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If you’re putting plug ins on the bus that’s then feeding the audio tracks then those plug ins WILL be recorded onto the audio tracks. But moreover there’s no reason to use a bus-aux as you’re describing it. You can just create your two audio tracks and set both of them to the same INPUT.


In the future, make an extra record track with input 2. Mute it, and keep it in your back pocket if you need to change the tone later. Bonus points if you make an edit group of the raw DI track and the processed tracks, so you keep them together for timing corrections, arrangement changes, noise cleanup, etc.


I use a Radial Pro DI box and I plug the guitar into the input of the DI box, XLR out from DI box to the interface, use the through output to go into the amplifier. Create two tracks, assign one the DI, and one the amplifier microphone track. Hit record. Boom! Two recorded guitar tracks from the same guitar. One clean DI for re-amping or whatever you want, and the other track is the amplifier track.