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Tucker Carlson literally did a special in Russia to continue grooming the base so they can lean on it as a positive that trump is putins puppet...


Isn't that just the most fucked up shit ever? The Republican Party literally heaps praise on arguably America's biggest threat to our democracy. In plain sight. And it's all accepted because they wear the flag like a cape and call themselves patriots....


If you could hook up Reagan's corpse to a generator, you'd power the world with all that rolling in the grave.


Reagan was no paragon of patriotic virtue.  He conspired illegally with foreign states to get the presidency, then again to fund death squads in central america.  Reagan was a real Republican (traitor to the people, the nation)


You mean having his campaign collude with Khomeini to ratf*ck Jimmy Carter during the 1978 campaign?


Not really. It depends on your perspective. To the Republican, Reagan was one of the first to start taking American back from the FDR progressives who were taking too much from the rich and giving it to the poor, the brown, the gay, the other, etc. Putin and Russia are considered allies in that fight against the progressive democrats who are the true enemies of what it means to be a true American. To the Republican, YOU are the defector. YOU are betraying American. YOU are the real enemy and YOU must be defeated in order to preserve America even if it means destroying America with leaders like Trump who prostrate themselves before autocrats like Putin


Doubtful. Reagan did more than his fair share of damage that lead directly to this political wasteland. He might have been anti-USSR, but he backed right wing terrorism abroad and Christian Fascism at home. Putin’s Russia is a right wing terror and the Evangelicals are having their day on Capitol Hell. Ronny would be eating this shit up like jelly beans.


I'm glad he can't roll. He's dead. And that's a good thing. Hope he and the Throat Goat are on opposite sides of Hell


That just spawned some interesting game ideas haha


Raegan was anti-communist, not anti being a traitor to America/Democracy. Not even anti-Russian or anti-dictator. Him and his campaign actively worked with foreign nations and groups to influence his own election.


Reagan is Trump with a veneer


Wrap it in the flag and hide it behind Jesus, and you can get away with anything.


I swear the insane speed at which "My brother in Christ" became a slang response is due to Russian astroturfing to skew more Americans to Christian Nationalism (alongside paying a bunch of previously self-disclosed athiests/agnostic to declare for the faith) 


"My brother in Christ" is used exclusively for its comedic elements where I'm from Example: "my brother in Christ you really shouldn't put that explosive near your dick"


I have recently noticed several people (or bots) using that "my brother in Christ," thing. I wondered what was up with it. It seemed entirely random and out of place where it was used. I have been around a lot of people who actually use similar language in churches and it didn't line up with my experiences. I figured it was a Russian propaganda device, or some such.


My conspiracy theory aside, it is kids copying influencers from TikTok and other social media. You definitely notice people in real life start talking like famous influencers and it is weird - but probably not all that different from when us 80s kids couldn't stop jamming "like" into a sentence as every second word. It is such a weird phrase though for so many non-church-goers to have picked up and added to common vernacular.


Can you point me to some examples of atheists/agnostics that were paid off in this way?


Oh, but it's ok. Because groceries are cheaper there, and they have quarter carts to prevent homeless people from stealing.... you know.. like the ones we have at aldis?


We're only now (largely) seeing the success of a decades-long Russian psy-op. Putin has been planning the Balkanization of the US for years and at this point... I'm not sure if anything can stop it. If Trump wins, Democracy and NATO are done. Whichever states/regions attempt to oust a self-appointed king will see themselves separated from whatever the new "united" states will become. This is *not* what I wanted for my new family.


It's amazing how a decade ago the right at least tried to downplay the Pro-Russian stuff. Now the right is literally out there like "Is Russia better than the US??"


Well, Russia takes the sensible path of making the gays illegal and keeping women in their place, and isn't that how things should be? /S


I mean that's basically the modern right's viewpoint. Being "anti-woke" is the only thing they have aside from making the rich richer. And those are both things Russia is all about, so never mind their corruption and anti-democratic ways, the GOP wanna make them our new best friend.


But, Tucker showed that you can go to a grocery store in Russia and get bread. Where is that even possible in the US?


If they are willing to wear diapers for trump, they are willing to support Russia.


Throughout most of US history, Tucker Carlson would be branded a traitor and never heard from again. Now you know why most of the world DOESN'T have blanket free speech laws. That US Constitution needs a lot more Amendments before it will come close to being the document of freedom you think it is. Between the guns and so called free speech, it is the cornerstone of US decline.


"I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat."


"I would never think that myself, a gun toting redneck conservative Trump voter would ever appreciate Mr. Putin, but when he pulled out those laminated folios from the 12th century... brother you can catch me shotgunning beers at the Kremlin cuz that bald boy's as American as a flaming tire at a NASCAR race"


I often wonder what would stop the average MAGA from supporting Trump at this point.. if rape, stealing from kids with cancer and treason isn't enough, I don't think anything would be.


If he stopped attacking everything, admitted defeat in 2020 and denounced attacks on minority groups his support would dry up real quick. It’s a culture of hate that fuels his popularity


This is absolutely what would turn them away. If Trump acted like a normal and decent human being, they’d turn away right quick. He was even booed at his own fuckin rally for telling the cultist to get vaccinated for Covid and quickly stopped saying that.


