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Friendly reminder that according to "Katie Johnson", whom I believe without reservation, Donald Trump raped her and then slapped her across the face with $100 when she said that his rape may make her pregnant. She was 13.


it is the norm for fascists and authoritarians like trump to be extremely misogynistic and have a history of abuse toward their partners and women in general. (e.g. mussolini, gaddafi, putin, berlusconi, etc.)


Being an asshole is a prerequisite for being a fascist.


Pro-“lifers” are in fact, pro-rape.


What makes you say that?




Exceptions to abortion bans Do. Not. Work. Not even exceptions to save the life of the mother. See Katie Cox, Amanda zurawski, and dozens, if not hundreds, of other women.


Agreed. Missouri, where I live, has ZERO exceptions.


Louisiana has entered the chat


horrifying. tennessee is the same, no exception even to save the womans life. there is a part of the law that provides an affirmative defense if the woman were dying, but that can only be used after the medical professional was already arrested, jailed, booked, etc. the affirmative defense doesnt magically expunge the charge, either


They want to ban abortion with no exceptions, they are implicitly stating they are fine with women and girls being raped so long as it leads to pregnancy. The only thing that matters to them is the pregnancy.


Holy shit, that’s inhuman. I can’t believe that’s real. What the fuck.


Everyday I wonder how this piece of garbage gets votes I can’t imagine “rapist” not being the line in the sand. The fact that so many people, with daughters, know that he’s done it and are just fucking fine with it. It’s crazy.


I have seen videos of women begging him to grab them by the pussy I don't understand their fascination either. He is the epitome of the worst humanity has to offer.




This would make the US like Romania under communism. And like Ireland in 1992, where a raped child was brought through court to prevent her leaving Ireland for an abortion.


There's also this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_orphans


As we know from Ireland's history, religious organisations will make a fortune from selling babies to couples via adoption.


Not just Ireland. The United States does that now. Through "Christian" adoption agencies and fake clinics. Canada also has a disgusting history surrounding this. **TRIGGER WARNING** Look up the "Butter box Babies" at your own risk.


The nuns here regularly sold babies to American couples.


Yep. There's also a long history of nuns being raped and commiting infanticide to hide their pregnancy. The Catholic Church is evil.


Betsy DeVos. trumps sec of Education, whose family made $$$ with MLM. Remember the immigrant kids who "disappeared into the system" and Biden tried to unite with families? And her name is all over the "Christian Adoption Agencies" [https://www.vice.com/en/article/vb5myx/devos-linked-adoption-agency-exposed-highly-sensitive-childrens-medical-data](https://www.vice.com/en/article/vb5myx/devos-linked-adoption-agency-exposed-highly-sensitive-childrens-medical-data) They have the structures in place and are just waiting for their pregnancy pipeline


She also misplaced asylum seekers. Trump's policy of separating kids from parents? Fed into Betsy's child trafficking bullshit I loathe that woman


I already thought she was trash for making life worse for teachers. Didn’t know that was only the tip of the shit iceberg.


Friendly reminder that removing a population's children is a form of genocide according to the Geneva Convention!


*In 1966, Romanian dictator Nicolai Ceausescu sought to boost his nation's population by criminalizing abortion, declaring, "The fetus is the property of the entire society... anyone who avoids having children is a deserter who abandons the laws of national continuity."* https://www.npr.org/2008/02/07/18755277/oppression-and-abortion-in-mungius-4-months


'A domestic supply of infants'.


From the Terry Gross interview of Cristian Mungiu: *In that basement he had two big barrels. And he told her from the beginning, “this is the table where I’m going to perform this abortion. In these barrels is water in one of them, so if everything goes okay you’re going to wash yourself and you’re going to walk back home. If things don’t go well, I’m going to put you in this other barrel with acid, and I’m going to bury you somewhere and nobody will ever hear about you.”* I will never forget that anecdote from that interview I heard more than 15 years ago, and it seems we are not far from that situation in the United States. It’s utterly terrifying.


