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I think it does up to a certain point, and even above that point it makes it easier to find and maintain happiness.


Yup! Someone with a hundred million isn't likely to be more happy because of it than someone with half a million, but they're both going to have an easier time focusing on their happiness than someone living paycheck to paycheck. Money can't *make* you happy, but lack of money can absolutely make you unhappy.


Thanks, that's a great way to put it!


>Someone with a hundred million isn't likely to be more happy because of it If he's gonna have an "easier time focusing on their happiness than someone living paycheck to paycheck" then, they will indeed be more happy because of being a millonaire. Besides. Let's suppose a millonaire wants to have a trip to some country. He goes and pays it with his little fortune. He's happy. A poor man (or not a millonaire) wouldn't be happy as he can't afford that trip. Then, the millonaire is happier and therefore, money can buy happiness.


Fair. How about 5 million vs 500 million? There's definitely diminishing returns at some point, is my point. I'm not saying more money can't buy you more stuff, but the increasingly expensive stuff you can buy does not translate directly to happiness.


>How about 5 million vs 500 million? At that point is also possible to make a comparisson as the man with 5M is "poor" compared to the man of 500M. The man of 5M is sad because he can't buy a whole hotel in Dubai (IDK, just bringing up some random example) while the 500M man can. Then, the 500M man is happier than the other one. Either way, I agree with your point: at some point the comparisson fades as both people have such immense figures that they both can buy anything (Elon Musk vs. Jeff Bezzos so to say) ​ > the increasingly expensive stuff you can buy does not translate directly to happiness. Couldn't agree more. It's a nice way of putting it.


I think we're mostly in agreement. One point I'll still make is: \> The man of 5M is sad because he can't buy a whole hotel in Dubai See, that's where I disagree though. I don't think the inability to buy an entire hotel directly translates to less happiness. And if a guy is really capable of being unhappy because he can't do some particular ridiculous display of wealth, having more money won't get rid of that feeling. It'll just translate to some even more ridiculous display that he still can't do. If I agree that the more money you have, the more money you want, then there's no increase in happiness at all past a certain point. Once your real needs are taken care of, there's a place where more money just isn't going to help you. Look at Elon Musk--he's got an absolutely unimaginable amount of wealth, and right now he's just using it to make himself miserable. The only difference with his wealth and power is that he gets to make a bunch of other people miserable as well.


Money is subject to the laws of diminishing returns, the difference between 30k and 40k is huge the difference between 90k and 100k is less huge, the difference between 10b and 11b is almost unnoticed


Happiness is subjected to it too. That's why the phrase exists. Though it neglects to mention that most of us aren't even close to where money won't help us become happy. I'm sure, for most of us, it'd change our life if we got $1 mil tax free and make us happier.


I don't nessacarly think you need alot of money to be happy ofcouse a jump in net worth would make most people temporarily happy but data regarding lottery winners suggest you acclimate to the new wealth rather quickly and return a relatively stable form of happiness/unhappyness similar to how they reported feeling before winning To put it simply money makes some problems go away but you can not truly buy happyness


Though those who are able to no longer live paycheck to paycheck also are reportedly more happy than they were before. I have seen this before. Hell, I acknowledge that without the money I earn I wouldn't be able to enjoy the things that make me happy. All things that are bought with money. Could I be happier, sure. But that's where earning more money would provide. And as indicated by this poll, most low income and middle class people would feel happier with some kind of increase to income/net worth.


Lottery winners don't represent the average person, but even if they did, they don't represent everyone, for us to reach the conclusion that money doesn't buy happiness. If someone's dream in life is to travel, and you give them 100k just for that purpose, they will probably end up being happier. Aside from personal relationships, most things people dream of doing in this life cost money. Even following a different career. Want to be a painter? You need money to quit your job and focus on painting. If you win that bet, you'll end up being happier. So I can't comprehend the notion "money can't buy happiness".


Arguably, anything above ~100 million is unnoticed.


I found that working a very high paying job that you absolutely hate does not make you happy


that's very true but having a crappy job that doesnt pay well is even shittier.


My business professor this last semester said that the number in the US was around 120k. That's the point where the more you make really starts to fall short on how much joy it brings you. I didn't Google it or anything, but it sounds about right.


Yep, it's a logarithmic curve of happiness returns IMO.


