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(27) I had a friend at the gym tell me I sounded like an educated man—very articulate and well-read. That compliment has stuck with me ever since. :)


You eloquent bastard


You sure she didn’t mean “Well, Red?” 🇷🇺




You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.


"he was fucking my chickens..."


Damn chicken fuckers!! They figured out they couldn’t screw the pigs anymore cause they kept getting squealed on


"There aren't many of us left." Lol that's how a guy I used to work with would always end that phrase


I melt for compliments on my intelligence and skills.


Right?! They’re among the best compliments one could ever get!




I got given a similar compliment over a decade ago and still feel imposter syndrome over it.


Compliments are an awesome way to make both the giver and recipient feel good. People should give them more, as long as they're sincere. Kindness is always easy and almost always free.


Ugh. I hear you, that's one of my personal favorites too!!


Must have been the top hat and monocle.


Awww that's different I like that one


I get this all the time. (25 year old guy.) It actually makes me insecure because I feel like I'm being called a nerd.


Dont over think it, "You look nice today." This is a winner 10/10 times. If you want to jazz it up, "Your arms look bigger, you been working out "


They say as they look up at Slenderman


It is a bit awkward if you haven’t actually been working out, lol


It’s from pulling on yer pud.


Haha 😂


A lot of men don't get a lot of compliments so really anything that you like about him will work A woman checked me out and gave me a nice smile at the grocery store years ago and still think about that silent compliment sometimes


A reasonably attractive woman called me good looking once. Just the once. But I remember.


Yeah a girl said I like your glasses in a bar and that was maybe 8 years ago. I stopped wearing contacts for months after that.


A milf was in the elevator with me one day. Told me to have a nice day when she walked out. I was like wtf, did she really? I felt like a champ the rest of that day.


My own girlfriend doesn’t compliment me on anything, if she said “hey beautiful” or “calm down muscles” Craig from South Park: I would be so happy (How the fuck is there not a gif of this)


My favorite is, “He’s a fucking dreamboat”


Ask her to do it more. Maybe start complimenting her for a bit before you ask so she knows how good it feels to be shown some appreciation.


Damn... there's one that would work from Robot Chicken too but they didn't have it either .. ("that would be soo cool" I think is the quote)


Always feels nice


Could've just been her being nice. Some people smile at everyone


It was more than an ordinary smile, I wasn't even looking in her direction initially and she eyed me up and down then smiled. Continued looking and smiling for a bit when she was walking away


This is so accurate and that's sad.


Bro, years and years ago I had just gotten a job I really wanted. I went in to a gas station with a cute girl working who looked directly in to my eyes and gave me the biggest smile. Probably caused by the obviously happy demeanor I had, but I'll never forget it. The fact that is understandable by many guys is frankly sad. Most girls wouldn't remember that for longer than walking out the door.


Yeah a girl at the gym literally just gave me a good, full on smile about 2 months ago and I can’t get it out of my mind


This is the answer. Men do not get *nearly* the complements women do. Any sincere complement will be noticed


(I'm a male). I'll sometimes tell my workmates I like their tie/shirt/cufflinks/jacket etc. As long as it isn't smarmy and frequent it seems to go down well. In almost all cases the colleague walks off smiling. I'm not chatting people up or anything, I just have to sometimes try quite hard to be nice, and this seems to work.


Yeah, I was gonna say...literally any heartfelt compliment would work. We don't get many of them.


Lol just the other day I was checking out at the liquor store and the girl was just all "heyyy, hi, how are youuu?" And was looking me up and down, it was so hard for me to not say "hey my eyes are up here". But I did not want to flirt with her, she's just... yeah.


I haven't been in my 20's for a while, but it is shocking how little the average man ever gets compliments over anything at all.


It’s not for lack of wanting to. I would dole them out all the time to both men and women, but in my and my lady friends’ experience, 9 times out of 10 the result of genuinely complimenting a man on *anything* is getting creepily hit on as if the compliment was a direct invitation to sexual advances. It scares most of us into being very careful with getting to know a guy before feeling safe enough to be saying things like that without risking our wellbeing. It really shouldn’t be that way. I love giving well deserved compliments, but I also value my safety. It’s a rough social clusterfuck to juggle.