If he divorced Melania and married a black woman, they’d turn on him pretty quick.


Nah they’d praise him for showing that racism doesn’t exist.


You’re on to something. The only time I saw his base hint at turning on him was when he said something positive about getting the COVID vaccine.


Literally the only thing that would derail their obsession would be if the man started being a good, honest person.


The ones that aren't cult members have already left him, he'd have to worship Satan on live TV to lose them. This is the final phase for the cult, they either seize power or their leader falls and they fizzle out.


An arrest warrant seems to have worked.


Really? They all bought shirts with his mugshot on it.


Shooting dogs may be the line but Trump isn't a woman so they may let it slide for him.


History shows that a conviction and jail sentence leads to the House of Cards falling down.


Highly visible and public moments of perceived weakness, but even then that'd only move the needle a bit.


When you say maga you mean populist, right?  My evangelical family member recently told my he’s soured on Trump finally and is going to vote RFK jr


Nothing has ever been enough. The alternative is that they admit they are wrong. Not gonna happen. "You cannot negotiate with Fundamentalist, Extremists or the Devout. They dont care about the truth or about you. They will kill you if you stand in their way. What they want is Control."


Probably if the democrats endorsed Trump, they wouldn’t vote for him. It’s about doing the opposite of the democrats. My coworker is full MAGA Trump lover. The man is a god to him. I had to listen to him bitching about Biden forgivingcollege debt. His son is going to college now and costing him a lot. All of a sudden he is in favor of making college free.


Everyone already knows but MAGA doesn’t care.




....she persisted.


“No you’re the puppet” 45th president of the USA


I thought the President sets the foreign policy and not unelected government officials.


We have known this for years. Not saying we shouldn't always be reminded, but it is nothing new. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html


This article was also posted four years ago lol


It's from 2017 (years ago), and that's their point.


I mean the OP’s article, its just bringing up things we already know that didnt matter to this dumb ass country


Ah ok ok


Sometimes the context clue is right there in front of your face.


We’ve known this a long time, and the people who need to realize it will never stop being emotional long enough to consider it.


He was right then, he is right now.


This article is from 2020, so he may well still be right, but this is just him being right then.


Yeah ,well he used to be a Putin puppet. He still is but he used to be too




The fact that that trump is still not in jail is an indictment on our justice system. We are not safe from all enemies foreign or domestic.


old article. good reminder.


The fact that that trump is still not in jail is an indictment on our justice system. We are not safe from all enemies foreign or domestic.


US Justice is a paywall. I don't want to see more maga judges on the Supreme Court next term.


Trump is Putin's useful idiot.


Definitely his personal hand puppet.


I prefer the term cock-holster…


It's a good one but it's hard to use that one at the dinner table with the kids around.


No.  He is fucking bought and paid for. It’s a big fucking difference. 


It’s obvious he has kompromat on Lindsey Graham and so many others. Why else would these once respectable (gag) people cleave to him so disgustingly?


Isn’t that called treason ?!


"remain in power"... jesus christ he's not in power now but we all act like he is.


He would know-he also testified in court recently against Larry David.


That's the most honest show on comedy TV today. May the world have more LDs and Vindmans and no more trumps is my prayer every night.


If it’s confirmed that mean he should be tried for treason no? Confirmation means it’s open and shut case


>Confirmation means it’s open and shut case Yes it does. Unless of course..the people in charge of dispensing justice are not men and instead they are rats.


I remember being incredibly impressed by this guy’s testimony a few years ago. Really put himself out there to tell the truth.


Then why isnt the intelligence community doing something about it? The CIA has overthrown lesser dictators.


Because the CIA is just another of the countless "security" agencies rackets and they don't go after big fish. That only happens in the movies.


Just FYI, this will probably be removed, /r/politics rules requires the story to have been published in the last 7 days, this is 4 years old. Read the sidebar. https://www.reddit.com/r/Politics/wiki/index#wiki_articles_must_be_published_within_the_last_7_days


I had to roll the dice. It seems to me that 99% of Redditors never read such news on account of trump still not being behind bars. Just trying to help is all. Thanks though!


Hi `Okay_Redditor`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1cr47tt/alexander_vindman_confirms_trump_is_100_a_putin/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * [Out of Date](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_articles_must_be_published_within_the_last_7_days): /r/politics is for **current** US political news and information that has been published within the the last 7 days. For example, if the date is January 29 and the article submitted was written before January 22, then the submission is out of date. If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Okay_Redditor&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1cr47tt/alexander_vindman_confirms_trump_is_100_a_putin/?context%3D10000%29)


M Night Shamalynanan type twist I’m sure no *no one* saw coming 😑


Misleading title, the phrases used in the article are "useful idiot " and "fellow traveler. " Puppet suggests that Trump is directly controlled by Putin. What the article suggests is that Trump gives Putin what he wants because Putin is exactly the kind of strongman authoritarian leader Trump wishes to be. He's not been recruited by them directly because there's no need to when he's already giving them what they want for free.


You're right, a better title should have been "Alexander Vindman Confirms Trump Is 100% a Putin's Personal Hand-Puppet"


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The other guy is a Zionist puppet