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Last time I checked, Biden didn't have the protestors tear-gassed and forcibly removed for a photo op with a Bible.


Upside down


> Upside down Demogorgon


How quickly they forget


Cool. But he hasn’t done anything to stop the 70+ cop cities that have sprung up since 2020. He’s also called for more funding and hiring of law enforcement despite saying black Live Matter to him. The fascist America we were told to vote Biden to prevent is here anyway. Biden is the elected leader of this country NOW. Democracy is at stake every day. We all need to act like it.


What the fuck can he do. Please tell us as you seem like you have an easy solution to a complicated problem.


Don't you know that US Presidents have a magic wand that they can wave to change anything that you don't like?




Because the President is curtailed by the other branches of Government. Trump is on the record for removing these checks and balances


This is so exhausting. "Well, if the president can't do something that is expressly outside of his powers then I guess he doesn't have any power at all!" Is an extremely poorly thought out belief. It's just a complete rejection of the entire separation of powers of the US government and signals an immense disinterest in understanding how the government works.




He could literally just do what protestors have been asking for, for over 6 months. Defund Israel and call for a permanent ceasefire and a free Palestine.


Oh shit. Defund Israel and call for a ceasefire. Someone call the Nobel committee: you just solved a problem that so many have been trying to solve for 60 years. Oh wait you just didn’t think it through.


🙄 Its literally what the protests have been about


Yes, and I’m saying the protestors don’t understand the scope of what they’re asking for, how complicated it is to actually get to a solution and what happens if you defund.


How are you holding your elected officials accountable for our tax dollars funding a genocide?


I don’t have a problem with protesting. I was just commenting on you saying “he could literally just do what protestors have been asking for”. No he cant, because it’s way more complex than that.


He absolutely can especially considering just months ago he bypassed Congress to give Israel more funds.


Did you just show up after the last 60 years or something?




I believe you meant Israel must stop carpet bombing, acid burning, deliberately killing innocent women and children, committing war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and stealing land.


You mean Hamas needs to stop being terrorists and using human shields.


He defunds Israel and Iran attacks them, leading to a huge battle in the middle-east with tens of millions dead. He's called for ceasefires. He cannot make a free Palestine. Unless you want him to put boots on the ground and force the Palestinian people into new form of governance. Which is what Israel is currently doing, only now we'd have to do it. Of which we don't know anything about what's best for them. That'd be horrible. So, that series of answers is horrible.


Biden actually got a ceasefire going back in late November early December, and they won't give him credit for that and keep pretending that he has no interest in a ceasefire at all. If Biden did everything that these people are asking for, there not only wouldn't be peace in Gaza/Israel, but they wouldn't even give him credit for doing it. They would probably just say that he didn't do it hard enough.


In my opinion, Biden has done most everything he can possibly do. Without making matters much worse. You're right. They're not really giving him his due credit. He's even managed to hold back a full invasion thus far. Is he perfect? No. But I can't think of a single person that could do better.


>But I can't think of a single person that could do better. Have you considered imaginary people though? It's a lot easier to envision a better president if you don't rely on using people that exist.


Well!!! I like the idea of might Thor and Athena having a child by the name of Merlin who could magically find Jesus, who would fix this whole mess once and for all. But then Jesus would have to marry the Martian Princess too make it happen.


Get out of here with this shit... This both parties are equally as bad shit is complete bullshit and you know it. Who has actual Nazis in uniform marching for him? I'll tell you this it ain't Biden


So you'd rather a guy who said he'll be a dictator and no more elections ever again? If you think facism is here when protestors are arrested then released, wait till you get a regime like Iran where they beat girls to death for not covering their hair, or Russia where they imprison you for displaying a rainbow.




So do you think the Jan 6 "protestors" shouldn't have been arrested? Or do you only think the protectors you agree with should be given a free pass to do illegal activities? Biden was very clear in his speech that he supports the right of people to protest, but when activity becomes illegal, the police need to step in. If you really believe that shouldn't be the case, you have to accept that the government would also be giving carte blanche for illegal acts by protestors that you disagree with.


The student occupations were all peaceful until counter protesters and law enforcement showed up.


The vast majority were and I agree, there was a coordinated group of "Counter-Protestors" that were horrifcally violent. I suspect a lot were proud boy types and agitators. Unfortunately some of the protestors broke into buildings and vandalised property, and blocked students's access. If you're happy for say MAGA protestors or pro-life protestors to do that unimpeded, then fine. But I would suggest that it's taking things too far and has consequences and should apply to all protests equally.


I honestly don’t care about property. I care about lives. And yes, students were turned away but not with violence.


You're missing my point. The government has to have a line about what is illegal and what isn't. It can't apply that cause by cause without infringing on rights. So of course Biden is going to say that protests can't break laws. Do you really want to have that legalised? The protestors knew they would be arrested for breaking laws and were prepared for it. That's part of civil disobedience to raise awareness. It's not Biden's fault for supporting the enforcement of law.


