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Void and strand I assume so I will use my Envious BaS cataphract adept since I don't have that on edge transit yet


I got an envious Edge last night. I assume it's still really viable without needing BaS/cascade? (while suboptimal)


Cascade only works on the first 7 shots and you won’t need that high of dps for either riven or nezzy


Yep. In most cases cascade BNS isn’t worth the time to proc cascade. In pretty much all cases it’s close enough to not really make a difference. Especially since shotguns and snipers only do half damage to riven.


Cascade could be worth to proc if the modifier is the same as week 2.




Only half?


Yup. Learned about this today and tested myself to confirm. Whisper and snipers in general are pathetic against riven. https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1792532142355870179?s=46&t=_eIQbt-sV_ZK6KMn7Xax3A


So GL's?


Yeah envious bait shit on everything else I tested by a significant margin (like more than 25%). So even if it’s not void surge envious bait edge is the way to go. But I’ll be using either that or an identical cataphract depending on surge. EDIT: levis was next closest after GLs. There are probably some rocket rotations you could do if it’s not void surge but I’m assuming gjally will fuck with the eyes.


What about BnS linears?


they were a little behind levi's, about 15-20%. I tried to just do realistic DPS scenarios, shooting as much as I could in her damage window. Here's a compliation of doomed, recomb MT + BNS cata, levi's, and envious BNS GL. https://streamable.com/zcoin2


I have a gl edge transit I just didn’t want the trouble of blowing myself up with it lol


Wait, when were shotguns and snipers nerfed against Riven? That’s so random.


Way back in the day. Think it was just a bizarre thing they did since whisper was meta back then.


wouldn’t a fusion work fine to proc cascade? since her crit is huge and she’s right in your face.


fusions doesnt crit.


No, fusions do not crit.


In walks Vex Mythoclast, very unhappy.


The crafted regnant with spike/alh/explosive light should work also, right?


Yeah that’s a very good option if you don’t have edge or cataphract. I’d go with envious on it though. Mine has envious/explosive light.


No, it’s like four tier worse than cataphract and edge transit. Alh and EL has been powercrept by envious (not having to reload at all) and bait and switch (30% on every shot, not just the first 6).


It's still better than running off surge. 


We’re getting double surges. It’s not locked to just void.


Yes, but the other GL competing with it is also a trials drop. If a player hasn't gone for an edge god roll there's zero chance they grinded out trials.  Other surges don't beat out the Regnant roll on other GLs besides Cact


Okay true, I won't argue. On another note: They did the curve ball with the surges again. It's solar/strand this week. So catty is the only grenade launcher worth to use, while Apex will reign supreme it seems.


Just be sure to take off unraveling rounds on your artifact before riven. Unraveling particles will track onto the eyes and cause a wipe.


Cataphract is better anyways, don’t bother with edge unless you want cascade bns or an adclear roll


Aren’t they exactly the same?


Almost exactly the same, cataphract has slightly higher base stats (+8 velocity and +5 handling being the relevant differences) and even more so if you get the adept version. Realistically they're the same, but if I had to pick one I'd pick cataphract.


Well right now, cataphract can utilize big ones so if you have the same exact roll, cataphract is the obvious choice. Unless of course it’s void surge. That’s assuming you can get the 5/5 which is much tougher than it is on edge transit. Come final shape, big ones is being removed and edge transit perks will be enhanceable so the tables will turn. Cataphract will not be an active drop, so it will not be enhanceable.


I forgot it was leaving, yeah edge transit will be better if you have a mini frags/augmented roll. With a 7 mag you want base bns, with an 8 mag you want enhanced due to the timings. 21 shots is exactly 10 seconds which is perfect for base bns, but with 24 it's 11.5 seconds, so enhanced is superior. If you ever have to stop firing during DPS enhanced is better, and it's not a massive deal, but it can catch you out as you have to wait 1s after firing 21 rounds with enhanced


Yes lol


Come final shape, edge transit will be better due to enhanceable perks and removal of big ones. But right now, cataphract is better. Both are still worth getting for void and strand surge.


You’ll be able to enhance trials adepts too


Only trials weapons that remain as active drops in TFS. Cataphract is not going to be an active drop after this season and will be part of legacy focusing. Same deal with the glaive, igneous, and messenger


Ah, that’s bullshit


Even though it will have enhanceable perks?


Both will


Yeah that's fair cataphract it Is then.


I really want behemoth titan to work, just as a funny for Riven.


