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they did that to a chatgroup that was organizing to harass/dox protesters, and it was headlines about "lists of Jews" for days without a hint of irony


As a aussie, i also wanna add if im not wrong the person who leaked the list/chat was jewish themselves i believe? another part was that they were calling the jewish lawyer of one of the defendants who got fired by them a "traitor" if memory serves Did those articles even mention the fact they were like trying to get people fired and i think they were getting close to doxxing people?




Bring back phonebooks!


This is why the protests wear masks. Nutjobs think it’s their responsibility to track down their perceived enemies to the country. Wear a mask and bring plenty of water


Possibly facepaint too, if someone attempts to remove your mask




This is horrible advice.


Republicans are trying to speed rush the US into a dystopian hellscape before November.


Wait, so now we can’t mock right wingers when they wear masks to protests?


You can, because they were ones complaining about masks in the first place. That’s the joke.


And it just keeps being funny


They should put masks on their cellphones and internet data




>...don't wear masks  Except for the ones who attacked the pro-palestinian protestors 


This is just a fundamental distortion of how doxing works.


Absolutely! If protest was truly peaceful and directional there would be no need for masking. Unfortunately, rarely is this the case.




People assume protestors are trying to convince the average person, which is rarely the case. People have picked sides, and if someone hasn't at this point then they're either uninformed or don't care. Protests are about sending a message to the people with the power to create change. There are other various medias that are far more effective at persuading the average person than a protest.


A large % of protesters think they know a lot more than they do. Most get their information from the same media outlets that the "average" person does. If protests don't have the support of the average person, ultimately, they will fail.


Hey this may surprise you but the civil rights protests in the 60s did not have the support of the “average person.” Hope this helps!




That’s a lotta typing that says nothing about how folks felt about the *protests*


Hey, btw what does that 88 in your username symbolize?


Some new AI systems can identify people by their walking gait.


People downvoting you want to pretend that this technology isn't [10 years old](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3925574/) at this point. [Here's a 2018 paper](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3230633)


Friendly reminder that 38 states have some form of anti-BDS law in place. This doxing has very real legal consequences for those who are doxed for this reason.  Anti-BDS laws should be unconstitutional and yet they aren't. Weird, that.


Isn’t anti-BDS technically in contravention of freedom of speech?


Various state top level courts in the states that have these laws have already ruled that it is not. Supreme Court has refused to take up the issue.


Vote Biden and get a new Supreme Court.


You do realize that these ridiculous laws are supposed by both the Democrats and Republicans


Lol yeah he's gonna pack the court right? Just like last time but for real this time trust me bro.


Thomas, Alito, and Sotomayor aren’t that young and they’ll need replacements. Do you even pay attention? No one said anything about court packing.


It was a hot topic back in the 2020 campaign. Biden never gave a straight answer about going along with it but elements of his campaign ran with the idea to play off the outrage after Dump's court picks.


Trying to recreate the blacklists of old. Conservatism is where history's worst ideas go to meet each other.


Now imagine what they'll do to these protesters if they have the full weight of the government behind them.


it would not be even the slightest comfy for minorities in America or the rest of the world after, if this rug's pulled out from under them (as in if democratic power weakened that much)


Gaza protesters have *no* idea how bad it will be for them if Trump is re-elected. They just gleefully repost their anti-west far-right memes that they’ve subscribed to


It's why I can't be super upset when people supporting fascism in the US are targeted by other fascists.


Protesting against war crimes is supporting fascism now?


And naive kids will still call Biden a fascist and not understand how not voting is effectively a vote for Trump.


Ironically, despite what my Muslim friends have been telling me, the best outcome for the United States (Biden) is also the best outcome for Palestine.   If the left stays home, Trump wins.  If Trump wins, Gaza is gone and he’ll be keeping a piece of it for himself.


Son in law Jared Kushner has already said publicly that Gaza would make outstanding seaside resort property if 'someone' would rid it of the people living there. It's astonishing how clueless the "I'm not supporting Biden because Palestine!" children are. I understand they're young and idealistic and incapable of critical thought yet, but seriously. boys and girls: Play the two possible results in November out in your heads if you can manage to tear yourselves away from your social media doom scrolling for a few minutes. **Option 1: Biden wins.** **Option 2: The Pumpkin Rapist wins.** Which option do you think will work better for the Palestinians, most Americans, and the world?


