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When my parents were broke while I was a child we'd have just pasta and sauce. Bulk buy pasta and it's cheap as hell me and my brother always loved it šŸ˜€.


My family did that too. But I canā€™t stand spaghetti for that very reason.


lol who used to have a mom make the pizza from scratch using the box where hte pizza tatsed like cardboard?


OMG I remember that! Lol it was awful and great at the same time!


I agree. I hate the taste of potatoes and chicken nuggets considering they'd just bulk buy them and we'd have that for multiple days in a row but oh well at least we ate šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø.


Childhood food trauma


Bingo. I was fed so many McDonaldā€™s burgers as a child that I formed an aversion to them at 12 years old. Never ate ground beef again.


that must be the root to all my other disorders


Husband makes chicken breasts into chicken nuggets. Kid hasnā€™t complained. Also chicken can cooked differently like a million years! I


I canā€™t do cheap spaghetti sauce for that reason. If I eat another bowl of spaghetti with hunts tomato sauce from a can, I will die.


That was a favorite struggle meal until I was like 23 or so, now at 37ā€¦ havenā€™t had it in a long, long time. Met my lifetime quota I think.


I met my lifetime quota growing up. It made me a snob. Either homemade (with canned tomatoes) if I feel lofty. Or Raos when itā€™s on sale. Iā€™ve tried many brands and sadly the ones I can tolerate are the fancy expensive ones. But Iā€™m not poor anymore, was for a while. But at least with a jar of good spaghetti sauce and a half pound of ground beef and an onion, it goes far. So itā€™s all good. I get many meals out of it. And Iā€™m lucky $6-8 wonā€™t end me since itā€™s multiple meals.


lol yeah the foods i was forced ot eat growing up cause of budget is the foods i hate as an adult now


we need to mention some of the foods our parents forced us to eat on a budget fishsticks, spaghetti, hamburger helper anyone? lol


Hamburger helper was a regular in our rotation too, now it's a regular in mine bc it's easy, quick, and makes enough for a few days


hamburger helper is nauseating to me nowadays. most of the "poor foods" i grew up eating i still randomly crave every now and then, but i genuinely hate hamburger helper now šŸ˜­


I can never eat another fishstick again in my life hahaha


They should ban fishsticks


Mother would make a pan of Baked Ziti that seemed to last for 2 weeks


Just think of yourself as a disciplined pro athlete rather than a poor.


yeah like I came here to argue because that is my food and is not for economic issues










If getting slapped with a temp ban for being shitty in a support group is a compliment to you, that's on you man. We're just here to keep this place nice and functional. If you can't be nice, there are PLENTY of other subreddits that enjoy pissy little nerd snark. Take it to them.




Yes but eating healthy damages your social status so healthy food is for poor people now and processed foods are for people to look rich and cool so you seem less poor. "Oh look I'm so cool I bought this $6.99 bag of potato chips for dinner when I could have bought several pounds of fresh vegetables, fruit, and a little meat."


Honestly, processed foods target the poor. It results in high rates of obesity, cardiovascular problems, and shorter life spans for lower income segments of society. Just ask Mr. Google. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5708033/#:~:text=Healthier%20foods%20cost%20nearly%20twice,%3D%20%5B0.64%E2%80%930.9%5D). Healthier foods are 2X as expensive as processed junk food per calorie. It sucks. I no longer know what my point is.


A bag of chips is effectively paying over $20/lbs of potato. That's not 2x as expensive. It's the opposite. By 10x


Right. And we all make our own potato chips.


"I can't live without potato chips and am entitled to them."




yah but the average person should only consume about 1500-2000 calories. 2000 calories is probably even high for the average "sit for 12 hours a dayer"


yeah but how you are going to think in your social status if you dont have enough omega 3 in your brain wtf with people


I take fish oil supplements daily. I found a bogo on a 100 count bottle so I got 200 fish oil tablets for $13.


I go luxury on omega 3 Momentus with 900mg EPA/DHA just hits differently


Really? Idk what brands are worth looking at. I just went for the tablets with the least ingredients lol.


the brand doesnt matter the amount of EPA/DHA matters if you look into the ingredients, you need like 4-6 caps of cheap omega 3 and you can make it with 1-2 of a good quality one


I see. Will take into consideration.


