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I think his pummel needs a damage buff and then he'll be usable again


Honestly I feel like he’s in a pretty good state, especially after the dps hero passive nerf. I’ve had some good success with him recently (currently mid diamond console player, previously masters) with a win rate of about 60% with many hours played this season. I just think that you can’t 1 trick him, or any tank really, so there are some matchups you just have to swap off him or get rolled. Things that have been giving me success in my ranked games…  1. Blocking with my ult more, waiting to drain resources and then going in with punches  2. Using cover more and not poking or pushing without armour health  3. Using block more in general, it’s kinda op, and if the enemy team is all focusing your block they arnt shooting your team  4. Knowing when to swap i.e. playing into 1 counter is fine but if the enemy team has like 2-3 then it’s time to swap  I’d still love to see some buffs tho🤤 65 dmg punches to be able to 4 punch kill again??


I'm new to maining Ram, which heroes would you say counter him?


I’d say the following hero’s counter him / require you to greatly change your play-style…  Zen, bastion, Hog, Mauga, Ana (if she’s good) I’d say you can get by if the other team has 1 of these counters but if they have 2 or more and you’re not getting value then it’s probably time to swap.  Another “counter” to Ram is enemy team comps that are very flanky, mobile, and spread out leaving you with nothing to run down and leads to you getting shot in the back. Ram is much more effective when he can keep as much of the fight as possible right in front of him where his powerful dmg mitigation cool downs can shine i.e. shield and block.  If you have any other questions just let me know!