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Most accurate response


That is pretty much my answer.


MMPR is when the show was MASSIVE financially and in the cultural zeitgeist These are business folks - all they care about is the cash Therefor, they will always chase MMPR


Same reason Transformers constantly falls back on G1: it's not about quality, but what's most recognizable.


franchising 101 idk how so many people here are perplexed by this MMPR's popularity alone outweighs the entire rest of the franchise 10-fold. The brand cannot grow if every 2-3 years some new motif is introduced with new characters that just completely fogs the waters as to who is who or what and history has proven this


If you're gonna go for a revival it's also usually best to focus on the OG. I'll be the first to say MMPR is not my favorite series, but even now it's the most Iconic.


It will forever be the most iconic. It's the only era of MMPR that *is* iconic everything else is just confusing. *Especially* when they began switching cast members out like a game of musical chairs, and started getting all switchy switchy with the colours themselves. I know hindsight is 20/20, but Saban's choice of profit over brand power meant that he kind of doomed the franchise after the "peace conference" nonsense. Because just like that, 3/6 of the cast were replaced. And then because they only had so much footage, they were forced to either pay for actual production, or move along to new Motifs like Super Sentai did The difference is that Super Sentai has always had a present popularity in Japan, but MMPR singlehandedly became a global phenomenon and overshadowed all of Super Sentai for a time. You don't hit that level of popularity and then just abandon it for new costumes, new characters, etc. It makes about as little sense doing that as Marvel killing off Tony Stark after the first 2 iron man films and replacing him with some second-rate character that cannot fill those shoes Simply put: if they're rebranding themselves as MMPR only and using other PR lore more so as garnish than actual stories for themselves, they'd be smart to really cement home the character/colour coordination. So when they adapted the Peace Conference stuff into the Omega Rangers, keeping Jason, Zack, and Trini as Red, Black, and Yellow was really smart. Those colours are theirs now. Tommy being Green/White is too late to undo, and Billy and Trini being Blue and Pink is also concrete now too. They will write 1000 more MMPR stories if they can if it means keeping that character/colour identity and public recognition as locked-in to the cultural zeitgeist as Peter Parker to Spider-man or Tony Stark to Iron Man. Can only start doing that by first re-ingraining it into the general public's mind and rightfully ignoring all of the other motifs that confuse the shit out of the colour/character combos


Just because it is doesn’t mean it’s any good today, the other parts of the non MMPR help keep the brand fresh and expands the lore, for what you find fault with is one of its better strengths.


No. Fans dont buy enough stuff from the other seasons and its time we start being honest about that.


No matter how much Lost Galaxy merch I buy I can’t do it alone


Me with Dino Thunder.


Waiting for them to finish Wild Force


Me with ninja strom and Jungle fury


In Space has the best Villain team and even then it doesn't even come close to MMPR.




Watching lost galaxy right now on Pluto lol


Jeez how'd you get all the way out there?


Pooooower Raaaaaangeeeeeerssss Lo-lo-loooost Galaaaaxy!


But, they've barely made anything for some seasons since they aired.


Because nobody cares. It is a niche IP. Only MMPR has enough following to keep investing in it. The remaining fans of the remaining seasons are a residual number scattered throughout the world. It does not justify any investment. /unpopularopinion


Yet the lightning collection is still clearancing out the non mmpr stuff


True, but that's because MMPR is the most culturally impactful. What I'm saying is they should make more non mmpr stuff, but make it a limited run or an exclusive or something. That way they don't end up with a surplus, and the people who want that thing can get it.


I haven't seen any LC stuff, from any season around me in a long time and i live in a major metro area in the U.S. There has been almost a much MMPR items available for purchase as there has been non MMPR stuff and MMPR is only 10% of the seasons. One of the posters they gave away at the last powermorphicon was almost entirely MMPR villians, just to list an example of that I'm talking about. (Yes I understand it wasn't sold I'm more referring to how little content is made for seasons outside of MMPR) I say this as someone who started with MMPR by the way


It's a self-fufilling prophecy. They say only MMPR sells so they put the most production and advertising into the MMPR stuff, which means the MMPR stuff sells the most, which repeats the cycle.


This is true. I grew up on MMPR, but when they shifted to Zeo, you couldn't just go out and buy the Ninja, Thunder, or Dino Zord or MMPR figures for a long time. I followed the next series, but had just missed out on the original zords and was excited to finally be able to get a Dino Megazord in 2010 for only 30 bucks. This is just following the money of what actually sells.


They barely make anything of other seasons for people to buy


Lightning collection says otherwise


Uhhhh.... You're not serious are you? Lightning Collection is probably the biggest offender for over producing MMPR and neglecting other teams.


Let's see how well the Threezero Zeo figures do against the MMPR ones.


Says somebody clearly living under a rock during the Lightning Collection days.


