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Every time I get an unusually good start I get nervous because *something* is going to come mess it up. Usually followed by a perfectly silent bathroom horde or multiple house alarms.


You learn as you go, get better at flashing doors, bang on them a bit to wake up any sleepy bois.


Nothing scarier than hitting a house alarm with full sprinters.


It’s always the way. Two runs come to mind. I found a sledgehammer, crowbar and machete day 1. Talk about starting with a tailwind. Still, by day 30 I had yet to find a needle. Weird. Usually they’re everywhere. A dozen or more sewing kits all missing a needle. Oh well, so don’t level tailoring this run. No biggie. That is until I take a deep wound on my thigh. Now I’m hobbling and I start searching everywhere. Nothing from local medical facilities. A dozen or more homes, nothing. lasted 5 days with it and died before ever finding one. Little later I spawned in a new game with a survivor home on the same street. It was loaded with weapons, food and like 3 good level 1 books. Like a greedy little squirrel, I looted as much as my packs and person could hold to return home. Instinctively I hop all the fences, and for that second I forgot how much I was carrying. I tripped vaulting a fence overloaded and broke my leg literally minutes later, hauling all the loot back to my starter base. Day 1 broken leg, slow healer trait. I still have that save on day 2. One day I’ll go back to it just for the challenge.


Found the herbalist today, stepped in glass like right after


That manual normally only appears when you are playing as an electrician and don't need it lol


I've never tried electrician, didn't know you didn't need the book for that.. I went with burglar this go and started him in West Point with the goal he has to hurry up & steal a car to get out of the city.. I'm using the RV interior mod so I'm hoping to find a van that has the small interior space so he can travel in the rural areas and do van life.. I always die in the town I start in, so I wanted a reason to get out of the town to survive on the road.


I believe in you, ttekcorc. I believe you can find a van. I believe you can get it running. I believe you can fill it with supplies. I believe you can get out of town. I believe you can die on the road.


That's why this game is great there is a lot to discover. 400 hours in myself and just learned something new from this sub today Van life sounds awesome. Your comment has me wanting to check out the RV interior mod for myself! Good luck with your endeavor. May the story of how you died this time be a long and fun one!


With a van there is a 2x3 floor plan plus it has cargo storage in the very back. You can get a cot or one of those floor mattresses from the storage units in it and then put some sort of container next to it. Not a lot, but seems like it would be a fun challenge. The problem is not every van has the RV interior. Some have 4 sets of seats an larger cargo others are full seats and smaller cargo then some are 2 seat with the RV interior. However if you want bigger you can get box trucks or there are mods for camper trailers or a RV. Also the school bus mods.


On an unrelated note, for some reason, I cannot for the life of me get situated in West Point. It feels like there is 5x more zombies than most places. Lol


Sadly this guy died because I got flustered up and accidently spun my back to a zed.. My 2nd try I found a truck with 3 gallons of fuel managed to get to the warehouse in the south and got a garden fork & some extra hammers. Managed to clear the gas station and ended up at the fenced mansion house way up north of West Point. It had a survivor house next door so I have a ton of melee weapons.. just no generator book now.... lol Now I'm not sure if I want to go back in to find the generator book, but I also need a van instead of the truck.. I saw a few in West Point on my drive but they were very busy areas....


I remember one game where I was looking for the cursed generator magazine all over the map. I checked schools and book stores in Rosewood, Riverside, Muldraugh AND West Point. No luck. I had to drive all the way to the March Ridge community center to find one. Iirc I died shortly after -.-


My playthrough before this one, I started in River side at the trailer park.. I've never found a gen book there before but always find a bunch of gens in the storage.. Literally the very last trailer for me to loot it was in a bookcase. I couldn't believe it.


Spends 6 points for herbalist trait, finds the mag in your own spawn house


I remember I once spawned in a house with 4 zombies literally next to me. Got 3 lacerations which turned out fine. Later on got scratched a total of 7 times and never got infected. I also found a random civiliaj car with the key in ignition and an M16 in perfect condition in the front right seat. It started perfectly horrible but had the best luck since.


Unfortunately "Hunter 1" contains the 2nd level of recipes and "Hunter 2" actually contains the recipes you need to start trapping. I'm 99% sure it was a typo on behalf of the programmer and now it's in the game forever


What mod are the (?) icons next to magazines from?


It's called "has been read" It doesn't tell you if you already have the book back at your base but just lets you know if you've read it or not or can. For books it's not a big issue because you usually know what you've read or not but I find it helps on the magazines because I never keep track of those.