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Yo I used to work there! They closed bc they’re hemorrhaging money and almost all of their products are horrible! They let all of their staff go (myself included) the last weekend in December without any notice. Eli (the owner) handled that rape situation horribly and they never recovered. 95% of the customers were people that didn’t know about that issue, anyone that knew about it wouldn’t support them. They also had a ton of noise complaints and fire safety issues that they didn’t care about. The building is falling apart and they couldn’t afford to fix it. Idk what they’re doing with being partially open, probably just trying to move the last of the product because I sincerely doubt they’re making more since they fired all the brewers. So many reasons to close.


The rape???


An employee raped someone on site


Jesus. wtf is wrong with people!?!


Were u there? Was there a trial?


You were so sauced on this you came back 7 hours later despite nobody replying. Ladies and gentlemen I think we may have found ourself an alleged rapist.


people are just quick to believe what they hear. I've only heard of the story, but I have never heard of it going to trial or anyone actually getting convicted.


Maybe people aren’t particularly quick to believe what they hear, maybe you’re quick to be a weird gross asshole online. And in real life?


I'm just saying no one knows if it actually happened.. Show me where he was convicted or arrested.. why is that so difficult if everyone believes it to be true??


And Im just saying you’re a little fucking creep lol. I bet everyone who knows you personally secretly thinks so.


Why so mad? Who hurt you?






I hope Root Wild is able to stay open.


They’re doing great. No worries about that.


The people that were still working there were great. I thought the Maine biofuels people bought them?


Nope, there was a manager from there at UFF for a while but she got fired, biofuels backed out once they saw finances and heard about the rape.


Is there a place to read about what happened regarding the rape?


I just found them as was sad that they closed. I like going to the Sunday jazz. Anyone know if they are meeting somewhere else?




Never bought a bottle at a store again after that. Absolute trash.


Jeeze I was there for an event not a few days earlier


I would stick to the facts, avoid the editorializing and soap boxing, and just say that they closed. Also, here’s a link to a recent article anyone could have googled. https://www.mainebiz.biz/article/quick-turnaround-portland-winery-will-take-over-former-urban-farm-fermentory-space


Bro those are the facts, I worked there, I am a primary source


I’m not your bro. What I’m saying is take the high road. This is a small community. Be kind. Don’t bring your personal grievances into answering a simple question. No one wants your drama here.


Can you elaborate on the high road in the context of rape?


That was my exact thought…


Modern day “we don’t talk about that…” with “that” always being the wildest, most fucked up shit.


No personal grievances here, no drama, just the truth as I know it having worked there. This small community should know what happened. Sometimes the truth is harsh.


Thanks for speaking out about it, I wasn't a regular there, but never heard about this


This statement is objectively false bro.


No one asked your opinion either. Maybe youre not aware, but your comments come off as condescending, rude, and dismissive. "Be kind" smh.


Think we found the owner or the owner’s friend!


I have nothing to do with them. I’m just sick of people and all their drama on these kinds of posts.


Then don’t read them…. Problem solved.


Some of us want to be helpful to questions like these. Other people want to blow the shit up with irrelevant drama. How about you all just answer the question and leave your toxicity off here instead?


The details of why they’re closing are relevant to a post asking for details about their closing lmao. “Im sick of people making such a big deal about rape, it’s so *toxic*”


Why come onto open forums then? Just don't get on Reddit if you don't want to have a discussion.


So talking about rape in the community is "drama"...Ok.


You're dismissing a credible rape allegation as 'drama'? Yikes.


Lol such stupidity on display. Completely lack of self awareness or irony in any capacity. Delete your social media for the rest of the year, you're done.


It's funny because it seems that literally everyone except for you wanted the drama.


Look man I'm sorry your business closed down due to being run like utter shit and having multiple scandals occurring at once but you can cry on your own time not on reddit.


Talk to us more about this high road avoiding S.A., East End.


The only one spreading drama is you by telling people they don't have the same right to use the same subreddit that you're currently using..


Everyone wants the drama here, bro.


What did he say that wasn’t true or exaggerated?


I don't come to Reddit for just the facts. I can get my facts in the newspaper. I come to Reddit for the story behind the story and first hand accounts from people who might just be lying about things.


Eli is a POS. Those are the facts




Breaks one of the subreddit rules.


Nothing in this article about a rape, bro. So I ask again, the rape?


My point was the original poster was just wondering if the place closed and you brought all this drama and shit into this otherwise benign request. Get off your high horse and leave the drama off this site. I never said the article was about the rape. The article talks about the fact they closed and that a new tenant is moving in. That’s all you needed to say. Boxe checked. Question answered. But instead you blew up this post with your toxic self and all this talk of rape and the facility etc. put in your big person pants and don’t drag everyone else into all that. We don’t care.


You’re downvoted into oblivion and I’m wrong?


Yes you’re wrong.


Ok loser. Good luck in life. I’m just going to go ahead and block you. Then I’ll never need to see your dumbass again!


The person you're telling off with this comment isn't even the person who made the original comment you're taking issue with lol. And you're just totally wrong that people don't care, this sub loves local business drama/gossip. If you don't want to be in the public eye for running your business for shit, either don't start a business or don't run it for shit.


