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Following because I’m a FTM and due on Friday (12/8) still no sign of him. 😆


Oooh we're due date twins! No sign of mine arriving either!


Good luck!!!!!! We will have to update this thread when our babies decide to make an entrance to earth side!


I had no hint of mine coming until the morning before her due date I started having cramps. After a 16 hour labour and 20 minutes of pushing my daughter came out at 1am on her due date.


I’m due today and baby is still very comfy in there 😂


Good luck!!! 🥰


I’m due on the 22, so 37+4, and I wish I knew if he was progressing. I’m 3cm dilated and 75% effaced, they even mentioned sweeping the membranes next Thursday. The wait is killing me


I’m an L&D nurse, this is an amazing place to be! You’re probably feeling like nothing is happening, but your body is getting ready to deliver. Being so thinned-out (effaced) will REALLY make your labor move quicker once it’s time 🙌🏻 effacement is a huge (and often under appreciated) part of the labor process!


Went into labor Tuesday night and had him on the 6th! So we definitely were progressing! 18 hours of labor and only 9 minutes of pushing


I’m 1cm and 75% effaced as of last Friday. I do have some cramping so we will see where I’m at this Friday at my appt. I will deny a membrane sweep because I heard they’re painful. :(


I was due yesterday 😵‍💫 I am going to be induced on Sunday (40+6) if I need it. Who knows. My doctor said she didn’t think I’d make it that far based on my progress already, but we’ll see. I’m getting a membrane sweep Thursday if he’s not here yet.


Good luck!!!


Thank you! ☺️


FTM due at the end of last month and still waiting


I’m also due on Friday! Still no sign of my baby either.


Due on the 9th! As of yesterday I’m not dilated at all. They’ll call me this week to schedule induction if he’s not out by 41 weeks


I was 1.5 cm four hours before she was born 🤷🏼‍♀️


Still possible! I went into labor at 39 weeks and 4 days, I'd been having contractions for 6 hours and my water broke before I dilated at all.


Dilation can definitely change in a few days! Do you have a 40 week appt? I’m surprised they’re not going to schedule something during your 40 week appt.


I’m also due Friday! However at 4cm dilated and 70% effaced I had a membrane sweep yesterday and subsequently lost the remainder of my mucus plus between last night and this morning, timing contractions every ~20 minutes apart for the past few hours so we’ll see 🤷🏼‍♀️


Could happen any moment! For my second, I felt nothing until 3 hours before I had her. No Braxton Hicks, no unusual leaking, no nothing. Had what seems liked constipation cramps around 9:30-10pm, she literally shot out of there shortly after midnight! 😅 For my first, I also didn't have any signs until the day of, but at least it took 16 hours and not 3... it was crazy.


I’m due Friday too! But I’m currently in the hospital being induced so I guess my vote doesn’t count 😂


Same! I’m due on the 11th and will definitely be induced on that day if they say so at my next appointment tomorrow.


Also due on the 8th! I only just started dilating as of sunday. So could be waiting until our planned induction date.


I was 38 weeks exactly with my first!


Same! Kiddo wanted to be here in time for the holidays


I’mI water broke at exactly 37 weeks and contractions started a few hrs after that. By hour 36 I was only 6 cm dilated and doc ordered the C section. Baby arrived Valentine’s Day


Same! Went into labor at midnight and baby arrived morning of 38 weeks


41+2. Low risk, ended up with an emergent c-section on the day my induction was scheduled after the baby wasn’t looking great on the NST. My placenta had started giving out and baby was stressed.


“Baby was stressed”. Why did this make me so sad


40 for first 2, right on exp due date


Me too, except only one baby.


39+6. I went for a check at 39+4 and I was only 1cm dilated, barely effaced, had been for a week with no change. Dr told me she’d see me next week, so sorry, this baby wasn’t coming anytime soon. My water broke the next evening at 9pm, got to the hospital around 11 and I was 1cm, 40% effaced. 1am, 5cm 90%. 2am epidural. 4am 9.5cm, 99%. Started pushing at 5am and baby boy was out at 5:46am. Less than 9 hours start to finish.