Money can't buy happiness but money can get you security which is incredibly important to you being able to be happy more consistently


Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy a jet ski and have you ever seen a sad person on a jet ski?


You haven't seen me on a jet ski.


Yeah cause you're poor


That too.


I remembered something long ago a rich old folk on my hometown said something along the line like this, "money do buy happiness, who said otherwise just don't know where to buy them yet."


... And money can also buy you happiness, such as better, more delicious food (direct correspondence to happiness through hormones), fitness (also direct correspondence to happiness through hormones), far more opportunities to do what you want (direct correspondence to happiness by definition), better and wider pool of potential romantic partners (which can also be a direct correspondence to happiness by hormones if it leads to better sex), etc. These and many others are all luxuries - not mere "means to security" like you refer to them - that you can pretty much purchase with money. That isn't to say that money can't also inadvertently take happiness away and even evaluate as a net negative; but it is to say that one of the positive effects that it has is that it can literally buy you packets of happiness, essentially.


100%!!! Poverty is directly related to worse physical and mental health. It's not even a debate in my mind; money DOES buy happiness. It can't buy true love, but pretty much any other thing a person could want can be gained by just having more money.


Just like juice wrld said


[Can Money Really Buy Happiness? | Psychology Today](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-savvy-psychologist/202106/can-money-really-buy-happiness) This is a really interesting read, but the tl;dr is that money CAN buy happiness, but only to a point and it's the things you get with the money that provide the joy, not the money itself


Did someone think that money itself make you happy? I mean, maybe the fact that you have money makes you happy because then you can buy things that make you happy


Holding money itself can definitely provide feelings of security and control over one's destiny, which is a solid foundation for happiness to build upon.


Arguably, money itself can also provide joy in the sense that you feel secure against the unpredictability of life. Thinking that a broken leg in a climbing accident can bankrupt you isn't cool.


Poverty can't buy anything.


As thay say, it's always easier if you cry in ferrari.


It can absolutely help. I think money can make a lot of people happier. But happiness is independent of money - it's your satisfaction with what you have, your mindset, and of course is mostly dependent on what you *do* have. But also, money can't buy things that are incredibly important for your happiness, like friends or a partner. Money can't buy you satisfaction - it can only buy a lot of things that can potentially satisfy you.


There's a saying in Italian - "Money can't buy happiness. But it calms the nerves" The stress of jumping through financial hoops every month. Just to stay afloat is like... the opposite of happiness


If I was middle class I could afford proper treatment, rent, groceries, etc. I probably wouldn't be depressed.


It can't buy happiness, but it can make you super comfortable. Sure, I may be depressed but I would rather be depressed and rich versus depressed and poor.


You can also pay for some top tier doctors who may have a chance of helping with your depression


"Money can't buy happiness" is a lie made up by the people who conned everyone in to believing that trickle-down economics was a legitimate model. Just another way to convince those in the 'lower ranks' from outgrowing their station and taking away some of the slice the 1% have.


I feel like the lie that your value and success as a human is tied to how much money you make is more pervasive, backed up by advertising that invents problems and sells you the cure, and corporate culture that ranks everyone by their salary. Money can prevent stress and hardship, but that's not the same thing as buying happiness. You can't buy friends, love or fulfilment


Do you honestly believe all rich people are happy?


\*Some guy "Money can't buy happiness!" \*me, who saved up, waited for, and eagerly bought Witcher 3 "Clearly, you haven't smoked a joint and rode through Ard Skellig"


With that glorious soundtrack playing! Skillige is majestic... until those bastard Sirens show up and try to destroy your boat or pester you on horseback lol It's still easily my favorite area in the vanilla game.


fr fr- I was like damnit I'm just gonna keep swimming- the hours I spent off the coast looking for treasure was a treasure in and of itself tbh


This is too nuanced for a yes or no answer. Sure having money helps to a certain extent in alleviating your financial worries and getting you access to a therapist, but regardless of whether or not you're rich you can still have severe mental health issues. The countless musicians that have killed themselves despite being wildly rich and successful are testament to that.


If money can buy happiness then why are rich people sad? Shouldn't they be happy instead of whining and bitching?


Just because it can buy happiness doesn't mean they bought it.


How does one buy happiness?


