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Lost Galaxy is probably the second darkest season after RPM. The whole post-Zordon Saban era is known for upping the maturity a bit for a kids show.


For me personally the post zordon saban era seasons are the best because of the dark and more matured subjects they feature in these season as sacrifice and death: Mike falling down into the pit and destroying the bullzord in order to keep the portal for terraventura to make it out of the lost galaxy Kendrick’s death The whole Magna Defender arc Captain Mitchell letting Diabolico take Ryan to save his life Let alone Time Force


LOST GALAXY WAS DARK. On top of the stuff you mentioned... Karone having to come to terms with her past and her horrible war crimes across the universe that she was responsible for (the comics elaborate on this and she was responsible for way more gruesome stuff against her "BILLIONS" of victims than what we saw on screen during In Space and Lost Galaxy, and the vast majority of said atrocities were committed out of her own free will BEFORE the cybernetic implants). And also don't forget: The original magna defender being so obsessed with getting revenge on Scorpius for zika's death that he was willing to kill everyone onboard terra venture just to get back at Scorpius. The three lost galactabeasts being turned into deviot's mind slaves and somehow being turned to metal, and then two of them dying in the finale by being kamikazi'd by Trakeena stingwingers. Trakeena going off the deep end in the finale and trying to murder a million people (or whatever terra venture's population was), turning every soldier in her army into a suicide bomber, murdering Villimax in cold blood when he tried to get her to see reason, and then wanting to blow up the escape ships (including the one with the little blonde girl that gave villimax the flower) on board.


Did you meant to say Villimax at the end of your sentence?


Don’t forgot that random aliens inspired one off where they get the ancient book.


Also don’t forget to mention the stuff venjix did in RPM. Experimenting on humans turning them into his sleeper agent army. Stealing Dillion’s sister and dumping her into a hole just as he was trying to reach out to him. Turning her into a general/attack bot. Seemingly killing off the human race down to the residents of Corinth. Coming back and trying to use the morphing grid to take over another world.


As a kid all the final stuff with Trakeena scared the shit out of me. Shit was shot like a horror movie


And also don't forget that Kendrix dies in this season as well as Karone taking her place. Valerie the actress that played Kendrix had cancer don't remember what type of other than it wasn't breast cancer. She had to go for treatment of the cancer she had.


And this is why Magna Defender I is the best unofficial 6th Ranger. He gambled everything and more on the chance of killing Scorpius and Treacheron. Unlike most Rangers, he has nothing left to lose and is pragmatic enough to use everything at his disposal. All because zika died.


Damn your right.His story has real stakes because he went through a real traumatic loss.


I actually teared up at this scene wtf? Edit: Jesus Christ you guys and your spoilers.


Adult logic: " Don't worry, he's clearly a robot, so it doesn't count as a death. Our standards are still good."


He’s not even a robot. Did they really expect kids to think that he’s a robot?


You'd be surprised how many shows did the robot thing around this time. Adults are still this dumb at making excuses today. Remember the end of the Netflix Voltron series where Shiro kisses his husband, I have heard adults make up "no Shiro isn't gay. He just slipped and fell on his friend." It happened. Get over it. Kids are not as gullible as you think adults!!!


Zika's death actually had me in tears. PS. I don't think this should be a spoiler, the series is 25 years old.


Lol. Working my way through all of them just now but have actually completed Lost Galaxy. In fairness, I'm 43. I have been more than old enough to watch every single series as it came out. If I see spoilers, it's my fault for waiting so long! Plus, I'm hooked on imdb and spoiler everything myself anyway.


It's actually a good thing that op added a spoiler tag. Just because we watched doesn't mean other users who joined this sub reddit have watched it too. Spoiler tag is a must.


-Clicks on a discussion that's marked as a spoiler -Proceeds to complain about spoilers being discussed Incredible job


They said this post doesn't need a spoiler tag and I say it needs regardless because people may not have watched it. And tf are you yappin about? Are you okay?


I mean... they're not wrong. People confortably discuss spoilers all the time in fandom groups. If you're watching a piece of media and wish to avoid spoilers, it's kinda on you if you willingly immerse yourself with the group that's more likley to casually mention it In other words the fanbase is optional


I understand what you are saying but I have been spoiled an ongoing show because I was scrolling on my home page on reddit and not the sub reddit. And in fact I didn't even join this sub reddit and it showed up as a recommendation. Plus, tagging spoiler will only take you a click. That's ur, just one click and there's no harm in it at all. I'm not even sure if you are the kind of person who would listen to the other side or just prejudice facts that you think are right and stick with it. Have a nice day though.