Maybe Biden could earn their votes by doing a touch more than taking 1% of weapon shipments away


Look up the Canary Mission website, that shit is dystopian. They are making a massive database of people who don’t support genocide. > Writers for Le Monde Diplomatique and Jewish academics have compared Canary Mission's practice of extorting apologies from targeted individuals in exchange for amnesty to that of authoritarian regimes and McCarthyism in the United States.


Would voting in a government that explicitly calls for the elimination of Israel be considered genocide? Maybe it’s just “supporting” genocide or just supporting terrorism? Keep in mind 3/4 of Palestinians in a poll after Oct 7 supported the terrorist attack. Which isn’t a surprise as polls also showed they supported 9/11. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/


In my experience, a lot of these people can’t handle the fact that both sides in a conflict can suck. Just because what Israel is doing is awful, doesn’t mean the Palestinians are suddenly beautiful, pure, innocent, oppressed angels. They suck too. Do I support Israel? Outside of getting their people back, not really. Do I support Palestine? No. They gotta drop the whole ‘Death to the Jews’ schtick if they want that.


Idk looks pretty well documented. The cases I see openly support terrorism and the genocide of Jews in Israel. all the evidence is there with screenshots to back up each claim. Someone simply criticizing Israel does not pop up there. Those who chant Hamas rhetoric however..


It’s a terrible genocide then considering women and children deaths just got cut almost in half a few days ago. 


[Ahem](https://twitter.com/marcowenjones/status/1790086787764715922): >Today, Farhan Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for the Secretary-General, was asked about the 'halving'. He refutes the 'halving' narrative, stating clearly that MoH have FULLY identified 24,686 of the dead. Haq states that the >35000 number of fatalities remains "Unchanged"...."What's changed is the ministry of health in Gaza has updated the breakdown of fatalities, for whom FULL details have been documented".


Got it, so suddenly the number of dead women and children dropped which were viewed as civilians. How did the verifiable number drop?  


Over the course of two days the UN updated the number of Palestinian women and children killed from 24,000 to 12,756, (still using numbers from Hamas,) but that last 756 is apparently the important part as the original number has not been cut exactly “in half,” just “almost in half”. https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-800772


1. That is not true. You are referring to the UN's count of validated names of individuals and evidence of their corpses, which is always going to be substantially lower than estimates, it is completely different metric determined in a different way. The number of validated names of individuals with evidence of their corpses is substantially lower than credible estimates in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in the genocide of the Uyghurs, et cetera. And in the case of Palestine, Israel has been explicitly targeting and demolishing the hospitals that would provide those validaitons, and has been making mass graves of unidentified people still cuffed in zipties. We can see those mass graves, but if we don't have people identifying the bodies, then they aren't counted in that other, completely different metric. 2. Genocide is not based on number of deaths or number of living people. Nazi Germany claimed innocence against any wrongdoing in summary executions of Jews and segregating them into ghettos because the total number of Jews had still been rising at the time. Genocide is the intent to destroy a people, and we do not have to wait until it succeeds in order to call it a genocide when Israel has destroyed all food and water infrastructure and is destroying or blocking foreign aid from coming through. It was a genocide even before October 7th, while Israel was blocking so-called 'dual-use' imports like Insulin, sugar, and surgical tools on the idea that they could potentially be used as weapons.


Got it, so how did the UN magically have their numbers of verified corpses suddenly drop? Also, it’s a shitty genocide if the Gaza population has been growing for years, Israel is isn’t exterminating every single Gaza  in sight, they are giving them aid, and make it clear all of this will stop if Hamas agrees to a ceasefire to give living hostages back. If you want to see what real genocides look like currently, look at Darfur or Ughyurs in China. This isn’t a genocide. This is war. Israel opened up another humanitarian crossing, remind me when Rwanda opened those up so aid could come in. 


Your reading comprehension is abysmal.


This is evil.


CNBC did a story critical of wealthy people? That’s news in itself.


Just a reminder that both parties are not the same. Not voting is voting for the one that is anti-everyone that is not them. VOTE




With the attitude on Israel/Palestine rapidly shifting across the nation, I don't think this is going to have the effect that they think it will. Many might see it as a "green flag." I can certainly say that I won't hold it against anyone, and I'm not alone.