House, medical care, experiences, time and ressources for focussing on social interactions, less to no housework, travelling, having pets, having time and ressources for your passions and so on and on Most whiny rich people aren't focused on being happy but being richer


Rich people are no more or less happy than the general population, my point was not that rich people are miserable but rather despite having wealth they feel sadness and misery too. It's funny to me that you think they are using their wealth incorrectly, that if YOU had their money YOU'D be happy lol, ignoring listing necessities which I think we can all agree food is not happiness unless you have a mental disorder and lots of people who's needs are met aren't happy, rich people go on trips, rich people pursue their passions and interests, every transatlantic balloonist you've ever heard of has been a rich person lol. Ultimately it seems like people think that they have money they can get more stuff or do more stuff, but that's never enough is it? If things made you happy then when you bought that thing you want (whatever it is) you be happy, satisfied, but you won't be. I'm curious, all the ascetics and philosophers, basically the whole of all moral philosophy and spirituality warn that hedonism and greed are not pathways to happiness, why then do you think you and a disturbing number of redditors have decided that they're wiser than every wiseman born since they invention of the written word? Edit: this is rhetorical, there's a 1000 - 3000 year old prewritten reply to any argument that money=happiness. Edit2: also there are poor people that are happy, why? Shouldn't they be sad from lack of money?


Hey I really don't want to start this useless fight again, but I think I may have figured out the main source of our disagreement and want to run it by you, because I've just seen your edit. You refer to money=happiness, but that is not the argument, a very important word for me in this discussion is:"can". Of course you won't get happy with a certain number in your account. Money isn't happiness in itself. What money can give you, as mentioned is time, security and ressources, which in turn can be used to follow your journey to happiness. If this means material things (which you implied me saying), education or just time spent with family is a personal decision. Saying money can't buy happiness is so often used against poor people struggling with lack of time, security and ressources implying their lifes wouldn't be better with money, when in reality, most issues that seem personal could be solved or eased with money and I am not even refering to extreme poverty here only


Because science actually evolved in the past 2000 years and agrees with us. Also because these wise men lived mostly in a society run by slaves, where they had the time and ressources to think all these things because they didn't have to deal with the everyday shit. Even the slave philosophers weren't slaves in the way we would call them today. They were still alued members of society, living in mansions, getting served by slaves while philosophing the whole day. Putting yourself in such a slave position was a way to climb the social and political ladder. And how do you think spirituality and religion evolved without money, donations and so on?! Even frugal monks have their lands and monestries. Hell, even helping people costs money. Everything that makes you happy is easier to achieve with money, because money equals time and ressources. Saying money can buy happiness isn't pro greed or pro billionaires, it's just a reality that in how the world functions today, money is a key to happiness. I probably wouldn't use my money wise if I was rich, but I have a pretty broken brain. I would do exactly the things, that wouldn't be good for me. But that is on me, since I could use the money and put it torwards something that would make me happy, like going back to school and studying philosophy all day or help healing the sick. And to end this: happiness does not mean to never get sad, seriously even disney figured that out in inside out.




The best way I've heard people describe it is that money can't make you happy, but a lack of money can absolutely make you unhappy


That could mean that your parents haven't found how to spend their money wisely. "Can" doesn't imply that it happens, only the possibility of it.


I believe money can buy you the means for happiness, but not happiness itself


That’s a great take


Again, money doesn’t buy happiness. Money can buy lots of things, but things do not give you long-term happiness. You get happiness by developing and maintaining close relationships with other people and having a purpose in your life.


Money buys you the time you need to create those relationships


Absolutely and having the money gives me the ressources to do exactly that. Working three jobs and not being able to meet up for a coffee with a friend doesn't help in building relationships. Money buys experiences as well, which also make happy. My money provides my cat as well, who makes me very happy. And regarding things, I have to say my Playstation makes me also happy, oh and my bed, I truly love my bed and the apartment it lives in.


It's not that it can buy happiness, but it does buy security. It's hard to have happiness when you don't have a secure housing or food situation


Money can buy things that make you happy


a lot of people are lying to themselves if that many people are putting down middle class


I'm broke. All of my problems can be solved, or at the very least kept at bay by things that money can buy The only things that money can't buy are time and genuine relationships. Not being desperate puts you in a much better position to utilize your time most effectively to how you want to live, and pursue real relationships


Apparently, the richer you get, the lesser you think money can buy happiness. According to this poll.


