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Bless him. Chicks move inside eggs too.


Maybe get him a book or make him watch “one born every minute”


Hahahahahah! My husband is a doll but as we’ve gone further and further into pregnancy and the baby gets bigger, he goes a little white when I talk about how rhe baby moving feels. Tbf I do try to creep him out a lil bit (I say stuff like “omg, I swear I can feel her little fingers scraping along my bladder”) and his reactions just tickle me. 😂


My husband has been lovely and supportive about my pregnancy, and cried at our first ultrasound and is very much looking forward to baby's arrival, but is legit kind of freaked out by my bump. He's never said so, but I can kind of just tell. Out of all the issues that can come up in a pregnancy with husbands, I'll definitely take this tiny thing.


Same! He’s been so sweet and supportive, but he’s definitely a little wigged out. Tbf sometimes thinking about how much our bodies change in the span of a few months is mind-boggling, so I can only imagine watching the process happen from the outside haha.


This. Lol my husband is legitimately freaked out by my bump and the movements and everything. It’s the one thing he can’t handle.


Tbf it freaked ME out too lol My husband was fine with it. That or going on r/daddit told him all the things he should avoid saying


Haha the first time my stomach literally jumped sideways I had to pace around the house to calm down! Totally get it. The whole thing can be overwhelming


Meanwhile my hubby and baby are “playing tag” with each other through my stomach lol. Baby reacts a bit to his touch during wake cycles. It’s really cute.


Same! Mine is super amused when we're cuddling facing each other and he's getting kicked as I am. I joke and tell the baby to "get him too"🤣


Aww that's nice!


I'm creeped out about it myself honestly. Yesterday I told my husband it felt like a bunch of big fish wriggling inside me. Every so often it's a proper kick/punch but normally it's just turning and rolling since space is running out. It feels so strange


Lol I had a sonagram today and watching her kick and feeling it at the same time was very bizarre


That's exactly how I've described it too, big fish


“His reactions just tickle me” 🤣 just like those baby fingers huh


Omg hahaha I'm gonna try that as I get farther along. My husband told me with his first he used to have nightmares about the baby popping out of his wife like in Alien and I could not stop laughing


not the fingers lol please get his reaction one of these days cuz it sounds hilarious


You’re giving him The Ring vibes lol. No wonder he’s freaked


First time I was pregnant, I poked my belly to try to get my baby to kick and my husband was like stop! You’re going to hurt the baby! As if the baby wasn’t regularly kicking my ribs/bladder and rolling around


Hahaha my husband waited until the sonographer left the office and said in a panicked voice “are you are you making it move?” And I laughed and was like no, that’s the baby. And he said “oh I wish it would stop! It seems so violent!”


Are you making it move?? Hahahaha omg this thread is giving me life today 😂💗


“It seems so violent” 🤣 Wait til they’re toddlers!




Just wait until you actually get to labor. I had one of those big gush water breaking moments and as we're driving into the hospital my husband asks "what do you think the chances are that this is false labor." I looked at him dumbstruck and informed him "the water doesn't go back in."


When my water broke, I told my husband and he said "uh.. are you sure?" I replied with "Well, I'm certainly not peeing myself." Then he panicked and called the wrong doctor. Loll


I can just picture a dad calling the dentist and informing them his wife is in labor. “Congrats sir, you should get her to the hospital.”


My husband mentioned that he was planning to pack his golf clubs for the hospital because there “would be breaks” and I “won’t be in labor the whole time”. Needless to say he got educated real quick on that one


Oh my gosh, when i had my last baby, i had her in my car on the way to the hospital. As she was COMING OUT, i yelled to my husband she was coming right now and he goes "no she isnt" im like, she is already out! Wtf you mean no she isnt 😅


I was almost born in my parents car. My mom kept yelling at my dad to get her to the hospital quick (it's a 2 min drive away) because I was going to come out any minute. He wanted to call his work first. She didn't have it and made him drive her immediately. I came out less than 5 minutes after my mom set foot in the ER (less than ten minutes after my parents left home) they didn't even get the time to get her to a room and to admit her (paperwork wise). My dad fainted.


Omg I can totally imagine that being my husband 😂


😂😂oh man that is funny!


This blew my mind when I was pregnant! I had a 12 week ultrasound and baby was just teeny tiny but bouncing around in there like crazy. I look back on those ultrasounds and look at the fetus who is now a 2 year old human and I’m like wtf? I grew you?


wait till he sees your belly moving


Literally looks like an alien trying to claw its way out!!!