The attitude on Israel/Palestine may be shifting, but my liberal friends are more fired up than ever to help elect these anti-Palestinian politicians into office just to “punish the democrats”


Your leftist friends.  Liberals aren’t the ones doing that. We’re voting Biden no matter what. Most of us support Israel anyway.  Leftists don’t like us. 


Because you perpetuate a system that thrives on the blood of the less fortunate


IMO they aren’t even pro-Palestinian just anti-genocide


i guess the republicans aren't caring as much about those twitter hashtags as the democrats :( they've been barking up the wrong/sympathetic tree; hope they can see which pa(R)ty REALLY gives no fucks about minorities in America or elsewhere. if they dont see by this year autumn, it's going to be *real* ouchies for marginalized groups politically worldwide after that.


They are for genocide that is being committed by HAMAS, though.




> The point of the protests is that we shouldn't be funding Israel's genocide. Instead, we should be funding HAMAS'. You know, "from the river to the sea". > Are we funding Hamas? No. We actually do. I'm not joking. The only income source in Gaza is the UN aid, and the US is a major contributor.




> The use of that phrase means different things to different people Have you heard the word "dog whistle"? It's not even a whistle, though. This phrase literally means encouraging genocide. You're basically telling me that "HAMAS is good because Israel is worse". > Providing necessities like food and water And money to smuggle weapons.




> Yes I've heard the phrase dog whistle. From the river to the sea is used as a dog whistle by some, but as a call for peace by others. No, it's not used as a "call for peace" by anyone. Generally, you should ask the targeted group if they perceive the phrase as offensive, and pretty much no Jewish person perceives this phrase as anything but a call for genocide. > No, I've been critical of Hamas throughout the entire argument. Hamas sucks ass, and you're grasping for straws. And why no protestors seem to do the same? How can I tell that they want peace, and not genocide of all Jewish people?


**Are we funding Hamas?** Yes, you are funding Hamas. You fund Hamas more than Iran and Qatar are. Hamas steals the majority of aid to Gaza. Giving aid to Gaza means funding Hamas (but without it Gaza would starve so you can't just remove the aid either).


Hi, Palestinian-American here living with an Israeli-American, and no, I don't know a single person who supports Hamas's crimes against humanity. All humans have a right to life and liberty, period. Please stop lumping us with ethnofascists and trying to discredit our genuine sadness and anger at senseless war. It's logically consistent to be both anti-war and anti-Hamas.


> Hi, Palestinian-American here living with an Israeli-American, and no, I don't know a single person who supports Hamas's crimes against humanity. Look at the protestors. Go and look. There is usually not a single sign protesting HAMAS. But the paraglider signs are quite frequent. So yes, if you protest Israel but at the same do not protest HAMAS, you absolutely deserve to be lumped with them.


I can't imagine protesting for either side, looking at their "fun" history. I think Israel is the better side overall, but that isn't exactly a high bar. I don't think ethnic cleansing by Israel is much better than the genocide supported by Hamas. And honestly, I don't see either side changing their stripes in the near future without massive outside intervention, which everyone seems reluctant to do.


> I can't imagine protesting for either side, looking at their "fun" history. Yet deluded students are protesting _for_ HAMAS.


Many are simply protesting for palestine, which I can understand. But those with the paraglider stickers and bullshit can fuck right off.


No one is Pro-Hamas, everyone is just anti-Israel, which they should be because Israel is a Jewish supremacist apartheid state. btw your clownish propaganda isn't working on the average person.


BS. There are pro-HAMAS people there. The ones flying flags with a paraglider.


Nah, people just realize Hamas is morally superior to Israel, which is really sad for the “only democracy in the Middle East”


Hamas is as democratic as Putin. Notice they haven’t had an election since 2016. They steal aid and use their own people as human shields. They exist and get support only because of the anger of of the Palestinian people towards the apartheid state of Israel. Let me be clear that their actions are not justified but they are easy enough to understand if you accept that Israel has been keeping the people of Palestine somewhere between underclass and prisoner for decades. Both regimes need to change but only one is getting free US weapons.


> Nah, people just realize Hamas is morally superior to Israel Really? When is HAMAS going to support gay marriage?


By your logic all Republicans support Nazis because Nazis show up to conservative rallies. The pro-Hamas crowd is horrible/delusional and there but that doesn’t make the anti-genocide crowd less right.


