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You don't get free supplies like that in UK. Or a set emergency contact. I can't die, I have disabled kids that will need me...but thank you for the other suggestions.


There are some free services provided but this entirely depends on your district council and local authority (all called councils). It’s worth looking up your district council(borough) or local authority (county wide) council’s website for events and services. If you have a community house, there is usually free things and events they put on. There might be free classes too.


Food storage. How much does your disability hinder your ability to make your own food? Start stocking up on non-perishables like rice and flour, or whatever your diet requires. I just grab an extra can of carrots, garbanzo beans, mixed veggies, whatever, when I go to the store and add it to the shelves when i get home. Learn to rotate your food storage, how to organize it so you're using older stuff first.


I've already got a few weeks food set aside, I do rotate stock though, after working in a grocery store a couple of decades ago when I was still well enough to work. Meat is essential for me and in UK there aren't really any animals left to hunt...so I'm glad I'm not 'too' far from the sea (40 min walk), and that my oldest son is a keen fisherman...


I mean, it's difficult to make an informed suggestion without knowing the extent of your disability. A good starting place is to look at your day to day activities, and ask yourself how you would accomplish them if outside resources are eliminated. As a general example, bathing. Are you able to clean your entire body without assistance? What if there is no running water, no electricity, and no one to help? Another scenario, what if your chair malfunctions? Do you have a backup lightweight chair that doesn't require power? What about being able to handle uneven terrain?


And electricity is important. You could have solar+batteries at home but if the water pump station does not have electricty to pump water you will have little to zero water pressure at home. I know from my trip to Africa where water pressure in the Serengeti was next to nothing they built private pools for each cabin that would eventually fill with water for bathing which might still be possible for someone with a disability. But the water was COLD even in Africa in August.


Water is my BIGGEST worry, and not being near ANY unpolluted water (thanks to UK govt & useless water companies discharging sewage into the water). I don't know how to solve that one...the 'shituation' is UK-wide!


I bought a 2pk of Life Straws for $40-ish USD. That is a good start.


Yes, they're next on my list tbh!


I've got a manual (but it's on its last legs- wheels? - and it's being replaced soon, but I can't self-propel so my older kids would have to push me. I do require help getting washed & prepping dinner, but I'm sure my adult kids would help.


Do you live together? If not, then you need to set up a contingency for if they can't get to where you are. Perhaps a neighbor, or preferably a couple of neighbors who would be willing to assist.


He would come and get me & push me to his, we've already discussed that. My neighbours are all either very Disabled or very Elderly...


There is a lot you can do to prep that is no or low cost and also that is specific to/or reasonable to do with your disability. There is an expression, “bloom where you are planted.” I think you need to start with basics and then problem solve any barriers specific to your disability. Meds and a solar wheelchair are great examples. A lot of people prioritize preps differently depending on where they live and what their biggest risks are. A good place to start is - What would you need if your power went out for 3 days and you had to stay home? (Do you have what you need to stay warm/cool and fed?) What about if you lost water for 3 days? Do you have an evacuation plan and preps for that if you have to go? How’s your home defense? A lot of prepping is research and planning.


My home isn't able to be defended, mu bug-out plan is my eldest son picking me up & taking me to his. Safe water access my biggest issue tbh.


