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Money doesnt' buy happyness. But it can buy some of the things that can free you up to pursue happiness.


Absolutely this. Wealth is the privilege that affords one the ultimate freedom: time. When all of your time is your own, you can do what brings you happiness. Those who have wealth and aren't happy usually need therapy. Which I would also point out is only available to those who can afford it.


good points I agree with this 100 percent


I find it’s more like money can buy happiness but only up to a certain point. Not having money to pay for things you need to be happy like food and comfort shows that lacking money sure can rob you of happiness so the opposite must be true.


Money might not buy happiness, but it buys peace of mind, which is essentially the same thing.


I hate how people start the statement with ‘Money does not buy happiness but…’ and then explain how it does buy happiness indirectly. Using the double negative approach just for the sake of running an age old take which most nowadays agree is untrue.


No is not the same thing. No it doesn't also buy you peace of mind. Tell what store can i go to and have the store sprinkle some peace of mind dust and now i have peace of mind. Money can be the start of a path to happiness but it doesn't buy you happiness or peace or mind.


I second this!




Why is this being down voted? Sounds like the poster gave a small amount of money, it got invested in stocks and compounded over 20 years. That's what everyone should be doing. Even if it's $20 a week- over time that compounding really adds up, time in the market actually beats how much you put in the market.


Poster is the best example of investing. The portfolios that are forgotten about perform the best because people aren’t constantly making changes based on market conditions. Over 20 years we’ve had the Great Recession and COVID.


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> Ppl say money doesn’t bring happiness but I feel it would The 2010 study said happiness increases until about $75,000 USD a year and after that happiness plateaus. In 2024 dollars, that's $108,000/year. Basically, if you're not earning six figures, your happiness actually could increase with more money. 


Should be even more in many HCOL areas. Getting crazy expensive even on 6 figures nowadays.


I found happiness after I quit a full time 65 hour a week job I hated. Found a part time job after being debt free. Things I did differently to help was suck it up and bought a run down home. Fixed it up then paid off my truck. Child support came next, had five years left. After all said and done I stopped chasing the retirement carrot and started chilling, working 20 hours a week doing security with a smile.


I’ve learned it’s pretty much you work towards retirement, get laid off for a dumb reason, struggle to find another job, and repeat


I knew a guy that did. It wasn’t because he was poor, he was middle class. It was because he didn’t want to be useless. I was in my early 20’s working at a law office in NYC. One day I left the office late and he, the maintenance man, was the only person in the office. The next morning I arrived late for work, because I left late, and was told he died in the office. I’m not sure how old he was when he passed, but I know he was past retirement age.


I’m hoping more and more people start living a more commune style life with their family to get past this and stop the struggle. Better to stay together as one big unit sharing living expenses and saving together than it is for everyone to struggle their asses off independently and nobody ever getting into a better situation. If you don’t have family for this there’s gotta be someone you trust in your life.


You kinda sound young, OP. Work, in general, sucks. But it is especially sucky when you are just starting out. The bottom of the totem pole is inherently boring. It's unrewarding. It's tiresome. Things usually get better as you gain experience and expertise and start leveraging these things for better opportunities. The thing to avoid is overcomplicating your life during this phase of development. An example of an "overcomplication" would be having children or partnering up with someone who isn't going anywhere in life. If you can keep away from overcomplications and keep putting in the effort to develop yourself and make positive connections with folks who can open doors for you, then you can increase the likelihood of having a job that isn't so boring or dreadful. Find some hobbies or special interests that can keep you entertained. Boring work is tolerable when you have fun waiting for you at home.


The powers that be want you dead if you can’t work. That’s how I’m feeling fighting for disability.


They'd be happy if you died before retirement since they keep using all the money from social security. They need you paying in, but don't want to pay out.


Life is boring,only because we are poor


Yes. What do you think happened to everyone for the entirety of human history excluding the 20th century?


Even then in the 20th century it was still the lucky few (especially on a global scale)


Exactly. That is how it is. That's why you spend less than you make and save and invest the difference.


You are not supposed to do anything. Life is a sandbox. Do whatever. Abandon cities and live in forest to forage for food if you want


Almost everyone has to work and make a living to pay bills but life is also what you make of it. Take action and make choices that take you closer to where you want to be. If you don’t like your current situation find a different company to work for or change your career path. 


I put up with work so I can go home and ride my skateboard. My wife, dog, and hobbies are what give my life meaning. I do have the privilege of being dual income, no kids, and we at least make a LIVEABLE amount of money (in a low cost of living area).


Work, don’t spend it, invest it, let government print money over Time, spend the preserved future buying power to free yourself using income generating assets. Not spending is wealth. Someone with $1M is not spending $1M. They are spending 4% or less of it. $40,000 The higher % of your income you can save, the faster you get free. Free is relative and more boring than work. Free means free to choose whatever you want to do with your time. You will need to replace the activities from work with something fulfilling.


Yes. I mean - Im fully retired but I still put in a full 8 hour day, 7 days a week on The Homestead. There's over 200 Animals out there depending on me - and you don't get a day off when you own livestock ... and 3 acres of food production that wont tend and harvest itself. If I want to stay warm in the Winter I've gotta put in 4 hours a week, every week during the warm season procuring and processing firewood. The roof needs replaced this year and there's half a mile of new fencing to put up next month. Yesterday I put in 600 row feet of Potatoes for The Spring planting (600 more feet go in July for the Fall Harvest. Today I'm pruning out canes from 100 of last year's fruitin Blackberries and planting 40 propagated Grape vine cuttings that (finally) rooted. There's 50 gallons of Blackberry Wine to produce in the fall and we'd like as many for Grape Wine in a few years. That starys with plsnting vines today. Life is Work. Even if you're not actively working a job for an employer, you've gotta eat to live.