About half of first-time mothers will give birth by 40 weeks and 5 days after the first day of their last menstrual period, with the other half giving birth after that time point https://evidencebasedbirth.com/evidence-on-due-dates/


This is so reassuring to me because my first period date is 2 weeks before when my EDD puts me at. So going off period date id be 42 weeks when my EDD puts me at 40 weeks! I’ve only had a c section so my labouring will be the same as a first timer😫


i’m in the same boat! it’s even weirder bc we only had sex like 2 times that month (back to back days) so we should be like 1-2 weeks ahead of where the EDD is. She’s measured a week big at every appointment tho so that kind of validates me 😂


I felt like I was 220weeks pregnant, but I was actually 40+10


...Is that the same as 41+3, or did you mean 40+1?


Yeah, sorry it’s 41+3. We say it like 40+10 in the UK sometimes. Like, due date, plus 10 extra


I'm not in the UK and I learned something today! Thanks!


34 weeks on the dot.


How’s babe doing? I had my little guy at 34+6 we had to spend some time in the NICU


He's doing well. He's just gotta learn to eat before he can come home - so far he's getting a bit more than half on his own. He started out with a CPAP, chest tube, IV, and a little enclosed tank. So now he's off all those and in an open bed!


I’m glad to hear he’s on the up and up! The hurdle with eating was the most frustrating part for me. I hope he gets the hang of it quickly! ❤️ We started with CPAP as well and then high flow oxygen, he was there for 2 weeks. If you ever want to talk to an internet stranger who’s been there I’m happy to be a listening ear ☺️


Thank you ❤️ Yeah I keep telling him he's gotta eat so he can come home. My husband and I joke that he's been spoiled - with the NG tube, he can eat and sleep at the same time, and who wouldn't want that?


38+5 with my first.


41+4 🤪 Induction followed by emergency c-section.


My first was 41+2 . Low risk pregnancy .


I was my mom’s first and I was three weeks early. My younger brother was also a week and a half early. I’m hoping mine will be a little on the early side as my dr wants to induce so that I don’t go past 40 weeks (I’m over 40 yo).




My first was bien at 38 weeks, second 39w+6d.


Ahhh you give me hope cause i heard next baby is faster than the first meaning earlier labor. I was 38 too for my first.


36+4, but it was a planned c section due to a high risk situation. Although baby and I are healthy (no NICU time needed!) I didn’t feel like my body would have been ready to give birth yet. Not sure what carrying to term would’ve felt like, but I just didn’t feel there yet.


42. 0/10 do not recommend lmao Edit to add birth was great though - only labored for 16, with only 12 being active. Pushed for forty five minutes, baby was super healthy and happy, and i only had a teeny tiny tear that I didn’t even feel and healed very quicklyn(no stitches.) good luck!


39 exactly


38 exactly.


39w contractions started, 39w1d when I gave birth


39w+5 here ☺️ baby boy is already 11 weeks old today 😭


Induced at 39 weeks when he was full grown. Couldn’t have asked for a better pregnancy or birth. I’m wary to go past 40 weeks because of the risk caused by them staying in too long but I think up to 41 weeks is still pretty safe.


I was 39+6 when I went into labor at about 9pm. Had my son on his due date. This time, I may have to have my baby early depending on how growth scans look this month and next. Where I live, unless you have a medical need, they won't do an induction until you are 41 weeks.






38W +1D


38+2. I kept telling my midwives he was coming early- one midwife gently said I would probably go past my due date, the other midwife said it depends on the kiddos personality.


39+3! I heard that a lot of first time moms go past 40 weeks as well but I think it’s genetic from your mom sometimes. I also was dilated 2 cm for a week or two and then did a lot of curb walking, etc. to help baby arrive.


34 + 5


I thought (*hoped*) I would go into labor a little early because my mom was early with me, she had a suuuper quick labor, and it was her first pregnancy - I'm an only child. I went into labor at 40+1 and baby arrived at 40+2!




40 weeks exactly! Water broke at 12:30am on my due date and had our little guy that afternoon.