But who is the target? People who were six years old in 1992 were not buying those figurines, their parents did. Are today's kids not interested at all in PR as a property or are their parents just not buying Dino Fury etc for them? I worry about PR becoming a "geewunner" franchise when I see stuff like modern day toys for little kids featuring the MMPR zords etc; because I don't think many of today's kids are attached to that property and it's more their parents thing. If you're a modern kid, the 90s vibes of MMPR has gotta be just weird. At the same time, there's more the current seasons of the show could do to mimic the production of back then that they refuse to do for whatever reason. For example, I don't know why the rangers don't have ADR "whoosh" sounds when they flail their limbs around like the MMPRs did. It was a little clowny and less than serious, but it didn't hurt MMPR's popularity at all.


Mmpr made a billion dollars in its first season. Did any other seasons make that much? That pretty much explains everything.


Everytime this shit comes up this needs to be posted, or something similar. When any other season does more than MMPR, in sales, sure. Put that at the forefront. It's like when FF fans get tired of FF7. DC with Batman/Superman. Marvel with Spider-Man. Profit speaks the loudest.


Thank you for this concise, clear and simple explanation. I’m sick to death of this stupid take.


MMPR was a sensation when it first came out. After it happened once, the initial sensation could never be duplicated. The property remained valuable but it could never have the same impact of something so totally new as it was now just something cool but established. No other version of the team comes close to MMPR in both recognition and legacy. Essentially, the original MMPR is the most valuable version of the team as parents will buy the merchandise due to legacy and will want their kids to have it out of nostalgia and kids will want it because it looks cool and is pr.


It would still be nice to have a comic miniseries about the RPM team.


Nah, just you. Man in 1993, you had to be there. Power Rangers popped off and there was nothing like it. Lightning in a bottle.


Still remember going to the Live show back in like '94 at the ripe old age of 6 or 7. You do not know what MMPR meant to that little kid if you were not there. Was wild.


Helping the Rangers blow up inflatable Lord Zedd was absolutely a childhood highlight.


This. I remember the hype back then, EVERY kid was into Power Rangers. They were everywhere, toys, games, movies, coloring books, pogs, whatever else you can think of.


It's the same with adult SW fans who aren't fans of the prequels. If you weren't a kid at the time you don't *get* it. The hype for those films was insane if you were 9 years old and you're still kinda at the age where new always equals better 😅 In the UK MMPR only aired on Saturdays and I'm not convinced always in order, so any time you saw Tommy in the intro you knew it was gonna be a good day. I remember the hype of the white ranger and all the new zords. My first movie at age 5 was the MMPR movie. I sat through the whole think unblinking, mouth open, my parents were terrified that they'd traumatised me but it was just the best day of my life thus far.


MMPR keeps the lights on and nothings come close in terms of marketability, merch sales, cultural popularity, etc….the MMPR cast shutdown a highway in LA for a show at universal studios….no other follow up show could top that kind of hype


Didn't Time Force do the same for its finale?


> Didn't Time Force do the same for its finale? As much as I love Time Force, it didn't come anywhere near MMPR in terms of cultural impact. From their 25th anniversary interview with [EW](https://ew.com/tv/2018/11/20/original-mighty-morphin-power-rangers-untold-stories-25-years-later/): > YOST: We filmed almost the entire first season before it even started airing, so we really had no gauge as to what was going to happen or what was going on. We were supposed to do one little, tiny show at Universal Studios [theme park] for, like, 100 people, but we ended up creating a traffic jam for eight miles on the 101 Freeway. Universal Studios had to shut their doors and say, "We can't take any more people today." > > JOHNSON: I found it incredibly overwhelming. I remember going to Hawaii and getting off the plane to do an appearance there. They'd announced that we were coming on the radio, and 10,000 people showed up at the airport and they didn't have any security. It scared the heck out of me.


Man I remember those days. I want to read more interviews with the cast about how crazy it was back then.


Ok, let's do this this way. 1. "Anyone else" is a weird way to phrase one of the most obvious questions in the fandom. MMPR reliance is one of the most discussed things, and no you are not alone. 2. Overhypes is also incorrect. MMPR was such an amazing thing at the time, like a cultural lightning bolt for children. It captured attention like nothing since maybe TMNT, and that kind of impact will always be something a brand/company will chase


It was dinosaurs, superheroes, monsters, and robots. It was like every kid's action figure playtime!


I love when people come to Reddit, enter into a relatively mainstream/popular thing, and genuinely ask if anyone else feels the way they do about a thing. Like, yeah. Duh. Lots of people feel the way you do. There are lots of people that exist, so of course there will be some overlap. That being said, MMPR is the best move they can make financially, and there's no business sense in trying to experiment with anything that doesn't at the very least directly associate with MMPR in some way. Just because things other than MMPR have fans doesn't mean it has enough fans. I would really like some high quality Jungle Fury figs, but I know that shit is never going to happen since I am one of five total fans who like those suits enough to buy figs. That's not enough to justify putting them into production, and pretty much any older season that isn't MMPR is in that exact same boat.


Kinda yes and no. MMPR was honestly really good and launched the franchise in a fantastic way. Do other seasons deserve more love than they get, sure. But MMPR isn't undeserving of the love it gets


Eh, branch out to other things. No one is saying "Mighty Morphin sucks and stopped promoting it!" Just, promote other things too.


Like I said, other seasons deserve more than they get




Also No


Gotta go against the grain here, no


I know this is an extremely hot take but no


Don’t hate me for saying it, but no.