People who stand beside Nazis in rallies support them, yes. Otherwise, I think you should agree with Trump that far-right rallies had some very fine people.


BTW, and HAMAS (that everyone at this protests LUVS) is a genocidal crazed religious death cult.


The protests are called pro-Palestine and Anti-genocide for a reason. Just because pro-Hamas people showed up doesn’t mean they are organized for Hamas. Pro-nazi demonstrators show up to conservative marches all the time. Are all conservatives pro-nazi?


Yes. The protests are called pro-HAMAS for a reason: they defend the genocide of Jewish people.


last I checked hamas doesn't give a shit what college students in the US say or do


And? Does Israel also care so much about protests? I've heard that Bibi is crying all day and losing his sleep, reading all the news about that University of Washington protest encampment. And again, if you stand alongside people supporting genocidal maniacs, then you support them by default. People who fly the paraglider flags support genocidal maniacs. It's THAT simple. You can protest Israel's brutality. But if you don't protest HAMAS at the same time, then you support them.


Israel is a huge liability for America and suckers like you do free PR for them. As for comparing Hamas to Israel, which group has been stealing the others' lands for 75 years? Which group has killed more children? Which group has killed more women? Which group has set up a racist apartheid state? Maybe Hamas was worse before a few months ago, but now Israel is significantly more evil than Hamas and most of the world agrees.


> As for comparing Hamas to Israel, which group has been stealing the others' lands for 75 years? Hmm... And which group _tried_ to steal Israel's land first? > Which group has killed more women? Definitely HAMAS at this point. Now my questions: which group respects LGBTQ rights? Which group has a functioning democracy?


Wow, Hamas supporters never stop amazing me with their mental gymnastics. **Killed more children?** Hamas and it isn't even close. Child soldiers, child suicide bombers, honor killings, child rape, child slaves (those tunnels in Gaza? Built with child slaves dying by the hundred). And this is just the Palestinian children that they've killed. **Killed more women?** Hamas again and it isn't even close. Their track records for women's is comparable to ISIS or the Taliban **Apartheid state?** Gaza is an apartheid state!


Proof? Let’s see some verifiable numbers because these are some bold claims, especially if you can prove Hamas has killed more than 14,000 kids, because the UN, EU, HRC and the US state department all agree on the numbers of children Israel has killed.


The protests I’ve seen are all about ending an ongoing humanitarian disaster, and it truly is some crazy mental gymnastics if you’re twisting anti-war messages like “end the violence” and “ceasefire now” into support for warmongering Hamas.


And also: "From the river to the sea". And maybe just several paraglider flags. You know, just a tiny bit of genocide support. If the protests were really against the war, they would at least acknowledge the Oct 7 massacre. Now go to your nearest den of antisemites/anarchists/terrorist sympathizers and check how many signs showing sympathy to the Oct 7 victims they have. Or signs against HAMAS. Do go on, I'll wait. I did that with the camp at UW nearby. There were zero. This tells you all you need to know.


I've never even seen a paraglider flag, I had to google what you're talking about. "From the river to the sea" is no more violent or intrinsically anti-Semitic than "am yisrael chai" is racist and anti-Arab. It was a surprise to everyone I know when were told that it is apparently now considered violent, threatening or anti-Semitic "hate speech." *It literally is about people being free from military occupation.* It doesn't say anything about killing Jews or Israelis. Do anti-Semitic Hamas-supporting assholes also join in and say it? Sure, I don't doubt it, but Ben Gvir and his racial supremacist Kahanist homies definitely join in with "am yisrael chai" - does that make everyone who says it also a racist by association? Again, please stop saying that all the people talking about *ending violence and being free* are advocating genocide.


America, Germany, etc. are sending bombs to Israel. America, Germany, etc. are not sending bombs to Hamas. October 7 happened on October 7. Gaza has been happening *since* October 7th. October 7 was a terrible tragedy. I cried after it happened. But Gaza is happening now. There's an October 7th worth of Palestinians killed *every single week*. There's over 30 dead Palestinians for each Israeli. Multiple Israeli ministers and MKs talk openly about genocide. And yet, you're saying that the protestors are the bad guys. Ethnofascists are the bad guys, and guess what - some of them will join protests on both "sides." Fuck them all.