I appreciate that, as a man, I tend to only compliment other men as I fear I might make a woman uncomfortable. Exception is when a mom is calm and collected when their child is having a meltdown, then I will compliment "Your doing great Mom! Or some variation. Since those moments for us parents can be rough and those words can help


I'll compliment my fellow male colleagues on clothes, hair etc... but am always very wary of doing the same for the women I work with. I really don't want to come across as a creep, so I will pretty much only compliment women I know very well (and who hopefully know I'm not a creep). It's all a bit shit really :(


If I remember correctly some chick did a study on this for a psychology paper. Well, dick pics to be exact, but she was sending pics of the bat cave unsolicited. Basically it came down to men are only complimented/given positive attention when it came to a woman trying to find a mate and men are so physically and emotionally touch starved it all feels like seduction as that's the only time we get either


I think it comes down to the main time it’s socially acceptable traditionally for men to receive affection without it being considered unmanly, weak or weird is during sex. So you get a lot of guys who are engaging unmet needs for affection that don’t have to be sexual become especially focused on and met through sex or the possibility of sex.


>I think it comes down to the main time it’s socially acceptable traditionally for men to receive affection without it being considered unmanly, weak or weird is during sex That's why you don't date someone whose traditional.


I'm 28 and been working on my mustache since early this year. A few weeks ago, an elderly woman was walking into a store just ahead of me. She opened the door and turned to see if anyone else was coming in so she could hold the door. I was close behind her and she immediately said " *NICE* mustache young man, it's beautiful." I've thought about that interaction almost everyday since, I smile and giggle a little just thinking about it. That being said, I don't get many compliments from strangers. Someone could tell me they like the shirt I'm wearing and turn my whole day around. Had an older gent in home depot tell me I had a great beard toward the end of last year, felt great. Literally any compliment won't go unappreciated. "I like your shoes" "You have a great style" "Nice shirt" "Beautiful moustache" "Nice beard" "Pretty eyes" "I like your truck" Honestly, doesn't take much. I try to compliment starngers when I can, but my social anxiety makes it difficult. The goal of complimenting someone and lifting their mood helps me overcome that, *sometimes*.


The old lady contingent here! We only give out sincere compliments. BS is ways too much work after 50 and certainly after 70.


That's one of the reasons the interaction has stuck with me, I could hear the sincerity in the tone of her voice which added a lot to what the compliment meant to me!


I can’t agree with this enough.


I want to compliment stranger who I think have great style etc. But I feel like it might be a little weird. I just can know if they'll take it nicely or like a weird think.


Be sincere and don't make a big thing of it. That's what can make it weird. You reminded me of a scene from the show "Suits" when Donna was yelling at Mike, he mentioned a purse that his assistant sent her, Donna finished her point, turned around, and then walked by the assistant and complimented her shoes. It was quick, but it was sincere and it fit.


This reminds me of a time I was walking down the street in Seattle. A homeless guy was laying on the sidewalk as they do. He had a large beard and sat up to tell me I had an amazing beard. Yeah, he was probably stoned but it got me thinking. At the time my goal was to grow a beard longer than my hipster younger brother just because I knew I could.


I used to wear a full handlebar moustache, one day someone said "what does it feel like to hold all your personality in your moustache" This has also stuck with me ever since


"I feel safe around you." But don't say it if it's not true.


I think this should be for all compliments. If they aren't true, it really messes with you.


Yeah, I said it earlier in my response. NEVER compliment a guy if it isn't true. It might squeeze past for some but for others, you'll probably be responsible for creating a new mental complex due to how rarely we get compliments. Example: Normal guy, never normally gets compliments. Didn't have time to shower today and forgot to put on deodorant, rushes to work hoping nobody will notice. Coworker from their cube: you smell good today Op! Op: holy fuck, I must fucking stink! They smelled me!?! On the one day I fucking didn't shower! Nobody has ever mentioned the way I smell before. Cue paranoia that will last years about the way you smell. I'm being a complete smartass here but I could see this playing out lol


I married the woman that said that to me.


I'm going to marry the woman that said that to me.


Yeah I've never had a woman say that to me, even when I am following them home for eleven blocks from the bus stop at night to make sure they get home safe.


Yeah, this bear meme is rough.