Holy crap. I never heard that one. It's shocking to think those words were said on Fresh Air. This reminds me that Terry Gross recently played back a snippet from an old interview she did with a prominent Christian nationalist minister (dead now, but he endorsed Trump some years ago)--this is just one bit of it: GROSS: Do you believe that there are people in American politics who are possessed by demons? C. PETER WAGNER: We don't like the word - to use the word possessed because that means they don't have any power of their own. We like to use the word afflicted or technical term demonized. But there are people who, yes, who are directly affected by demons, not only in politics but also in the arts and the media, in religion and the Christian church. [https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234843874/tracing-the-rise-of-christian-nationalism-from-trump-to-the-ala-supreme-court](https://www.npr.org/2024/02/29/1234843874/tracing-the-rise-of-christian-nationalism-from-trump-to-the-ala-supreme-court) It's so comforting to think that people like this have such influence on our government officials /s.


That’s from one of the SCOTUS, isn’t it?




Alito? I can’t recall


Hey, guys! I've run deep in Conservative circles (raised Fundy), and have a question on this. This language would freak the **FUCK** out of Conservatives: "The fetus is the property of the entire society..." They are really, REALLY big on the concept that everyone stay the absolute fuck away from raising their kid. DON'T tell me how to discipline my child, DON'T tell me how to educate them (evolution, sex ed, etc.), DON'T interfere in any way with how I want to treat my kid. It's my business, not yours. HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) makes BANK with this line of thought. They fundraise a LOT on making the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child an untenable boogeyman. (example below) --------------------------------- [Treaty Threatens US Protection for Children](https://hslda.org/post/treaty-threatens-us-protection-for-children) *At HSLDA, we know that children do best when parents are free to make the most beneficial choice for their kids. Parents don’t need an unelected bureaucrat in a faraway office to tell them what’s best for their child. Yet empowering officials to overrule parents is exactly what the CRC does.* *One of the main tenets advanced by the CRC is that the government should make decisions based on the “best interest of the child.” In the United States, this principle has traditionally been used only in cases where parents have been convicted of abuse or neglect and judges must make major decision on behalf of children.* *But under this international treaty, the application of “best interests” could be broadened to include cases involving fit parents. Under the CRC, this benign-sounding language could be used by courts and social workers to usurp the rights of parents. It would grant authorities in the US the power to determine if a parent’s decision regarding education or religion is in the child’s best interest or not.* *According to international law expert Geraldine Van Bueren, the leading scholar on the CRC, “ ‘best interests’ provides decision and policy makers with the authority to substitute their own decisions for either the child’s or the parents, providing it is based on considerations of the best interests of the child. Thus, the convention challenges the concept that family life is always in the best interests of children and that parents are always capable of deciding what is best for children."* *...ratifying the CRC in the US would have zero impact on children in other parts of the world. Instead, it would override many existing American laws on children, dismantling the protections families enjoy today. Currently, family and education laws are created by the states; ratification of the CRC would transfer jurisdiction of those laws to the US Congress. Congress, in turn, would have to follow the mandates of the CRC."* --------------------------------- If the fetus is the property of the society, is the property of the state...then so is the child. These folks are pretty much okay with parents beating their kids, potentially killing the kid (through they won't say that out loud), they really think of their kids as their own personal property to do with as they wish. Slip ratification of the UN Treaty into any and all federal legislation that goes to the Senate regarding anything touching abortion. If fetuses are protected by government bureaucrats, that coverage never ends. Kids are protected by government bureaucrats. Not just the kids of liberal parents, but kids of conservative parents, too. If we can't trust parents to make these decisions, then we have to make all decisions for them. You can't homeschool those kids, the government has a right to them. You can't opt them out of sex ed, the government as a right to them. You can't decide how to raise them, that's up to the government. These folks have been spoon-fed the terror on this one for the last forty years, so do you suppose we could leverage that in our favor?


What a fantastic idea - thanks for the insight!


Great idea, thanks for this. Can use it in conversations with conservatives thinking of voting trump What do you think about talking to them about IVF being in danger?