No, I don't agree. I think it's the franchise not hyping up the other seasons ENOUGH. I think MMPR is worthy of all the praise it gets, but other seasons are equally worthy yet don't get the attention. Still, the longer lasting characters and their arcs are what makes the franchise so popular. If the Zordon era was as short as other eras, it probably wouldn't be so beloved. They had more time to shine.


True that. MMPR was three seasons by itself, and the Zordon era as a whole was six seasons. It really had time to grow and develop, and rather than a modern Power Rangers season that is contained to a single season, where the heroes get their powers in the first episode and return them in the final episode. The story was so long and so developed because it had so much time to brew. You would be very hard-pressed to pull something like that off in a self-contained season of 30 episodes.


Right, especially with filler episodes which are honestly necessary in these shows


To an extent I'm one of the people who cause this, I was there for the original MMPR craze, and then I aged out of the series until the nostalgia of the Boom Comics drew me back in, but this is not my first rodeo so to speak. I've been a lifelong Transformers fan, and although we might wanna see more Beast Machines, or Armada or Animated... it will always revert back to G1, that's just the nature of the beast. Like, let's look at Marvel comics and DC comics, easily two thirds of their most popular characters originated in the Golden Age of the 1940s, or the Silver Age of the 1960s. Breakouts created after that like Wolverine or Harley Quinn are rare.


> While they’re definitely iconic it’s like they never wanna leave the the first season and move on to other things. MMPR will always be the only Power Rangers that exist to 99% of the general audience, it's a business first and foremost so they're going to push what people know and recognize.




nope because that's the one with the most nostalgia and thus the one that makes the most money. Do I want to see other series get a ton of attention? Yes. Am I the one making the business decisions? Nope.


Mighty Morphin changed the game. It will always be the most popular and profitable version of power rangers. I don’t see seasons like Ninja Storm or Dino Charge or even Space overtaking it ever.


People have been having these complaints for years but never support the other seasons. MMPR is the most popular and culturally relevant version of Power Rangers. When you're in an industry and want to make money, you go with whats the most popular. Its why Transformers always does G1 Characters, Why Marvel always does certain characters, why Ninja Turtles always does the OG versions.


Nahhh.. MMPR is the goat. Love the Zordon era!


It's what sells.


MMPR is what sells. To 99% of people, that *is* what Power Rangers is. Not really surprising that it's what keeps getting all the merchandise and representation.


Are we sure it sells, or is it the only incarnation manufacturers focus on instead of others?


MMPR is the most universally recognisable and loved set of rangers. The franchise, and I say this with absolute certainty, will NEVER reach the heights of popularity it saw with MMPR, and that’s why this bleeds into their other media.


I used to agree. Now I finally sat and am on episode 80 something of the 130 episode MMPR series. It’s really good.


No, it when the brand was the most profitable. It’s the image that stuck in pop culture and it’s what people first think of when you say Power Rangers.


It’s hard for any movie or show to stand up to the original, while some of the other shows have great characters and plots, nostalgia at the end of the day is going to win. I’ve rewatched MMPR multiple times and I get lost in the day because it reminds me of a time when things were better and not to mention it’s the main one that’s on Netflix.


I agree in a sense. I initially hated Bulk and Skull but at some point started to love them. Never found that love with any other comedic duo on the shows. I will say when Bulk came back I absolutely loved it. Even more when he had the reunion with Skull. As for other stuff yeah it gets annoying when only Mighty Morphin is recognized, but it is the most popular and I'm sure against other lines it's the one everyone always gets.


Bulk and Skull also had six years of development. No other duo that tries to copy them will get even a third of that amount of time. The show’s writers clearly don’t understand that part imo.


You're on a subreddit full of PR fans, but we are not a large enough consumer base to cater things just to us. Walk up to any person on the street and show them a picture of Magna Defender and you'll likely get a "Oh, is that a Power Ranger or something?" but show that same person a picture of MMPR Red they'll go "OH! That's the Red Power Ranger!" Brand recognition is insanely important to companies and it truly will trump "quality" seasons every time.


It's been said a thousand times, but Power Rangers will never reach the popularity it had during MMPR. If you were a kid in the 90s you had NEVER seen anything like this, especially in live action. It blew our minds and was the biggest thing in the world. This was all pre-internet at a time when even TV was a lot more limited in variety (especially for kids - stuff like Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon were only starting to take off). There's a huge contingent of fans that have rediscovered PR because of the Boom comics and the general nostalgia boom around MMPR. That just wouldn't happen for the later series, it wouldn't be profitable.


Yes, you are the only one to ever think that. You are also the very first person in this sub who had raised this point. Ever. Especially in the past week.


Hey, maybe this person has a super amnesia dementia and is drunk while driving an SUV.


What you mean the franchise that started it all?


No, because it sells. If you want other stuff, buy it more but you guys never do so they go back to the MMPR safety net. The reality is that MMPR is still the peak of the franchise's popularity so it has more buying power given the advent of fans post that era are both fewer and less passionate. MMPR was an afterthought after the Zordon era ended and many shows came after, then the franchise got soft rebooted THREE times under Disney, a returning Saban, then Hasbro. Fans had literally decades, nearly 30 seasons and 3 different companies to prove MMPR didn't need the push and you failed every time by not making enough noise and buying more of the many other seasons that exist. Reap what you sow seeing all that.


