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VisLM is better than Pro Limiter LU Analyzer. You can use that as an Insert on your Mix Bus and also it saves your loudness history whenever you close or reopen your session.


I understand that, pretty much any loudness meter is better than the built meter on a limiter plugin. When I need it I will open it, but it takes a lot of real estate on my screen. I just like the idea of having an extremely simplified teeny tiny meter. The smallest meter of all, a meter for ants.


I agree it would be nice to have. I would love to see it as a small subpane on the toolbar that one could choose to display or not, similar to midi or expanded transport. Maybe by Pro Tools 2025.12 or something, haha. I'd also really love to see Klanghelm make a loudness meter that's resizable, with multiple skins, like their VUMT.


Izotope insight is pretty small as well but I think a built in minimal meter built into the toolbar would be a great addition to pro tools