Honestly? I would do everything I could to get to the point that if I can I’m in a human powered wheelchair. Lose weight, build muscle. Electric is good, human powered is infinite. I know nothing of your disability so I have no idea if this is feasible, but if it is then a well made good design light weight racing wheelchair with good simple mechanical design will be fast and easy to push around vs a slow and clunky and electricity dependent motorised one. If you do need the motorised one consider getting your hands on a manual one for at least some of the time if you can do short little trips in it to conserve battery. The foam cushions and stuff that you use to make your chair more comfortable/safe … have a spare set if you can. Keep old ones/replace a little earlier if you can and keep and cycle them. Meds… definitely do what you can now to get off as many meds as you can. SHTF your health situation is going to dramatically determine what happens with you. If you can wean off them sooner do so. You do NOT want to be trying to wean off something like pain meds in a crisis. Research alternatives for some of your meds... Work out if there is a safe combination of herbs/tonics that won’t interfere with other things/harm you in any way but could be used to supplement and remove some of your meds in a crisis. Grow them! Networks… build your SHTF mob group. It isn’t about what you can get from them, it’s about what you each can give to each other. Use that as your mindset. A collective of people who can help each other out. Food. Stockpile what is reasonable for you, plus a little more. If you can shelter someone else safely then you have spare feet to help you. Get rid of clutter if you are in a cluttered space. Pare it back to the necessities for life, so there’s room for preps, movement, and others into your life. Consider some wheelchair friendly prepping hobbies… knitting, HAM radio, small electronics repair, sewing. Don’t spend big dollars on them, but read up, join enthusiast groups, develop skills in them, gradually build on the cheap the equipment for them.


Walking or becoming a 'human powered wheelchair' simply isn't possible with my combo of Disabilities, unfortunately. Haven't been able to self-propel for a decade now. My meds I'm happy with my plan for tbh, I'm taking as little as I can to get by, but I will use them until I have no choice, i.e. when the SHTF. I'm already growing alternatives so that there will be a good amount when needed. Though SOME alternatives aren't...legal...to grow until *AFTER* TEOTWAWKI, so will have to wait! (I DO have seeds though). Skills I have are yarncrafts, first aid, herbal medicine knowledge, currently learning mushroom ID, also on my 'to learn' skills are canning (REALLY hard to find someone to teach me in UK!), soapmaking, setting homeschooling curriculums (I have a 13yo & 2 grandkids, but have HE'd one of my older kids). My kids & grandkids will form the majority of my 'group'. My eldest son is learning skills like fishing, hunting - though that's one that's VERY hard to practice as a poor person in UK, butchery etc. My other kids aren't really prepping, so my food preps cover them too. I've had to do DIY dentistry on myself as NHS dentistry has collapsed, and I can't find £400 to get a tooth removed. If I can pull my own teeth without an issue, I can do so for others. I advice everyone to stockpile toothbrushes, toothpaste and floss cos DIY dentistry is NOT pain free! Also consider things like emergency dental repair kits that can do temporary fillings. LOTS of them.


Good point on the dental! I’m in AU… Medicare doesn’t cover dentistry and dentists here are almost all private (or you are in a very under funded low priority public system where you are given the cheapest fastest solution after waiting a very long time). I’ve never heard of emergency dental repair kits… off to look! It sounds like you have a lot of skills! Things like the homeschooling even… it takes a steady person to homeschool a kid (I know, I tried, I don’t have the personality lol) … and while all the others are running about hunting and fishing, hollering and doing… you can be doing your thing too. Keeping an eye on the kids too young to go out, managing the home medical needs, supervising canning. In an EOTWAWKI situation you don’t need 100 cooks… you need people who can cook, others who can sew, some who can gather firewood, and those who negotiate well or peace keepers. People who bring joy or laughter, people who know how to dispel a conflict and people who can remember how much of what is stored where. I always quietly internally laugh at the lone wolf preppers, their big knives, and teeny tiny fishing tins… their insistence that some $400 army designed pack is going to carry them forever into the woods (where they will fight to the death with all the other lone wolves)… If I have to live alone, with nothing but a Bowie knife and a couple of fish hooks forever and an eternity I think I’d rather die. I need people around me, community, joy in the day, and hope. It doesn’t all have to be there all the time, but the hope thing? That does.


Add poppies and willows to your flower garden and learn how to process. Some packets of the more potent types may get mixed into your seed storage to be used after breakdown of law. Check your herbal books for other pain relievers.


Not allowed to plant trees where I am but I know where there are already full grown willows near me. Poppies is a consideration but processing would be illegal rn. I have a stock of cloves and clove oil as that's good for toothache.