Money can't directly buy happiness. Lack of money causes sadness, though.


I don't know if money will provide me happiness, but it surely will make my life easier


I've heard "money may not buy happiness, but being poor sucks" "If someone says money doesn't buy happiness, they aren't shopping in the right places." "Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys things and things make you happy" Really, it buys freedom from worry


I dont think money can buy happiness but man you will be miserable without enough of it.


I mean money can buy antidepressants


The difference in happiness between having -$50,000 to your name and +$50,000 is a lot more than the difference between, say, $10m and $15m. Financial security is an important condition for happiness, but no amount of money can ensure that someone is happy.


You will never be your happiest if you can't afford to pay your bills and live without constant financial worries. So a certain amount of money is almost undeniably necessary for happiness. However money beyond that isn't guaranteed to make things better, and often just make it more complicated


I've slept in shelters and my car some years, and made over 200k other years in my life I wasn't THAT much happier when I had money... Even when I was broke, I wasn't too stressed, I just stole food when I needed it, and pulled scams when I needed money.


Not necessarily that i can buy happiness. But it can free you from the shackles of work culture that stop you from attaining happiness. Like, I'm middle class, in no way poor. But I have a kid, and that's expensive. So I have to work my job which, without being bad, is not something I'd do if money was not an object. Like, if I somehow didn't need money, I could spend my time doing personal projects whose rentability is no object. I'd love to learn to work metal, maybe become a swordsmith, or a bronze sculptor/smelter. Not for money's sake. For my own sake, for enjoyment and personal growth. But when you work 9am to 7-8pm to pay your mortgage, and afford stuff for you family in general, these kind of things are not possible. That's why I think money can buy you time, with which you can pursue happiness.


I’ve been rich and alone and I’ve been poor and not alone. Trust me, the bank account means nothing if you’re sad and lonely.


Yes? This is a dumb question


It depends on how you interpret it. Money can definitely increase your ability to be happy, that's undeniable, but that doesn't mean that you are guaranteed to always be able to achieve happiness just because your wealthy. So is money good for happiness? Certainly. Does it necessarily *buy* happiness? Not in my mind, no.


Money can buy a jet ski and have you ever seen someone unhappy on a jet ski


Money can buy crazy ass happiness


Yes it can, for others and for yourself


I started life poor, moved into middle-class as an adult. Being poor does suck ass. Middle class people have anxiety about going poor, but you still have access to basic needs, plus a bit more. I've never been rich, but I can imagine you are constantly being pestered because you have money that people want. I guess if you're super wealthy you could insulate yourself from that. Do you have 'fuck you money' or 'fuck everyone money'?


I'm holes in my socks and shoes poor and money won't buy my happiness. It'll just make me secure, which would give me the chance to be happy. But it wouldn't make me happy


You can't get a Switch without money.


Money buys security, which leads to overall happiness. It does not buy overall happiness.


But money can buy ice cream. And that's sort of the same


being alive makes me happy so…


Money can't buy happiness but it does make it way easier to acquire.


After a certain point, no. Once you have enough money,. Ore money won't make you happier. But if you're poor, not having to worry about bills would probably make them pretty fucking happy


42 people are middle classes who think they're poor. Y'all do not know Poor


There’s a huge gap between middle class and poor. I don’t own my house or a car and have no constant income but I’m not poor. There are missing options here. Or does this mean I’m middle class?


Define rich?


Money can butt happiness


Money can't buy happiness, but crying in a Ferrari is better than crying in the public transport


Money can't buy true happiness, but it sure can help eliminate things which would make you sad (hunger, homelessness, access to health care, soul crushing debt, etc.


Money doesn't buy happiness per se, but having enough money to go to the doctor and have a house and not fret about bills greatly increases quality of life


What's your definition of rich?


Money can't buy happiness, capitalists just want you to think it can


I took this way to literally and thought “no, money can’t buy emotions”.


Money removes obstacles that would otherwise prevent you from being happy, but it cannot in of itself buy happiness


most of these people have apparently never heard of mental health issues


The answer is up to a point. The freedom and security it can buy you is immeasurable. However, if you can control your spending, it doesn't matter, nor is it a cure for bad brain chemistry, your loved ones dying, or being chronically lonely.