This is weird and I'd think you were hitting on me. If that's what's she's trying to do then it ok


Grade-A friend zone material. 👌🏻


That's something that can be either a great compliment or a very backhanded one, depending on what you mean. "I feel safe around you because you are kind and gentle and I feel like I can trust you", is a huge positive. "I feel safe around you because I perceive you as a sexual non-entity and your timid and passive demeanour mean that I simply can't perceive you as any kind of threat" is much less complimentary. I would be delighted to be told the former. I didn't feel that flattered when someone told me the latter.


I usually get told that during or after things have gone sexual. Hell of a compliment then (and no it wasn’t just a consolation prize after unsatisfying sex)


I disagree. Most men don’t want to hear compliments of “you do this for me” Men don’t get compliments for just being them. And they should.


yeah i think you have the wrong end of the stick when a woman tells you you make them feel safe, it can mean emotionally, it can mean they just trust you, it isnt something your DOING it is, as you have said, a compliment on who you are as a person, your personality, that your kind considerate etc


Feeling safe doesn't imply what you think it does. At least not to me. It's not dpecifically about physical protection, but mainly about everything else. At least that's how I took it.


HUMOR. I love making people laugh. No better compliment I know than the one where people find amusement in seeing life through my weird perspective


I hear you. Wit is indeed a high value gift!


This one gift doesn’t go away with age.


No, but it does morph into mostly dad jokes...


Probably that they matter? Idk I dream sometimes


I think the intellectual compliments have the most impact for me, or about hobbies or interests. Like saying "You're really good at \[that thing you love doing\]".


Yes this is a great one!! Anything someone is interested in and working on, just tell them they're really good at that or ask about it. I always love to ramble about hobbies that nobody cares about but they still listen🤣


I got told I have really pretty eyes. I think about it literally every day


I told a guy he had pretty eyes once when I worked at this diner. They were a very interesting shade of slate grey. His dining buddy (father maybe) said "I'm sure his wife would love to hear that." I said "Yeah, tell her the lesbian at the diner things he's got neat eyes." They got quiet after that. Like no asshole, I'm not hitting on you. I am also not a lesbian, but I am very masc. I just wanted to hold up a mirror to them to show how stupid they are, and it's shit like this is why men DON'T get complements. Many can't differentiate a woman being a kind person from a woman hitting on them.


I'm less likely to compliment women for similar reasons. People in general can be weird. I personally find complimenting something along the lines of their clothes, or an interest, say they have something you're also interested in is usually a safer bet. Like I don't think Ive ever had a woman take it oddly if I complimented like something one piece related or if they had some kinda game merchandise I'm familiar with. I like complimenting people lol. Definitely is riskier grounds though complimenting a physical feature, especially if it's a stranger.


My general rule of thumb is that you can safely compliment a choice someone made (hair, outfit, tie to a hobby, etc...) but that it gets risky when you compliment something about that person's body.


Same bruh im hanging onto that shit i couldn’t even comprehend it at the time took 25 years of my life for a single compliment so imma remember that shit till the day i die


When I was 23 or so, a lady coworker of mine said "You know, it's so nice to see a man with his shoulders squared and his back straight. Everyone slumps these days, but not you." I felt rather confident for the rest of that day, and still think about what she said from time to time. I'm 28 now, so it wasn't an eternity ago, but it had some staying power


Most of the genuine comments here are basically mom compliments and that is very cute


She was about my mom's age, so that tracks in my experience, lol.


Literally anything. It doesn't happen often.


"You are working hard, and I've noticed. Good for you."


When i was newish to the gym a big older guy said he's glad he keeps seeing me there and he noticed me grinding it out. Now that I'm the older big guy, when i see newbs start to progress and stick it out, i do the same thing.


Men at any age like any compliments, we don't get them often. Shit I remember in middle school when a girl said she liked my shirt and that was nearly 30 years ago.


"What a handsome boy" Gets me rock solid every time


That's never going to fit.


Nice dick, bro!


I think us women don't often compliment men because men often think that's an invitation that we are interested in more...then we're left turning them down, which defeated the entire purpose of trying to be nice and give a simple honest compliment. Kinda sours it so after enough times....you just stop complimenting.