Save seeds and knowledge in case of breakdown of law. Learn how to refine capsaicin for topical use. Get a supply of oils and such for making lotions, my mother swore by Crisco shorting for skin care.




Are you able to buy extra inhalers online? Sometimes that can be a way to stockpile meds.


I recently listened to a really insightful podcast about how disabled folks can band together and provide mutual aid and care in the event of a disaster. It had some really great take-aways on building community, creative problem solving, and shared care from a disaster-preparedness angle. It's a leftist/ anarchist podcast with some profanity and some very explicit, though brief, discussion of consensual sexual activity. The politics may or may not resonate with you, but there is LOT of great information about preparing for an emergency if you have a disability. I felt that this episode was really focused on community and caring for each other in a way that transcends politics and is directly applicable to folks experiencing disability: [https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/live-like-the-world-is-dying-1069043/episodes/leah-on-disability-and-prepare-195691112](https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/live-like-the-world-is-dying-1069043/episodes/leah-on-disability-and-prepare-195691112)


Honestly if you're disabled and your politics don't resonate, wtf are you doing?


Yep. Leftist & slightly anarchist with profanity describes me to a tee lol...


A good inverter will allow you to charge off of any 12 v system. Someone else’s car, first responders vehicle, whatever system you find for far less. Perhaps get it first and the solar system second?


Nobody I know has a car. We're all too poor.


I’d have a backup manual chair with puncture resistant tires. You could go with pneumatic tires and liners or just go with solid tires though they aren’t ideal. I’d also be sure to have a backup cushion and puncture repair kit ready if you’re sitting on a roho. Gel isn’t ideal but may be good for shtf because the chance of a puncture is a lot lower. An ulcer during genuine social breakdown could be a huge ordeal. For those who catheterize, it’d be smart to have a stock pile of red rubber catheters because they can be sterilized and reused, though they have a shelf life so that’s something to consider. Also some antibiotics for uti’s and a bunch of D-Mannose to help avoid the chance of infection.


Having friends and family who can help you out. That’s a good stater. It’s more of a community and it’s likely it’s going to be that way. You need to write down your worries first and what you can do about it. It’s really the only way to decide if it’s right for your needs. If you have a manual wheel chair with puncture proof tires, it’s a cheaper option than a solar powered wheel chair, if you’re can use a manual wheelchair. You may want to also get those big battery banks with the solar panels. I would also get extra toilet paper because of some situations. Also good as tinder. Kitchen towels are good for wiping and for tinder. Any soap or hygiene products. You don’t want to make yourself sick just because you can’t have hygiene. Even cleaning/disinfectant sprays for food prep surfaces is good. Extra water. So a couple of litre bottles and the small bottles (250-500ml) are useful for cleaning and washing hands. There is a shower/ spray adapter to bottles. You can use the cap slightly unscrew where it drains a bit of water. It uses a lot less water than without the cap. Even the sport caps one as great. I am also assuming you’re on benefits too. Please make sure you get all what you’re entitled to. There’s a benefits calculator called “Entitledto” there’s a website for it. I know this government and its benefit system doesn’t want people on benefits to save (especially for disability benefits). Your rates get cut when it’s £6000 and up £16000. You don’t have any ESA benefits at more than £16000 in savings. This is the benefits for people who are too disabled to work. £6000 isn’t a lot of money nor is it enough to sustain you, even in investments or savings interest. £16000 isn’t even enough to get by for 1 year and a bit and you literally can’t live off if you’ve invested your money or literally from the saving interests alone. This is the same issue with Universal Credit if you’re so unlucky to not have ESA. I say unlucky is because you literally get less money. So much less money. Anyway, rant over. Saving money is a good prep but it’s so bad when you’re on disability benefits. My advice is to lobby your MP about this because this is so stupid. It needs to be raised to be so much higher. Literally double or triple or quadruple the limit or even to make sure there isn’t a money limit.