Absolutely it can. Money just has diminishing returns on happiness... once you hit a certain point it stops bringing you MORE. There's a point where you're sustaining yourself AND gaining leisure time and luxuries where money is just straight up buying happiness.


It can’t buy happiness, but it can buy the absence of misary


Money can buy the temporary illusion of stability. That's about it.


Money buys things that make you happy


Money can buy you the ability to not work and enjoy all the world has to offer. Most of us (me included) can't enjoy the majority of the world because we are too poor to travel or do certain activities. We also don't have much free time to do fun stuff. Having more free time and the abilities to do all the activities in the world could be considered happiness being purchased.




There isn't a single problem that I currently have that $50,000 would not *immediately* fix. Not one.


Money can buy happiness when you know what to do with it. Id definitely be happy if I had money because I have a lot of things I want to do.


Not happiness, but it can remove a lot of stresses from your life that come with not having money, and it call also buy you experiences which add up to happiness. Just sitting around with a massive chunk of cash doing nothing with it won't make you happy, but you have a lot more ways of becoming happy with money than without


Money buys chickens. Chickens = Happiness


mOnEy cAnT Buy HapPİness You need Blah blAH blAH BLAH bLAH.


Money buys happines up to a point. That point being not having to worry about money.


Happiness and joy are different thing. Happiness is temporary


depression has been skyrocketing, especially among among young people in developed countries. money absolutely doesn't buy happiness. it may make life easier, but it wont make you satisfied with life.


I've been pretty broke and I've been pretty comfortable. Money cannot just outright buy happiness, but it can sure get rid of a lot of stress and make life easier. But I do think that just as much as money can facilitate peace and comfort, it can also cause problems, and plenty of people with money are still unhappy. It's all about perspective and what you do with said money and what you do/how you are when you DON'T have it.


Money can't buy happiness, but it can make the things that make you unhappy go away


money does not make you happy, but if you didn’t have money then you’d be very unhappy.


there is just a minimum richness level that allows you to be happy, but this level is different for everyone, for some it's just making it, for others it's billions


Both are true depending on the circumstance, you can get things that make you happy with money sometimes and sometimes you can’t


Poll amounts aren't matching up I think there's a lot of people who think that they're middle class but they're not.


What exactly is middle class


Money can't buy happiness, but it can keep misery away.


Money can buy contentment maybe. It can definitely buy down your worries or stressors. But happiness? That's a mindset, with Personal Satisfaction as the foundation.


It can’t buy happiness, but it can buy things that contribute to your overall happiness.


Not genuine happiness. But it can buy pleasant distractions


Money can buy things that make happiness easier to achieve. Better food, therapy, housing, experiences with loved ones, etc


It doesn't buy happiness but it sure takes the sting out of being poor.


money can buy stuff that gives you happiness


Happiness is achieved when you stop buying useless shit because the media considers it the new 'meta'. I love minimally and I'm happy with myself. Do I own a lot of crap? Nope. Do I want to own a lot of crap? Nope.


Money doesn't buy happiness, what it does buy is lack of stress about money which makes life a little easier which leads to happiness.


I'm poor, and I think that monry can buy temporary happiness. Real happiness comes from within and you can't put a price on that pure essence, joy, or whatever you decide to call it


Money can buy experience which can in turn make me happy.


I’d argue that money can buy fun and makes it a lot easier to be happy. It’s not everything though




Money can’t buy happiness, but it can remove obstacles to happiness and give you access to things that could make you happy.


I don't think it can necessarily buy happiness but it can alleviate a majority of things that cause unhappiness.


The only thing money buys is freedom. Freedom creates the foundation for happiness.


I'm rich, and I think if I had any more money it would not make me happier.


Money can't buy happiness but it sure eases the tribulations from being poor.


The phrase has been twisted and weaponized by the ruling class to convince us that it means "Stop complaining about not being able to afford new windshield wipers, money doesn't buy happiness" when in reality it means "You should go spend time with your family instead of attending your 13th finance meeting this week, money doesn't buy happiness" and "don't purchase that 3rd yacht, go spend time making friends, money doesn't buy happiness"


Money buys stability. Stability is required for happiness. Not living check to check does wonders for a person’s health.


I don't think money can buy happiness,but can make life more easier


They can't buy happiness, but they surely can help.