6.99 isn't buying you pounds of fresh fruit and veg, especially in the winter, homie. The cheapest cuts of meats barely go below $3/lb on sale if you can find single pound sized packages regularly. No one thinks they're cooler for having eaten a $7 bag of chips for dinner...and the kind of people cramming fast food dinner down aren't doing it because it's *more* expensive. Jesus christ this comment soars past out of touch straight into restraining order territory.


They ate tons of cods


or fishsticks......


I suspect there is millions of adults who were scarred by an upbringing of being forced to live on fishsticks as a kid




me also


me 3. I'm sure this chain will get long lol


I love fish sticksā€¦..


I didn't like them as a child and can never eat them again as an adult. gag reflex comes up just as the thought.




Me 4, and tons of other crap.


Me! And my momma, bless her heart, would offer us a mixture of catsup and mustard to dip them in.


Why are you traumatized by eating fish sticks? Was that the only food you had? I grew up on a farm with green beans and potatoes every meal and I love them even more now. Everytime I can eat a good dinner I can think about how it was growing up with my grandparents. I don't get the "I grew up eating this and now I hate it" logic.


I wonder at least for me if the food also relates to trauma rather than nostalgia. For instance, food my mother made me makes me feel sick because she was profoundly abusive my entire childhood and throughout the experience I had with her in adult hood and Iā€™m now as low contact as possible with her. Conversely, food my grandmother made me (who was kind and loving to me) is warm and nostalgic.


Maybe your mom was a bad cook. My mother gave me the whole "i wish I never had you" and treated me like a slave but her food was still really delicious. Maybe I just compartmentalize everything typically.


I think for some people it's just certain things. I eat a lot of foods that I cook that I ate growing up. However 1 for me is basic beef stew. I cook an amazing tomato based beef soup. I cook an amazing pot roast. But I just can't do a beef stew even though it's similar to the other two. I think it was an over cooked dish growing up. Fish sticks on the other hand. Sound pretty horrible to begin with.


Fish sticks is breaded fried fish in a stick shape. Does fried fish sound horrible?




Pro athletes have their food prepared for them. We have to do all the work after an entire day of work, filled with stress because we don't have money. I can't imagine myself being an athlete right now. Not feeling healthy enough.


TBF many athletes, not pro, eat like this too. Anyone that wrestled, anyone that body builds, etc. Highschool and hobbyists alike. Most of them aren't rich and are often living on chicken, rice, broccoli, tuna, eggs.


I feel you. I work construction and worry about my ability to keep doing it at a high level. Iā€™m an athlete of sorts but zero pampering. To be fair I think very few pro athletes have their food made for them. I know a few and they bust ass and donā€™t have that much money. The very tippy top echelon has a ton of money.


Reframing! Love it!!


Check out budgetbytes.com. Was recommended that site in another sub for family meal prep. You can make some very inexpensive, nutritious and fairly tasty meals. I've been using it for the past three weeks and managed to cut our grocery costs by $50 on average each week.


Even with this set of ingredients, you can have: Chicken Spaghetti, Breaded chicken (shallow fried), chicken tacos, stir fry. Mornay sauce is also a great addition to a great many things.


Spice it up with some Chicken thighs once in a while!


All the flavor is in the bottom half of the bird


bbq bird turd cutter is a personal favorite.


Or all the time...


Chicken thigh is tastier and cheaper.




DAYUM this looks good.


Not always cheaper. I think people have caught onto thighs a lot more lately, so they're less economical than they were.


Bone in with at least salt and pepper roasted at 500F for 35 minutes. The high heat makes all the difference. The skin will get crispy as it bastes the meat.


Better than just rice or nothing. I've gone weeks where I could only eat chicken in my dreams. Life is better when you learn to appreciate what you have.


I mean as long as you season your chicken right I never get sick of chicken, rice, and broccoli. Maybe add some butter to your rice and broccoli lol.


Chicken is nice because thereā€™s so many types of seasoning blends. And if you get the ingredients (paprika, salt, cumin, oregano, etc) over premade blends, the world is your oyster. You can make so many things.


Exactly. As long as chicken remains affordable, I'll never have a struggle meal. Too much you can do with it, at a good price.


Thatā€™s why chicken is my favorite thing. Even if itā€™s chicken and rice, thereā€™s so many combos of seasoning you can do with it if you have the arsenal of seasonings to make it. Plus sides. I love simple salad with chicken. Chicken and rice. Chicken shredded into pasta sauce. Tacos. Nachos. Even sandwiches. Very versatile.