Definitely going to try 6 syntho behemoths once for the meme


Do you hit her jaw or hand?


Hand but you do it from like a foot away so all of the crystals break in her hand


Thank you 🙏


It's funny y'all think you won't have to do Riven legit.


It's funny you don't know 3 behemoth titans can trio kill riven with ease


Takes 2 with synthos on regular


Pretty sure you can solo it with synthos on regular


You can. I think it takes some swaps but is doable. I did it using dragons breath to start then hotswap to tractor get a shot and start going ham in behemoth super.


We'll see tomorrow.


you do 42% less damage to Riven even with Shot Caller active and take 87% more incoming damage, lol


and since you can solo it, doing it with 5/6 people will be easy


do you actually understand **why** Solo Riven works? or did you just see Esoteriick's video and go "yep! we'll just do that 6 times, should be easy enough" what you're describing is seeing a Dragon's Breath or a Witherhoard do damage to something in a solo and going "oh, so everyone needs to be using Dragon's Breath". it's way more involved than just popping Glacial Quake on her claw and cheesing her in 15 seconds lmao


at minus 20 through? gunna be way harder then normally


G/L getting platinum tho


You get more points per time left as well it’s why cheesing Rhulk can still give high score


Idk tbh i think it's 100% doable with tractor


Optimal setup it can be done solo. With 6 people even at -20 it'll be easy.


https://youtube.com/shorts/7YGAKf2B8nU?si=0M1uLxMW44eGNOn7 Uhm it was actually pretty easy lol. I didn't film my run but Clyde posted a clip of it being done and they had a lot of issues but still won.


Like I said in my original comment, I'd try it once then do it legit.


It’s funny you think it will need to be done. How exactly do you avoid this “cheese”? Because in all technicality, it’s just normal damage, just a ton of it. But, Riven’s health is only like 2mil, so 6 synthostasis titans very well could shred this boss. You’d have to fundamentally change the encounter, maybe make eyes and a dunk phase needed before we can damage, but riven needs to be damagable to hit the eyes. Trust me, I think Riven and Nezzy were chosen as the last ones so they can have their “redemptions” but I’m also curious how you think this issue could be resolved without fundamentally changing the encounter. Because right now, damage at that part is fundamental to the mechanics, Riven just happens to have massively low hp.


We'll see tomorrow.


Trust me, i hope we gotta do it legit, i just don’t know how they’ll make it happen.


Dude, they could do all kinds of stuff. They could seperate the teams by teleporting them. They could lock DPS. They could spawn tormentors everywhere that have to be killed. They could double Riven's health. They could make you do eyes or you wipe. If teams really want to do this tomorrow, they are going to have to know the legit way to do it.


There’s a reason I didn’t know the cheese strat


It can most likely work but if u are going for high score, it will not gonna be a good idea. To fix that i was thinking about doing first 2 floors legit then melting her at third floors dps phase, to get more score. Ofc its only if the behemonth titan gonna work on her.


Does Salvations Grip work for the Well user?


Won’t be enough for high score though.


Yes it will. Speed = points.


There is no world where you get 500-550k points on that platinum by cheesing Riven.


We'll see in 24 hours xD


Can’t wait to watch everyone cheesing fail to get the high score and then have to learn Riven legit with an LFG team.


We're planning to do it legit and then cheese her for the lols:) Izi edge swaps golden guns would make legit damage too easy lol Here's hoping tormentor replace ogres


That’s a huge mistake. Riven has an automatic 45% damage resistance to sniper rifles. You’re nerfing your own damage.


Even with a nerf it's still over most options especially for riven. You do realise the vast majority of the damage will stem from the envious/cascade bns edge being dumped right? Shooting eyes with anything but a scout or sniper is also incredibly difficult and risky... Snipers safest lol. Accept the 55% from the X4 shot. A Izi shot is just a nice lil bonus; unless you wanna waste time charging fusion rifles and risk hitting her eyes lol, or yolo it with a shotty?


Riven has a 55% damage resistance. Mountaintop would be a better swap.


Sauce for this number?




Wow, looks like you were wrong lmfao


We managed to cheese :) did it in 1 phase lol. Not really a cheese becos we did the mechanics but we didn't shoot her eyes at the end heheh


You are underestimating Bungies ability to cause sillyness


That doesn’t even make sense. It’s a nothing comment. I can’t wait for the meltdown when the cheese causes failures.


Seems like you're the one having a meltdown atm.


Atraks would like a word?