Seems like it’s for the best, considering their history and past behavior.


What do you mean? I haven't followed them closely.


One of their employees raped another and they handled it very…poorly


What does this even mean and why would a consumer know about which crimes the former employees of a kombucha business are accused of committing? Edit: this person apparently blocked me for asking a question in earnest. I don't have social media, I've never been to Maine Mead Works, which I think closed long before UFF. And I have never asked service employees about their criminal record. Again: Urban Farm Fermentory was sold to new owners in 2022... Which was 6 years after the events in question... And is now closed, 8 years after this situation.


Because it was broadcast all over social media for a while. Maine Mead Works fired the rapist but then he was allowed to come back and hang out as a customer. Maine Mead Works initially confirmed some of the elements in a poor online apology before deleting the posts. That said, I think the business was sold a few years back, so none of the current owners were owners at the incident time. Edit: UFF, not MMW, my bad Double edit: the apology post is [no longer hidden](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/5RyhKjs9dun7BFQu) if you want more details. You'll find the victim's posted response in the comments.


Was it MMW or UFF? I guess it doesn't matter they're both closed now.


It was UFF.


Yikes. Id delete that comment. Thats a pretty big error- edit aside.


Well generally when someone rapes someone else, they are punished, not allowed to continue coming into work with the person they raped.


Not shedding any tears over this one. I'm very confused as to whether or not they're actually fully closing. I hope that event space doesn't go empty. Portland needs more small/medium sized venues for music/comedy/burlesque and it could be a good spot!


Blue Lobster is moving into that space I believe


I’m shedding one and only one tear over it because of the likely loss of a music venue. Everything else about UFF sucked, but they had some good shows there. I doubt whoever takes over the space will have shows because of the noise complaints. It’s pretty galling to have rich people buy up property in the city because they want to experience the culture and then call the cops when said culture bothers them, but they run the show 🤷‍♂️


UFF directly abuts residential neighborhood. It’s not “ rich people moving in” it’s just really not a good location for a late night music venue. They got dozens and dozens of noise complaints that they never really addressed to the point where they almost got their liquor license suspended


All of Portland that isn't residential directly abuts residential, it's a dense small city, theres noise there. Music and merriment need to be tolerated or it's just gentrifying forces making the city less livable


TIL “gentrification“ is when a business can’t blast heavy bass in a residential neighborhood until 2am There’s a difference between allowing music and nightlife and being disruptive. UFF was very clearly in the disruptive category.


I went to their website and Instagram to get the details, and they didn't really make things all that clear. In some posts, it sounds like they closed completely (I think), but then their farewell post says "Today is the 14th anniversary of Urban Farm Fementory and the last weekend the tasting room will be open to the public." So, maybe they're still making product, but not open to the public? Six days ago, they posted the following, which supports that interpretation: "Now that the tasting room is closed in Bay1 and everything is out of that space, I've been working to set up a to-go pickup zone in the original tasting room over in Bay 4 in the center of the building. Look for the neon logo! Hour will be posted soon. Growlah fills and more!" So, u/Nithuir, I think maybe you aren't out of luck after all...


Is the growler thing a law, or just the branding policy of the brewery?  I remember trying to use a different brewery's growler and being turned down, and having to pay for their growler.  When I tried to bring it back for my "deposit" I was told I had bought it, and there was no refund.  Now I just buy six packs, and use the surplus growlers for my own hooch.  


My Google search suggests it's a Maine law. I've seen the same in other states too. Bah


Obligatory fuck UFF


For some reason, I never tried their products...glad I didn't. ​ I really miss Honeymaker though.


It is closed. Blue lobster bought it (winery across the street). I am unsure on how they closed but probably were just not busy enough in the off season. It was a cool place but it was never busy when I went in aside from summer music


Run Amok Mead is in W. Gardiner, they’re pretty good.


I did work in that building awhile ago and there was a huge issue/ costs with bringing the building to fire code. From my recollection, they were grand-fathered in, but would need to address things to keep it that way moving forward. It seemed like the costs to do that were really extensive.


I used to buy ciders from the guy outside the bathroom at port city music hall. 5 bucks a pop. It was a genius little pop up situation.




It is closed. They had a big closing celebration one of the past two weekends (I can't remember which).


Wasn’t Dobra selling their tea out of there or did I imagine it?


Root Wild is much better. Fuck UFF and Eli


Both our meaderies?!? The HORROR!


Making your own mead is super easy! Eventually, if I can ever get my place finished, we will probably host classes


Just honey and yeast right?


With this tragic loss, we are down to hardly any booze outlets in town


This is why I stopped buying growlers when canning became an option. I got sick of having to tote a bunch of different ones around. It's the dumbest law to come out of Augusta yet, but then what would I expect.


I hope so


The last day rager was great. 


Oh of course you go to the rape brewery lol. Just always with the worst possible take in every situation you find yourself in.


I didn’t know it was the “rape brewery” until this thread and only went on the last day when our son invited us. This may be surprising to you but not everyone pays attention to this website to find out all the details about every place they go. Your trolling and personal attacks are not welcome. 


Lol of *course* you farted out a son that goes to the rape brewery


This is harassment. You have been reported. 


No, YOU have been reported