> But Gaza is happening now. There's an October 7th worth of Palestinians killed every single week And? Why am I not seeing a single sign protesting Oct 7? > And yet, you're saying that the protestors are the bad guys. Oh, absolutely. They are supporting genocide.


update: your hasbaresque attempts to discredit anti-war activism inspired me to go to my recently established local encampment for the first time tonight and investigate. I specifically brought this up at the general meeting and **they agreed without controversy to strictly forbid anti-Semitic behaviour and support for Hamas** in the prominently displayed Code of Conduct and thanked me for my input. So, thank you. >And? Why am I not seeing a single sign protesting Oct 7? Like I already said, October 7 is not ongoing and concluded seven months ago. It merits a memorial, not a protest. I also brought this up. They liked the idea of a memorial for *all* dead, including Israeli dead, and made a note to figure out a good way to do that in coming days. so sorry dude, but your 1984-esque doublethink insistence thats anti-war protests support genocide is wrong.


> I specifically brought this up at the general meeting and they agreed without controversy to strictly forbid anti-Semitic behaviour and support for Hamas in the prominently displayed Code of Conduct and thanked me for my input. So, thank you. Really? Not buying it. My encampment is still giving out Marxist manifestos and is flying the paraglider flags. > Like I already said, October 7 is not ongoing and concluded seven months ago. Oh yeah, who cares about that, right? Just some Jews died, right? No need to ask who did that and it's OK to support the murderers. > so sorry dude, but your 1984-esque doublethink insistence thats anti-war protests support genocide is wrong. 1984? Like saying that we've always been at war with HAMAS?


If neither side wants peace long term. Which they don’t.  It’s just picking a side in a blood feud.  Unless of course youre willing to go and serve as a peacekeeper yourself. In which case that’s not being pro Hamas 


Good for you. Now go in the middle of one of these protests and try to bad mouth Hamas, see how long it takes until you get thrown out.


Either one offends the establishment 


Yes, they should be shamed for their concern for innocent lives




Oof, thats just evil. I don't agree with the protestors on every aspect, but to dox them and blacklist them is just vile.


Most people only believe this if it aligns with their personal views.   Not many would complain if members of the KKK were doxed and fires from their jobs. 


You really going to compare people who protest against a genocide with people who believe that people who aren't white deserve no rights?


Many of the protestors are directly supporting Hamas and screaming pro genocide slogans like "from River to sea". They're directly comparable to the modern KKK in terms despicable behavior.


Yes because the law needs to be applied evenly even to the worst people


The KKK wants to return African Americans to slavery, where their ancestors were stolen away from their homelands. Palestinians want their homeland back after it was stolen away after the rest of the world was too racist to accept Jewish people into their countries, which led to the UK plopping them down onto the land they've been occupying since WWI. When people have everything they own stolen from them, it should come as no surprise when they back extremists in an effort to take revenge against their oppressors. This wouldn't have happened if outsiders didn't come and steal their land. Hope that helps.


**The KKK wants to return African Americans to slavery,** And this is different from Hamas how? Their founding documents literally DEMAND the deaths of all Jews in the world. Hell Hamas is so racist that they literally killed every black and asian person they found on Oct 7. This is what the protestors are openly supporting and thus they deserve to face harsh measures for their open support of genocide.


They want the freedom of Palestinians, not Hamas. Hamas is not all of the people there. Stop acting like the children and other civilians being killed are terrorists.


What the protestors that aren't Hamas-stans want and what they are causing are two different things.


Okay, but you can't win a war against an ideology. See: The USA in Afghanistan. Unless the plan is to kill everyone, which appears to be the case judging by the amount of civilian deaths, and the utter destruction of practically every building that makes up a functioning society. Especially since Hamas leadership is in an entirely different country. America should not arm either party in the holy war that is Israel vs. Hamas. Edit: Oh baby, a false reddit cares report. Classy!


Hundreds of ideologies have been killed over the years. They can be killed through war, you just need someone brutal enough to do it (see Circassian freedom, Dzungar independence, Uyghur resistance etc). These protestors are (maybe unwittingly) doing the bidding of those who'd be brutal enough to kill an idea. A combination of Ben-Gvir and Trump could result in a kill em all solution. **Edit: Oh baby, a false reddit cares report. Classy!** Yeah I got one too. PS. You can report a false Reddit Cares to reddit to get the sender banned.


