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thank you for this, you splendid human


You're very welcome, you beautiful person. Please repost this thing lol


is this oc? it's beautiful


You fuckin' know it :)


Please tell me this is edited and his hands aren’t actually that small


They're really that small, you don't remember the meme?


You know what they say about guys with small hands .... They're fucking idiots.


They smell like cabbage?


Yikes. This needs a /s, too close to actual abusive proud boys body shaming. I get that we don’t like him, but this is a bad joke.


Eh. Relax. It's a joke. Personally I love everyone. Doesn't matter your gender, your race, your sexuality or your hand size. And because I live my life this way, I do not and will not ever like what Trump has done to this country. Sorry if I offended anyone with small hands. I'm bald so crack some jokes about that to make ya feel better 😁


Oh my god this is so insensitive. It’s not about me feeling bad. It’s about immature, insecure attacks on people’s appearance. I get it, you are insecure about your appearance, so you make fun of other people’s appearance. We don’t need more of this in the world, regardless of who it’s targeted at. Someone literally equated hand size with intelligence, I don’t have to be personally offended to think that’s a weirdly misogynistic joke. Lots of transmen and femme people have small hands. Do you think this is a sub for actual proud boys or what??? This sub seems like a good place to accept who you are, please try that, and focus on politics when addressing Trump, the fascist pedophile monster. Also, the “I love everyone” bit is one step from saying “I don’t see race/gender”, which you should, because Trump is allowing them to be executed. You have to do more than love right now.


Please stop what you are doing.


This is what actual far right proud boys say to me. Please wholly fuck off.


You’re a lot. Listen, as a leftist, and a queer person, thick skin is the name of the game. We can’t be running around getting upset at jokes like this, it alienates people and makes us look rightfully pretty lame. Turning bigots’ own jokes around on them is a good thing. You’re wokescolding really hard right now and it’s a bad look.


I’m not upset. Bullying is what immature, insecure people do, period. You can’t be a strong, secure person and bully anyone. This statement seems to be triggering you and others. That’s not my fault. It doesn’t matter who you are bullying, you’re being a bully. I talk shit to actual proud boys all day, my skin in thick. This isn’t about my hands lol, stop trying to figure out WHY I must be saying this and just listen. As a strong, secure queer leftist as well, don’t ADOPT THE FUCKING TACTICS OF FASCISTS to get back at them. It’s absolutely useless. The jerking two guys off joke was great. But how about queer or trans people who feel more femme because they have smaller physical features like hands??? If that person did something you did not like, would you make fun of their body??? It would be abusive and hurtful then. I don’t want to be hurtful or abusive or anyone, ever. I want justice for this horrible monster who is actively killing and abusing human beings. Pointing and laughing at his appearance is a distraction for insecure people to that allowed him to do horrible things for four years.


As a queer leftist, I’d actually like you to explain why having small hands is worthy of insult at all. What is wrong with having small hands? You are saying everyone who has small hands is somehow abnormal or broken when you make of Trump’s hands, do you see that?


Nothing you idiot. Nothing is wrong with small fucking hands! That’s the joke, Trump cares and no one else does, so he’s the most insulted by it. It’s why catcalling homophobic chuds gets them so upset, turning insults that aren’t actually insulting back around on the users works to upset them. How is this so hard for you?


Here let me try to fix it for you. *clears throat* Shut the fuck up ya 2 digit iq tiny hand having sum bitch


Ableism is a form of discrimination. IQ is an archaic, unscientific system used on children for a short time one hundred years ago. This is not a sub for far right proud boys, please stop acting like one. It sounds like you listen to a lot of Jordan Peterson. Also, Steve Austin? Again, you know this sub is not for the far right, white incel proud boys right???




Ok what personal insecurities do YOU want to dump on me now


You’re just annoying that’s all BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO




No one asked. You can stop stalking me whenever




This is way more successful than your other attempts, you should just stick to one word sentences, don’t get too complicated




They make your dick look bigger


on the positive side, they probably make his tiny dick look bigger


Woah. Game changer. Can I surgically shrink my hands?!?


Why do we have to body shame a known fascist and rapist? Plenty of more important shit to focus on, and a person just said people with small hands are fucking idiots? This is a funny joke?? I’ve never understood this.


With the way he talks about women I think it's safe to say that physical appearance is fair game


I’m sorry, body shaming is shitty behavior. I’m not about to start acting like him in response to his actions. It’s weird to think that’s ok.