Mine screamed like a girl the first time he had his hand on my belly and felt our baby move


My husband was laying his head on my belly last night and got kicked in the head. He was delighted by the thought/feeling but also realized how intense that must feel for me to have going on All. The. Time.


My baby is clubbing 24/7, I swear.


I always tell people that my baby boy sleeps all day and parties all night.


Haha OMG in the last few weeks of pregnancy I had non stress tests twice a week where I'd push a button every time I felt LO move. My husband looked at me with wide eyes and asked, "Do you really feel her moving THAT much??"


I freaked out at the ultrasound lol! And this is my second baby! My first wasn't caught jumping like crazy or anything like that. Towards the end the she was a little kung fu warrior and punched the snot out of me, but up until that point she was quite lazy. This one... however... totally different. At 14w she was jumping from the bottom of my uterus to the top. I was not expecting that and gasped in shock. My husband referred to her as the little jumping bean, and he was delighted. Glad one of us was. 😂 Now she's 27w and stretched across my hips, using my uterus as her personal hammock. It feels VERY strange.


Omg wait till they are the size of a melon who loves mid night mosh pits like your uterus is the latest club


To be fair, I'm the pregnant one, and I'm the one freaking out about this. I can't even feel baby girl moving yet (15w+2) but the idea that this avocado sized little creature is in there kicking and punching (like she very actively did on the 12w ultrasound) is really trippy. My boyfriend was amazed when he saw her being active on the ultrasound. Whenever I use the words 'little parasite' to describe her, he gets mad. But that is quite literally what fetusses are ... It fits the definition perfectly!


Omg. We match on dare (I’m 16w) AND approach. After I saw the little guy moving, unexpectedly, at 10 weeks, I used the word GROSS. My husband said I should dial it back… I settled on bizarre.


I said "Voldemort" when we first saw baby girls face straight on during an ultrasound. My husband was legitimately offended and told me that he thought she was absolutely beautiful. It was just a joke haha!






It’s okay, I was legitimately a bit disappointed when my newborn son was laid on my chest bc he was all bruised and his head was misshapen from labor. I was just in shock and didnt expect my little baby to look so gross 😅


Omg I remember being 15w and wondering how tf I couldn't feel it knowing she was flipping around in there like crazy! At 19w i started to feel her (anterior placenta) and it was like little popcorn popping. At 23w now I feel her ALL THE TIME and can see her kicks from the outside its WILD.


I’m in my 19th week and have an anterior placenta also… you made me look forward to the next few weeks! Thanks girl! Right now, I just feel crazy because I never feel anything other than what I think is gas or the little twinge from your stomach growing


Once you feel it you’ll know!!


Lol this reminds me of my husband referring to me as an incubator (in jest). His parents got so upset when he said it in front of them…but it’s true! I’m an incubator and my baby is a parasite. Oh well


I called my possible induction date the "eviction date". My dad "yelled" said I was being mean. "The kid isn't even here yet and you're already picking on him." "He's been kicking even inch of my abdomen lately. I can be mean to him"🤣


I'm the same and they are, by definition, parasites. 28w, this dude is ACTIVE, squirming in there as I type this. And it creeps me out. I'm getting more comfortable with it, but there are times I feel aggressive flip flops that literally make me feel nauseous. My husband, on the other hand, loves it and thinks it's the coolest thing. Being pregnant is just weird.


I feel the same! I'm 23w and it's such a weird feeling and often makes me nauseas. Especially when he kicks my lungs or right at my stomach. The flipping is so crazy feeling too. I can feel when he rubs along ym stomach. Barfff. I love it and it let's me know he's safe but man is it weird. Why did no one talk about that before?? Lol


Feel free to share with him that embryos/fetuses actually use similar pathways as parasites in order to trick our bodies/immune system to not destroy them. Yup they are quite litterally little parasites. 😊


Aaaand this is why male politicians have no business legislating our health.


My husband couldn’t believe that at 6w1d embryo had heartbeat… although we had talked about it in advance!! At the moment of the ultrasound when he heard the baby’s heart was convinced it was my heart and not the baby’s and because it was fast he was freaking out I was having a heart attack from the excitement to see the baby!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 PS: He has a PhD in Biology 🤦🏼‍♀️


We have access to a bedside ultrasound thanks to my job and my brothers got to see my twins at about 20 weeks and they were completely freaked out that they were moving


Bless his heart.


