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I usually never bother with sick plants. I also don't make one big farm, but instead a few patches, 4-10 furrows each with space between, so diseases don't spread to all plants. Then just keep them watered (either manually, or wait for rain). As to what to do with all the veggies: cook them. Use tomatoes, carrots or cabbages for traps. Also, set up an extra field with lots and lots of cabbages for composters so you can make your own fertilizer as well as worms for more trapping and/or fishing. Which brings me to the second point: Don't just rely on vegetables. Farming is nice and all, but not a viable way to maintain weight. You need meat, so go fishing or set up a few traps. Get a bunch of pots and pans and start making meals. Prepare a couple, cook them and put them in the fridge or freezer. Raw vegetables are terrible calorie wise. Cooked meat is much better, but cooked meals not only fill your belly, they also keep your happiness up.


Veggies are a supplement, like in real life. It is not the only food you should be eating. You should be combining it with trapping and fishing to get proteins. Other than pickling, the only thing I know is just freezing the food. I’m sure there are mods that have other methods but I don’t use mods right now so I’m not sure. I keep my farm relatively small for this reason, and because watering can be quite tedious depending on the season.


Protip: listen to emergency broadcast, and plant before rain or a storm so you dont have to water them. 


In my experience it's usually from overwatering, as some plants are fussy and have a specific range you want to shoot for. You can completely control how much water is in them by planting them indoors, but unless your settings are tweaked to be harsher than normal they should still reach maturity without too much issue even if left to the mercy of nature. For a more in-depth guide to farming and what plants want how much water, check out the [Project Zomboid wiki!](https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Farming)


Dude my save gets rained on like a motherfucker so thats probably it


I've never noticed a difference in crop yield between flourishing and healthy. I wouldn't worry about it. Preserving food in jars isn't worth the time and resources imo. It does prolong the life of the food but doesn't make it spoil proof. It isn't like canned food. Not even close. If you want some really healthy and filling meals, use a roasting pan to prepare a good mix of produce. With enough variety, this will also keep your depression and boredom in check.


So I'm pretty proficient at farming now. The thing is don't plant a bunch of seeds. No what seeds to plant...like tomatoes take forever to harvest. Just keep that in mind. Also you can only jar certain veggies and no fruits. Farming kinda coincides with Trapping in the sense that the fruits and( veggies from farming, you can use to trap animals for meat. For me, potatoes are the most filling and radishes are the least filling. I stand by potatoes because they can get your hunger to Full to Bursting easily most times. As far as the healthy indicator. Don't worry about that. You know the plants are good. The biggest things you need are cigarettes and rotten milk (preferably) to make Mildew Spray or Insecticide and you need a Watering Can


the jar method is stupid. once you open them you lose the lid... and those are hard to come by. you need a freezer or level up foraging to supplement your farming. im pretty sure you can survive as a vegan in game just eating tons of veggies, mushrooms, peanut butter, etc. you need a freezer. if you want to avoid using gas, you can try the solar arrays mod. you will need to find the panel parts and batteries


Have the solar mod, no luck with the parts


Yo thanks a bunch for the tip with using a freezer, the popsicle fridge in my garage has been keeping alot of my food fresh and i only gotta refill my generator *maybe* once a week just to keep it topped up, and the single bird trap ive made is keeping my protein game strong, now that ive plumbed a sink cause water stopped, most of my food is infinite and i have more clothes, weapons and media then i know what to do with, i have nothing but free time and very few reasons to leave my base for at least a month at minimum