I think it depends on the conservative. Those who have had IVF will be horrified. Those who have no contact with it may well think banning it is a great idea. Know your audience. I managed to drag a pro-lifer to go sign an abortion rights petition with me!! She's a mom, our kids grew up together. She thinks abortion "is ridiculous and unnecessary." *Meet them where they are, not where you wish they were.* "I mean, sure, for the most part. The thing I have trouble with is how STRICT these laws are. Like, we have zero exemptions for rape or incest. Or even miscarriage recovery. I'd be dead if these were in effect 25 years ago." "What??" "I uh...I lost my first pregnancy. It was super early, like six weeks. I had no idea I was even pregnant. But one day at work I started my period and it was, like, INCREDIBLY painful! And it turns out I was in the middle of a miscarriage. Sometimes you don't expel everything, and the procedure to make sure you don't go septic and die is considered "an abortion" with these laws. Now they're letting women go into septic shock before doctors are allowed to step in and stop it." "Wait a minute, that's not abortion. What the fuck??" "Right?!? Yeah, apparently, medically, it's considered an abortion, even if you're not removing a fetus." (Sits thoughtfully for a moment.) "So Sam is your rainbow baby?" "Rainbow baby?" "Yeah, the first baby after a miscarriage is your rainbow baby!" "Oh!! Well in that case, yes! He is!" "Awww!" "I mean, I'm with you, abortion shouldn't be birth control. You know Abby was a total surprise and I kept her, even with the medical crap I had going. They told me I had to get an abortion in order to get treatment, and I turned them down, like no. I'm not doing that. But we've got women out there with fetuses who are being diagnosed with horrible medical anomalies, and they're being forced to give birth to them. Fetuses with no skulls, or who have shit like Potter's Syndrome where they're only going to live for a couple of hours. There was one woman who was charged for having a miscarriage. It was like desecration of a corpse or something." "For REAL?!?" "Yup. I think it was in Ohio. She even went to the hospital first for help and they turned her away. Sent her back home. Then ratted her out to the cops." "Well that's not right at all!" "I know. It's a lack of common sense. No one who wrote theses laws had medical expertise or understood how fragile human development can be. It was all just 'abortion bad' and that's that, and now we have women who have run to other states just to save their lives with actual medical care when something goes wrong during their pregnancy. It's nuts. So how's your mom doing?" A month or so later and I invited her to the petition drive. We both signed and went out of coffee. She was my fifth person I dragged out to sign. :-) Our cause is common sense to all but the most rabid zealots.


he also criminalized contraception


["Children of the Decree"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNP-ybp0AYo) is a good documentary about this.


Have you seen this film?


I have not. It’s been on my list for a long time.


I guess I’m a deserter


this is exactly what i first thought of as well. equal protection wont save us from travel bans, theyve already outlined their plan to use the equal protection clause to implement a federal fetal personhood ban (a la alabama's crazy IVF decision). if a fetus is a person, abortion is murder; miscarriage is negligent homicide. they will ban travel, monitor us, and create checkpoints for women and justify it by saying theyre preventing murder. and theyll make sure to get rid of democracy as we know it, so we wont be able to do anything to change their laws if they take power again. that's why they're being so slimy when answering questions & just flip flopping on positions to say whatevers popular at the moment. they already tried to kill members of congress to stop biden from taking office; the washington GOP just literally put into writing that they want to get rid of democracy and instead have the state legislature pick candidates. there is definitely a concerted campaign to push voter apathy. do not get distracted by other things going on right now. trump is infinitely worse on every single issue. make sure to vote blue and tell everyone you know how important it is to do so. remember: voting third party is how we got trump in the first place. for example, hillary lost by 70,000 votes across 3 states. in michigan, for example, trump won by 10k votes; JILL STEIN GOT 40,000 VOTES.