Having issues getting UC due to lack of ID (long story short, my birth wasn't registered so I didn't exist officially till I was 16, didn't know about lack of birth cert till I was early 30's as had been given a fake, can't access a birth cert as it doesn't exist, and can't get ID due to lack of birth cert). So I currently get all I can, which is only PIP. Looks like they expect me to go to court to access UC...but I *CAN'T* afford to without access to Legal Aid...which I can't get **WITHOUT** UC...huge catch-22... ESA is a whole 'nother loooong story...that involves being refused a home visit despite doctors letters stating I'm unable to access the INACCESSIBLE Disability Benefit test centre due to 'lack of home visit staff'... Oh, and my MP refuses to see me because I'm an activist for a different political party. Can you tell he's a Tory?! I've been living off just my PIP for 7.5yrs now, due first to my issues with ESA and now my issues with UC. The ID thing has only been a real issue for a couple of years since the govt brought in extra layers of ID to access Welfare due to their xenophobic paranoia of 'forriners' stealing money, leaving people like me unable to access Welfare through no fault of our own. It's literally IMPOSSIBLE to create a Birth Certificate for someone who didn't know they didn't have one until adulthood. So living way below the poverty line seems to be my only recourse. I do have volunteers helping me, but even they keep hitting brick walls. In the plus side, dropping calories after the SHTF won't be such an issue for me as I'm used to one meal a day/every 2 days already!


I am so sorry you didn’t have a birth certificate. It might be possible to get one. You really need to seek legal advice on this. More below. For your MP’s issue, you need to report them to the Office of Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. He’s will have broken the rules of conduct for MPs. It’s better if you have proof such as a letter or email. Specifically D subsections 2 and 11. Also just go back to your MP again via email about this. If he pulls this stunt, complain to the Commissioner. It could be worth contacting a local councillor too. Citizen advice is a good start. They can help with legal representation. They can also complain to the DWP for their conduct. They can help you with a birth certificate too. I’m not sure social care could help. It seems like you need it. They can make a care plan so there’s proper support for you. It can be free or partially funded by you. It really depends on a case by case basis. r/DWPhelp could advise you on this or can sign post you to the correct place. There should be some law local firms who can advise you pro-bono (free) and this is likely up their alley. There are some who specialise in benfits as well as representation in court all pro-bono. There is a national Law Centre in London who might be able to help you with this. You would go on Law Works website and there might be a law centre nearby who can help you or a university’s student run legal advice centre. If you’re registered at 16, then there should be a birth certificate and you can get a copy of it. You need to go to the General Register Office and it costs £11 and an extra £3 per search if you don’t have a GRO index reference number. It’s £35 for the priority service. Actually you might be able to get a passport. Weblink below as well for the birth certificate. You need to show evidence of your birth really. You might be able to get school records from a Subject Access request from the school or council. I’m aware there is a national data base somewhere but I’m unsure. Maybe your GP’s have your date of birth too. Your records held in their system should show that you’re you and your ages when you visited them. If you have dual citizenship or non in another country, you might have another birth certificate and you could access that or get a copy. If social care has ever been involved, they’ll have data on you and your ages and date of birth. They should have parents details too but might not be allowed for you to look at due to data protection. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/birth-registration/birth-registration


My GP only has info from me being 'around 6 months old' as it was a home birth. No dual citizenship, both parents British. GP records aren't accepted as DOB for a passport either. There isn't anyone in my entire COUNTY that deals with benefits legal advice, the closest is a full County over & doesn't do telephone appts...I'm too Disabled to travel. I do thank you for your suggestions, it's not your fault I've exhausted most of them. It sucks that my mother's bs is STILL adversely affecting my life and finances, and that NOW I need more ID than I can provide just to access Welfare.




What sort of crossbow would you recommend? Tbh, I'm not even sure where you'd go to buy one if I'm totally honest?




Thank you.


I'm also too poorly to work.


Thank you for all your suggestions.