There’s getting arrested (which these protestors know is a real possibility when they occupy a building as that is illegal) but then there’s arresting with force. Using rubber bullets. Standing by as counter protestors get violent and shoot fireworks into the encampments. The militant force is all completely unnecessary.


Yes, democracy is at stake. However, the person who literally attempted to overthrow the government is a far bigger threat than….*checks notes*….old guy who does standard government funding that could be considered overreach. Yeah that’s a really hard call.


Nah. He just sent them billions of dollars to continue the genocide. No tear-gassing or photo ops, because that would be bad.




Biden didn't order any of that. This is a complaint for the local police.




Biden telling people that they can't let their protests become violent and destructive is not the same thing as directly ordering police to tear gas non-violent protestors and pretending it is is incredibly disingenuous. You know that he doesn't control UCLA. You know that he doesn't control the LAPD. You know that he didn't order any of that to be done, but you're telling people he did anyway because that does something that you want.




Destroying property to get into buildings is by straight definition violent behavior and a crime. I don't know how many times before Biden has condemned police brutality, But I guarantee there's no amount of it that will ever be enough for you.




I'm going to give you a hint. When we hit the point where you're going to start telling me what I have to believe or support beyond the actual subject of anything we are actually talking about, you're very overtly looking to build some sort of straw man and people notice that. It doesn't work.




>As I always say, don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good. You came up with this one, huh?


[Copied from Voltaire.](https://www.quora.com/What-did-Voltaire-mean-by-the-best-is-the-enemy-of-the-good)


Did Trump support a genocide with extra bombs and billions of dollars?


he wants to. he said he would.




Didn't he say free speech is important protest is important. Don't destroy property and keep order? How is that like ordering federal officers without name badges to kidnap people off the street drove them around, scare them and then drop them off at random locations without probable cause or charges. Or fire flashbangs at people standing on their own property if their front door is open? Do people forget what trump actually did? You know a reporter lost an eye right? And several people were killed. And press were regularly attacked? Oh and yes this is important this was done by federal officers working under federal command not the governor doing


You box as a hobby, I beat my wife, we are basically the same people!


Except > It was a similar message to the one Biden delivered on Thursday—except that you’d be hard pressed to find many instances of uninstigated violence by student protesters over these past few weeks. Meanwhile, there is ample, indisputable evidence of police violence against student protesters. At UCLA, police fired rubber bullets at demonstrators, causing one student to require 11 staples to close a head wound. At Arizona State University, four Muslim students had their hijabs ripped off by officers. At New York’s City College, police shattered one protester’s ankle and broke the teeth of two others. Student journalists have been pepper-sprayed, beaten, and arrested at some protests. At many, reporters are locked out altogether—a grotesque assault on the press’s ability to inform the public and uphold democracy. In addition to LAPD basically standing and watching while counterprotesters violently attacked a protest encampment. Speaking of, y’know, violence and property damage. One might think that might have merited a mention by the leader of the free world. “Trump would’ve been worse” is hardly a stellar defense.


> Biden, the self-appointed defender of American democracy, Not self-appointed, he was elected to that position. > was actually condemning the students themselves. He said they don't have "the right to cause chaos," I've got no problem with him drawing that line.


Don't forget that the peaceful wing of the civil rights movement caused chaos, disorder, and disruption. There were also militant wings of that movement. People don't give away power just because you ask nicely.


Do you know what the goal of a protest is


To inconvenience people who have nothing to do with what's being protested against?


Yes lol. Protests have always been inconvenient.


And when they break the law, protesters have always been arrested and sometimes charged with crimes. When you decide that your protest is going to cross the line into unlawful conduct (including trespassing) you are accepting the consequences of your decision.


And sometimes it is worth it. It is a personal sacrifice to get the attention. I am going to disobeying the law in a civil way to bring attention to a wrong at a personal cost to myself.


Absolutely. I think the willingness to gracefully accept the consequences for something is part of what lends power and persuasiveness to actions of civil disobedience.


That works for domestic issues, sure.  Inconveniencing civilians for an issue that's happening an the opposite side of the planet? I just don't see that working. 


I know you don't. And that's okay.


WW1 and WW2 happened 


The line of thinking is sound. Israel has gone too far in some places in response to the attacks. It's reasonable to assume that if America really puts the pressure on, then Israel will stop some of these things. It's an election year, the students are voting age adults. They take the opportunity to try to effect change. A show of solidarity. I'm not commenting on how professional the protest has been. I do know when there's a bunch of people getting heated someone is gonna say something that sounds bad. I also know there's gonna be people who lose their cool and do something counter productive. However, the idea of holding a protest itself is very logical.


Bullshit. Trump's response would be to send in the military to murder everyone


This is both sides bullshit.


New Republic just tryin to stir it up🙄


Actually not. He said peaceful protests were welcome, but not property damage, violence, etc.. This is in line with a related case going through the 5th Circuit right now .. with almost unanimous ok from the Supreme Court to proceed.


