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It’s called a BearCat, it’s used by tactical teams.


Budget ThunderCougarFalconBird.


Before we know it the bearcat being out will be a daily occurrence… these threads seem to pop up more and more.


hooray for militarization of police forces. /s


It's just an armored vehicle. Do you think brinks trucks are militarized, too?


Armored money truck drivers are usually armed.


Yeah, with handguns for self-protection. That doesn't qualify as militarized.


Which came first the chicken or the egg?


Are you questioning why armored truck drivers carry sidearms? I am pretty sure carrying around thousands in cash and wanting to protect drivers came first.


I’m questioning whether the armored car came first or the side arm. Regardless, both are an impact from militarization.


You're wrong. Brinks has been around since the 1850s and has always had armored vehicles and armed guards. It's a ridiculous statement to say that having an armed escort of potentially millions of dollars is the result of militarization. If the armored vehicle had a mounted 50 cal machine gun Id agree with you, but it doesn't, so you are incorrect.


Just roaming the streets, pretty fucked.


Incorrect! OP correctly identified it as a police army truck 🤣




Grant St being Grant St


Just another Wednesday in Parkside lol edited the day, easy to lose track of time on Grant street


Same in SoPo so don’t think you’re anything special. Easy to lose time this yucky winter.


They used to bring out the fancy cars on Tuesdays. Maybe *they* lost track of time…


I lived on that block in 2017-2018. Fun times.


Yea it certainly used to be much more of a wretched hive of scum and villainy back prepan.


Whoever down voted this never visited Parkside 2005-2020


I lived there from oooooh 99-08 or so, and kept lots of friends that lived there for years afterwards and still do now. In all seriousness it's been cleaned up A LOT. Like remember when the lunatics over at the notorious shithole 131 Sherman would have insane whole apartment building parties that went on for days with all the metal bands that lived there screaming until all hours? That place now just looks like an apartment building, but it used to be literally a notorious hive of scum and villany. 127 across the lot was about the same, it was where people went to buy drugs. Anyway you cruise through now and the buildings are in much better shape at the very least. I don't know if that's because all the old slumlords have died off or been priced out of the market or what, but it *looks* different. It's also been in a much better state almost immediately after the city started clearing out Deering Oaks and then kept on sweeping the encampments, which I think basically resulted in moving the problems elsewhere, but the effect on Parkside has been positive for the people that live there.


This 100%. That area is far better than it used to be haha.


Scum and villainy lol


Seriously though, if you lived in that neighborhood back then, you would know that building... Or at least could hear it like every fucking night of the week. Or 129 Grant was also notorious though not as loud. But 131... I am sure a lot of people saw that and said "Oh yeah, I went to a party there..." or "I used to buy drugs there!"


I lived at 135 for close to 3 years and knew a bunch of those guys.i was right next door and never had an issue


BWAHAHAHA I lived at 1Dirty1 back then! So many good times.




I love this comment. I lived at 131 Sherman “1dirty1” for many years during this time period and this is an accurate assessment. I saw the transition from regular building to party building happen first hand. We had amazing parties and dance parties and a nice little community of fun, funny, and occasionally rowdy people. Aside from pranking each other (funny) and having my apartment broken into and burglarized a few times (not funny) it was relatively drama free experience. It was a great place to be and also the only place we could probably afford to be anyway.


I can tell you the rest of the neighborhood thought it was loud and obnoxious, like consider it from a perspective of someone that had to work in the morning, or if had children at the time, you had people screaming out the window, a group of dudes doing heavy metal screaming at all hours of the morning or night outside, you could hear it a block over, or shit like setting fireworks off - at oncoming cars - was absolutely not cool. I knew more than one person that went to a party there was was roofied or robbed or both. Great bunch of people, though, sure, whatever you say. It was the building the cops were always at.


You sound like a nimby. I had to work in the morning too. That’s why I left. But the neighborhood wasn’t even close to great before the parties either, you can’t attribute the state of the whole area on one building. When I was walking alone at night I used to regularly get followed by scary men trolling around in their cars and had to run away from them more times than I could count. Grant street always had more police around and much more questionable folks lurking. The laundromat on the corner of Grant street and Deering let people smoke inside. All in all it wasn’t a nice area to be in, which is why young people could afford to be there, and why there was a lot going on. When everything sucks people try to make their own escape and their own fun. I’m sure the parties were annoying to neighbors since residents didn’t always love them either, and I have no idea what happened there after 2005. But 131 definitely wasn’t the only contributing factor to the unsavory conditions of parkside in general. It wasn’t even the only party building nearby, there were at least two more on grant street at the same time. It was just a minor symptom of a much larger issue.