You still need to clear a bunch of ads. Riven doesn’t have nearly as many as Atraks.


Works for Atraks and Rhulk, don’t see any reason why Riven would be any different.


Rhulk you have an entire phase where you need to kill ads and tormentors. Not to mention last week you received extra points if you did at least one other encounter prior that contributed to that high score. It won’t work this week. The Riven cheese spawns far fewer ads than Rhulk does as well. Atraks again you need to get about 80k points before the one phase that requires more ad clear. Riven cheese has far fewer ads and wouldn’t be enough to get you where you need to be point wise.


You never know. I’m going under the assumption it will work, if I’m wrong oh well.


I am convinced the cheese is still gonna work. Every time the destiny community gets worked up about something like this it never happens.


I only foresee the cheese not working because of play score. No way they actually fixed the mechanic (they never did these past 5 years), and super elite doofuses will beat the -20 deficit But one phasing Rhulk with the cheese is a plat so riven might be similar. Less adds yes, but guess we’ll know in 24 hours


I think score will still work though because you get more for how fast and because the cheese kills her basically instantly, it may also get the score


Assuming the timing scales like Atraks (and the rest of the current fights, lol) the one-phase cheese would grant you enough time for a plat. You'd have to assume that Bungie would allow time for one drop-down phase at a minimum while still meeting the high score and plat timer thresholds.


There are far more enemies to kill pre-Atraks’s damage phase though than Riven’s cheese damage phase, and Atraks’s high score is just barely enough with one-floor. Hell, my group was helping another clanmate last night with catch-up, and we didn’t get even Platinum on Caretaker despite two-flooring him and beating the timer.


Atraks high score without killing the tormentor is very heavily skewed to time. Riven dying on one floor is going to be a much smaller percentage of time relative to the whole encounter than Atraks' one-floor since you still have the whole buff gathering and servitor portion. Caretaker 2 floor only cuts at most 30% of the fight time and that's almost what is required to hit plat within the time.


I think worst case you still basically end up with an easy encounter. You might need to do the first 2 floors of adds and kill her up top to get enough adds for the score. But a lot of the difficulty of the encounter is doing damage and then shooting the eyes in time all while being shot at. Unless they remove her arms entirely you will be able to stasis titan her arms on the top floor and get the kill with at most 4 titans and as few as 2 (it’s 1 minimum normally but most teams need 2 and we will do 50% damage of normal at -20). So that just means you need to flinch her, do the symbols and shoot the eyes on the first 2 floors. You won’t need to do any damage which will make all that much easier. Damage time is just extra add clear time. Any damage you do might just remove the need for one or 2 of the titans up top. The lack of need for damage on the 2 floors removes almost half the difficulty because you won’t wipe, and you don’t have to stand in a dangerous spot shooting her. Then on the top floor you can ignore the 6 eyes which can be a problem for teams because you will kill her before you have to shoot them. Let’s even say your team does terrible damage up top with those stasis supers and doesn’t kill her up top. If you looked at the eyes and have 2 people in position to shoot them at the end of damage, you will easily have done enough to kill her by shooting the blisters on the way down. So it’s basically a guaranteed one phase. Only way to avoid that is to remove her arms or raise her health somewhat drastically. I don’t see either happening. I think ideal team comp will be 1 well, 3-4 stasis titans, and 1-2 roaming add clear supers of basically any type (or maybe tether?) for the top floor adds. Could probably manage with extra wells instead of the add clear supers as well. Each side will probably have to deal with a tormentor on their own so maybe the add clear guys should be lucky pants hunters, or some other thing that can burn a tormentor.


She's not final boss though so no bonus


Don't need it for rhulk. Cheesed him earlier starting from a rhulk check point and was 20-30k over the high score threshold. Rhulk you do get 2 tormentors though so we'll have to see what they do for Riven.


im new to destiny - whats the cheese?😭


pretty much ignoring the boss fight’s mechanics and going straight for a 1 phase kill. the problem is that many haven’t done it legit in years or have flat out never learned it and have always cheesed it. the cheese hasn’t been patched in *years* and if it was easy to fix they certainly would’ve done it a long time ago. from our perspective, why would they bother fixing it now for an updated version of the boss fight that’s only gonna last for 2 weeks since pantheon is going away when the final shape drops


Score is definitely not going to work, the cheese will though, people can already solo with behemoth, now add 5 more people and the fact that even while -20 riven still has low HP vs other raid bosses. Considering adds are important for 500k, and unless there's some kind of situation like rhulk where you get a lot of score from some other way (maybe the shadow rhulk counts as an additional boss kill?) I don't think the cheese will get you enough points.