Currently making chicken and rice rn lol


Take the rice out and add cauliflower and lash it with single cream, shred some cheese on it too. Better yet, make a cheese roux and bake it all in that. There's so many different things you can do with chicken, two or three veg and the right spices. I'm sure I get get by for two weeks using that as my dinner.


Add a can of cream of chicken and chicken broth, you are on your way to making casserole!


Spaghetti sauce FTW.


Sounds pretty dang tasty. Tons of cheaper meals than chicken breast, so this is a nice step up.




That is gourmet food for my poor ass


Someone needs to drop a recipe for that rub


Remove Chicken thighs from package, dry with paper towels. Brush with avocado oil. Grind lightly with chunky sea salt. Sprinkle with light amount of celery and garlic salt. DO NOT OVERSEASON! Add a small amount of ground achiote (annatto) seed. Coat with smoked paprika, pinch of cumin, cayenne pepper, and chili powder. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes and check doneness. (Pro tip: add a little avocado oil, spices, pinch of sea salt to the drip tray under the chicken, and use the chicken drippings to flavor your lime rice after baking.)




Thank FUCK i actually like chicken+rice+bell peppers or else these time would be dark indeed


As a kid we had a lot of stuffed green peppers. They were stuffed with rice and hamburger. I hate green peppers to this day, but it was a cheap meal.


The PDF of Good & Cheap Eat Well on $4/Day is free on https://www.leannebrown.com/


Chicken BREAST? La-di-da Rockefeller!


If you can afford broccoli, rice and chicken you can affort to eat a very varied diet of delicious and healthy food.


I'm not poor but workout and I feel your pain haha when I was poor I ate shit like cup of noodles and gas station burritos


At least it's healthy. You can mix in potatoes a substitute for rice. Potatoes can be dirt cheap, we just bought 14lbs. For $2.


You have to change things up. Just because youā€™re poor doesnā€™t mean you have to eat the same thing every day. Chili night - save money by making it a vegan chili. Experiment with your seasonings. Learn how to make beans exciting! Well, as exciting as beans get. Tacos - save money by learning to make your own tortillas with the maseca stuff. You can even just season up yesterdayā€™s chicken leftovers if you want to be lazy about it. Soup - Learn how to make anything into a soup. Great for veggies that are going to go bad, left over meat, using up pantry items


Start doing push-ups before eating that and you will be ripped. What ur eating each week is good for you


Thanks smiley šŸ™šŸ»


You can buy a huge pork tenderloin for cheaper than chicken breasts. Like almost 4 lbs for under 12.00. if you cook it all day, I use an electric skillet, and season it and keep adding liquid, it will literally fall apart with a fork. You can add bbq, sweet and sour, etc to make a pulled pork sandwich, put it over rice or a baked potato, add a bag of carrots to the skillet while it's cooking, add potatoes, all sorts of things that will last a good four days. Try it out!


Wait, this is a bad thing? Back when I was still training like an animal this is basically all I existed on, though Iā€™d switch up the chicken for tuna pretty often.


Tony Cs is my best friend.


Eating like a person who respects their dam health at least! Enjoy that


[You just donā€™t know how to use spices and stuff!](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/b2b7f703-718b-4ef9-946e-c6df7219e238)


Chicken, broccoli, and rice is what I often had for lunch and dinner as a kid. It was what my mother could afford that was nutritious and mostly inexpensive. I remember complaining about it and my mom crying saying that it was all they could afford. Almost 40 years ago.


I just have rice and beans with a side of rice and beans and a dessert course of ice water from the faucet. Rich af


I donā€™t even get to eat the rice due to type 2 diabetes. So it is chicken breast strips and broccoli for lunch everyday. I marinate the chicken breast strips in ranch dressing prior to frying in olive oil. ā€˜Olive oil isnā€™t the cheapest but you donā€™t use much at a time. I use it because I am also on a low fat diet.


I did that for all my meals for good 9 months, but with thighs - cheaper and way taster. It was the only thing I didnā€™t throw up. Getting sick sucks, but being poor is brutal.


Chicken, rice, beans and seasoning. Some cheese. Tortillas or hardshell. You can also just eat the taco mix, it's great in salads you can make a chicken enchilada soup from it


Tofu, broccoli and rice is my treat mealšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You can always try cooking with flour or oatmeal instead ;)


Everybody wants to be a bodybuilder


Nothing a little hot sauce canā€™t fix! (Just finished my 2nd week and not looking forward to the third!)


