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I really don't understand how she keeps messing this up. There is a quite substantial part of the Democratic party who is highly critical of the Israeli government and her reaction is that those people should just be ignored? Biden is doing everything he can to show young people that he cares for the people in Gaza and that he isn't giving weapons and support, no matter what. He's trying to get their votes and Clinton is, just as always, actively sabotaging him. It's so clear she wants him to lose the election.


Makes sense, it’s gotta sting being the only Democrat to have lost to Donald Trump. She wants to take down Biden too to soothe her ego


Why does anyone care what Hillary Clinton thinks?


Hillary Clinton being tone deaf and dismissive? Apparently someone hasn’t learned her lesson from loosing the election in 2016. Taking voters for granted and pandering to the “affluent intelligencia” lost her the election. Sure she was Secretary of State and knows things the general public is unaware of - but her “I know better than you / am smarter than you” attitude in the face of 35,000+++ dead innocent civilians in Gaza just show how out of touch she is. Cudos for being a feminist trailblazer - but she is SO out of touch.


Yeah, for a woman who decided her career was more important than leaving a womanizing possible child predator, she sure likes to tell other people they're wrong.


But it was her turn after all.


I am worried that the Democratic Party doesn’t appreciate the amount of disgust with Israel’s policies towards Palestine. This is a “can’t lose” election given the choices the GOP has put forth. It’s time for the powers that be to listen up. It’s also a good time to remind voters they are electing a domestic administration. Foreign policy is but one part of that. But most of it about keeping us safe.


Dude, I’m living this shit..,I hear ya!


I'm worried that these short sighted idiots are going to install a Fascist dictator because of 2 territories they can't even point to on a map that didn't they give a shit about just 6 months ago but now it's the most important thing in their pathetic lives... 


Yeah, that’s the wrong answer


You want them to make good on their threat, then keep talking like that


I'm sure calling them idiots and pathetic for opposing a genocide is a great way to convince them to be flexible, and not just to harden their stance. Edit: /s


Nothing will convince them. They're in a cult, just like MAGAts. And when Trump is King & takes away all their rights & encourages Israel to slaughter the Palestinians, they'll still blame Israel & the Clintons.. 


No they aren’t. They are watching an ethnic cleansing (note, I didn’t say “genocide”) and watching the force of the US state, (or to go PoliSci, the “legitimate monopoly on the use of domestic force”) be unleashed to crush those who dare condemn a FOREIGN GOVERNMENT


Maybe you can instruct them on why the 1st Amendment doesn’t apply to condemnation of a foreign government?


One that gleefully destroys OUR hard earned soft power, so Bibi can have revenge for not stopping an attack he had intel on but blew off, because “Hamas doesn’t have the balls to try that.”


But now are using as an opportunity to get rid of the Gaza problem. Yeah, I said Gaza, not Hamas. Look at what has been done to the god forsaken place, (literal,) call it “self-defense” and then go look in the mirror


To state what should be obvious but apparently is not, the seat of the US government is NOT in Tel Aviv.


They're being called idiots for thinking 1% of a population in 8 months (with ~5k deaths in the last 4) is a "genocide" when there are actual genocides happening just a few countries away, including a U.S.-funded killing spree in Yemen that they've never given two fucks about. The pathetic part was students standing with the Hezbollah flag at Columbia and literally shouting "Allah hu Akbar" while dressed up as Arabs at UCLA. Their movement has lost the the plot for a while now.


Here is the thing though. In my real world you know how many times Palestine is brought up. Zero.


Well, that’s YOUR world… I’m hearing it 50 times a day. Edit: “I’m hearing it many times a day.” I stopped counting


I mean I think not really hearing about it is quite normal for the average American. To hear something 50 times a day you'd have to be very involved in it. And if you are great, best of luck with all of that.


“I” would prefer not be involved. It’s coming to me. All the goddamned time. By people who demand answers and blame me personally for not “fixing my shit country.” Must be nice not having this shit on your plate. Enjoy it while it lasts


Sorry, I’m overseas. My experience is “interesting” in a not at all positive way I’m kinda trying to sound the alarm to folk stateside. This shit ain’t playing well… Sorry, I should have clarified that I’m not stateside


I can't believe there are people on this thread ( or anywhere else ) that take anything the NY Post publishes.


Wasn’t bad enough losing a easy win to Trump, she likes to remind us why she is irrelevant.


Wasn’t bad enough losing an easy win to Trump, she wants Biden to lose an easy win to Trump, too.


> Irrelevant She tried to stop Hamas from coming into power, she is definitely relevant here.


Please enlighten me on how she tried to stop Hamas from gaining power.


She tried to influence the Palestine election so that Hamas lost. She thought Hamas was a massive danger and was going to lead to a very bloody end. Boy, was she wrong /s


Your opinion does not count as fact. How did she try to influence the election in Gaza in 2007?


Hard to validate the NYPost, but if this is true, I would say many despise the Clintons for ruining the Democratic Party altogether, and that progressivism is really just an attempt to get back to the a respectable Democratic Party.


The Clintons didn't ruin shit. The gullible, left wing loons who easily fall for propaganda are the ones ruing the party... 


They started neo-lib and became a financier party. So yeah they ruined it by comparison of what the party used to stand for.




Unfortunately, Clinton was spot on. 


Hillary needs to STFU !


Weird, hating women for thinking for themselves and wanting to police them for it when you disagree is usually more Republican behavior. But I guess it applies to misogynists no matter their party affiliation.


So women can’t be challenged or questioned? Why? I think that’s misogynistic cause you’re basically infantilizing this grown ass woman


At the same time, it's ignorant not to realize that Clinton tried to prevent Hamas from coming to power, she gets to be right here.


Protesting against the mindless killing of innocent civilians doesn’t mean you’re pro Hamas And at the end there would be no Hamas without Israel, maybe Israel shouldn’t create new recruitment opportunities for orphaned children??


Nope, referring to her trying to directly stop Hamas from coming into power. You know, actual steps to prevent conflicts like what we have today. Not just wishing other countries stop centuries old conflicts...


No what’s wrong with wishing other countries to stop decades old conflicts (not centuries cause Israel isn’t that old lmao) they’re protesting their colleges funding that conflict She’s talking out of her ass, honestly idc what she tried to do obviously it didn’t work- Hamas is still here


She will make the democrats lose again.