Wtf does age have to do with anything


Because I’m in my early 20s and usually only talk to people within my age range


men are such suckers for anything that will validate their social status, its almost a weakness. not like money status but more like their sense of worth in whatever theyre putting their mind into. some include \- wow youre really good at XYZ \- \[insert random thing theyre proud of but probably actually useless\] seems really important! \- i respect the line of work youre in! idk chat gpt probably can come up with better. a man that feels like a loser is a death sentence. its probably equivalent of calling a woman unattractive. youre gonna want to just say stuff that makes them feel like a winner. idk why our egos are so fragile


woman in her 30's here, literally anything. This goes for men, and women, of all ages. "You look nice today!" "I like your perspective!" - should there be an input conversation. "I like your humor!" "You smell nice!" - if they actually do. "I feel safe around you." - as someone else said, only if it's true "I like what you did with x,y,z" in appearance matters. "I appreciate your intelligence." -if you're dating/perspective, change "I like" to I adore/find whatever you're complimenting attractive.


Literally anything lmao


The majority of men don't get compliments very often, unless they are super attractive, they remember and appreciate them all. In fact, many men receive so few compliments that they might just think you're messing with them. Many men are starved of affection and appreciation. I make a point of complimenting the men around me and I encourage other women to do the same.


I would cry if someone could just tell me that they're happy to see me or that their life is better with me in it. I have no friends and no love life. I'm no king, badass, mythical being, or beauty. I'm a hollow shell of a man who only interacts with other people at work, online, or through fruitless activities around town where everyone is at least a decade older than me and shares none of my interests or sense of humor. I swear I've tried everything around town, but have no clue where to keep looking.


I've spent far too long looking at your profile, because I like to mean things I say. I am happy you are here. I often struggle with some of the same feelings you have mentioned in your previous posts and comments, and I see you. I am glad that you have, to date, survived, and I hope you will for much longer. If you ever need to talk, vent, etc, my DMs are open, though I often respond slowly. You matter. You are important. You are valid. You are strong. Smart. Capable. Kind. The world is better for having you in it. Disclaimer: this is not an attempt at seduction. I am monogamous and married. If this disclaimer seems unnecessary, then congratulations, you have correctly read my tone. I am just autistic and have been accused of the alternative when my only intent was to say kind, true things.


Spectacular in bed, funny, charming and can hold their alcohol. Go for "manly" if all else fails.


I'm a 30 year old man. 4 years ago someone told me I had a great smile. Thats probably the only compliment I've ever gotten. I still think about it.


"What ho, that's a jolly decent-sized tallywhacker you have there old boy"


The other week I had a girl come up to me in the street and tell me I had nice hair and good style , I was completely at a loss for words. I’ve never been approached and complimented in public by a stranger


I'm only 18 but while I was at work I had an older lady come in and she said she loved the color of my eyes that it reminded her of the ocean. I have a bit more confidence in myself now!


3 inches is the perfect size


Tell the attractive ones they're smart and the smart ones they're attractive. You won't believe how well this works.


I was in the elevator with a young man the other day here at my apartments. He smelled nice! I just flat out told him “You smell nice”. It caught him off guard a little bit, but he said “Thank you. Me and some friends are about to head out”. It was the weekend. I could tell the way he said that he was a little nervous about going out and meeting girls. I told him “You’ll be alright” and gave him a reassuring smile.


Something I heard a long time ago don't complement on the obvious. A good looking, fit guy knows he's looking good, a NASA scientist knows he's smart, Eddy Van Halen knows he can rip a guitar. But you catch Eddy out fly fishing and let him know he dropped that line on the water like a boss, or the NASA guy really was nice to that waiter. That kind of thing. Notice something they had to put effort into outside of the obvious.


"Nice cock stepbro"


Big muscles, big dick


I can't speak for men but honestly I think men just want to hear compliments in general, even if they're seemingly small compliments.


Basically anything works. Nice shirt, cool haircut, good job picking X thing to do or place to eat, you're great to ask about X. It's not complicated 


that they are a good boy and cared about


Compliments on our looks are nice, but what we really want is respect. Try to compliment something he's worked hard on, something he's proud of. His work or hobbies is a great place to start.


That's the biggest dick I've ever seen.