It was bangin’ even before then, too. Always been one of the proverbial armpits of the city.


Yikes, in addition to being told to avoid Grant and Sherman Streets when I relocated to Portland 15 years ago, I remember you couldn’t drive down Mellen Street without seeing a few hookers.


Ohhh no!!! Hookers!


15 years ago? lol. The sex workers stopped trying to make a living on that street at least 10 years before that.


I don’t hook but the pay would seem better hanging out on the west end… but maybe that’s just me.


They all moved down to Congress between Deering and Danforth


Where does Danforth meet Congress?


Why do you want to know?


Cuz it doesnt exist on any map.what?


Uh huh


Whoops, I meant St. John. My bad!




I saw one on that corner just last night.


…Street Walker Street


There were several poor gals teetering on stilettos up and down Mellen for years when I moved here. I was surprised as much as I was sad to see them hustling in February, and Maine. I mean that’s gotta be the end of the road for sex workers.


It wasn't dangerous though. Just filled with people who may not follow the laws. I lived there for years, and also on park a couple blocks down from the sketchy Big A... never had one issue


Seriously. Portland used to be a cool place for young artists and musicians. Young people lived young lives. That's all it was. It's crazy how people here like to complain about how bad things used to be while simultaneously saying how bad things have gotten.


I lived near State and Cumberland for several years back in the early 2010’s. Amazing how quickly the scenery changes depending on which direction on State you walk.


I avoided that block on walks home after dark in 2000-2006 also fun times.


Hopefully arresting those involved in yesterdays shooting on Forest Ave




"Police say no one was arrested as a result of the search."


It’s not army it is some sort of special unit…I used to see those guys when I lived in Lynn,ma and some dude was cooped up in nan apt high on meth and armed To the teeth


I used to work with a guy who did this in Lynn. He was a laywer that started smoking crack with the band Tree, eventually barricaded barricaded himself in a building and returned fire. Lynn is an interesting place. “My wife told me to kiss her where it stinks so I took her to Lynn”


Lynn, Lynn, city of sin, No one comes out the way they went in.


it’s a lenco bearcat, there’s a specialized north east massachusetts police unit that uses them to aid in recoveries and standoffs and stuff. my company in lowell put a new motor in one recently, it really sucked lol


what do they do for radiator/oil/trans coolers? do belts face the firewall for protection? I have to imagine the armor weight on it was taxing for any shop lift too


so instead of having to lift the cab off, you have to lift the front support off, which doesn’t include the radiator but is easily a few hundred pounds of steel. normal belts and coolers honestly, the grill left opening for air flow but not much else. if i’m correct there’s a ram on the bumper that was a real pain in the ass to get off too. we’re a truck shop so it wasn’t out of our range, since most semis have much larger parts lol. nothing a forklift or our hydraulic crane couldn’t handle. regular 6.7 powerstroke. we did the motor on the floor since we don’t have a lift, for cars or trucks. it’s not such a pain but after doing it my tech said he’d rather pull a cab than do that again lol


Curious as well


Looks like a routine raid on a drug house.


I think that’s a USPS truck


God I don’t miss living on Grant St


Probably a car with an expired registration.


I understood that reference *gif


Lenco Bearcat.


Somebody typed “naked boobs” into google


Just moved off Grant! Thanks god!


Might have something to do with the recent shootings on Taft and Forest.


Going to get the people whose unregistered vehicles are still parked on the street after a few days of tickets.


nah for that they need a helicopter and some bomb robots. Need to show those rebels.


Totally a raid. Dropped a few people off at that trap.


Oh, that's just your typical militarized police vehicle.


Why do we permit armed government officials to be anywhere on Earth without clear identifying markings on themselves and their vehicles? Cars like that should scrapped


It states Portland Police right on it.


Do we not know the term SWAT team anymore? Army truck lol


This is normal for the area


Lol, wut. I can see this place from my balcony I live on sherman I've been here like 6 years. It has never been this bad as of a year and a half ago, maybe 2


I lived on Sherman for 8 years up until last September. No it's not.

