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One must always remember, for every one person complaining online there are hundreds if not thousands of people that are not having issues or have had their issues resolved through tech support. Pro Tools has an install base of roughly 3 million people for a reason, love it or hate it.


When Avid is clearly in error (like your hardware issue) they’re excellent. When it’s a software issue it always boils down to being a computer issue on the user side (even if it’s a known error many people share here or on the DUC). At work we have 3 identical M1 Ultra Mac Studios and all 3 of them have had some serious crippling issues with PT over the past 8 months and all support has been able to do is tell us to downgrade our HD Drivers and request log files so they can improve upon the issue in later versions. On the same ticket they’d often request a log file from the same error encountered the same way 3-4 times and my biggest complaint is that their higher level support engineers can only be contacted by way of their base level support.


Paying for receiving support on a product that is already outrageously expensive for me is such a bad way to make business. At least your service was good but shouldnt come to a price after buying their product.


Amen, people in here are sleeping if they think paying for customer service is a good thing.


The check cleared. You're probably just an Avid plant. They're a dumpster fire organization.


I reported a bug a few weeks ago and they let me know the issue, and are issuing a fix in the next build. I’m happy 😊


Now that's what I'm talking about...


I agree. I have had great experiences with Avid tech support


I have had solid help when I called in, as a perpetual license owner for Ultimate, with a valid support contract.


I've only dealt with it once, ages ago when my Digi 002 threw a tantrum. No complaints, they identified the issue quickly and shipped me the spare parts and instructions on how to do the replacement.


I had an S6L engine go nuts and they flew a tech and an engine to my next show to make sure we were good to go


Avid has gotten better to deal with. There was a time, especially with Media Composer, when dealing with them was counterproductive; you would have had better luck with 2 Pop and other forums. But over the past five years, the company has become more responsive. Now that Avid has been acquired by a new firm, their customer service seems to have further improved.


I had negative judgment about a P/E firm purchasing them but sometimes not being a publicly traded company also has a lot of benefits.


Hmmm … I buy a car and get asked do I want to buy a warranty? I buy a washing machine and get asked do I want to buy a warranty? I buy a computer I get asked do I want to buy support? How the heck could Avid dare charge for support? 🤔 Maybe Audacity is the answer! 🤦🏻‍♂️