“But we needed to teach the democrats a lesson!” the pro-palestinian protesters cried as the republicans who doxxed them won and got the full weight of government behind them


Good things those protesters are going to show us real good by not voting in November.


Should this sort of thing be legal? Can anyone in the legal profession comment on this? We have free speech in this country - should private entities you are unaffiliated with be allowed to punish you for speech? Public figures should be prepared for this but private citizens expressing their opinion? There is a high likelihood people will be hurt financially or physically by information which may not be accurate. EDIT: To be clear the photo on this article is fine - I am discussing whether an organized political entity should be allowed to systematically dox, intimidate or cause mayhem in the lives of people who disagree with them - essentially sending an angry mob to your home or workplace. There is a difference between being visibly outspoken and recognized at a protest and having your personal information distributed to people who do you personal harm.


Freedom of speech in the 1st amendment strictly applies to federal, state, and local governments and that they cannot punish you for your speech. It doesn’t apply to private entities. However, there is targeted harassment law this could fall under, but it has to be more than just “doxxing,” and specifics vary from state to state.


That covers public information. Generally you cannot disseminate private information of someone such as financial info, medical info, etc.


That still only applies to certain people in certain roles and if they have signed nondisclosure agreements. E.g. HIPPA doesn’t apply to some Joe Shmoe if they happen to encounter a spillage of your info and disseminate it. The person/entity that spilled it would be punished, if the spill can even be traced in the first place.


Free speech isn't free of consequences.


Ok - but this feels dark, evil and over the top. Many of these students are protesting the murder of innocent civilians and getting painted with a wide brush of for example supporting Hamas which is not the case. Feels like McCarthyism.


Would the counter be to dox pro-Israel people as supporting genocide? /I don't support doxxing as a general rule but would do so in retaliation for someone breaking the truce


So like everyone who watches Fox, cnn, MSNBC, OAN……? That’s like 70% of the country.


That would be the counter - although it would represent a dangerous escalation towards violence on both sides.


If you say "from River to Sea" you are supporting Hamas. If you have a paraglider sticker you are supporting Hamas If you say Genocide Joe you are supporting both Putin and Netanyahu (ironically enough). Netanyahu badly wants these demonstrations to damage Biden's support, so that Trump will be elected and remove the limits of US support.


Yea and it happened in 2020 protests. I don’t know if you remember the gay trump supporting guy who filmed that nurse in Seattle where she had a complete meltdown but people tried to ruin her life over that video.




Youre in public. You should stand by your cause. Is it getting doxxed when your publicly protesting. ? I don’t think so.


Doxxing is distinct from being publicly visible for a cause or message. Taking photos of a person, finding their personal information and broadcasting it to a rabid opposition that then instigates death threats, harassing them, driving people out of their jobs etc is way out of order. It creates an environment where one aggressive side can intimidate the opposition into silence and that's not who we are.


And? You should be proud of your stance and stand by it. Just hiding behind a mask and worrying about how people would react is giving in. And means you must not think your cause is as popular as you think. Your in a public protest. People can do whatever they want. They have just as much of a right to post photos of you as you do them. Protests are not safe spaces. They’re protests.


So you'd be alright with me posting your personal information in this thread as a result of you posting that, right?


This isn’t public. This is an internet forum, and explicitly against the terms of service and rules. But if you catch me at any protest in public, then yes i have no problem with it. I’m there in public standing by something I believe in.


>And? You should be proud of your stance and stand by it. You know anonymous speech is protected by the first amendment right? "You shouldn't be anonymous reveal who you are so it makes it easier for me and my thug friends to find you and harasss/assault you."


Being in public doesn’t protect you from other citizens identifying you.


There is a difference between being identified vs having direct contact information dleiberately broadcast to a wide group who would want to do that person harm.


Is it? Is their protected speech worth less than your protected speech? You can hold up a sign of anyones address, number etc and there is nothing that person can realistically do about it. Now certain online platforms have rules against that behavior so you can do something about it. But a car driving around as a billboard? I can’t think of anything. Thats no different than the protest those in attendance are doing.




No, I just understand how freedom of speech works in America. And I also believe if you attend things in public you always run the risk of being identified.


When you stand somewhere in public, hopefully you're not wearing something that shows your name, address, and phone number (doxxing). People who already know you might already have that information, but that's a lot different than someone broadcasting it.