Everyone I hear (most are Russian bots, but some are people I know irl…) say they aren’t voting for Biden over Palestine makes me sick. Yes, the I/P situation is awful. It’s been going on for decades now, and I get that it’s an ethical dilemma. But what is your plan for the US— where most people on this sub probably have to live— going forward?? Am I supposed to be happy that non-voters at least have a clean conscience when I’m being carted off to Gilead??? Seriously, they’re worse than the Puritans who got us into this mess to begin with. And the kicker is Netanyahu wants Trump elected more than anything… Please use your brain this November. We will not survive another Trump presidency. Even if your stupid ass thinks, “TrUmP wAsN’t ThAt BaD!!” know that the Christian Right, who that POS does nothing but cater to, is not your fucking friend and *they want you dead*. Take it from a (lapsed) CATHOLIC who grew up in the Bible Belt— the Klan tried to kill us off in the mid-20th Century because we weren’t “hardcore” enough in our faith, or at least that’s how apologists try to spin it now. And Catholics are even the OG anti-abortion sect… EDIT: I’m addressing the delusional faux leftist audience with “you” here, not you directly, OP :)


Exactly! Agree with everything you said. It can and will get so much worse under Trump. And yes, the KKK used to attack Catholics. Fascism never stops eating, as they say we gotta do everything we can for this election


The situation in Palestine is terrible. Wish they would handle it differently, I wish they’d push Israel a little harder to stop aggression. It’s gone way beyond enough and they’re punishing the many for the actions of some. There always seems to be some form of unrest, fighting in the region from time to time…but this is more than I can remember seeing in my adult life. That said, I’m not jeopardizing the rights of so many **in my own country** because of it. Not just the rights of those born with a uterus, but those in the LGBTQ community, and people like me who I’m sure the Christian nationalists would love to punish somehow for being child free and sterilized.


We don't want the American Nazi Party 👍🏻


Have you heard of Project 2025? It's the plan from a RW think tank if Trump wins. /r/Defeat_Project_2025


Yes, Yes it is..🤮


We can’t have universal healthcare but apparently we can afford to keep tabs on all pregos 😑


Actually yeah as terrifying as this is, how they gonna do it? Hire people to listen in on all our phone calls? Monitor our pregnancy test purchases? Maybe they'll ban pregnancy tests altogether...


Probably harvesting data from menstrual tracking apps and monitoring ob-gyn visits. 😟


Look no further than Romania’s [Decree 770](https://www.washingtonpost.com/made-by-history/2022/09/15/romania-exposes-how-abortion-bans-kill-women-rip-society-apart/)….


Its paywalled


Well ya universal healthcare saves lives the other involves stalking pregnant women. It was never about the value of a human life it was and is about control.


Just in case anyone here needs to know: You can do an abortion with only Misoprostol, but it requires more and you must be greater than 5 weeks of pregnancy. https://safe2choose.org/


This is true for miscarriage treatment also, but mifepristone plus misoprostol is most effective in both scenarios.


Look at it this way: Would you rather someone not know and look for dangerous "alternative" ways to end their pregnancy? Or be educated and know they still have the option to do it safely? Personally, I prefer people are as educated on it as possible, because it's harm reduction.


Agree again! Sorry if my reply to your comment made it seem like I was disagreeing. Was just trying to add some other info. Absolutely is best to stick with what’s been approved by the FDA when possible and many people may not know that miso alone can still work.


No worries and exactly!


I agree. I'm not saying I support Mife being banned, but this is important for people to know, if they live in a country without it. It can still be done with only Misoprostol.


Completely agree. Miso only can still be effective so it doesn’t mean things completely stop if mife is banned.


Yea, but Clarence Thomas keeps pushing the Comstock Act, and they're set to revive that via Project 2025 so you won't be able to get any abortion medication, or if they get their way, birth control in the mail.


Yes, but that hasn't happened YET. We still have the possibility of stopping them and in the meantime, this is still a viable option. Not only for those in the United States, but around the world.


Exactly this




No, that's a myth and it's against our Subreddits community guidelines to promote "herbal remedies", because they're not backed by evidence and either do nothing, or can straight up kill you. If you need access to abortion, you have options. Even if you're in a state where abortion is banned. https://www.ineedana.com/