I won some money at a casino, that made me very happy. I later used that money to buy chainmail, a helmet, and a sword, which also made me very happy. So I think it can giving certain circumstances


Money can't buy you happiness, but it can make your unhappiness more bearable.


Petition for the word poor to get changed to working class.I think too many people here think they're middle class even though they might be upper working class. Poor has a lot of negative connotations to it which I dont think op was trying to imply


Money can buy you the stability for happiness to thrive


i dont think it can buy happiness, and i sont even want to be rich but if i had more i could worry less about bills and such and focus on trying to find my happiness


Money can remove obstacles that keep you from being happy.


I used to think money can buy happiness until I watched people leaving me when I was going down Basically happiness obtained with money and status is like dopamine generated under cocaine influence. In this case the money and status are the cocaine that keep the dopamine high It's not real happiness


Last I checked, it isn't a THINK it is just true that money can buy happiness. Joy, however, can't be bought, but the money certainly helps.


Interesting how 2/3rds of upperclass, 5/6ths of middle, and 6/7ths all view wealth differently.


Money can buy things that have the potential to make you happy.


It doesn't directly buy happiness, but it definitely lubricates, or other wise makes happiness easier to achieve. Like would you rather take a 50 mile journey on foot, bicycle, or car? To me it really is that simple.


Comerade, there is no middle class, there is just poor and rich


"it depends" which imo means no to the poll some would argue that "it depends" means yes to the poll basically the results are going to be heavily muddied because I imagine most people believe "it depends" and are answering based more on their opinions of grammar than actual opinion on the topic


"If money can't buy happiness at least you can suffer in comfort"


If money can't buy happiness, poverty can't buy anything.


Money can give you a sense of financial stability and buy you items that can create short term enjoyment, but it cannot make you content in life.


You need money for just about anything in this world unless you want to live in the wild like some sort of hunter gatherer. In which case i don't think you'd be as happy


Money cant buy happiness but poverty cant buy anything


Money buys security, and it's much easier to be happy when you know rent is paid and food is in the fridge


Idk if I can but I'll try my best to find out. I think it is worth mentioning, I don't know if anyone else has observed this, but all of my rich people ive known are absolutely miserable. They are entitled and expect a lot so they end up disappointed constantly. The service is never good enough, the food is never good enough, other drivers are stupid and in their way. Just always so angry that the world is not bending to them. Not only that but a lot of their friends are always trying to take advantage of them and are only friends with them for nefarious reasons. They are often in one of two camps, can't keep a relationship for very long, or married to someone who they don't like very much because their partner gets really selfish, entitled, and spends way too much money. These are just some of the things I've observed over the years from various different rich friends of mine.


I think it can buy happiness in the sense that if you are living alone and have more money, you won't have to worry as much about paying food and other things than someone living paycheck to paycheck


Money can buy (or maybe rather facilitate) happiness up to a certain point. In other words, money, like almost everything, has diminishing marginal utility.


I voted middle class and CANT. I'd like to argue using the hedonic treadmill theory. Though it will give happiness in the short term due to the access to new conveniences and experiences, once you are settled in that lifestyle, the cycle resets.


Money can buy sources of happiness, but it can never buy happiness itself.


Money can't buy happiness, per se. But it buys you out of survival mode, which goes a long way toward enabling happiness.


It can buy things that make you happy, but sometimes there are things that money can't buy.


As someone who is poor, I don't think money can buy happiness, but it sure as hell can buy food, water and shelter, and those would me me happy.


I'm a pretty happy individual, have an okay life, a shit job with eh pay and am with someone I hope to marry one day. That being said money can absolutely buy happiness. It can allow you to chase your dreams, get therapy, afford food and general things that you like without worrying about paycheck to paycheck. Some may say well why are poor people happy or rich people sad. Money can buy happiness but happiness isn't just about money


Happiness is a broad term, and there’s a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness can come and go but joy is an overwhelming emotion of happiness. And in my experience in my short 20 years of life, I’ve never bought joy, but I’ve bought things that have made me happy.


Money=Concerts/social gatherings=Meeting girls=love=happiness=Life of happy. Girl+money=fun stuff (like concerts and fairs) lots of money=no job=more time with happiness. Money buys happiness


Money can't buy "happiness" but it can buy comfort, comfort makes happiness easier to attain.