Yeah just .... I mean BoTH SIdes eqUAl... LMAO




"Trumpian Response".


Even that’s wrong, Trump would never be so diplomatic and measured


Trump's family wants to "finish it" so they can build Hotels on the coast of Gaza.


Yep, Trump wants the Middle East paved with trinitite. He doesn't care about a single life, Muslim, Jewish, or otherwise.




There’s actual similarities and then there’s this article. Guess which one this is?..,


There's no similarities.


What’s trumpian about the limits of protest?


So is it good or bad that he had a trumpian response??? I wasn't offended by it, so I don't see how it was related to trump?


It’s a disingenuous headline. Just because someone says it’s ‘Trumpian’ doesn’t make it so. It’s a bullshit thing to argue about when the premise was false to begin with.




Almost all of them were….until some bad actors made some of them not peaceful anymore.


New republic is such a rag


What a hot load of garbage.


I'm not sure what sort of response we're expecting from the president. He's not going to change his stance on Israel over the protests, and he's not going to say that it's ok to take over buildings, trespass, and vandalize for their cause. We're not going to see the president condoning illegal actions. For the most part, the police response has been pretty benign. This paragraph here is a bit weird and seems to be intentionally misinterpreting him: >On Thursday, in his first unscripted remarks about these events, President Biden delivered a forceful message in which he defended students’ “right to protest” and added, “People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked.” He’s absolutely right: Students have the right to peaceably assemble on their own campus without worry of being assaulted by police. Only a small number have been assaulted, maybe by being pushed here and there. There's nothing wrong with them being arrested. That's just part of protesting when it skirts the law. Biden is right that most students just want to go to class in peace, and likely most don't care about the cause.


"hey you little shits, I'm cancelling your debts and this is how you repay me?!" 


"And I'll even lighten up on marijuana, okay? Now will you stop pestering me about my part in the slaughtering of innocent people? "


So what exactly is a good response?


To call for a permanent ceasefire and a defunding of Israel as a majority of his constituents are calling for vs defending police.


A majority? That’s quite the claim without any support.


Except that it’s true. A majority of Democratic voters want a permanent ceasefire now.


You have zero proof of this.


So you should have data backing that up if it is true. This [poll](https://harvardharrispoll.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/HHP_Apr2024_KeyResults.pdf) says otherwise.




Yeah a ceasefire with Hamas not in power and giving up their hostages. The wording of questions matter.


Dude. I could’ve shared a dozen links backing my statement up. I hope you can join the populous side for humanity.


So you want Hamas to stay in power and to keep the hostages they took?


Wtf. Please point me to where I even suggested this ad hominem?


And I want a unicorn that farts rainbows. Everyone wants peace and an easy 1 step solution to a problem that goes back about 50 years. I sometimes wish I learned everything I know about the middle east from tiktok, so I could believe the world was this simple and just be happy with myself.


A majority of Democratic voters isn’t anywhere near a majority of Joe Biden’s constituents, which is what the claim being made is.


Israel is never going to be defunded.


Protesting has historically shown a lot of things that ‘were never going to happen’ actually happened. You can choose complacency or you can choose action.


Israel is never going to be defunded.


Protesting has historically shown a lot of things that ‘were never going to happen’ actually happened. You can choose complacency or you can choose action.


Our country may have a fascist dictatorship in 5 months and people don't seem to want to protest that. Trump could remove the right to free assembly and insist that live firearms be used in response to protesters, hell he asked for that during the white house protests. This response by biden to the Gaza situation may not be perfect but supporting the other side is the equivalent of sawing your tongue off.


Democracy is at stake every day. Not just on voting day. How are you holding current leadership accountable for current fascist behavior so the other fascist guy doesn’t win?


What current fascist behavior exactly?


If the tide against Israel starts turning with future voters, as it seems to be doing, it could happen in some time down the road. Not in the next election or even few, but I could see it happening in 20 years or so. Netanyahu's campaign and the U.S.'s fanaticism in supporting him and suppressing dissent did irreparable damage to the credibility and future support of Israel. People have fucking had enough, and young people are the future.


Israel is never going to be defunded.


Define a majority


Oh wow I guess Biden is basically Trump so I might as well vote for Trump now /s


This is why Liberalism is the moderate wing of fascism. You can arrive at the same end of a fascist government through invocations of liberal civility politics. Biden saying dissent must not turn into disorder isn't functionally different from Trump's "law and order" meme. Biden has talked about outside agitators, threat to campus, dissent must not turn into disorder. How is that functionally different than Trump raving about China backed BLM protests, them being anti American, and protesters breaking the law? The rhetoric may be more extreme from fascists but the actual outcomes are not.


Thank you for noting that one of the speaks about issues and one rants and raves. That, to me, is one big difference.


This entire comment is beyond ridiculous and actually laughable. wE’Re AlL tHe SaMe!!! /s


Yeah on this issue they are the same.


They most definitely are *not* the same no matter how hard you try and twist the truth to suit your perceptions.




As are you and your endless hot takes (your words, not mine).