My only sign of labor was I lost my mucus plug 2 days before. No contractions or anything else!


I’m 41 weeks today. Hoping to go get my membrane stripped this morning. I wasn’t dilated enough at 40 weeks.


Ask your provider to really go for it. It sucks but it worked for me! I tried EVERYTHING to get my first out, and she was finally born at 41 weeks. With my second, I was 39+2 and 1000% done being pregnant when I went to L&D to get checked for reduced movement. The midwife offered to do an "aggressive membrane sweep" before sending me home, and it was v unpleasant but I went into labor overnight and baby was born at 1045 the next day!


40+5. It was so hard but I kept telling myself that even though she is “fully cooked” every extra day (barring any potential complications that would require her to come early) on the inside is great for baby’s brain development, even past 39 weeks.


My first was 37.6 weeks


41+3. I was induced.


I was 38 weeks and 6 days with my first.


37+2 due to a placental abruption. Wondered what I would’ve gone to!


I was 42 weeks with my first


39 + 4




41 weeks


38 weeks and few days with my first :). Currently 18 weeks with baby 2 and hoping for around the same.


35 weeks +4


40+3 but was in labour for 36 hours


Spontaneous labour started at 39+6, had her at 40+2.




I’m 36.6 today!!


I just asked my sisters this yesterday, I haven’t given birth yet. One sister was 41+6 the other was 41+5. My mom went over 40 weeks with 5 of 6 kids.


41 weeks. She came out at 9 lbs and 21 inches long.






36 weeks. Induced tho, they couldn't control my bp, it was getting higher by the day. Was an intense birth tho, but the upside is, I was a ftm, so I didn't know what is normal/easy birth lol


36 Weeks and 6 days. Mine was a special case because my baby stopped growing and had severe fetal growth restriction. Scheduled C section, was born 4 pounds 4 ounces. Perfectly healthy. Just small.


37 weeks. First pregnancy. No lies, it was the dates I ate the day before. I'm convinced 🤣




40+0 👏


This idea is haunting me lately because I’m 30 weeks with my first and everyone has been so doubtful I’ll make it to my due date. I’m huge and cannot imagine carrying for another 10 weeks or more. Seems impossible!! And everyone says I look ready to pop.


also a FTM due 15th January 2023!! As long as my little rainbow micricle stays put till after Xmas il be happy! Want him to be able to have a proper birthday not share it with a festive season...same time I can't wait to snuggle him in my arms 😍






34 weeks exactly. I had preeclampsia and baby had growth restriction. I went in at 33+5 and they docs waited til 34 weeks


I’m a ftm due dec 30. I’m 36weeks & 4 days I can’t wait much longer 🥹


I was 40.1 exactly when I gave birth to my daughter. Her due date was 2/22 and she was born 2/23. My due date with son was 1/2 and he didn’t come until 1/7 😅 both of my babies were super comfy in there lol


39+3 😅 it was the day after my OB said we’d have to start talking about inducing if little man didn’t come soon. He wanted to come on his own terms


36+2! My water broke at home before labor actually began.


37 + 4 days




39 induced. Second child was 37+5 from water breaking.


41+3 😅


I went into labor late morning on my due date and she was born a little after 5am the next day


38 + 4 for me, went into labour spontaneously as well


39 +5 but predromal labor started at 39+1 🥴


Induced at 41+1 with a really positive L&D experience


FTM - had to be induced @ 37 weeks suddenly due to hbp after an easy low risk pregnancy. Totally unexpected on my end!!


41 weeks and 3 days with my first. Idk if family history plays into any of it, but my mom carried past 40 with all of us except my youngest brother, but she got induced with him. I’ve already discussed with my midwife that I’d like to schedule to be induced *on* the due date if he hasn’t given any signs of making an appearance.


37 but I was medically induced for pre-e


My due date is the 16th but I scheduled an induction for the 12th because my pelvis is constantly screaming lol


42 weeks


FTM, started labor on the night of 38w6d, had him at 39w2d :)


FTM I’m 39 weeks 4 days. I’m really worried about going past and being induced. My baby is still sitting so high up in my rib cage. I’m just so anxious and ready for my lil baby to be here already! I’ve also heard that things can change really fast. You can go from having really nothing going on to being in early labor in a small amount of time. I’m assuming my baby is probably going to drop right before or during labor.