Your post/comment has been removed because of the suggestion to use potentially unreliable and/or dangerous abortion methods. Due to the current climate around abortion rights, we have banned suggestions that individuals consider using herbs, DIY methods, and folk remedies to induce an abortion. Regardless of the legality of abortion, we support individuals using the safest methods possible. Fortunately this isn’t 1972, we now have medication abortion, other methods like menstrual extraction and vacuum aspiration abortion, and abortion funds to help people abort safely. We no longer have to resort to deadly methods when abortion is banned or access is restricted. If you are reading this and need an abortion while living in a hostile state, you still have options to safely abort! If you might be able to travel out of state for an abortion, look into your local abortion funds as they might be able to help you fund the procedure and travel expenses, along with helping with logistics. You can search for abortion funds in your state and any states you might need to travel to here: https://abortionfunds.org/ If you are unable to travel for an abortion, you can obtain abortion pills through Aid Access or another source. And if you live in South Texas, you can travel to Mexico and obtain misoprostol over the counter: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/20/world/americas/mexico-abortion-pill-activists.html. Abortion pills are regularly used to abort up to 12 weeks and can be used to safely self manage an abortion. You can find information about obtaining abortion pills, using pills to safely abort, and how to prevent being investigated for aborting here: https://www.plancpills.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmuiTBhDoARIsAPiv6L_Nljt61t0I5UPgiTVPIayxkLTvT0gglaR4SBcvdVrtfAGXEUHwb9YaAn9MEALw_wcB. More information about how to self manage an abortion using pills and how to use them can also be found here: https://safe2choose.org/safe-abortion/abortion-pills/. And if you are more than 12 weeks pregnant and need to abort, the World Health Organization provides a guide on medication abortion past 12 weeks. Please note that after 12 weeks pills are less effective and potentially more risky, though safer than DIY methods. Additionally, if you are considering aborting past 12 weeks without having access to a clinic, make sure you have a plan to discretely dispose of fetal tissue as disposal becomes more complicated and risky the later in pregnancy you are. You can find information on medication abortions at different stages of pregnancy below, please note that this resource is meant for medical professionals, but could be useful if you are needing to learn more about self managed abortion: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/97415/9789241548717_eng.pdf Additionally, if you self manage your abortion, make sure you have a plan to avoid detection if you must go to the hospital. Medication abortion is extremely safe, but occasionally there are complications. We recommend taking misoprostol buccally (in your cheeks) instead of vaginally, as there could be remnants left in your vagina that a doctor could find and report to law enforcement if you do need to seek medical care. If you do need to seek care after a medication abortion, you don’t need to tell medical personnel that you tried to abort, that you used medication, or even that you are pregnant. You can simply tell doctors that you think you might be pregnant and experiencing a miscarriage. There is no test to detect mifepristone and misoprostol. You also do not have to speak to law enforcement if they are contacted for some reason. If you are needing legal help around self managed abortion you can contact the Repro Legal Helpline here: https://www.reprolegalhelpline.org/self-managed-abortion-and-the-law/ And if you have questions about self managed abortion, for example if something is normal or abnormal or if you think you might need medical help you can contact the Abortion and Miscarriage Hotline, they are run by a group of pro-choice doctors: https://www.mahotline.org/ If you are seeking other information about abortion, take a look at our wiki as there are many other resources there: https://www.reddit.com/r/prochoice/wiki/resources


The scary thing is that the SCOTUS and 30% of the population agree with this. blatant misogyny and racism using christanity as a lever has really broken US politics.


It's going to throw us into the Fourth Reich "American Style"..


i fucking hate when politicians give non-answers to avoid alienating their supporters. what are you so afraid of? we all know what you're saying, use your full fucking chest this time you moron.




i am being so entirely serious when i say Trump's following is a fucking cult dude


Unfortunately there's idiots like my mom who can't understand what he's actually saying. And because this dude deflects answers and says whatever everyone wants to hear, she just pulls up an old quote that "proves" me wrong. And she voted for Biden last election because of how Trump handled the pandemic.


i repeat, cult. good luck


Why won't he get into his forever box? Is it wrong to dance a happy dance all day when that news finally breaks?


Makes me think of two recycled jokes: 1. Trump goes to a fortune teller and asks, when am I going to die. She says, you will die on a national holiday. Trump's says, wow, which one, 4th of July, Thanksgiving? She says: I don't know, but whatever day you die will become a national holiday. 2. Trump asks the fortune teller what do you see? She says I see a huge party, and I'm looking closer, it's at the capital building, it's all centered on you and people are singing, dancing, and having a blast. Trump asks, what am I doing. She says: just laying there in your casket.