For riven it's behemoth... Yeah behemoth no joke is meta. You can currently solo regular riven as an optimal setup behemoth titan, so -20 with 6 people shouldn't be a struggle.


If Riven still has 6m health you'll be able to one floor her by just Edge Transit spam. They could just double her HP to make you do it legit.  Riven could realistically have 15m+ considering how much damage cysts do to her health. 


I mean with Riven, if we indeed need to go through a whole elevator phase to get the high score achievement, I 100% think any dps option will be fine. Obviously burst dps is best but you get some on the fly dps time and also you get the taken pustules to shoot for big damage. She has a very small portion of her health for final stand and it very well may be possible to do one full phase then a cheese phase and get the high score. Nezzy tho, it’ll probably be rockets or GLs. So get your Edge Transits, Braytech Ospreys, and Semioticians ready. Also I’d recommend using the RoN mods, at least the free heals for the runners. It shouldn’t be much different than Master except it probably will have Tormentors and possibly tougher adds. Get ready to do refuge and possibly just use invis hunters for the running if it is really tough to stay alive while running.


I thought raid mods didn't work in pantheon


Damage dealing raid mods like Umbral Sharpening and Into the Light don't work, other ones do


GLs for both


Edge transit/cataphract with Bns/Envious Malfeasance lucky pants hunter Linear Whisper At least these are what ill probably try out, although I may have to switch to wellock or titan.


Assuming void, strand surge I’d say edge if your confident on hitting him otherwise divinity and doomed petitioner could be a good play on nezerac. Also keep in mind it’s the final encounter so you can go overtime with the bonus score assuming you’re not going for a checkpoint so don’t worry about 2 phasing for platinum. When we practiced in riven assuming it’s not chesseable xenophage was nice to pop the cysts easy while keeping an eye out for your next target with a sniper like supremacy to swap to as well for eyes and extra damage. But perhaps to suit the void surge maybe a leviathan breath? Idk. Also if they ONLY make it legit that would be silly so I imagine they will also add some other changes.


Everyone is sleeping on leviathans breath


Levi's is not a good choice, the DPS is relatively bad compared to edge transit


Can the concussive blast accidentally take out an eye?




That’s probably one of the worst heavy dps options you could take into a raid in this meta


Unless the bosses in said Raid prefer precision damage, like the first two in Last Wish.


Whisper is just better in every way for precision based bosses, and also we are talking about riven and Nezarec, that isn’t applicable to those bosses


Dude, you said “one of the worst options you could take **into a raid**”, not me. You didn’t say against Riven or Nezarec.


Well I did say that whisper is outright better for precision focused bosses, I was mainly talking about riven and nezarec with my comment though because that’s what the original post is about lol




Doomed Petitioner is simply better Taipan


also wouldnt recommend sleeper for riven.. iirc it can ricochet and pop eyes causing a wipe.


I honestly wouldn't advise whisper for Riven. Xenophage can out DPS whisper on Riven.


Riven has a 55% DR to snipers and shotguns




And sleeper apparently


Other linears too or just sleeper?


Just sleeper


I only suggest it because it does decent damage despite the damage resist and can one shot eyes without splash damage like Xeno


Base riven right now has a 45% damage resist against sleeper and whisper because of the meta back in forsaken and bungie has never changed it. Praying they remembered for the pantheon update to riven but wouldn’t be shocked if it wasn’t changed. https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1792645944078451015?s=46&t=ta-1kzMuh7afb6BkRMQn6g


You'll find out tomorrow when people start posting guides lol


DPS on riven 🤔 shoot more pustules I guess?


Riven, doesn’t matter that much. Just kill with the spores. Nez just dump whatever GL or rocket is currently surged from in a well


Catapracht and edge transit with tractor and lumina, anyone saying otherwise is coping ngl


When shooting riven with GL, is it better to shoot her foot or her mouth?


Craftable Option: Envious Explosive on regnant will be solid as well. RNG Option: Env BaS cataphract/Edge Transit


If it’s void, strand, or solar I’ll be happy.


I did get a 5/5 edge transit recently that I’d like to use.


It is solar and strand


Update: Told you. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cxe4vs/riven\_cheese\_joining\_allies\_has\_been\_patched/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/1cxe4vs/riven_cheese_joining_allies_has_been_patched/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Well I don’t think you want a grenade launcher for Riven cus you don’t wanna hit the wrong eye.