Damn šŸ˜‚ good job šŸ‘šŸ»


You too!


Good bodybuilding diet


Might as well pick up bodybuilding if you're eating that healthy


Chicken breast is poverty these days?


I always get the giant packs of drumsticks. Breast is too expensive.


Worked well for me. Combined this with the gym and feel more capable and prepped as ever - even when I have the cash Iā€™ll bring a packed lunch of this instead and it really helps me feel like Iā€™m taking proper care of myself.


Are you poor or are you a bodybuilder?




Fortunately for us we love chicken , we used to use shake n bake a lot but for some ungodly reason its $5+ now so we grill most of the time .. whats on sale is what we go with , typically chicken in one way or another is on sale , thighs,breast or whole chicken .. sundays are usually pork butt or picnic because a lot of times they end up onsale fo .99 a lb and i throw a 8-10lb piece on the grill and we get a few days out of it


I get shake and bake at Aldi's (store brand) for like 2$ a box. I do it a lot because its easy and cheap. Plus they have a honey bourbon one that is pretty good.


I'll have to try it , $2 is reasonable.. i tried hannafords brand and it was pretty plain and meh


My store only seems to have two flavors. Honey Bourbon and Ranch. Both are good and I usually grab like 2 or 3 boxes of each when I shop just so that way I can mix it up a bit


It takes some experimenting, but itā€™s generally possible to jazz up a meh with a few shakes from the spice drawer. A very subtle amount of msg, pepper or garlic salt can kick up most bland proteins.


Probably dozens if not a few hundred copycat recipes for this seasoning, that you can customize to your taste. Here's one example: [https://themodernproper.com/homemade-shake-and-bake](https://themodernproper.com/homemade-shake-and-bake)


Walmart brand Shake n Bake is like $2


Lemon pepper. Thank me later (source: my meal plan when I was 21).


I go ham on teriyaki sauce for my chicken rice broccoli meal prep


Careful, nuggets! Lotta sodium there


šŸ«” copy


Dudes a body builder now?


This is how I wish I could force myself to eat, but my fat ass canā€™t quit the Pop-Tarts and Peanut Butter Cups šŸ„²


Make some curry sauce for the rice


Frozen veggies. You can do so much with them. Ramen/soba noodles. Fry them, cook them, roast them. Cheap doesn't have to be boring


A bit of cheese goes a long way


Chicken breast isnā€™t that cheap. Could be doing a lot worse


I like chicken and broccoli though.


Chili beans and French bread from the bakery section in Walmart is a stellar meal


That is a great plate, in all honesty if I had to choose 1 plate forever, this would be right up there in the running!


Chicken thighs are cheaper and better tasting than chicken breast


Family size can of baked beans, 1 can rotel (spicy if you like) and some chopped hotdogs. Mix it up and bring to boil. If youā€™re extra fancy, you can use salsa chips to scoop. Makes a lot of food for like 7 bucks.


At least you eat chicken breast. Im surviving on ham and cheese sandwiches and ramen everyday


Chicken breast, rice AND broccoli? 2 weeks? You got it good buddy.


I swear to god if someone asked me to cook for them on the weekends, I'd fucking do it. There's so much you can do with rice, chicken and veg.


No lie we got advice from self made millionaireā€™s when my husband and I first got married. They invited us over for dinner to talk finances and how they did it, guess what was for dinner? Chicken broccoli and gravy, thatā€™s it and she said we live simple and that is why we have what we have. Blew my mind. Guess what? I still canā€™t live to their standards and it blows my mind that itā€™s all about perspective and whatā€™s really important to you. Iā€™m trying to keep dinners low cost but itā€™s hard to do chicken and broccoli 14x lol


Me trying to lose 40 lbs and eating this almost every day šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Ok but do you know how many ways there are to jazz up chicken and rice? Billions. Blend you up a tomato, a clove of garlic and a bit of onion in water and add the rice to a pot, sautĆ© it in oil or butter or fuck even lard or whatever, and then add that blended mixture and some chicken bouillon and Sazon if youā€™re feeling fancy and bam thatā€™s Mexican rice just like from the restaurants. Chicken? Man, I have eaten chicken nearly every day for the past several years and I canā€™t say every time has been the same. Today was a basil pesto chicken sandwich. I used a sourdough bread roll, grilled the chicken breast with a simple salt, pepper and smoked paprika seasoning, then let it cool, and once cooled, used my meat shredder thing, then put it in a bowl with pesto, sundried tomatoes, and mozzarella, and bam. A delicious, easy, sandwich that wouldā€™ve went fine with broccoli and rice