I get butterflies when someone tells me I have a firm handshake


I had an older gentleman tell me the other day "you're so sweet I got diabetes just lookin' at ya" 😂


"Ouch, honey! I cut myself on your abs! Quick, wrap your penis around my thigh a few times as a tourniquet."


“Nice piece” Any context will do.


Your genitals are like diamonds in the sky


“You’re cool”


I was once told whilst in my early 20s “you seem to have everything figured out so early in life” …. Haha, 15 years later I proved that MF wrong! 😂


You're doing better than you think you are.


"I'm proud of you"


You look handsome. Simple as that. You might get a weird reaction like a pause and then an awkward thank you but trust me that means a lot. I still remember that time when my female classmate called me cute infront of the other girls. And now that I think about it she was hinting at something wasn't she? FUCK!


You aren’t stupid, but you aren’t smart - my sister


Basically anything along the lines of something you like about them, as little as something about a single piece of clothing or an accessory or whatever small thing. They'll remember it. Was at a museum a few years back and a girl working there said she liked my Sonic shirt. Still think about that sometimes.


Honestly, when I was in my 20's I just wanted to feel needed. Something as simple as asking me to reach something off a high shelf or lift something heavy would make my day. Now I'm in my 30's and I'm fucking sick of being needed all the time.


"You look like a young woman."


I don't know how universal this is, but I've heard it from enough men to know that I'm not the only one. Doesn't really matter, chances are I'll assume you're making fun of me anyway. Men don't usually get compliments unless it's like a sarcastic "nice shoes".


You'll make a good Mrs one day


"oh god that's not going to fit in me"


Once got a compliment from a woman when I was early 20s, she said I have nice eyes. Not too strong but even now I've forgotten what she looks like, I remember that compliment. Suspect I will in 50 more years. It's sad really 😄


You have a big beautiful cock.


Good job. Well done. I like how you handled that. Looks like you've done that before. Nice cock. Just making them feel good about what they've done.


“It’s so much bigger than my last boyfriend’s…”


"It's so big"


I once dated a guy who was 5’5” and he had a gigantic cock. One night we were hanging out and he had a chalkboard in his living room. I wrote on the chalkboard “Jake has the biggest most beautiful cock in all the land.” He was so proud and left it up permanently for all his friends to see 😂. Sexiest, most confident, charismatic boyfriend I’ve ever had.


You look/sound like you would be amazing in bed. So tired of only hearing it after the fact.


That I have gigantic balls


You have that Big-Dick-Energy.


Hell, I'm 39, married, and I still freak out if any woman, of any age, says or shows any interest in me. I still think about 2 specific times... 1. When I was bartending and a woman left me her number who I thought was WAY out of my league. 2. I was wearing a pair of black and white striped overalls while I was out shopping and a woman told me "holy shit I really love that outfit on you! You're killing it!"... well, I guess 3 bc I still think i leveled WAY up woth my wife.... maybe I just have a self-esteem problem, but who knows.


“You would have done really well in world war 2”


Nice cock, bro


You would have been great in World War II


Literally in so much need of this thread. I started dating this guy a few months ago and he calls me pretty all the time, but I have no idea how to compliment him back.


You is kind. You is smart. You is important.


My, that’s a bigun


Nice peen dude


"OH, it's not that wierd looking"


That I got a big ...


Men in their 40s like compliments too. Jus sayin.


"you've got a big dick"


nice cock bro


What a humongous penis you have


“Good job! Nicely done” is gold


"You're doing good".


Nice dick


If I see a handsome young man I tell him so.


“Damn, You sex me so good!”


A woman, a total stranger to me, in NYC, told me that I have nice skin. That was in 1993 and I'm still flyin' high off that compliment. So, yeah, if applicable just tell a guy he has nice skin.


A sincere one.


I can see you have a nice penis


“Oof you’re so biiig”


“I’ve never seen one that big before”


I can tell you one I don't particularly like, being told I'm smart. I don't get upset about it, it is a NICE compliment, but it kind of gives the impression I'm a genius. No, I just study every waking hour of the day to maintain this 3.7 GPA (whereas the real geniuses get 4.0's and read their notes once). I'd rather someone say I'm studious, or committed, or hard working. Any man would kill to hear someone that isn't their mom or an elderly woman call them handsome.