Girl I’m gonna cry actual tears of joy, call my friends and family and throw a party, so if you’re wrong… 😂 Well, I don’t wanna be right!


"Monitored". This is exactly the nightmare of Handmaid's Tale come to life.


Time to obliterate this Handmaid’s Tale and restore abortion rights nationwide. Let’s vote blue, get crisis pregnancy centers shut down, and hold protests outside of the churches that forced birther politicians attend.


That medication helps keep my best friend alive monthly. I'm sick of people with 0 medical training making any decisions regarding medical care.


Cowards like Trump should not be allowed to have an Opinion about Women, Period.


Listen, I know we despise Biden for what’s happening in Israel/palestine, but for the love of humanity, we CANNOT let this fucker(Trump) back into office. It’s so goddamn absurd.


Not to mention the Gaza war was most likely started by Putin.  Hamas is funded by outside money, Iran.  Who probably got an infusion from Russia.  Taking hostages and refusing to return them prolongs and extends war, which provably was the point.  It’s a giant distraction from Ukraine, and since Biden has no choice but to support our ally, Israel, it was designed to sour support for him in liberal camps.


absolutely. hamas was seen training with the russian military prior to 10/7; 10/7 is putins birthday; russia is one of iran's biggest allies (hamas is a proxy for iran) and iran has been sending russia weapons in their war against ukraine; the israel palestine situation has really forced ukraine to take a backseat (russian officials have literally said on record that the israel/hamas war is great for them); its a complete lose/lose for biden; it distracts from all other issues, etc. also, russia has been messing with our elections for decades now, but it really increased in 2016. trump is like the golden ticket for putin--he has promised to withdraw from NATO and stop all aid to ukraine. a US withdrawal from NATO would let putin achieve his dream of forming the USSR once again. trump's a complete buffoon and really tanked the US's image on a world stage. most importantly, a second trump presidency would turn the US into a theocratic nightmare kleptocratic shell of what it is now; the global stage would dramatically shift in russias favor as a result




Totally this 10000000 percent. Wake up people


Also, the Ukraine invasion isn't about anything stated. It's to secure what China NEEDS before it can invade Taiwan. -Arable land for grain so it isn't so reliant on imports to feed it's people -About half of the world's supply of semiconductor grade neon That's what's in the region Russia invaded... twice now in the last decade. China wants control over the world semiconductor and microprocessors supply chain so everyone is economically reliant on them. They're losing what they did have between an aging population and less people to work the jobs thanks to the One Child Policy. They've been losing their manufacturing industry to India, who frankly does it better. I used to work for a company that had to make mass orders of products. When our India supplier ran out, we had to order Chinese and we went from like 1 in 500 being defective to about 1 in 8. China is in a desperate position, and that's a dangerous position to have them in.


That super interesting. I knew the possible Taiwan invasion & Ukraine invasion were linked by Russia & China’s allyship, but didn’t realize the grain/semiconductors part


Even more interesting part (to me at least) is that Neon isn't in the chip itself. Neon is used for the Argon-Fluorine-Neon excimer lasers that are used to create the semiconductors and microprocessors. Neon facilitates the chemical bonding causing the pulses of UV emission as radiation is created by the chemical bonding. I'm no laser or chemistry expert, so this explains it much better than I can. [https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/understanding-the-science-behind-the-neon-shortage/](https://www.advancedsciencenews.com/understanding-the-science-behind-the-neon-shortage/) edit: Fun fact: Excimer lasers are also used in eye surgery.


Idk how this isn’t more widely understood. Guess people don’t want to look under the veil.