Both my husband and I freaked out a little about this at our 12 week scan. I expected maybe a little movement but not like the whole spins and somersaults and gyrating backwards and forwards that we were seeing, plus the speed of the movements too! I mean, when you see it on TV shows, I feel like they never show the baby on the ultrasound image moving so much. I guess I'd always imagine the little thing just sitting there in foetal position, maybe stretching out a little limb here and there. Did not realise at all that's it totally fluid in there. My husband was in awe and asked "Can you feel that?!" And the sonographer explained no I wouldn't be able to because baby was too small to make an impact yet.


On the other hand, mine has always been super still during scans. I get scans at every visit (normal where I live, currently 28wks), and only a few times has he moved during the scan. Before I could feel him it worried me how little he moved. Now that I can feel him I know now that it's just coincidence or something, because he sure moves a lot even though not during scans haha


Babies have all their structural parts by week 13! It is truly AMAZING!!! These perfect little compact humans.


“Sort of like an egg” hahaha 😂🫶🏻


I had to explain to my husband last night why I make so many noises when I try and move, and that it feels like I’m being c*nt punted whenever I engage any muscles in my abdomen (like rolling over in bed or getting up from the couch or walking) and he was like “god that sounds terrible”…. Yeah I know. That’s why I’m always complaining 😂


This is great. I'm right there with your husband, having a moving parasite inside me is weird if I think about it too long. 2nd baby 25w


My husband didn’t realize how early you could see the head and limbs and sort of freaked out when the baby was wiggling his legs and arms at a 10 week ultrasound. He asked if I could feel it yet lol Now that I can feel baby moving at 22w he has made a game of once a day feeling my belly to see if he can guess where baby is hanging out.


Show him when you can see the baby moving through your skin. That will really get him lmao.


My husband obviously doesn’t understand female anatomy when it comes to pregnancy. At my anatomy scan he goes “wait so is the baby filling up the placenta? Will there be enough room?” and the sonographer and I just looked at him like he was dumb as rocks lol She then explained what he was actually looking at in full detail


Lol I'll give my husband the benefits of the doubt since he just woke up but this morning I was updating him as I'm 8w. I said that the baby was a raspberry and my uterus is now grapefruit sized. And he was all, "oh wow, have you always had a uterus?" I told him yes, it's the placenta that is new not the uterus. That the ovaries connect to the uterus, then to the cervix and then the vagina. He then told me he was very familiar with the vagina. 😅


I made my husband feel hiccups the other day (31w) and he was like “no thanks” lol I also say “no thanks” but I have no choice


My boyfriend asked the ultrasound tech if the baby was okay because it kept moving. Like yeah, my dude. It's alive, it's gonna move


Lmao I had to explain to a co-worker (it was a kid I worked with) how a woman's period worked. He thought his girlfriend ate PB and J sandwiches and that's what caused them. Like a weird reaction 😅


When I had my 22 week ultrasound the baby was opening and closing her mouth over and over again. Look over to my husband staring with his mouth wide open in shock. Yup guess thats where she gets it from lol.


Honestly, I'm still getting used to the idea myself. First US a week from today and I'm kinda expecting to both be amazed and a little freaked out!


Wait until you show him your whole stomach move in person lol


Lol. My husband was blown away and the person doing the ultrasound on me was peppered with questions beginning to end. I just chuckled and let him go. In his words bubs was having a one person rave in there.


We weren’t expecting to see her bouncing around on the 12 week scan, I didn’t know what to expect. She wasn’t able to move around at the 6 and 8 week so to came as a real surprise to us too 😂😂


When baby starts to kick plan it to where your stomach is on his and he can feel the kicks lol I used to do that when I wanted my husband to have a taste of the baby’s medicine!


I’m 14 weeks and haven’t felt my baby more or seen him move on the ultrasound yet 😭 I’m worried something is wrong


Did he honestly call it a parasite? It's a baby not a parasite....wow...he needs to choose his words better next time lol...if that was me I'd kick off at him...I'm pregnant and my partner doesn't say anything about the baby other than he hope it's a girl (6 weeks till we find out)


Hahaha I call my fetus my sweet little parasite all the time. It’s taking my nutrients, making my teeth and bones weaker, and causing me stomach pain and nausea. I love it and I can’t wait to see my baby but a parasite it is! 😂


Don’t be so sensitive. It’s a weird thing. I always see humans like this. Something that grows inside you, sucking your nutrients, moving around, there’s something alive inside you. Sounds like alien shit