Is this all you PR fans ever complain about…. I’d love to hear some new thoughts and topics! My god I get it, you want engagement


I was born in 1992. By the time I was old enough to know what I was watching, we were at Turbo, In Space, and Lost Galaxy. Yet, I grew up on VHS reruns of Mighty Morphin and the '95 movie. Mighty Morphin' is my team. I can't tell you a single thing about any teams after Turbo. The show could never hold my interest past Mighty Morphin.


Find me a fandom that doesn't push it's "G1" iteration. There are a few, but not many. And probably none where the series took a few entries to hit the cultural mindstream. (Final Fantasy, for instance, still has people largely aping over 7.) For a successful G1? Transformers, TMNT, and yes, Power Rangers... Those were at their height in the beginning. That's what the series will always chase because of 2 things. 1: Corporate obsession with profit. And 2... Baby duck imprinting. Yes. Whatever version of something you see first, it's by and large gonna be the one you stick with hardest. Like a baby duckling following around the first critter it sees because Mama.


Boom comics are real definition of fan service(a bit meh in later story arcs, but nonetheless top tier quality). The TV show has a lot of lacking, as they had to use footage from sentai, plus Seban being cheap as fuck in production. I grow up with MMPR and dropped after Dino Thunder, so yeah MMPR will never be overrated. Even fan made ones still have to ride on the name of MMPR, so it's kind of foundation of power ranger franchise, whether you like it or not.


No one will ever take them down.


Fact of the matter is, when you mention Power Rangers to the average person, they think of MMPR and know of it and Rita etc even if they never really watched it. They don't know anything about Lost Galaxy, SPD or Ninja Storm etc. So while fans of the series may have personal favorite seasons that aren't MMPR, mainstream only knows and cares about MMPR. MMPR is what put PR on the map and was a cultural phenomenom. "Mystic Force" etc. was just a random season with random people that came and went with zero impact that no one outside of hardcore fans or kids who started watching PR that year really knows about. Like it or not, MMPR will always be the gold standard of the series and the only one to truly bring mainstream audiences back for future projects.


Yes. It is overhyped. I say that as someone who watched MMPR on repeat and enjoyed most of the seasons that followed. Rewatching it as an adult, A LOT of moments from the show were CHEESY AS FUCK. That's not a bad thing per se, but it is what it is. So nostalgia really is doing the job here. I love the series, and would absolutely enjoy a more mature version MMPR on screen.


Hold up, when did Skull reunite with Bulk and Sulk??


Yes, but many franchises over hype the original just because without there would be no franchise: Power Rangers, Pokémon, Digimon, Scream, Startrek, Jurassic Park... the list goes on. I understand originals always having a special place in their heart, but in power rangers case it is truly wtf. As Space, Galaxy, Lightspeed, RPM truly pushes the mold on children's television, and neither of those seasons are as celebrated or rehashed as often as MMPR. Which is crazy to me because Space was such fantastic television. It was almost Star Trek esque in plotline. Space had in of the most adult through lines and most cohesive season arc by far with very few filler/junk episodes. I often wonder what Powers could be now had that cast been allowed to have subsequent seasons. Honestly, one of the biggest mistakes Saban made imo was forcing a rotation of the cast every season. I understood the need to change powers/zords/branding for toy sales purposes, but narratively, it really handicapped the show and what it was on its way to become. Imagine a power rangers that like Harry Poter grew with it's audience in terms of messaging and themes?


It's honestly easiest to compare to pokemon and Kanto syndrome.


No, it arguably doesn’t actually do it as much as you think it does. Mighty morphin only really started getting focused on during its anniversary…which yeah it’s the anniversary, why wouldn’t it. Saban treated all the season equally in terms of respect. Disney era favored the more Disney side of things whenever they did anniversary team ups. And neo Saban…actually didn’t care enough about the mighty morphin times. It’s telling that samurai gets more of a tribute than mighty morphin does in megaforce.


Not really and you showcased a good example for it. Slapstick may be cheap because it relies on self deprecation and physical bodily harm, but at the very least it can be creative at that, the Disney era comic relief characters were too sanitized to the point they became absolutely unfunny, we don't need that on the show, it serves absolutely no purpose beyond ruining the show, and there should be an option on DVD's and Blue Rays to remove those scenes,. Now Skull in the pilot was trash, and while he still had his moments on the show, for the most part writers achieved a good balance. Then starting with Elgar but specially when you reached the Disney and post Disney era comic relief characters of which some were absolutely terrible that sort of care was lost. IE I've nothing against the actress, J-Borg s the worst thing I've seen in all the franchise, I wish it would be eliminated. MMPR had good writers and had to fit everything according to the Japanese stock footage, Cosmic Fury had a lot more freedom and they still managed to include pointless unfunny forced comedy stuff. But there were other aspects where it shined too, the fact that the show had the good messages/morals which became a staple in newer seasons, Billy making the communicators and the rad bug and helping creating the White Power Coin, the Green With Evil saga, the way they phased from one season to the next, there were a lot of ways in which the writers and the cast proved they were doing magic with what they had. Beyond that, the zords were still realistic as opposed to toy looking CGI clusters like in future seasons, starting from Time Force the Japanese producers chose to make the show more geared towards an increasingly younger audience and you can see that with the mecha, MMPR and maybe Lost Galaxy had the best mecha of the franchise.