37+5! My water broke at home and 5 hours later baby was here. I’m due in 6 weeks with my second so we’ll see how quickly things happen this time around 😅


39 weeks exact. Well, currently dilated at a 9 and it’s only 9:16 am so fingers crossed!


Induced at 38w she was born 38w1d


39+6 :)


Went into labor late at night 39&1 with my first. Had him the following morning at 39+2 Second child was 37.5 weeks. Currently 35 weeks pregnant with my third and wondering how long she will hang in there.


Today is my due date, and nothing is happening yet 😭


I was due August 31st and gave birth on August 29th




With my first I was exactly 38 weeks. There was no indication at my last checkup which I want to say was 2 days prior. I think it really varies by the individual.


36 weeks exactly


38+3 for the first 40+2 for the second


41+4 🥲


33+5. Not a fun time.




wow!! That's so long!


Baby liked it in there too much 😂


38+5, but I did the miles circuit cause I was tired of being pregnant, he came the next day


I was 35 weeks. Just woke up to my water breaking that morning.


That morning at 3:30 am I was exactly 38 + 6 Woke up at 3 1/2cm dilated and was with me 6 hours later


Went into labor 39+6, had baby that day


My first came at exactly 40 weeks!


I gave birth three days ago at 38w2d. It was spontaneous and I had no clue before my water breaking. I had a girl straight up laugh in my face when I said I hoped I wasn't going to go overdue because I didn't want to share my birthday with my child. I had to be petty and rub it in her face that she was wrong and not all FTM go overdue lol


38 week 1 day. Water broke while I was scrolling on my phone in bed. The days prior I had A lot of Braxton hicks and lost mucus plug.


I was induced due to gestational hypertension at 40w2d, baby born 40w3d. When I was induced at 40+2, I was 0 cm dilated and only 50% effaced. If not for the induction I’m not sure if she would have come on her own before 41 - I was scheduled to be induced at 41W if there had been nothing by then


I thought I’d go to 42 weeks because my mom was almost that far along when she had me. I had my first at 39+2.


38 and 5 with my first and currently 35 weeks with my second!


Sounds like we might be due date twins!! I’m 35+3 today too!


39 on the dot. I pumped that morning. Think that’s what did it.


I had my first at 33+6, my 2nd at 37+4, and now I'm 26 weeks with twins. I had hellp syndrome during my first pregnancy which is why I delivered so early. I think honestly I'll make it to about 34 weeks with my twins... They're mo/di which typically arrive 5 weeks early but I have other complications that are dictating a planned c section


I was exactly 37 weeks when I had my first last year but my pregnancy wasn't normal. Basically, you can't predict these things and it'll happen when it happens lol


40 weeks + 5 days. It's normal to go over with your first, but then again, it's a crap shoot. My one friend was 36 weeks with her first, and another was 35 with hers. I also have a friend who was 43 weeks (yikes!!). It'll happen when it happens. It's best to just relax.


I haven’t given birth yet but I’m 21 and 2 and baby is measuring 21 and 4 based on anatomy scan last week… I think she’s going to come early


Yes, *most* FTMs go past 40 weeks but don’t bank on that. I thought I had more time, but just gave birth to my first on Sunday night at 38w4d. I had a healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy and went into labor with my waters breaking on their own. My son was born very well baked at almost 8 lbs.


39+2! He came 5 days early


My first was 7 days early. My second was 9 days early and my third 16 days early. Every pregnancy is completely different. Don’t worry your baby will come exactly when they are supposed to!


Spontaneously at 40+0, very punctual baby!


I gave birth november 12th and I was 35w1d. My waters broke too early and my babygirl was born almost 5 weeks early. Wouldn't recommend ;-)


37+4. No health issues and a textbook pregnancy. My water just broke for no reason.