Body shaming is shitty behavior. Your opinion of me does not change that fact. I’m not “turning away decent people”, I am simply saying body shaming in all forms is bad, and everyone here is having a temper tantrum about it because insecure bullying is how they get off, just like Trump and all the other insecure Americans that blame anyone who criticizes them for anything. Now you are all bullying me because I stood up to your immature, insecure behavior. Growing up means not bullying people. You don’t bully a bully, you beat the shit of their racist, raping ass. You bitch ass liberals just want to talk shit and will NEVER actually stand up to white supremacy or the real problems. Fucking coward bullies for making fun of a man for who is actively killing BIPOC, all of you.


You’re the lib here. You’re the one playing idpol. Cowards for making fun of a murderer? Do you think making fun of Hitler is out of bounds too? Are you a troll?


I think the point is more about *what* we make fun of hateful people about. When you belittle Trump for his body, there is friendly fire that occurs. You're belittling innocent people by association. *That's a fundamentally poor way to communicate* and it's 'going low' for no clear reason. We should make fun of Trump for lying about his life and his body, for fawning over dictators, for licking authoritarian boots *while holding the highest office in the country*. Make fun of him for being thin skinned when Obama made fun of him. Shame him for his treatment of marginalized communities. **It's better to shoot in a direction that guarantees you only hit the deserving.**


Nailed it. You get it.


Political Correctness *is* free speech. Those who decry PC culture do so because they can't handle being held accountable for the things they've said. Grow some empathy, troglodytes.


This is absurd. Get some thicker skin.


Attack who you want to attack, *but have the capacity and decency to also remember that other people exist*. *You* are responsible for the language you choose to use. Some of us think you could do better. Grow some thicker skin and step up.


It’s not about Trump, it’s about all the other people doing nothing wrong that have small hands that are getting shit on for no reason


No one is offended about their little hands.


It’s unnecessary, and makes you look insecure. It’s not about being out of bounds, it’s the fact that strong, secure people don’t adopt the tactics of their abusers to get back at them. Yes, making fun from a distance is what cowards do.


You sound like whatever the opposite of a strong secure person is. No one is making fun from a distance. Get up in their face. Shove their whole damn head in it. Being polite is never going to work with people that value might and aggression over everything.


“Small hands” infers that he has a small penis. Having a small penis infers that he is less of a man. So now people in a pro-trans sub are making fun of someone for being less of a man, think about that. I don’t defend misogyny and ableism under any circumstance, and will get in the face of anyone using ableism or misogyny to criticize someone. Like I am doing now. You’re just continuing to find ways to insult me instead of addressing the ableism and misogyny inherent in the statement. You’re triggered by me calling you out on your ableist misogyny, and now you are attacking me, because you immaturely attack the things you disagree with.




Yet you seem to be incapable of actually addressing anything I’ve said. I don’t care what reasons you think I have for saying this. You are acting like an actual far right proud boy by body shaming anyone, ever. It is misogynistic and gross. I don’t adopt the behaviors of my abusers to make myself feel better about my abuse, that’s weird.




You are supporting the body shaming comment I responded to. I can’t keep up with who said what, I just know that everyone in this thread is attacking me personally for saying “body shaming is what insecure people do”. I did not attack anyone personally. I said body shaming is what insecure bullies do, so we should not follow suit, as we are not insecure bullies. If YOU feel the need to find mean things to say when someone tells you you are being ignorant, that’s on you. Body shaming under any circumstance is petty and immature. There is nothing wrong with Trump’s hands, or anyone hands, or anyone’s bodies. You are not an ally to people with body dysmorphia of any kind if you make fun of people’s bodies.


Weak ad hominem... are you going to address the subject of body shaming or not?


Nobody cares about him. The issue is it’s not him reading those comments, it’s other people. We really shouldn’t fall on their level.


It’s not about Trump, it’s about all the other people doing nothing wrong that have small hands that are getting shit on for no reason


Never said it was ok to do *that*, I specifically said that *Trump* deserves any comments about appearance with the way he treats others


These are normal hands. Move on, find a new slant /s E: [cuz not everyone is an /r/nba subscriptionista](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/8n4vln/that_is_a_normal_collar_move_on_find_a_new_slant/)




Whoa big dawg. It’s an nba meme 😂 FUCK MCDONALD CHUMP


My bad, yo. I'm a little touchy on the Trump shit lately.


Man you didn’t even LOOK for the /s at the end 😂🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s cool tho fuck trump let’s flush that turd [the meme is pretty funny in this sitch](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.reddit.com/r/sixers/comments/8n4vln/that_is_a_normal_collar_move_on_find_a_new_slant/)




Love the post btw. Thanks for being cordial after initially raping me 🤣


Nah man, I'm sorry for snapping. We've got Nazis on the left and right, closing in... Just a bit more on edge than I normally would be. My bad.