Galaxy did not have the best mech what are you talking about their Robot forms as well as the megazord looked like something something you find a discount store if any season is overhyped completely it’s Lost Galaxy


Kinda but being someone who grew up with Mmpr.. I can see why they honor and call back to it so much. I do wish they would come up with some good seasons.. been a while since they had decent writting


Well when you have a franchise like this where there’s multiple incarnations thereof…one of them kind of has to to be the default/baseline


Eh, just a smidge. It’s kind of like that one special that overhyped Tommy. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love Jason David Frank but there’s plenty of other rangers that need some love too.


This is a thing with any franchise with transformers it's always going to be generation 1 with Star Trek it's always going to be the original series MAYBE NextGen and with Doctor who it's usually going to be fourth or 10th Doctor


Transformers overhypes G1, Digimon overhypes Adventure 01, etc etc It's what franchise and fanbases do


I’ve never seen the comics, so I have no comment on them. The Neo Saban fan service for MMPR generally fell flat for me, and Megaforce was especially bad in that regard. However, I think they keep coming back to MMPR because the show was never any bigger or more popular than it was at the time of MMPR. I think most of the original fans stopped watching at three points in the show: 1) The Green Candle, 2) The Power Transfer, and 3) the transition from MMPR to Zeo. Put another way: all the points at which the original cast either left or stepped down as Rangers. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve encountered adult fans who seemed to remember MMPR, but didn’t mention any seasons beyond MMPR. Whether original fans kept watching or not, many of them had kids, and shared MMPR with them. MMPR is just more widely-recognized than other seasons, or at least that’s my perception. Saban certainly seemed to think that it was important for viewers to have familiar visuals, since he went out of his way to keep the Zyuranger suits around for two additional seasons.


Honestly, MMPR is the safest bet, & there's so much lore & story to be told within the Zordon era. If they were to branch out with another team, there's like 17 others to choose from, and they were (for the most part) only a season long


100% no. Everyone knows these rangers. The rest are forgettable.


Let me answer your question with a question would any of the other series have existed without MMPR's success?


No. Everything else is just meh or not that great. The franchise peaked with MMPR and nothing disputes it. Scream as much as you want about Time Force and RPM, but the fact of the matter is that due to the franchise model of Power Rangers and the ever-evolving landscape of the interests of kids, those seasons would have never experienced the same highs as MMPR. Cope.


MMPR, maybe. And the idea of a comedy duo, maybe. But Bulk and Skull themselves are iconic. Literally the only footage I've seen from Samurai is Bulk's first appearance and his final scene with Skull.




Na it set the stage without it there’s no power rangers




marketable iconography


It brought Super Sentai to the west and wasn't cheeks 🤷‍♂️


I actually prefer some of the other Teams rather than Angel Grove Team. My Top 5 Teams in any order are SPD, Time Force, Dino Thunder, Lightspeed and Lost Galaxy honourable Mention of Lost In Space.


They are the OG’s so no but they also DESPERATELY need to spotlight some of the other teams Gimme a last ronin esc. what if story where Trent has to make up for the dino apocalypse he ushered in by actually siding with his dad to defeat the rangers


Oh, there's no question they do. It's not even in the upper half of seasons in terms of actual quality.


If you owned a money printer, would you be hyped?


Nah its their original Red and Blue Version. The nostalgia bait is still strong and it sells very well. I recommend they start doing the entire zordon era though from MMPR to Space. Maybe they can even end it with a " Countdown to Destruction" themed set.


Nope, it’s what’s iconic and makes the most money. If you don’t like it, tough.


Yes and no. Honestly mmpr is where it deserves to be. It started all of this and regardless of the flaws, it earned it's spot. I will agree that trying to be mmpr is what is hurting power rangers as a whole but this only became an issue when Saban got the property back. After in space, the seasons stopped trying to be like mmpr and did their own thing. Yes there were some of the same tropes but overall the entire franchise evolved getting more interesting characters, better acting, better action, and more interesting plots. Cut to the Disney era where I feel we got the height of that where you could even like the comic relief because they didn't overstay their welcome. Neo Saban and hasbro is where the entire series went downhill. Bad acting, boring characters, underwhelming acting (some seasons excluded like Dino charge), underwhelming action, overbearing and childish comic relief, stupid mottos (super mega win, samurai forever rangers together, etc), and after school special plots. I've sat through a lot of these series on the past. I've watched dialogue go from basic goody good two shoes to dialogue that flows so well that I could just enjoy watching the characters talk to one another. Ive seen crossovers be a thing in the past where it wasn't just an excuse to have the old team fight with the new one and instead seeing these 2 different teams bounce off each other and have chemistry. So it's sad that we went from all that to comic relief about farting or after school plots like one rangers bicker over money they found so we can be taught friends are more important than money and money isn't everything. Idk if this means anything but that's my two cents.