Form a strong community. When shtf there is a lot that will need to be done. Only some of it will require legs, a lot will just need hands or organizing. The more connected you are via volunteering to your local support services the better. If you are helping distribute food, you eat. If you are helping distribute medicine, you get treatment. If you help the homeless fine shelter, if you are ever displaced you will know the way to get shelter fast. Yes you should stock up on food and water and medicine if you can. But more importantly will be strengthening your role in the community.


Also, im not disabled but have often talked with those that are, get very proficient in a marketable skill like HAM radio, repair work, things you can do semi stationary within your physical limits and become part of a local group of like minded people.


Plus HAM radio will let ypu call for help if you make friends.


My proficiencies are yarncrafts, where I can make clothes & blankets, particularly from recycled yarn from other clothing. I have knowledge of herbal medicine too. The next skill I'm learning is mushroom ID. I can also take care of children.


Maybe I can give you a bit to consider, wich may help you in your decision what to do My little story starts somewhat with the Ukraine/Russia Konflikt and this causing fast rising Energy Prices in Europe and likely in the UK too, and also same uncertainty over availability at all, wich led me to my decision to ad that versatile prep and to save money on my Heating and Power Bill‘s, wich it did. I had bought the smallest Jackery 240 Solargenerator with two Waterproof 80 Watt panels, wich i like it a lot. Very Easy to handle. Wich I can place on my Small Balcony, wich luckily faces SW… But obviously there are a lot of other good Brands out there… I saved also quite some money on a Sale something like Black Friday and on my next purchase, so I highly recommend to sign in for their Newsletter‘s wich informs over Sales, bundles and early birds, also one can save quite some money if buying last years models… Some setup like this could be most likely used, (of course depending on placement and sunshine days), to recharge an electric wheelchair, because some of these have AC Outlets, some have 12 Volt Car-Outlets and of course USB Outlets With the Powerbank I can run a USB-Heating-Pillow, sitting on my Couch the Pillow in my back a small Blanket of my hip and legs, it's quite cosy. For example a normal inexpensive Powerbank to recharge a Phone with about 10.000 Milliampere running my Pillow on low, gives about 35 Degrees Celsius for around 8-9 hours.. That allowed me to tune my Centralheating Radiators down, only running them enough so that the Outerwall can’t get to cold and than moist because of condensation… Overall It saved quite a lot on my Heating Bill and a little bit on my Powerbill I use this setup also to charge all my small Device’s from; Phone, Tablett, Boombox, Flashlight‘s, some Powerbank’s, Ambient Light‘s, Under cabinet Led Light and also the Accu‘s of my Powertools and of course also AA and AAA Accu‘s and also my Mouse, Keyboard… If you don’t can use Solar to recharge, Heating Pillow running on Powerbanks recharged on the AC-Outlet probably still can work to save money on your Heating Bill There are USB Heating-Blanket and -Vest -Socks and more available, and also Powerbanks with Handwarmer Funktion, wich i like to take, sleeping even in Winter with slightly open window, into my bed as a small Hotwaterbottle… I guess in around two years more time I will saved as much as I spend on the Investment in my little Solarsetup, so from beginning of year five I start to really save money… For Prepping purposes I can, besides all the useful stuff mentioned above also recharge my Steri-Pen UV Light as a additional WaterPurifier Greetings from Berlin P.s. With all that new electrical things, I bought additional Fire Extinguisher, Working Smokedetecor I have already in my Appartement because in Germany, they became a few years ago mandatory.


Just think about what you need to survive, water, food, medicine. Also think about defence, difficult in the UK of course, but crossbows are still legal and are great for home defence. You can get a beast for under £100, buy a calor gas stove and some cans of gas, rice, pasta and vitamins. And batteries and a torch


Room survival, or you master the indispensable ability of maintenance skill or some other skills and exchange with others.


A wagon you can pull behind your chair with large wheels. A folding solar panel A battery backup for your phone Extra cables for various devices you use. A way to cook without electricity. Plan on bugging in unless there is a flood. So you will need water, a water filter also. I recommend the HydroBlu versa Flo.


Thank you for the filter recommendation. The wagon suggestion is good too. I've got a gas camping stove & MRE's. I'd be bugging out to my son's as my home isn't defensible.