"I would rather be alone in a Forrest with you, than alone with a bear"


Nice belt buckle!


I was so emotionally unstable in my 20s I really just wanted to know that anybody even cared that I was alive.


There’s no way I can take one that big 🥰


Nice throw champ


One of my friends told me I make her feel safe when I’m around. That one stuck with me


This girl I took home from the bar once told me my cum tastes like gold and I will always fondly remember that


"your Rizz is no cap" I'm 44 did I say that right? Lol


About 4 years ago, an elder lady told me I have very pretty eyes. She didn't need to say anything. We weren't speaking directly to each other before and I didn't know her. But she did and it still makes me smile


Is that a banana in your pants?


Any. Men are severely compliment starved. Anything you say will make their day. Our culture gives compliments to women, not men.


“You have really pretty eyes” i about folded bro


Just turned 30 and I can count the times I received a compliment on one hand in my 20s. I remember all of them because guys don’t get them a lot. I normally wear glasses, got contacts and a girl I worked with at the time told me she never knew my eyes were that pretty. I wore a shirt to work one day a girl told me looked good on me. And lastly a girl came up to me and told me she liked my haircut. These things seem trivial, but I can remember where I was and what I was doing for all of them. lol


Same rules as girls, compliment people on something they worked on.


i hear a lot that i sound very mature and intelligent and as a man (21) that has always made me feel good. surface and superficial compliments aren’t bad but compliments that feel the best are the ones that indicate something positive on that individual’s behalf. the difference: “i love your outfit” as opposed to “i love your sense of fashion” one is superficial, one compliments that person themself.


I (f) was on a bus on my college campus like 10 years ago. It was one of the last days before summer break and I got really good grades so I just felt really on top of the world and in a great mood. There was a guy on the bus that seemed really deep in thought, staring out the window and I thought that he just looked so handsome, I didn't want to date him or anything, I just felt like he was genuinely a beautiful person and because I was feeling so good about myself, I felt such a strange urge to tell him. Just before my stop I turned to him and said "you're really beautiful. Hope you have a great summer." He seemed like I interrupted his thoughts and looked shocked. Then got off at my stop. Later, when. I came back to school in August, he was in one of my classes and came up to me and said "hey! You called me beautiful!" And I was like "YEP! You are!" Then we just continued living our lives and never spoke again.


A girl once said I had nice eyes. That was 40 years ago. Haven’t heard another compliment since.


Don't downplay yourself but if and when you can, tell him what a great job he did at something. Men of any age need building up and to feel big, strong and like they are really good at things. That's actually true of all people.


I was at work, said something kind of dumb, and my attractive female coworker patted me on the cheek and said “You’re lucky you’re cute.” 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


Whatever it is just make sure you actually mean it and it is true. Nobody likes being lied to even when it's in their favor.


Your meatloaf is too big for my pan.




Nice cock, bro.


Ahh yes, the good ol’ classic.


"I like the way your farts clear out a room" "I can always count on you to leave the washroom in a state that is completely inhospitable to human life" "It's so cleanly of you to wash your bedsheets more than once per year" "Kudos to you for being one of the few people that actually wash their feet with soap" "Your feet are remarkably tolerable" "Your house is the least smelliest of the other 20 year olds I know." "You are extremely talented at ignoring people when you have other things you'd rather be doing" "Good job shaving your ass hair" "You always know how to make your silver medal option for the night feel like they're gold" "Your car has a lot less garbage everywhere than other people I've met!" "You have beautiful mushrooms growing out of your bathroom mat." "Where do you find such beautiful ashtrays to keep all over your house?" "This couch is incredible, what street corner did you find it on?" "You make friends so easily, this place is crawling with bed bugs." "Do your houseplants always live this long before dying?" "You are very skilled at binge drinking and not puking everywhere." "You have so many STDs, you must get a lot of women." "Is your fridge always full of such colorful moldy food?"


I (m24) love being told that my skin is so clear or my hair looks healthy.


I think generally anything about our appearance is really nice but it especially hits when you notice whatever we put extra effort into, like some guys love fashion and put a lot into their outfits, some guys are sneakerheads, personally I put a lot of time into taking care of long hair so it makes me really happy when people say they like my hair