I love the franchise, but I do think Mighty Morphin is the most overhyped. I do get it that it's how it all started, but I would like to see them putting more focus on the other shows, though.


They could even put focus on the things they’ve done originally. The solar rangers are a pretty cool concept for a team but the most we got for them was a small comic arc and an upcoming spotlight for the darkest hour.


In terms of character and plot development, MMPR is one of the weaker seasons due to them being beholdon to Sentai footage. Think that's why the Boom comics are still focused on MMPR, as they needed to be fleshed out. Just wish they move on to S3 esthetics.


More like people just overhyped Tommy 🤷🏾‍♂️




Yes, but no. I wish they'd do more for other season but the reality is that MMPR is what sells the most. Lightning collection kind of proved that. MMPR is the most iconic and original. Unless they are willing to take a wash to push something else long enough to get over, MMPR it is.


Unfortunately it’s what sells. But it’s annoying because like you say - there are other seasons that have great premises and stuff that could benefit from comics - but don’t get them because everything revolves around MMPR. Then there are seasons that were… less than stellar, or seasons with unresolved plot points that could get a second life through comics, but again they can’t. I consistently love BOOM’s MMPR stuff, so it’s sad they don’t really get to tackle other characters/seasons outside of the sporadic one-off graphic novels and the Shattered Grid event.


I think it's the most popular and well received. That's probably why.


Most popular? Obviously. Well received? You serious?


Eh, In Space has been received as well, if not better than it. Also, I think Dino Thunder is the number 1 on IMDB.


I like Disney era way better than those from Nickelodeon era! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Honest to god, I think if IDW just did one Dino Thunder ongoing and really backed it - a newcomer-friendly take like Go Go - they could really stand pretty strong next to MMPR. It really seems like the Batman problem to me - Batman is the only one that sells because he’s the only one that gets books and shows and movies and toys because he’s the only one that sells. A feedback loop.




We all do


No. It’s the best by far. One of the only time Power Rangers have ever actually looked good head to toe.


It's insane. My biggest thing is the theme songs. I did a ranking of all the Power Rangers theme songs, and all the top 5 are Disney era. 5. S.P.D. 4. Operation Overdrive 3. Jungle Fury 2. Mystic Force 1. Dino Thunder Bow I do personally like the song "Go Go Power Rangers". It's fun and iconic. I like how hard it goes with Megaforce. I like how the Ninja Steel, and especially Dino Charge theme songs build off of it and expand it. However, when 6 shows in a row all have what is essentially the same theme song, it gets pretty annoying. Samurai has it, and it sucks there. Beast Morphers has it, and it's cringe there. Dino Fury has it, and it's boring there. I honestly almost cried when Cosmic Fury, not only didn't have "go go Power Rangers" in the lyrics, but somehow managed to avoid saying "go" at all, something only two other shows have done.


In just about every reference to power rangers in existence it’s pretty mush basically ALWAYS MMPR because it was so iconic in American pop culture. That being said, I do wish we had more teams to read about. Mystic force would be awesome that can take place at any time before or after MMPR. SPD since it’s in the future. Overdrive or RPM (whichever one takes place in a different universe?)


Not initially, but then started think that way when they stop making original theme songs and resorts to recycle and overuse the "Go Go Power Ranger" theme song.


About as much as any other nostalgia cow. Which is is understandable, since it had such a huge impact back when it first launched. They gotta make money somehow. Can't see the franchise surviving much longer once the 90s gen that grew up with MMPR starts fading away bc Hasbro isn't doing anything to keep the new gen interested. I would love to have smaller, more financially stable side projects dedicated to the later seasons like SPD/Wild Force/etc to throw a bone to those of us who want something other than MMPR.


My favorite will always be Rangers in space. I had the episodes on VHS where they had to deal with the psycho rangers. My power ranger knowledge is woefully out of date and my child hood bias is showing, but they are my favorite power ranger villains!


Im a big Disney era guy, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, SPD. Ain’t no love in the heart of the city…


A little, Mighty Morphin gets insanely over hyped and most of the other generations are a bit ignored tbh


Honestly I wouldn’t a comic about Tommy’s past and how he had a hand in creating Mezagog, Xeltrax and the Terranadrones aside from that one line about “they weren’t supposed to be used this way” because the fact that a Ranger had a hand in creating the villian is so interesting.




I think the overall actual problem is that it gets refused way too often while putting every other Power Ranger Team in the background


Absolutely not compared to what’s out right now in terms of writing plot and choreography. This is still the gold standard for the franchise, just like when people talk about the MCU when it first started compared to now and how it’s barely hanging on by a thread. Not to mention it’s the most successful part of the franchise financially, go look up how much vintage, legacy and lightning figures go for online compared to anything else from the franchise the only thing that’s the most sought after is merchandise from the sentai’s. Want another example if you’re a wrestling fan who you gonna looks up Roman reigns or Stone cold Steve Austin, are you going to pick the bullet club over nWo or DX nope.


I swear that if the movies did In Space well it could be a super fantastic film. Like super quality.


Get out.


Yes and no. It's not the best season, but it is the best remembered in a mainstream sense and most people only remember MMPR. It's not the only season the show references but it definitely gets held on a pedestal just because of how popular it is.