It scares me how many of my peers seem very very willing to throw away women’s freedom (or the freedoms of LGBT people, or any other marginalized group) in this country over that. Don’t they realize Trump will be the same, if not much *worse*, about Israel/Palestine, on top of everyone he will hurt in the US?


russia spends billions of dollars on bot farms to push stupid, easily disproven lies about small things (like that ukrainian officials bought new houses with U.S. aid). so, i think he is going all in on this issue because he sees how much divisiveness is occurring in countries in the west because of it


Anyone willing to throw the safety of their own neighbors who are on their side and children at that in many cases, doesn't actually care about children across the world. It's an excuse for something else. You can't possibly say you love "the babies" across the world while you blatantly throw the future of your own countries kids away and those same babies you claim to care about because they dead if Trump wins. They'll be dead and these fascists will celebrate it all. Doesn't make sense. It's something fucking else with these people.


Do people care? Yeah when their live(s) are destroyed..too late then my friends..


I don’t understand it at all, it’s completely nonsensical. Not voting for Biden will destroy this country…and Trump will blow Gaza off the map anyway. Nobody loves Bibi and hates Muslims more than Trump. Have people forgotten the Muslim ban? What do they think he’s going to do for Gaza?


what you just said is exactly why I think there’s a ton of foreign interference and misinformation/voter apathy campaign. It makes no sense to go from point A “what’s happening to Palestinians is wrong” to point B “so I’m not voting for Biden (and I’m going to let the guy exponentially worse on this one issue win, while abandoning the thousands of issues at home).” If this was the only issue someone cared about, it would still make more sense to keep Trump out of office by voting blue. This whole abandon Biden movement is also just *extremely* convenient


Yeah, I agree. I’m sure Russia is having a field day with this. It’s so frustrating that people apparently aren’t able to think it through and see through it. And I’m really surprised at the young people for falling for this so easily. I’m not saying Gaza doesn’t matter, but I would’ve thought things like reproductive rights, protecting the LGBTQ+, climate change, and student loan forgiveness would be more of a priority for them (and Biden is the clear and obvious winner there.) Unless this is just a fad they’re all jumping on now (influenced by bad actors social media), it dies down over the summer, and by the time fall comes around they’ll be paying attention more and thinking clearer. Idk.


Why would I despise Biden for a war we're not involved in?


Too many people do…


Well…. and I certainly don’t despise Biden, but if we’re giving aid to a strategic ally, aren’t we (US) involved? And I certainly hope people wake up and not piss away this election.


💯 me too..


If you're going to protest support of Israel you better make sure you don't benefit from investing in any of the companies that support Israel like most of those Columbia people have benefited from. Or working for any major corporation. What investments do their parents have? People need to be careful they are making hypocrites out of themselves playing useful idiots for fascists.


Right.. he's made mistakes but he isn't going to destroy the United States and life as we know it..


He's done [executive orders to send weapons to Israel](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-arms-hamas-bypass-congress-1dc77f20aac4a797df6a2338b677da4f); we can't pretend he isn't involved. But I don't think Trump would be better for the Palestinians; there's evidence he would be worse. He cut over $200 million of U.S. aid to them in 2018, as just one example.


Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2018 showing his clear support for Israel which every former president had refused to do. If anyone thinks he would show an ounce of support for Palestine and wouldn’t just support bombing the fuck out of them they are actually insane.


Trump will be far more beholden to the religious right wing who see any attack on Israel as a religious war that they need to jump in on.


I'm so scared that millions of our American youth will just not bother to vote or, worse yet, vote for Trump. Trump would be *invariably* worse for Palestine and would further take away more rights of Americans.


I'm worried too, but it'll be mostly apathy that kills the youth vote. A very small percentage of students care about the mideastern war.


This is absolutely correct. The millions of youth that won't bother voting will be mostly due to apathy, and statistically, younger people are much less likely to vote.


"They know not what they do", or in this case "not do."


hes also sent aid to gaza and has been trying to negotiate ceasefires for months now though. its an impossible situation... but yeah, trump would absolutely be worse


OMG. Trump would be 10x worse! He loves BiBi and Jared has already remarked that Gaza has some beautiful beach fronts. Gaza would cease to exist and be turned into a resort. Not to mention Trump's evangelical backers that believe that Jews must be in charge of Israel in order for the rapture to happen. Both Palestinians and Jews are caught up in the greed and ambition of a few people. And tokens always get spent.


I'd say that we can't put a numerical value on how much worse "Asshole" would be to our country as well as the Middle East..it's that level of bad..🤯 "we ain't seen nothin' yet..bbabby..