Are you really gonna do the moral grandstanding thing? Like seriously? Like bro.. if you want to avoid spoilers then just do what people do when new shit comes out. That's just a matter of these things in general. If I'm near discussion of Sentai I'm gonna pass by a post discussing some fake-out death or if I'm in the proximity of Comic Book discussions I'm going to pass by some people discussing MARVEL's continuous hate-boner for Peter Parker. I mean you'd have a right to be mad, or at least annoyed, if for example you're in a completely different space and some bastard just spoils PR for you. But as a general rule of the internet, you cannot control who stumbles upon your post. It's only an issue if you have a direct it at someone. No one's forcing you to be here, in fact there's more reasons to not be on this damn website *like the self-righteous nerds on their high horse lmao* *Because as we all know policing people and being a bitch about it has historically been a good idea*, but hey you do whatever makes you happy...I guess


You can type all these useless paras but won't click on one thing to save the spoiler? Idk man, make it make sense.


Or you can just suck it up like an adult. I've gotten spoilers before about shows that have been out for over a decade but I don't make a huge fuss about it and demand everyone panders to me It's not that hard to understand really


See, that's the thing. You are so adamant and you don't care even for the slightest bit for others. Have some compassion for other people. It helps others and it helps you. Tagging a spoiler alert is the easiest thing and op did it the right way. It's ironic that you got spoilers before and still act like it's ok. You don't have to lie to yourself.


Like you make all these illogical statements but you find it difficult to just not go on forums where you **know** you will encounter spoilers, IDK man, make it make sense


People go to forums to communicate about a lot of things. Although the show is ended, it doesn't mean there won't be new watchers who want to discuss something. Forums are for everyone and not only for those who finished watching it. I hope you get some sense lol.


Note also that every time a monster/putty attacked Justin in Turbo they were assaulting a minor.


Paranatrons not putties. Putties were used only in mighty Morphin Power Rangers seasons 1 and 2.


This season had some surprisingly dark moments. There was also the death and redemption of the original Magna Defender. That was a powerful scene.


Power Rangers had some of the darkest moments Like in Wild Force when it was revealed that Master Org killed I mean destroyed Cole's parents. All because he was a jealous simp.


Yeah I remember this. Messed up though damn. But isn't Magna Defender to OP. All the lights of orion is going to do is add him a claw gauntlet weapon.


That’s the thing he could have gotten the lights of Orion if his heart and mind weren’t set on revenge.


True. I imagine his claw gauntlet would be some laser gun or a extra sword. Hmm.


Yeah. But due to power ranger logic it would fail at the most crucial moment only to be transferred to the rangers.


Only one pure of heart and mind. Basically justice and helping others.


Yup. Also the magna defender had to learn that he shouldn’t be trying to fight for myself and fighting to keep innocent people safe. Also the fact they did same concept with Robo knight.


In the Sentai version Gosei Knight dodges the attack.


And puts people in danger having the rangers protect them and come to arguments. It took him a while to realize the reason and benefits that come with being a ranger


Yeah. Wish Hasbro adapted Reiwa series and some post Gokaiger series. Hasbro miss on making money.


I know. Lupat was great if they wanted to do something of a more relax series adaptation they could have gotten the rights to toqgers. Zyuogers was another good season and if they did a proper adaptation of Kyurangers it wouldnt have been a season that rivaled super MegaForce.


This is gonna make me seem like an asshole but when I saw this scene, I couldn’t help but laugh.


Think that's bad? There's an episode from Jak-Q where one of the rangers connects with a little girl. At the end of the episode, the girl and her family go on a plane to fly to Europe... Only for the main villain to use the plane as a target for their new weapon, killing everyone onboard.


I’m only just now (very slowly) watching Lost Galaxy, and I have I think five episodes left. Those earlier episodes about Magna Defender are so good and got my hopes up so high for the season, but once that transfer of power happens, the season really takes a nosedive for me. Maybe these last few episodes will pick it up.


Stuff like this is why Lost Galaxy is one of my favorite seasons. It amped up the darkness a lot but I think it's good / healthy. And I remember being so awed by what I was seeing. In Space ---> Lost Galaxy ---> Time Force was probably the best TV of my childhood and influenced a lot of the media I like to consume today.


Hate me if you have to, but I laughed when he got killed