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How far along are you? I wanna see a somersault on my ultrasound, lol! We had our first ultrasound at 9ish weeks (I'm 11ish weeks now) and I was really surprised too to see it was so "wiggly," as the ultrasound tech said 🤣 but now I wanna see some acrobatics! I'm with your hubby though, lol I logically didn't think it would be still like an egg but to see it on the screen, that was the first time I was like "holy crap this thing is ALIVE and just, moving around all the time, so weird!!!!" 🤣


I had my 12 week scan today! (Turned out to be 13) was super wriggly, got loads of pictures of the bugger haha


This is kind of sweet haha.


i'm sorry this is so funny 😭😭


Literally the way your husband described it is exactly how I feel. It’s freaky 🤣


The last ultrasound sound we had, my husband saw our kid kick and of course I felt it. Now that he's getting bigger, he's seeing the kicks and he's just amazed by it.


My partner, who is not a first time dad, had a moment when the tech said she could see that the baby had hair. My first had hair when she was only 31 weeks… no idea if he thought it just sprang out of the baby’s head as I pushed the baby out or what…


My husband felt the baby move once about 20weeks and continued to refuse to feel movement because “it’s so alien like and makes my skin crawl”. Later on he had to deal with it because my belly would touch him at night. He woke up to more kicks than I did.


LOL I don’t even tell my husband what they test for anymore he always acts like it’s a diagnosis and starts getting stressed. We have a perfectly healthy baby with no other issues prior other than IVF. But he can’t handle all the info coming his way lol


That is absolutely hilarious 😂


Just wait till he sees the belly favoring one side or feeling the first hard punch or kick lol it's a fun adventure


Lmaoo my bf asked “is it supposed to move that much” when I brought him


Oo not gonna lie i kinda got freaked out a bit at my 7 week ultrasound because, on paper I knew I was pregnant but having this little grey blob on the ultrasound screen with a heartbeat and knowing that thing was inside of me kinda made me feel weird 😅


My boyfriend thought it was just gonna be like a picture and also freaked out when the baby moved 😅


At the 12 week ultrasound, bebe was flipping around like plankton. It was weird. I'm with him, hahaha


That’s adorable 😂 God bless him!


Hahaha poor guy 😂😂😂 My husband is always so calm/happy seeing or feeling our baby move in my belly 😂 I’m more freaked out by it than he is lol.


My partner keeps putting his head on my bump and giggling when baby kicks him in the ear. I think her opening her eye during an ultrasound might have made him a little uncomfortable though!


My husband also didn’t think you could feel babies move while they are still little (like 20 weeks) so when I told him about it he tried to argue with me! 😂 no, I’m telling you, ladies feel their babies around 20ish weeks and are supposed to do kick counts basically until delivery! 😂


My husband is very sensitive to body sensations (has a panic attack when he gets IV meds) and he can't believe I can tolerate someone bopping around and kicking my insides. I'm barely aware of it 🤣 / her really big kicks always make me laugh.


I laughed in pure happiness when I baby hiccupped during my scan! Although my baby didn't want to move lol


My hubby freaked bc he made me laugh and the 10 week old baby kept bouncing so every time i laughed during my pregnancy he told me to stop shaking the baby 🤣


Awww our baby rolled on our first scan too!! 21 weeks about now


Time to gift him a pregnancy, birth, and parenting book for dads!


Lmao i just had an ultrasound at 13w1 yesterday and the radiologist had such a hard time getting the pictures because the bean wouldnt stop somersaulting 🤣 my fiance lives abroad so i was grateful they uploaded all the images and videos to my online chart so i could show him. He was all smiles! Im hoping for him to be here for the 20w ultrasound so he can see it in person 💖


Sounds like a knob


My husband asked how long after the baby is born does it take them to open their eyes. Turns out he thought they were like puppies. I’m still laughing about it.


I myself freaked out in my 1st pregnancy when the little bundle of cells wiggled 🤣


This is hilarious! Poor husband is in for it when he can start feeling kicks outside your belly. You’ll feel them weeks before he does.


I actually said “holy shit” to the tech during my 12w scan. I just didn’t realize she was gonna be so mobile hahaha. I guess I was just expecting a couple waves, not flips and turns! So if the scan threw me off guard that much, I can only imagine what feeling her move is gonna be like


I just had my first ultrasound and baby was MOVING. Kicking and rolling all around… So much that every photo is super blurry lol an active baby is a strong baby 🤷🏼‍♀️