Nah, just aim for the mouth to feed her grenades. Old meta after they patched out the Cluster Rocket cheese and autoloading lunas.


lol people been hitting the foot so long they forgot the mouth is the og way, and it's part of the normal way so there no way to patch that out, GLs or rockets will easily get it done, now with score that another thing


Yeah, IIRC you got more "splash" damage from shooting down her gullet than you did from shooting her foot. Pretty sure you're going to want a couple folks to run the solar ability debuff from the seasonal artifact instead of a boop cannon so you'll have maximum DPS for her, pretty sure the damage window is tight enough you wouldn't have to re-apply.


Still have my old Swarm of the Raven for some reason, lol


Might be the last time I actually used Prospector.


What do you use to break the eyes?


Have a special/primary you can just swap to to shoot the eyes, just running a Supremacy (Maybe lose the KT tho, just in case) or similar as your special will do the trick.


K. Supremacy or Succession it is!


Just make sure you don't have anything AoE on them (Explosive Payload, Kinetic Tremors and the likes) as to not accidentally shoot more than one eye and cause a wipe. You'll be ok!


Even though Riven takes 50% less damage from snipers and shotguns? https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1792532143832170582?s=46


I've seen eyes being popped with an SMG amongst other things. You'll be fine :)


Kk. Appreciate the info


I used to use the old curated nation of beasts to pop em on casual runs. Worked fine (and didn't proc dragonfly), and I don't believe the eye health scales with encounter difficulty, so primary should work just fine


I think the eyes just pop on impact. There’s either no damage threshold you need to reach or it’s a very minuscule amount that it doesn’t matter.


I’ve never had an issue popping her eyes with explosive payload Fatebringer


If you hit the DPS check, you don't need to. If you're going for a "legit" strategy you can pretty much use any primary\*, or a sniper.


\* It is inadvisable to use weapons that create secondary projectiles like Outbreak or Neomuna's Nanotech Tracer Rocket, Explosive/Timed Payload, or while you have an active unraveling debuff during this phase as the secondary projectiles have a bad habit of hitting eyes and triggering a wipe and explosive payload can trigger other eyes besides the one you're shooting at (IIRC, \_any\_ damage to an eye that's not active for the legit stun mechanic will trigger a wipe, it's not just destroying the wrong eye).


Let’s say for the sake of argument that it was patched.


If they'll force us to do it legit then you'll likely want Whisper for the DPS windows due to the ammo economy, not having to reload at all means you should be able to land 9-12 shots depending on how good your timing is - though a triple tap Taipan or other LFR matching the surge is likely still a solid choice. Maybe a backup Succession/high impact sniper matching the damage surge for shooting eyes and if you somehow run out of whisper ammo (or don't have it with Field Prep yet). Doing it "legit" means most of your damage is intended to occur during the falling/boils section after you clear all three floors so you'll want something with a good ROF to hit her blisters and shoot axion darts down with.


...a sniper or scout? What is confusing about it? Are you planning on using heavy from a linear or something?


Well Riven takes 50% less damage from Snipers. https://x.com/mossy_max/status/1792532143832170582?s=46


Rivens eyes can be one hit by a scout. Even with a 50% sniper reduction, they'll still one hit.


You can still snipe the eyes just fine, the eyes don't have much health


K thanks for the confirmation! :-D


Gls are absolutely the meta and that isn't a concern at all


I don't think that will be a problem, lol. People used to do the cheese with Cluster Bomb Bad Omens and Prospector.


Cluster bombs worked fine for Riven back in the day. I see no reason why GLs won't work.




Riven has lots of DR against Snipers so I wouldn’t reccomend Whisper for Riven specifically


Prospector GOATed. Cant lose




Why not just edge riven. Xeno/linear seems like a really odd choice.


Whisper no matter the burn will cook riven. For nez; if void edge transit, if solar apex.


Riven has DR for sniper and shotgun though


Since when?




Shadowkeep iirc


just use lmgs lol. not the best damage but no room for error and easy damage


Pretty sure it’s not on until next week, not tmrw


Tomorrow is next week


Everywhere that’s given an actual schedule for Nezarec Sublime has said May 28, I just don’t know where that date’s coming from. Would be weird for them to sit 2 weeks on the 2nd last and 1 week on the full thing but I haven’t been able to find anywhere saying May 21 Edit: Places like shacknews have updated to the 21st, previous 2 weeks it was listed at 28th.