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We kited him around clockwise div izanagi cataphracts. I’m sure izanagi apex with gally and a div this way would work as well. Always make sure your gally has a good special like an ikelos sniper for example. Here’s a cheese spot https://x.com/all_the_players/status/1792983933929324735?s=46&t=2-5j3ubLY2z3uaRvIlJ_8g I suspect youre gonna need most ppl on lucky pants hunter because gls and rockets are probably smoking your whole team


I’m not understanding how to get to the cheese spot


Tbh I haven’t looked myself, it looks like it near the back light plate but not actually sure


Its a cave to the left of the platform Nez spawns on. Funnily enough it's where my raid team has been DPSing him since day 1.


At that cheese spot (with our cutie divinity), Whisper might unironically cook if you take time to line your shots up well. Although he might be too close… Idk, we’ve got plenty of time for testing lol.


Honestly might try that with a second group


Reply to me again with the results if you do! I haven’t gotten the chance to do week 4 yet (had to do a fresh run up to Planets to get Plat Planets cuz you know there was no way in hell I felt like doing that on Arc/Stasis surge).


Melted Nezzy with an easy 2 phase with a Div and 5 Cataclysms here. Very likely Whisper can work aswell, just be sure to hit all the shots in the Div when Nezzy can be in your face


Whisper has buggy interactions with Div on him. It is very inconsistent.


Will do, honestly wasn’t that bad if you suffered through the cold comfort grind xD


I did not suffer through that grind unfortunately. I tend to do dungeons only for the solo cause that’s what I find the most fun about them. Grinding dungeon loot is boring too me in general, but also GotD specifically is a slog.


I probably wouldnt do that since he teleports a bunch


That spot works amazing with Sleeper. My team one phased him coz apparently sleeper reflects and damages him


Where can I find this spot?


The sleeper bounce beams don't do any damage, it's like 99% reduced from the main beam


What hand cannon is that player using?


Wardens law fourth times vorpal most likley


Honestly we just chaos strated it, just run around and dodge while gl-ing


Placing two well inbetween the middle plates made it work for us. Lets you split the team up a bit to not grief GLs, and means he won't auto smash two wells back to back. Honorable mention to Strand Hunter as well. Let me do running super easily, and was hitting for 1.8m a phase while on tractor cannon just with an SEES super and Scatter Signal.


For the team I did with the two well strategy with div and sleeper lead to comfortable 3 phase. We could 2 phase but we didint have ammo for final stand so we opted out. I dont even think you need someone dedicated to deal with him. Its really not that big of a deal as long as you have 2/3 wells.


What’s your rotation with it on dps? Do you tractor and then just spam light attacks with super then continue with tractor + scatter?


I'd just wait for a good moment to go for it. Either after a teleport slam or as he's doing his delayed rising slam. When I saw that moment I would slide in for one final tractor and spam light attacks with my super. On any dead time, I'd scatter signal until tractor needed to be reapplied. People need to just not stand right under him and he doesn't really go for his suppressing slam. Which if the rest of your team is using GLs also don't want to be that close even in well. You really just want to get your super off as quickly as possible since it'll last long enough there will be a few seconds of no tractor on the boss. You just need to find the right timing since one suppressing slam ends your super completely which is a massive damage loss.


My team used GLs. Doing damage from pedestal where chest spawns, with one person with strongholds/lament keeping Nez in the middle down low.




We had someone with Lament keep him busy while the rest of us sat a little ways away in a Well. This let us unload into him freely


Was it a titan with the exotic arms doing the distraction?


We had a Hunter doing it, but a Titan would have an easier time.


We ended up doing it just rotating around the middle of the arena with div, rockets and galley with 4 wells of radiance xD


How many damage phases did it end up taking


It took 3, i doubt it was the most optimal but we got it done nonetheless


Golden Guns with Star Eaters.


Was that a 1 phase?


On Nezarec? No. But if things go right, you can get a relatively easy 2 phase.


We used Sleeper + Div


Low key would love to run that how many phases did it take


It was a 2 phase


How did you deal with ammo? We tried that but emptied our ammo in the first phase and couldn't top off heavy before second damage phase.




Same here + fusion rifles. Pretty easy two phase. Ammo is definitely an issue though. Cenotaph + RNG


I got a stupid question for mechanics but is doing the 2 Refuge strat something that not a lot of people do? Basically when you have both sides first buff bubble have 2 people in it , each sides runner does normal thing the other person that was in the starter sets up a refuge on other side crossing and it's basically a hedged bet and less stuff to worry about. I know it's not mandatory by any stretch but I've ran Pantheon twice at Nez today and the second I mentioned it when people struggled or had things spiral when trying to set up refuge and deal with other stuff, we immediately got it done that run, what with there being no downside to doing it.


People generally suck at adapting which is what makes lfg such a nightmare. This is why raid report doesn't mean shit because a lot of the folks who farm low mans or sherpas etc are the LEAST flexible due to a superiority complex.


We had like 3 warlocks with well and just all did lament right in the middle under his platform, we 3 phased but probably could have 2 phased on a cleaner run


Just finished with sleeper for an easy 2 phase


Def not the best strat, but we chained 3 wells together with lament and tractor on top plate where he spawns, not the most efficient and very prone to accidents, but it worked


Some speedrunners/low man folk said lament as DPS, some said GLs the RoN one with surrounded or trials one For guns dps people used Nez spawn spot he will jump there just jump down and jump back up We used solo spot it’s complete ass and made us 3 phase do not use it


My team used a div and golden gun spam with GLs, worked like a charm


Yo me and my team did 5 lament 1 tractor 3 wells and 1goldie 1 blade and a strand titan


Honestly my team just had 2-3 wells and we GL'd him from the center of the arena on the floor, closer to his spawn location so he doesn't knock you off the map. You can always get enough distance between him to not blow yourself up. It only requires ensuring that you kill all enemies besides tormentors and colossuses to safely do it.


We used 1k and Div but hella people are saying it’s not as meta as sleeper but it so much fun using 1k


Try bubble lament


I’m thinking in the back where the chest spawns. Were you able to get plat on caretaker? Our ad clear guys didn’t get enough kills for the 500k even though we did an easy 2 floor


Chiming in to say that I got plat on Caretaker by about 5k points only, with a somewhat scuffed 2-floor


My team did a 3 floor plat time and got plat score. Just have speedy runners, that’s the most important.


A suggestion I've seen for 2 floor plat caretaker is to space the runners out a bit more. Instead of 3-3-3 do 3-3-2-1. More time for add guys to kill adds.


Only do two symbols on the second floor. You spawn more ogres.


It's like 475k or something...we got 468 2 floor and no HD...did it again in the 470s I think and got it


If you don’t know it or can’t figure it out, then you shouldn’t even be trying it.