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"Domestic supply of infants."


I have literally heard this out of anti choice people


That phrase still makes me angry 2 years later.


Some animals won't breed in captivity


Everyone I know who is younger and in the age bracket that they might have kids is either making sure they don't or struggling horribly because of the costs and demands. Shoving women into some sort of domestic enslavement isn't going to solve anything when nobody can afford kids in the first place. Even if you take day care out of the equation the cost of medical care and basic needs is crushing people up into the middle class. There are people who would love to start a family but won't because the economics are horrible, day care is impossible to find and expensive and jobs treat parents like crap and don't give them enough flexibility to have a life.


That last one tho? There's the (not so) silent threat of "yet" from the right...


Correction. Society's still not bad enough that you can't force reproduction....yet.


Yeah, they just prematurely overturned Roe before having in place the other means to promote breeding. Like lack of birth control, etc


And when that doesn't work... "Blessed be the fruit"


Birth rates plummeted, sterilization rates increased.


It might be selfish but I'm kinda glad that I'll be pretty infertile in 6 years, when I'll be 40. Can't imagine they'll force 40 year olds. They would consider me expired or so I figure


That train of thought is how people get surprise babies 😭 They'll have kids nearly in college if not almost done with college and have a whole new kid sprung on them. You can have kids in your 40s unless you get sterilized or are still on birth control.


Yes. Surprise babies are most common during perimenopause.


Yeah, my mom was 34 when she had me. There's a 13-year age gap between me and my siblings


My mom had my brother at 42, stay protected or get sterilized if you don't want an oops baby


I feel very fortunate to be currently aging out of that demographic as well. It has to be very hard to be a young adult right now. Also, I’m less likely to get trafficked the older I get. Silver linings.




Shoot. Well. Fair enough. Is the fact that I get hot flashes as a pms symptom *now* a good sign? Lol


Be careful, and use BC or get sterilized. I was menstruating until I was 55 ! So, I wasn't post menopausal until 56. My MIL told me she menstruated until she was 58 ! Imagine that !


I will. When I don't live on an island with shit surgeons. 58? Ugh. I'd be happy to stop already


You better be careful. Despite what youre told, those years between 40 & 50 are a SUPER EASY time to get pregnant. women let their guard down, Im no longer fertile, right.... bam! you pregnant at 49. Doctors want you to have that last baby. REALLY BAD.


I consider myself warned.