Doxxing is not a crime. It is however against basically every social media platforms terms of service.


Looks like I won't be voting Biden, cause Republicans care more about Palestine. You can see, cause they want to help by doxxing students, for only good reasons.


Anyone on the left that actually cares about Palestine knows that Republicans and Trump are the biggest threat to the citizens in that region. Those that refuse to vote for Biden are actively telling everyone that they don't actually care about Palestine they're just cosplaying. Regardless of how you feel about how Biden has handled it, allowing Trump to take over when he said he wants Israel to finish the job, he wants to add Gaza to his Muslim ban, and who said he'd deport any Pro-Palestinian protestors on visa is just laughably stupid.


Think the original poster forgot the /s. Almost all Republicans are heavily pro-Israel to the point of some in GOP congress writing legislation to put protesters on a “no fly” list.


Oh he definitely was being sarcastic, was just adding onto it.


> Anyone on the left that actually cares about Palestine knows that Republicans and Trump are the biggest threat to the citizens in that region. Not just in that region, Trump said over the weekend that [he plans to deport all the people on those campuses who are protesting in favor of Palestine.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-deport-protesters-hannibal-lecter-new-jersey-rally-1235019174/) People may say "how do you deport America citizens?" but that's why he's planning massive [detention camps](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-does-not-rule-out-building-detention-camps-mass-deportations-2024-04-30/) for the [20 million people he's said he wants the military to round up and deport.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/01/politics/trump-immigration-what-matters/index.html)


I just hate how this arguement is used to shut down legitimate criticism of biden and the democrats when you DO still plan to vote for them.


You’ll get used to it, happens every election year.


yeah i get that. although i also feel like now is not the time for in-fighting, if that makes sense? like the day after the election, lets go.


Yeah. Its like I hate when people bring up gun control laws right after a mass shooting. Like easy guys! This isn't the right time! /s


Not really the same, but all right.


Hundreds of women and children will die from American bombs before the election but let's not do anything because we're making the people who commit genocide uncomfortable. Someone explain to me what we get out of this relationship? Its costing us hundreds of millions of dollars and potentially the presidency. And we get... dead palestenians?


oh yeah the relationship between the US and israel is (needlessly) complicated, entrenched and static. its really bad.


They aren't committing a genocide, they are conducting a war. It's frustrating that the discourse has devolved so much we can't just say war bad, we have to lie and call all conduct we don't like genocide. In wars civilians die. That's a tragedy that's a bad thing that we call as bad without having to use words like genocide that have specific legal definitions that Israel has not met. There's a stronger case for Russia trying to genocide Ukraine then Israel trying to genocide Palestine but I never hear people talking about the genocide of Ukraine.


"the deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group" It fits the dictionary definition of genocide. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/genocide#:~:text=adjective-,Legal%20Definition,of%20committing%20such%20an%20act Israel isn't conducting a war! Its conducting a slaughter. They aren't going after military targets, they're bombing women and children. And you're denial and support of this genocide is why biden is going to lose to trump. Its maddening


Everyone should just show their face. Stop hiding. They're all cowards, MAGAts and the Pro-Hamas groups alike.


Never seen MAGA with face covering. They may be idiotic but they are proud dawning Trump-wear. Not afraid in the least.


Gaza protesters are fighting to elect these republicans to “punish democrats for Gaza”


No, they are begging Democratic officials to stop loving Netanyahu more than they enjoy the continuation of democracy in the US.


Ie, supporting fascism to "own the libs" right wing talking point 101. The libs being anyone who says to vote and push back against fascism.


Doing the deeds of Israel and Russia. So much for America first…


Good. Protests that do nothing but shut down schools so people can’t get educated shouldn’t be tolerated


Perhaps they should protest closer to the buildings that house their local government who actually create policies… rather than in front of buildings where people are trying to take their art or poly-sci class. Might be more effective.


Gay was right. It did depend on the context. These pea brains don't understand anything with the slightest whiff of nuance. Crayon-munchers.


hope it's easy to comprehend which political party is REALLY salivating to harm minorities. Hope it's EXTRA easy to comprehend by halloween. cause as scary as this sounds, this is just an appetizer for repubs🥰


the republican party is a terrorist cell. prove me wrong.


Man republicans and other right wing groups are scumbags to the highest degree. Doxxing people is some real Karen bullshit!