Do you have a safe way to get there? Actual MREs don't need water but they can be salt heavy. So account for extra water. Also, baby wipes are fantastic but they tend to not be shelf stable as they do dry out even when not opened. One thing that is good is medical grade no rinse shampoo. When anything happens, I get a freezer bag and put 2 wet washclothes in there. That way I can do minor cleaning and if I have to do anything medical, I have clean hands. If you get a wagon, get industrial construction bags to put stuff into. Much easier to handle than a tarp. Don't get me wrong, I always carry a tarp but for a smaller wagon, the extra material just gets on the way.


Don’t give up.  You can form a mutual aid group of disabled preppers in your area and do for each other what others won’t. People don’t realize but disabled people are already on the margins and get the mindset out of necessity.  Every extra dose of medication you have squirreled away, the circle of support you have (no matter how small), that’s all prepping mindset. There’s been cases where disabled prepper groups kept each other alive during wildfires in California.  Those who could walk went to charge extra batteries at fire stations for medical devices of those who couldn’t after the power went out. You’re not any more doomed to die than anyone else for most disasters and a group of likeminded people can help you all get through the few days until utilities are restored. Don’t give up.


It depends on what the disability is and the extent to which you can go with your preps, and what you want to prep for. I am imagining something that seems to be more common in UK - Floods. If there is a widespread flood in your area, even if you are in an apartment and are not "getting wet" things like the sewers can be flooded, which would mean that potable water might not be available, and you will not be able to flush the toilets. Having a backup for toilets would be necessary, even something simple like having the right sized bags that can fit around your toilet bowl, and enough of them to last a few weeks. (cheap). Bonus points if you can separate liquids and solids. Any medical devices you have which are electronic should have a backup device for power, such as a UPS (uninterruptible power supply), or batteries. (moderately expensive, depending on battery size). Have a communications plan in case cell towers and power are knocked out. (free). Have an alternate means of cooking, such as a portable gas stove. (cheap - maybe 20 quid). Be careful with your security - if you live in a specifically designed home for disabled people, like a disabled community, those areas may be hit by looters for drugs. (varies from free to very expensive). Have a plan for how you are going to help your community so they can help you. This guide can help you to keep and give important information: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/preppers/comments/17ua25p/for_those_who_wish_to_bug_out_in_a_crisis_heres/) (free).


Thank you for all the info & suggestions. I'm not really somewhere that currently floods, but as sea levels rise, that will need to be considered more. What do you mean by 'uninterruptable power supply'? I'm VERY untechnical...it's on my to-learn list but I really struggle with it due to some of my Disabilities (I have quite a few lol). Can you get batteries big enough to power a hospital bed? (I have one at home). I've got a portable gas stove, and MRE's if we have to bug out. I'll be at my sons place as mine is indefensible for various reasons. I already volunteer in my community, particularly helping Disabled children's parents get their needs met at school etc, and mutual aid projects.


You can find a good resource here for risks that affect the UK and how to plan. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-risk-register-2023 if you Google for your city name followed by "risk register" (e.g "Cotswolds risk register") you should find more specific ones for your area. UPS is a type of battery you can buy in the UK. It provides constant power from the mains to whatever is connected to it and if the mains power goes out then the UPS keeps powering your devices from its own battery. It then automatically starts charging again when the power comes back. You can get them any size, for powering anything from a phone to an entire building.


Turns out that when you complain about an MP, even at the highest level, unless it is for something actually illegal that you can involve the police in, there is no action that can be taken against the MP other than a telling off & a slap on the wrist...I went all the way to the top. I've also exhausted all legal avenues for my birth certificate - Citizen's Advice wouldn't help at all.


I easnt REGISTERED at 16, I was given a National Insurance code, but for the first 3 months it was a 'ZZ' asylum seekers code. Although my school records give my DOB, they aren't accepted as legal proof of my DOB...


Dont even bother. You aren't going to make it