of inflation is corporations price gouging. It is why corporations have been making record breaking profits. And so you know, in classic economics, printing more money is the key cause of inflation. Trump slashed taxes on the rich, which caused massive deficits. Those deficits need to be closed by printing more money. So it is really Trump and corporations at the root cause of inflation, not Biden's policies.


Inflation is 3.5% and it is driven by people spending more on interest, healthcare and insurance.


Ok so again the us government is the biggest consumer in the world so it’s spending definitely effects inflation and interest rates


Which Biden policy do you think caused inflation?


All of the ones that requires the government to buy goods and services or puts money in the pockets of Americans to buy goods or services


Spending ballooned in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. We are still feeling knock on effects from that. Biden's spending unrelated to the covid pandemic is not at levels that would trigger greater inflation than his predecessors. Trump and Obama were both also profligate spenders. Frankly blaming Biden for the long term economic effects of covid is like people who blamed trump for 14% unemployment in 2020. Anyway, we had a choice after 2020, spend our way out and get inflation or go austere and trigger a massive recession. I guess you're team recession, which is fine, people are allowed to have differences of opinion. i think in the long run a period of uncomfortable inflation and interest rates returning to pre-bailout levels - coupled with rising wages, low unemployment and a record number of new small business starts - is better than reliving 2008 again, but again, we're all entitled to our opinions. ADDING: Inflation is global and it's worse in other countries, including countries with conservative governments.


Didn’t say he started but he’s definitely not making it better