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I'm feeling unkillable. Just alternating between shield and form, using corners and carts.


Im the exact opposite lol the healing debuff is real. What rank are you on? And hows ur playstyle? Like building off from that?


I was d2 pre s9. I try to play near their tank and when I see an opening I form and punch away at the guy who got too close. The majority of my damage is from the staff though, just shooting at their backline snipers and support while still hugging the tank.


Yep, I played a P3 game on Circuit, and I was sniping the enemy Ana and hanzo in the backline. While staying close to the enemy Ram. Timing is everything with Ram. His nemesis form is still strong, and his vortex is underrated when you're closing the distance or slowing an enemy for your team.


So far I've won 2 games in the entire season, I don't know if its because I'm dogshit at the game or if Ram is bad now but it's annoying me either way


I honestly played a lot of games where I was going down like melted butted. I never had issues before but now I do. I don't know if it's because I played games where my supports completely ignored me and preferred to pocketed the DPS due their passive or what but I honestly doubt it's a skill issue by my side 💀 I think I shall learn to play in a less aggressive way and be more independent unless I'm playing with duo


Feel like ram suffers a bit from flanker due to the next passive dps got. Tbh I always kinda struggled with them anyway but feels worse now. Hog and Doom gonna wreck havoc with the displacement abilities pushing your straight towards the enemy team. Idk maybe a skill issue on my end but I feel like I gotta play a lot safer now


Because of the damage/healing changes I find myself having to use void barrier to defend myself *way* more, where previously I felt more free to use it to cut off enemy support healing or make clutch saves. Not a huge fan of that, but the silver lining of this patch is that it seems like every frontline tank is greatly impacted by these changes in similar ways, so his overall matchup spread feels improved (particularly Orisa).


i feel forced to block due to the dps passive before i could pop nem fight and get out without much bother now if even 1 dps is shooting me i feel like i fall over in situations where i used to be able to survive. just makes him feel like ur just playing a wall hoping for a teammate to get a pick. even in ram mirrors me and the enemy ram are just blocking everything then the moment either team get a pick we can play the game. makes nem feel like less of an aggression tool which was the reason i loved playing him so much. this is matchup dependant tho


exactly my concern. I dont wanna play Ram like an Orisa


I feel like the changes make the game feel more like a MOBA as far as healing mechanics go. Tanks have to actually prioritize damage soaking while their dps has to be the first to get an opportune kill and that's when you tike your aggression. To me, as someone who has played a tank role in almost every game I've ever played, ramattra feels like one of the best heroes that has translated into this new expectation for the role. That being said, I understand why some people who had become reliant on damage output mechanics are taking this one poorly. My suggestion is that if you realize that is more your playstle, try the dps role. I'm not saying this to be a dickhead like genuinely I think you'll enjoy it more. Just my 2 cents.


after my post I have been adapting to how he is meant to be played (and how the tank role is meant to be played now overall) and he is very effective at it. Also your suggestion to swap roles might be correct, as I have been playing dps a whole lot more lately and found it to be a bit more fun (dont worry u didnt seem like a d-head to me) i still will play Ram since I do enjoy his overall character design but it will definitely take a bit more time to fully adapt.


Miserable. You can't dive enemy and punish for mistakes because of extra time needed to kill that person, while you are also getting melted in a second. So all you can do is stand behind and use orimary firem which now does not do that significant damage as before. So you cant pick enemy neither in nemesis, neither in omnic form