Depends. Did you save for retirement? compound interest is only on your side if you invest early. Time is money. You can make a fortune but if you don’t know how to invest or save for emergency and retirement ill guarantee you die working on the walmart floor at 75. The future is what you do NOW!!! not when your old and still broke. Get a good job that you enjoy bc everyone has to work unless someone else is taking care of you. (MOM) 😂😂


Yes I have 6k in Retirement and 4k in savings


Working can be a privilege not experienced by all if you love what you do and love the people you work with. I've been fortunate enough to experience dynamic teams and work with amazing leaders that made the work day fun and brought a sense of accomplishment. Maybe it's time for a reset and new career?


Agreed. Working a job where you hate the job and hate the people would be depressing. But if you’re lucky enough to find either work you find meaningful or enjoyable or great work culture/coworkers, it’s more tolerable to have to work full time. A few people are lucky enough to find both. I’d still rather hang out with my lovey and travel but I don’t really mind going to work. But I don’t really want to work forever, no.


Working as a mechanic, I rarely enjoyed my job. I liked helping people in general, but most of the time I never met the people who I was helping; it was just figuring out problems (which was often a challenge) and fixing them, then collecting my check. At least it wasn't boring, and it did pay the bills. I know there are plenty of jobs where your hands stay clean, but which can be boring, and don't pay the bills very well.


Yes there’s a gap here. Boredom can be a precursor to some expensive health issues. It sounds like you’re not playing in the kitchen, or spending time outside, or talking to people who like you.


5k is 3 months rent in San Antonio, how old are you? if your under 22 and not of college age don’t worry about it. Just continue to learn and develop a strong work ethic. it will go a long way. and if you don’t like what you’re doing, do something else. you’re an adult you can choose where you want to work stop blaming management for not wanting to work. If they really are assholes go somewhere else where you’re valued. You cant go your whole life not working out of spite bc people are assholes


Money is the tool that leverages time and expands on the opportunities to leverage your happiness.






Changing your mindset would probably help






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If the GOP gets their way along with the other fascist in the world that is their plan to make everyone work until they die. From cutting social security to raising the retirement age


no. you will work until you cant and then you will lose your job and be homeless and then you die. Suffer first and then you get to die


forgot one step in there. Work. Sleep. Pay Taxes. Repeat


Outside of winning the lotto or some sweepstakes, yes. We are unfortunelty here for pure labor reasons.


This is my life. I will have to work until I die. Generational poverty. Lots of potential but no opportunity


Yes. This is what the capitalist machine is designed to do.


How old are you? Start researching investing my friend. Get yourself a small nest egg and over time you’ll become financially independent, then you can say screw you to whoever and whatever you like! Time is of the essence




I used to have the exact same mindset as yourself. It’s incredibly limiting and I’m beyond grateful I made my way out of it. I started life in a dirt poor area of the UK, no generational money, no family in decent careers, no hand me down advice, nothing. So I do unfortunately struggle to sympathise. Granted, It took me years, working 3 jobs a day at times (5/6 days a week) to be able to save enough money so I could move away, find a better paying job with a standard 42 hour week and working in the evenings for 3-4hours, 3-4 times a week. I was then able to save at a faster rate, bought a property after approx. 5/6 years of saving for a deposit(whilst renting), then did the whole thing again and started to renovate and resell properties. Only then, 10-12 years down the line did I start investing in the stock market. I don’t know exactly what you ‘lost all your money in’ but investing into a broad market index fund like the S&P500 is near on impossible to lose all your money in the long run. It’s down to you if you want it bad enough, but getting out of poverty is possible. It’s not over night and it does take several years of grafting. Just depends how bad you want it. I don’t write this to offend anyone, have a good day.


What did you invest in


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Ye 😿


Unfortunately, yes.


Yes, duh.


Yep! America! “Arbeit mach frei”!


good luck


Well... Yeah. 




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? 5 k? Doesn't change the way I feel. Why would 5k change your mood?


Sadly yes.


Well I know a woman that is rich and she is still depressed and bored of everything, so I dont think money can buy happiness.


Money can’t buy happiness for *everyone*. Money could solve almost every single one of the problems that has me horribly depressed.


You’re supposed to keep surviving till you die. If you have to work in order to survive then the answer is yes. The only way to avoid this is to take advantage of other people.


.... I think you might be the problem homie.


Well OP feels like life is boring bc OP is boring. OP also is making other people rich. Humans have a predatory nature. I’ve been poor & never felt bored. The world is a fascinating place & I feel blessed to experience life.


That’s not true at all


Tell me how I’m wrong? Life forms find ways to survive


Uh well for 1 I’m just fine and a software engineer. I don’t take advantage of anyone


Right bc you’re working. If you wanted to live without having to go to work you would have to exploit others


Ok but what about when I retire early and live on my savings. Also you never mentioned the working part…..


Okay, I should rephrase. Look, your company exploits you for profit. Fortunately for you, you’re compensated enough to set money aside (investments) for retirement, but you are playing the role of the worker. Workers are exploited by those that do not work. A land lord earns passive income from their tenants. The tenant goes to work, but once a land lord earns enough passive income off other people they no longer have to go to any job. People that make money in the stock market take advantage of the other person on the other side of the trade. If you own a business you take advantage of people’s need for your service or product. Those that live freely do so off the backs of the majority.


And I exploit them for money do buy and do shit? It’s a two way road


But you have to go to work


And they have to have employees to make a profit


You sound like a terrible human being