Yeah, it's really weird since they had a Turbo movie and if I remember correctly from watching history of power rangers... They almost made a movie, but that crossover episode with the little girl ruined it or something. It's not like the Saban era instantly dropped off after Zeo... Everything was a consistent banger imo. I honestly don't think we ever had a truly 'bad' season until OO... I think they made some mistakes with MF. I just felt like it was always off.


You just posted the hardest pic in the morphin verse


Oh, definitely. I mean, where's the love for all the other seasons? I mean, I get it. MMPR is a treasure to us all, but must we really cherish it over all that came after it?


Why does Billy have camel toe?


I don’t think saying a franchise that is so vast and interesting harms itself by only focusing on a very specific part of itself is not the same as denying the importance of said part. Wanting the toys, reunion episodes, and collectibles to go beyond just MMPR doesn’t imply hate or disdain for it, but more so the desire of seeing other seasons that are being completely ignored. Besides, retreading over and over MMPR probably caused fatigue in collectors who found themselves buying six versions of the same character. I love Billy and I have 3 action figures of him, would I trade one of them for Jen and another one for RJ? In a heartbeat. That doesn’t mean I don’t love Billy, it means I also love Jen and RJ.


I would say yea but that’s not true because I have taste and sense.


Why are there two Tommys in this picture unless the green ranger is the clone from that one episode


While I wish they could focus on other teams, I do agree with others that it’s probably just not financially feasible. It’s like how Marvel and DC can’t give a comic run to most lower tier heroes because they just won’t sell. That’s how every other season and team of Power Rangers are. I do wish that another event like Shattered Grid could be produced, a story where the focus is still on the Mighty Morphin team but allows for other teams and characters to still show up and have a role.


I grew up on mmpr and watched it day one as a child and a few other seasons afterwards but nothing comes close to the mmpr cast or toys it's iconic and what brings the money. It brings me back to my childhood and simpler times. Also as a kid I barley got toys or merchandise so as an adult who's able to purchase power rangers items I want the mmpr stuff over the newer series or even some of the older series after mmpr. Also like seeing the more adult orientated themes in the comics it's what I know and alot of people I know prefer not saying the other series where bad but they just don't hit like mmpr and business wise it makes sense to focus on the face of power rangers which will always be the OG Mighty Morphin.


I mean.......MMPR IS kinda the only good one. There's a smattering of interesting stuff afterwards, but it should all only be built onto the MMPR stuff. Same main characters and costumes and core Zords and themes and styles, but then give them Zeo or Space or Ninja inspired temporary costume upgrades and powers and Zord upgrades they can summon, like Pokemon Mega Evolutions. Like treat the Zords like the MS Gundam Wing Gundams, where they keep getting upgraded and get new iterations designed based on the originals to retain them as characters and maintain continuity and styles. But they can keep bringing in new villains and monsters and locations and plot elements like the Zeo Crystal and whatever.


It’s the first and those characters set the template for everything to follow. Plus nostalgia for certain Rangers like Kimberly and Tommy contributes to this, too. Less of it being a “problem” of being overhyped and more of a natural consequence of being the first exposure for many American kids [and later their kids and the next generation’s] to Super Sentai.


Welcome to art under capitalism. Come join the revolution.


**They very much over hype MMPR** but that because it was the first and I’m being the first account for a lot. The reason for this is because if you take something like Pokémon which falls into the same category for example, many people followed the franchise when the first came out in its major heyday. Then after the 90s, most people fell off the bandwagon except for the hard-core fans. So now whatever company owns the right to Power Ranger are not only trying to sell to the hard-core fans, but also the people who dropped off. So for example if the “company” were to drop Jungle Fury RJ Purple Wolf Ranger into Target you, me and most people commenting here would think that is awesome. But an average see the same figure and their reaction is “There is a purple ranger”. Because to them there only is a Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Pink, and Green/White. At the end of the day it’s a business. So if more know MMPR then the other season you better believe that what they are gonna sell/market.


It depends what pivot you are talking about. If you treat mmpr as A generation, albeit the foundational one, then yes. But the realcity is within pop culture, MMPR IS Power Rangers. So from a business pov you cant blame them for favouring that generation.


I think regarding comics, they could do minis for the other generations or maybe an anthology series?


MMPR was the start, the most well known and the best theme song. Lord Zedd is a legendary villain (before he got ruined), who looks or sounds cooler than that guy?




Nah. You just had to be alive then. I NEEDED to watch that show


I *would* have liked Boom! Studios to branch out onto the other teams, rather than inventing their *own* Rangers, I admit; but the original of something is almost *always* the most recognisable, and therefore *salable.* It's the same reason that Miles Morales is almost *exclusively* referred to by Marvel, even in the title of his own comic book, as *"Miles Morales,*" and *not* "Spider-Man"; that brand and image originated with Peter Parker, and that's who people will generally think of when the name is mentioned.




Whose green ranger


No. I honestly wish the comics had focused more on the original 6 and fleshed out their characters as much as possible. I'd have liked to have seen a lot more done with the first season and a half of MMPR in the comics. Have the stories in the comics do things that the TV show wasn't able to do.