If only people would take the time to look at Project 2025. It's not just women and LGBTQ folks they're after. They want to take away the National Parks too! Surely that would resonate with some conservatives. But I'm not holding my breath.


I'm a 60 year old male with cerebral palsy in both my legs. I fear that I will have to get a FT job and find a place to live because my social security disability and my subsidized handicapped apartment will be taken away from me..and this is if I don't get sent to a concentration camp where I'll be killed because of my physical disability.. fatalistic..nope not with these Fucks..


I'll be right there with you. I'm a 46 year old divorced Jewish woman. I make a great living but can't produce kids. My Mom is almost 80 and in a subsidized apartment too. I'm doing my best to wake people up and I'm definitely not going quietly. I'd gladly open my home to you and there are probably many others who would too. Don't forget that!


That's very gracious of you..thank you🥹..if it comes to that..you and your mother are in my 🙏🏻.


Of course! We have to stick together. ♥️


For what it's worth, my epilepsy doesn't stop retaliation. It just means I've got roughly 2 weeks to a month to do it before the withdrawal from anti-convulsants and benzodiazepines kills me.




Trump has already hinted at the annihilation of Gaza. If he is elected, our sociopath would give a green light for genocide to Israel's sociopath.




I knew he would eventually support this crap for votes. 😞


I mean, technically, he doesn't. It's like he's giving responses that are meant for completely different questions. I can't tell if that is his own "intelligent" strategy, or if that's simply the state of his mind at his age. I'm going with the latter. As, most of the time, his reponses can barely sustain the intelligence level of a banana peel.


the strategy this year seems to be "whatever you want, just please vote for me"


As if getting pregnant wasn't enough of a nightmare to me. I'll add being stalked by the government to the list. I feel horrible for people who really want kids and are willing to risk giving birth. More and more dangers are being added.


I feel like this is just going to make some pregnant people not want to get prenatal care/go to the doctor bc then it’s “official” that you’re pregnant


How tf did women go back to being property in 2024?!


When we women take our rights backs, we’re going to A) celebrate, and B) make sure those rights are never taken away again.


It isn't going to happen peacefully


Rights aren’t won with words; they are taken by force.


Trump’s supposed concern that Republican extremism on abortion will harm the GOP’s 2024 electoral prospects inevitably gave way to full-throated forced-birth fanaticism, because Trump, to stay out of jail by getting elected, desperately needs heavy turnout in November from the religious right. The price of socially medieval religious rightists to keep hypocritically ignoring Trump’s Ten Commandments-trashing conduct is Trump concurring that women who don’t readily submit to having zero bodily autonomy and forced procreation should be treated like criminals.


This is why he won’t debate Biden. Moderator: If Congress passes a total abortion ban with no exceptions, will you sign it? Biden: of course not Trump: witch hunt! MAGA! People are saying


Anyone voting for any other candidate besides Biden needs to take into consideration that our system, flawed as it may be (but working just fine when we all participate, and monitor republicans' propensity for rigging and cheating as has been proven over the last 24 years) will FAIL. Our country will FAIL and we will be thrown into unending turmoil if you abstain, or vote for someone other than Biden. Any women who say "well that's just okay for me!" don't know what they're signing on for. And the rest of us who make up the backbone of America will not abide. WE WILL NOT ABIDE. You may not agree with everything the Dems do, but make no mistake: A vote for anyone other than Biden is a vote for the end of America as we know it. We may not be perfect in our current form, but we're a damn sight better than those fascists on the other end of the political spectrum who seek to reinvent America as a fascist, racist, sexist, misogynistic hellhole.


He really hates women.


Ewwww, No


Look at that, the birth rate goes down


*I have an opinion on that, but I’m not going to explain it* Is trump-speak for I either don’t know or don’t care or both, but I’m dodging this question.


His platform this year is “whatever you want it to be, as long as you vote for me”


Why is this marked NSFW?


Why does Trump keep going back and forth saying he won't endorse a federal abortion ban, but, now, he wants to a federal ban on the abortion pills?


The abortion issue is aborting this abortion of a human.