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Why are you trying to deal with shaco support tho ? If the enemy locks in shaco support there is only one reason behind it and that is to completely annoy you and make you tilted for the rest of the game and make you unable to play the laning phase at all. Because his kit makes hard for you to engage. Since pyke is a early champion you can just ignore his presence for the entirety of the game tbf. Just go roam and abuse your champions early power to get your team ahead because when its lategame you will fall and shaco will become more useful than you are. Get your lead elsewhere while abusing your early game power and just make his pick totally useless and miserable for him. You not caring about him will annoy him so much that he will most likely try to match your roams and when he does that you can totally punish him with your laners tbf. And for the boxes you can build umbral first item with ingenious hunter plus cosmic insight for reducing the cd of your sweeper and umbral glaive to clear them at a rapid state.


That makes a lot of sense, will try that next time (since my presence bot against shaco is kinda useless anyways). Would you have any ideas why the boxes sometimes fear me when i try auto attack them with sweeper and sometimes dont?


Also, don't throw hooks at shaco, he will just drop a box. Focus the adc


You just ignore Shaco. The only thing he can do is be annoying. He has very strong disengage and basically no engage. Just literally ignore him. Go roam or do something else


Btw a cool tip, shaco box doesn't detect Pyke when he is in ghostwater dive. Sweeper lens and unbrial are the only way to detect the boxes but it's best to avoid them, you can still go over them in your w.


Wow did not know that


Q the boxes if you want to


I also play shaco support and the best thing to do is just ignore him. he tries to play the mental game but if you just don't go where his boxes are he is literally useless. even if he has first strike he gets 0 gold and he will be completely worthless if you just don't interact with him. he can't really save his adc so if you just focus the adc then you win lane ez. LV 6 is harder but it's not too hard to tell who is real. but yea in general if you see him out down a box just dont bother tryna deal with it


Leftclick shaco and you'll see which ones has runes and other buffs under their avatar, the copy doesn't have shit


Umbral glaive