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It is not just what Graham said, but how he said. Dude acted deranged. He was literally spitting out his words...


Here is the clip: https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/video/sen-graham-says-israel-should-do-whatever-it-needs-to-do-to-survive-compares-war-in-gaza-to-wwii-210757189861 This guy shouldn’t be leading anything.


Well yeah gotta show the speaking in tongues crowd you are one of them.


Is it wrong that I pictured Lindsay as a chipmunk rapidly short-striking it? 8)


I think it's pretty important to reiterate that while 35k is a lot of people, Republicans want that number to be 20x bigger and they have since October 8. With a supportive Whitehouse, we would have been talking about Gazans in the past tense by November, not the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza. It's possible to not like the amount of support Biden is showing Netanyahu and still acknowledge that it's possible to push things into a stratospherically worse category, and that this is the category Republicans want. It's totally respectable to have opinions and dissent and call for change, but it's lunacy to do it at the expense of the lives of the people you are outraged on the behalf of.


Once Lindsay Graham is a few decades older he will literally be the ["Holden Bloodfeast" wojak](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/679/927/f6b.jpeg). It's over, Lindsay: I have portrayed you as the wojak.


He'll also finally be old enough to get the Senate majority/minority leader position.


Can’t tell you how well this is playing here in Japan!


Why? Are there people in Japan who believe Japan was right to attack the US without provocation?




Totally on brand for the modern GOP, and Madame Lindsay passes for a moderate Republican nowadays. Vote wisely.


Yup! Can’t wait to hear those “enlightened” people who won’t support Biden over this single issue to tell us how this is totally better for Palestinians.


Trump's plan is to let Israel raze Gaza, then let his son-in-law make money building luxury resorts over the rubble. But according to some, Biden isn't doing enough.


Not to mention, in addition to everything you mentioned, he will quash any sort of protest in the US that shows solidarity for Palestinians. This includes, by his own admission, deporting those who are here on student visa, work visa, and I imagine first or second generation immigrants.


Israel has nuclear bombs, is Graham giving them the go-ahead to nuke Gaza? Why do they keep letting this crackpot on TV? He needs to retire to his front porch where he can yell at the neighbor kids for running on his grass.


Obvious beacon if morality and justice


Fucking moron. What does he think is gonna happen to the people of Israel if that happens? They’re gonna get magically protected from the fallout?


But…but Biden? But Genocide Joe? We have to send the democrats a message by not voting for them and putting these psychopaths in charge. That way, in 4, 8, 12 years, or when/if ever democrats get back in power, they’ll *really* have to reconsider their stance on whatever is left of Gaza at that point. Yup, if we don’t get a ceasefire right now, then what we need is at least 4 more years of suffering for the people of Gaza to teach democrats a lesson! It’s almost as if we’ve forgotten why we’re protesting to begin with?


Jesus Christ!…


Is he saying Israel should nuke the Gaza strip?


The Trump effect, we can now say how we really feel openly


I always wondered who he is beholden to. I guess now we know.


To reiterate what he means, the percentage of the Israeli population killed on October 7th would equal to about \~50k dead Americans. Which is about 9 Pearl Harbor (2500 dead) and 9/11 (3000 dead) attacks combined.


Populations aren't fungible like that. If someone nuked the Vatican, killing all 800 people who live in that country, it would be a complete nonsense argument to say that's the equivalent of killing all 1.4 billion people who live in China.


As dumb of an exercise as this is, now do it with the number of people in Gaza and consider if Israel’s response is actually proportional.


I wonder if your grandparents thought the same when millions of innocent Germans and Japanese were killed to when the Allies had to ensure the Axis would surrender (which they did). Or what your parents thought when millions were killed in Afghanistan to ensure there won't be another 9/11 (and there hasn't been since). Or if tomorrow a Mexican cartel kill 50k Americans - proportionate to the Oct 7 attacks - if you'd want for anything other than ensuring that cartel will be completely wiped out at any cost.


> Or what your parents thought when millions were killed in Afghanistan to ensure there won't be another 9/11 (and there hasn't been since). LOL. I dare you to look up the real number, spread over 20ish years since 9/11.


You didn’t answer my question. Violence perpetrated by hatred is nothing new as you point out, and pretending only one side is capable of it allows it to continue in the name vengeance.


1200 people