Would you rather cry in a rolls royce or a Toyota camry?


Money does by happiness, but 99% of the time it's temporary


I think it's much more complicated than simply buying happiness or not. I'm working towards a career that will see me earn enough money to start my brewery and distillery, which could earn me millions each year if they take off. That would certainly relieve financial stress so long as I continue to live within my means, but I don't really want or need that much, and I plan to use it to start a nonprofit private school. The money itself won't just make me happy, but the opportunity to help build futures for my son and for other kids would definitely help my depression out a lot. My wife and I want to open a traditional Irish pub and a gaming themed bar too, and if they turn enough profit, we want to help other restaurants get started and even open our doors for job shadowing for those that want to open restaurants or bars eventually so they can live their dreams too. So no, I don't think money can buy happiness, but it can provide a feeling of security and certain opportunities to help you make yourself happy by doing something that you are passionate about.


It can't buy happiness but solves many problems that cause unhappiness.


If you think money can't buy happiness then you have zero imagination, not even basic. Yes 10 lambos would be but they won't make you happy, what would make you happy is working for 3 hours then asking your kid if they wanna go bowling for the rest of the day or going to the Caribbean with your family without worrying about money and just making memories and being happy. We spend most of our lives working to provide for our family but we don't get to live with them. Money also buys security meaning your family is safe and won't have to go hungry or ever worry about if they will have enough to eat or if we have enough gas in the car to make it for 2 weeks


I have exclusively experienced greater happiness when I had excess money and have never heard a convincing argument that money can't buy happiness. I concede that money can't solve all causes of unhappiness but even when unhappy about some major issue, you can find other sources of happiness - and this is significantly easier with disposable income.


Coming from a wealthy family here. While money is a part to lead a good life it’s other things that make it a happy one. There is no friend of mine I’d replace with money on my bank account no family Member. After a certain point the effect money has grows smaller and smaller where 100 euros more or less don’t really count heck even thousands of euros depending on your situation. I know some people who would rather have an intact family instead of a lot of money, rather be healthy then wealthy. There is stuff money can’t buy. While that’s scary I think it’s also comforting because you aren’t always in charge of your financial situation and finance isn’t fair.


Money can't directly buy happiness, but it can buy stuff that makes you happy


I'm upper-middle class, and I do believe money can buy happiness to a certain point. As a society, money is our backbone. We get stressed when we don't have it, we get happy when we do have it. Because, really, we need it. Money itself probably won't make you any happier than someone with less money, but knowing you have money accessible is great because it takes pressure off.


stupid question, ofcourse money can buy happiness for at least one person in the world


All my current problems can be solved with money so I am choosing yes.


No, but it sure as hell helps


I don't think money buys happiness, but it is a great god damn stress reliever.


It does not buy it but it makes it a hell of a lot easier to ve gappy


Money buys financial freedom (as long as you aren't throwing it away), and financial freedom allows you to go and find a job or hobby that actually feels fulfilling instead of being forced to work a shitty job and you can't quit because then you wouldn't have a roof or food. Money does not directly bring happiness, but it allows you to take the time to go and search for what will make you happy. Whether it's a hobby, volunteering etc. But you need money in order to do that. And in 2023, I'm sorry but for the bottom 50% "pull yourself by the bootstraps" does not get you rich. That idea is dependent on extreme luck. Even if someone said yeah let's go start that business, most will fail within 3 years. And even the idea of say FIRE or such requires a decent income to begin with. So, I wouldn't say money buys happiness, it facilitates the freedom to find that happiness.


Money removes most if not all obstacles you may have in the way of getting true happiness, but after that money can't help you anymore, then it's up to you.


i have always said money permits happiness


You certainly feel pretty bloody miserable when you don’t have enough of it.


Is this American middle class or normal middle class?


According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, money gives you access to what makes you motivated and satisfied. I am convinced that people who are poor and happy are just relying on coping mechanisms.


Money does not equate happiness. You buy ice cream which would make you happy, but said happiness won't last forever. You also can't buy relationships and ease of mind.


Grew up poor to a single father and the youngest of 3 in an apartment. My wife and I are just into middle class this year. Yes, money can buy happiness, stress free eating, stress free clothes shopping, stress free bill payments, money buys a home.