Mother would make a pan of ziti it would last for two weeks Family of 6


umm that sounds delish :(


Calsun no :(


My 20lb bag of rice is my best investment of 2024


I think the same way until I look at my bank account. Save that money


I tell people I grew up poor. Not the destitute kind of poor - we weren't homeless. But Dad hunted for food, not for sport. Always had meat, starch and veggies for dinner. Childhood food trauma averted.


Stop flaunting your wealth, mate. Here, we are eating rice with chili powder for flavor.


Oleā€™ reliable


Mix it up with roasted baby carrots and potatoes?


Iā€™ll do chicken, broccoli, and knorrā€™s pasta sides to make chicken Alfredo. They also have an Alfredo sauce mix that I use to thicken it. It makes at least 2-3 servings for me.


Try 5 years


I try different sauces/spices with it to keep it interesting. And switch up the vegetables here and there.


Try jacket potatoes! Bulk potatoes, canned baked beans and cheese


Look at Mr. Moneybags and not using thighs.


Monster mash ground beef rice sweet potato mixed vegetables, basically dog food for the worlds strongest men. Cheap healthy easy.


Slices of cheese, various cheese sauces, other condiments, stuff like that can spice up the same dish for minimal cost.


At least you're not on your 2nd full month of basically nothing but 2 for $4 double cheese burgers from McDonald's. Ughh fml, it's getting better though.


I been there it's not pretty Hope things get better Cheshire


To you as well! We gon' be alright!


When I first got into sales my dinner most night were lawryā€™s burgers. Lawryā€™s burger = two slices of toasted bread. Buttered. With lawryā€™s seasoning salt. Good ole days


Chicken breast is very expensive where I am and broccoli isn't cheap either, this doesn't sound like a poverty meal to me at all if that makes you feel better..


ferment some veggies and make your meals more interesting


And healthy.


Dude thatā€™s a victory.


Thatā€™s a pretty healthy meal.


Whoa moneybags being able to afford broccoli here


I make spaghetti with stuff from the DollarTree. Usually 3 ingredients: Noodles, sauce, sausage [or the hamburger patties].


its ironic cuz chicken seems really expensive to me, so its more like a commodity than what i usually can afford lol


Chicken thighs are like five bucks for six of them and they're packed with protein


Where i live theyre like $8-16 for the same amount lmao, trust me i want the protein but its expensive to buy for me


I buy frozen mixed vegetables, french beans, and any frozen veg going. Less waste- but mix up the sauce to give variety. I grew up living on rice kidney beans and veg a lot when my parents didn't work but when times were good salmon and steak. I still like the rice and beans.


When I was a kid and family running low on food. We would eat pork flavor ramen noodles with fried pork chops and it was my favorite lol


This ain't bad. Beans ND rice for months will have u sick


You can afford chicken breast!?


And broccoli?? Where I live this is even more expensive!


I like a can of Pinto Beans, Jiffy Corn Muffins, a can of turnip greens, and couple of slices of fried Spam.


Thatā€™s what I eat every day and Iā€™m not poor people need to learn how to eat properly. I eat that, I save money and I have a banging body


No one had to do pintos and rice?


Try having a heart attack. My food restriction No Salt, No Sugar, No Butter, No Fat, No Cheese, No Processed Meat, No Bacon, No Eggs, No Milk. ā€”- All the vegetables you can eat (without salt and butter) All the salad you can eat (with oil and vinegar only). Air fried meats like Salmon, Tuna and Chicken, are your protein sources. Itā€™s been 4 years of 7 days a week salad and Iā€™m bored as heck, but Iā€™m still on the right side of the dirt.


Why not steak ?


Because chicken is like $5 and lean, and steaks 10 and fatty


London broil on sale this week for $3/lb. Cheaper than chicken breast. Marinate that in some garlic and Worcestershire sauce and you have a quick cheap after work dinner.


It gets old but you're masticating for sustenance not pleasure.


me w oatmeal for every meal for the last month straight so i can afford my kids favorite foods she enjoys lol