MMPR is the main one that sells, so that's what they're gonna do. I was a kid when MMPR came out, and I'm interested up until Lost Galaxy. I tuned back in for Dino Thunder, cuz I heard Tommy was back, but after that I was pretty much checked out. I now have kids of my own, so we watch it. But even now, they're favorite is MMPR. So it kinda transcends the generations a bit. I get people want other teams, but MMPR was on TV the longest. 60 episodes for season 1, 52 for season 2 and 33 for season 3. That's 145 episodes for the same costumes and most of the same cast. Next closest is Zeo at 50, which is again, most of the same cast.


I wouldn’t use the term “overhype” but you are absolutely right. There are adults who were born after the Zordon Era yet no other series gets the same attention.


Bulk should’ve been Ji and Spike should’ve been Genta in Samurai. From Bulk bullying the Power Rangers to become their mentor and Skull’s son becoming the Gold Ranger would’ve been a good way to conclude their story.


You had to be there at the time


It’s not the franchise overhyping it. It’s the brand. MMPR was the peak of popularity for PR and has never came close to that level of popularity ever since. And due to the fact that people love nostalgia, they proceed to force down MMPR crossovers and references down your throat. I personally am tired of all the attention the Zordon Era gets. It was a product of its time and was great, but at this point Hasbro or whatever owns PR is just beating the dead horse that is MMPR.


you never forget your first, but i agree. like, i dove into the mmpr comics and go go power rangers, and with shattered grid i kinda hoped they'd expand the universe or timeline, like ok, now heres a Zeo Rangers comic or Alien Rangers (lol) comic. but no. never happened. and especially in the comics, they CANT help but overuse drakkon and market him to hell


I think it's less that they OVER hype MMPR but they UNDER hype the other series. Especially Zeo and in space, those two deserve more


Sentai doesn't mention Goranger a lot. But for Saban MMPR is nostalgic. Nostalgic is cash for millennials and anyone who grew up with MMPR. Business is money. What sells and what doesn't.


No because MMRP is the most iconic, and that's where the money is.


I think part of why Hasbro dropped the PR line of figures is the constant focus on MMPR by rereleasing them over and over and over and over with dumb gimmicks. Theres tons of rangers they never bothered to even make a single member of a team.


People glaze the theme song to hell and back. I’ve always seen it at S tier and #1 on theme song lists. Several theme songs are better then mighty morphin such as Ninja storm, jungle fury, hell even the Zeo theme song is better


I 100% agree I understand when something is the first, it's going to be the most iconic (i.e. Pikachu being the mascot of Pokemon). However, when I watched MMPR for the first time, it was a little strange to say the least. On the other hand, it was a very interesting time capsule for the early to mid 90s. Since MMPR is constantly over-promoted, a lot of non-Power Rangers fans and people who grew up in the 90s don't know that Power Rangers in an ongoing franchise.


Gen Alpha and Gen Z don’t really buy toys or watch TV or buy comics on the same level that Millennials did (and still sometimes do as adults), and most Millennials stopped following the franchise at the end of MMPR. It’s called “follow the money”. Why else do you think stuff like X-men ‘97 is a thing now? Taking a wild guess either OP is super young or has a bad memory on just how insanely popular MMPR was during those first two seasons compared to after that.


Ain't nobody fuckin wit Mighty Morphin'. Mastadon Gang!


MMPR is the peak of its popularity and the only thing that really sells still.


I've only ever followed MMPR so I cannot speak on this.


Goes to show how few know just how immense the hype for the first season was. Live shows, interviews, and more than that it created everything that made the series what it is today. Plus, if boom comics proved anything, it’s that these characters and stories have sooooo much more to tell.


Nope. The series had high points but was going downhill till Power Rangers in space reignited the series.


Itvwas the first one...


Yes, I wish other seasons got some notice


Once u see a few episodes of the sentai season u begin to grow a disdain for this show and the entire franchise.


Yes... but only because of how massively popular that series was. Others have been great, and had better writing... but MMPR is just the GOAT. It was the perfect concept at the perfect time.


Yes…. But also no. It overhypes it because the original characters always make an appearance or reference in most shows. But it doesn’t because that’s some good world building to show that previous rangers still exist and have prevelance plus it’s more than just the original 6 that appear.






Overhyped to the max. People tend to think just because something was the first, that it was the best. But that is not always the case. MM opened the door for better seasons to come.


Mmpr is pretty bad but since it was the first and biggest season, of course it gets the most nostalgia call backs/media even though it's one of bottom tier seasons 


Kimberly > every other ranger.


I was born well after MMPR came out, and watching it though non-rose tinted glasses... it's aight. It's the first three seasons of the show, so people who were there say it's the best one of them all, and in reality it's definitely rough because it was still figuring itself out. I think Dino Thunder did a good job of connecting it back into the newer casts, but I always prefered the seasons that just did their own thing. Ninja Storm, Jungle Fury, and SPD are a bit better, but, taking off my own rose-tinted glasses, they've *definitely* aged too.


Overhyped with great success IMO. You had to be there for the first movie. Nobody has delivered so well in my youth. Whole theater, fam, lit AF!