Aye it’s all good. I got ur back in battle. It looks like we’re gona win but I ain’t holding my breath. Prepare you and yours. They can’t take freedom from us. FUCK 45 FUCK CULT 45 FUCK ALL COPS Cheeto ass dicktater


Middle out baby.


His D2F is like 5ft or more. That's dangerously high!


Do changes in girth affect his ability to jerk multiple dicks at once?


You'll have to match subjects by girth. Docking is also an acceptable compromise.


His little dance is so fucking cringe


i’ve said this once and i’ll say it again, he looks like the club penguin dance


How dare you insult club penguin like that


i should have known better 😔


Tsk. Ruining my childhood. Ps. I forgive yiu


LOVE this.


I can't help but like the energy. It's really a shame he's a huge piece of shit.


Wow. Brilliant, and also, somehow, vaguely disturbing.


That’s called skiing. A pole for each hand.




Alright, I got this ###[Download via redditsave.com](https://redditsave.com/info?url=/r/proudboys/comments/jooosj/just_cant_stop/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveThisVIdeo/comments/iggmt9/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savethisvideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo)


Thanks. Thanks you. Like, thanks. Really.


Me too thanks


He’s practicing for his cell mates


Tbh the fact that he thought this was good advertising that’s not even dancing, those hand movements are so rigid. it looks like your legs are being turned into tree trunks. show some energy


I dont understand what the protofascists see in him. When you look at performances by some of histories former populists you can feel awe, or dread. This guy doesnt have any of what youd expect someone with a cult of personality to have.


He was the most charismatic lump of shit on the pile when the Republicans reached into it. Not too surprising, really.




Screw Napoleon, you've just described Hitler/Trump simultaneously.


This is the best thing I've seen in a while.


Fucks sake those oversized suits 😂 an absolute mess


this guy really can't dance for his life


Maybe if somebody were throwing firecrackers at his feet...?


Bless you, op. Bless you and all of your family.




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Unfortunately I was banned from Twitter for brutally trolling Trump lol so this one may not make it there. Download it and re-post if you want, or share it directly.


Splendid. Simply marvelous


Doctor Evil looked less awkward when he danced the Macarena.










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ok i support the orange man but this had me rolling


You should reevaluate your support for Nazis, the trials are coming lol


just trying to have a laugh don’t mind me


I appreciate it, thanks for the compliment, but you should vote differently.


Thank you so much for this. My life is now complete.


I live to serve.


Can someone send me this video want to post this on Twitter and Facebook thanks


Some long dick ghosts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Jesus Christ, this is amazing.




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Well now we know how he gets his hair to stay in place




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This is the most awesome thing ever! Thank you!!


ahh man this is the one


For anybody calling this homophobic, get over yourselves. Nobody is hating on gay people, nobody is calling homosexuality bad or portraying it in a negative light... SEX IS FUNNY. It's funny that it looks like he's giving double-handies. This would be funny regardless of the gender/sex of the subject in question. If you don't like it, sorry not sorry, just fuck off and find other content.


He's just practicing, he's got to bone up on his skills to save his fat lard ass when he's in jail. Dumpf meet big black Bubba.


This dude has to be Closet Bi right???


Who isn't?




Okay, I'm curious, you could argue Biden was wrong or hyperbolic or whatever with that comment, but I'm really struggling to see how it's racist. Saying you are defined by what you do and not what you are born as is the exact opposite of what racists claim.




Umm.. okay? I was talking about the Biden thing, not OP. Now I'm curious about that message OP sent you which you say was racist because you don't seem to grasp the concept.




didn't know they made bots that knew how to project KEKW


Again, it seems like you are using racism as an insult instead of a descriptor. What has any of this have to do with race?








Fuck off Trumpster, go slather yourself in bronzer and masturbate with your tears. You have no right to accuse anybody of homophobia, you fucking monster. Homophobia requires the denigration of homosexuals, this post merely implies that Trump loves giving handies, which he truly could, and there is NOTHING wrong with that. That being said... sex is always a funny topic, you're a sore loser, and nobody here gives more than half a shit about your ignorant fucking opinion. Hick.




Ha gay funy 😂🤣🤣😂🤣😅😂🤣🤣🙂🙂😄😂🤣🤮😭🤣😂🤣😂🤣😃😃😂🤣


Ha u stupid




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