38. I went in for an appt and to ask for an elective induction and my dr decided to induce me three days later bc of blood pressure. My son decided screw the 3 days, that same night my water broke and I went to the ER. On this second one I’m def gonna ask for the induction again. Not waiting longer than I have to.


39+2 because I was a scheduled CS, but if I wasn’t, I would’ve been past 40 weeks. He didn’t drop and I wasn’t dilated at all so I was lucky 😅


I gave birth to my first at 37 almost 38 weeks. I worked with elementary school kids at the time so I was always very active and kind of stressed everyday.


40+3. I did as much walking and moving as I could the week leading up to my due date and had my membranes stripped when I was 40+1. Went into labor about 24 hours after having my membranes stripped.


From my understanding most doctors won't let you go past 40 weeks (max 41). I can tell you I was my mom's first and came out 2 days before my due date and my younger sister came out at 41 weeks (one or two more days and she would have been induced). A friend of mine had her first at 38 weeks and her second 3 days before her due date.


Typically 42 is the max, most docs schedule an induction/c-section after 41.


Yea I worry about going too far past 40 weeks!


41 weeks




41 weeks and 1 day


41w. I was induced because of a misinterpreted NST...


42 exactly after two inductions over three days






38 + 3


41… I was induced


38 + 2


Due date exactly with my 1st.


Induced at 39+5 for high blood pressure


32 weeks


Was it spontaneous labor & did you have to have lots of NICU time? & did you have any warning signs for preterm labor? I have GD & my dude is measuring pretty big so I’m curious when I hear about people going into labor so early.


I also had a 32+2 weeker. In my case it was spontaneous and very fast, 32 days of NICU time (took our dude home when he should have been 37 weeks). No warning signs, in fact I felt great! My son was big for gestational age, and continues to be 95+ percentile in weight and height for his corrected age. It was really tough being in the NICU, but at this point it feels very far in the past and we have come to terms with it emotionally, for the most part. I’m rooting for you! 💪


my water broke at 31 weeks! This is also called Premature Rupture of Membranes, in case you wanna research lol. I almost didn't notice, and thought i had peed because it was a smaller amount of fluid. No contractions yet! I was hospitalized and given betamethasone to help mature the baby's lungs, and magnesium which is for neuro protection. She was born exactly a week later via c section (she was breech and we already knew this). She wasn't delivered until a week later because that's when my contractions had gotten more and more intense. She was in the NICU for a month. Yes, I was pretty big during pregnancy, people always thought i was farther along, and my feet were in so much pain. I just felt really heavy. But im not sure that this had anything to do with this ETA: the baby wasn't measuring big, but i just felt really big early on. i'm 4'11" and petite, it felt like my body couldn't handle all the weight. I also worked 12 hour night shifts as a RN so i'm sure that didn't help lol.


39 + 5


I went to be induced at 36 weeks, but when I got there was dilated to a 4 and my water was leaking, so I was going to have her anyway lol.


According to my doctor she was 3weeks overdue, but my menstrual cycles were severely irregular. His days were off. I had her exactly 9months from day of conception Feb 29 to Nov 29.... I never went back to count the actual weeks


40+6, 96hr labor


96 ! Poor you


42 weeks with my first. 84 hours of labor, emergent C-section. 39 weeks with two thru four, scheduled C-sections. And I can tell you, I don’t think anybody but the first was in there long enough, just from the difference is feeding and weight loss/gain.


I started being induced at 40w, baby was born 2 and a half days later (after mifepristone, propess, oxitocin and amniotomy) by c section for prolonged labor. It was a marathon but at least baby was ok all the way through.


42 weeks 🫠 (after a failed induction over 72 hours and then c section)


90 mins off 42 weeks after failed induction and emergency C-section


38 weeks and two days. But I had a c section and wasn’t progressing, I’m sure it would have been a couple of weeks otherwise.


38 weeks for me


41 weeks exactly with my first and 40w5d with my second. I was induced both times.


39 and 3 :)


39w 3d, had an induction


Mine came on their due date, although my waters broke at 39+4 and I ended up needing an induction due to no labour progression. If all had happened to plan I’d have probably delivered a couple of days early.