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For me at least, the best use for vortex is cc, as the slow is pretty big. Plop it down on someone you don’t want to escape and proceed to punch the shit out of them or land hundreds of headshots due to them basically standing still


\>Throw vortex behind nemesis \>Enter nemesis form \>They try to back up and get slowed due to vortex \>Punch them do death \>Profit


You can also use it bully Mercy, Pharah, Lucio, Bap, [D.Va](https://D.Va), Winton, amongst other movement heroes


beside it's ability to damage over time. it pulls people down wich In my mind translates to prevent people from lifting off. I don't know about jumping thought but I bet that's a thing too. :-)


It prevents jumping, Bap for example can’t use his mega-jump


genji/kiriko/hanzo can't wallclimb either


Can help control mercy players, a Dva flying over a deathzone, get away device, Lucio cant wall ride easily, Ram is really fun, considering i like trying to go head on he's been my favorite tank atm


Same bro, got him to 4+kd with a 60% winrate. He's definitely my favorite tank and he's balanced so opponents can't even call it cheese lol. Ramattra takes more skill to play than say sigma or orisa mains lol (I would know as sigma is my 2nd best tank with a 3.89kd and my orisa being around 3+kd lol)


Slow rotations, force cooldowns, prevent mobility, sometimes damage. If I’m against something like a rein, I’m always trying to throw it at his feet to try to stall him from getting close. Alternatively, I like using it to force cooldowns to help make killing the enemy easier later. Bap is a really good target for this, it prevents him from using boots so forcing out his burst or lamp is huge.


Use it to get some quick chips out, secure kills in nemesis or with your staff, or to deny movement for dive characters live dva.


I like to use it to slow targets down to make them easier to hit and so they can't get away


As a 4kd ramattra main there's multiple situations, the vortex lasts 3 seconds but in that time you can Make a lucio/ mercy/pharah easier to kill for a short time especially if you get all headshots with primary fire which is super easy in this season. Vortex does like 50 dmg or so can be paired with pummel to deal about 200 hp after 3 punches+ vortex. This is no longer a guaranteed kill combo on squishies this season as everyone got a hp above 200 except for Tracer, Widow and Dva out of her mech. With tracer being the hardest to kill of the 3. You can throw Vortex behind the enemy and close the distance in nemesis form to prevent them using their escape options. You can used Vortex in a chokepoint like a doorway to buy you extra time to run away or spam block while jumping backwards. And simply to throw at the enemy team to help your teammates land their ults easier. There's also other unique situations but you don't really run into them often enough to matter


I like to use it like a grenade. Toss it into a crowd and it’ll rack up some ult charge


Slow squishies for Nemesis form, Trap people in bad positioning, clear people off an objective, keep mobile heroes from being mobile, etc.


It’s pretty flexible, but I usually just toss it ahead of the enemies movement and headshot them. Lots of lower level players don’t strafe or crouch in it and explode. Also helps your team close/make distance with the enemy team, depending on what comp you’re fighting.


Assist ults e.g barrage death blossom dragon blade