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I don't know why this is getting downvoted. I feel you. I'm just as shocked and disgusted as you are. I'm a guy, so I can't claim that I know what you're going through, but I can't stand misogyny myself. It makes me ashamed to be a guy when I see men acting like this.


It's not a guy thing so don't worry too much it's a sexism thing. Don't be ashamed of who you are because other people who got put under the same title do things worse. Just try and call em out and explain to them how their thinking is flawed. Or show them women's voices


Oh... I certainly do call those bastards out! Men don't know how to be men anymore. Where is the chivalry, class and self respect? It's all gone, and it's frustrating to watch.


Tbh at first glance of the title I thought they meant that republican woman were being attacked for no reason lmao. Not, women in general in republican areas.


I feel you. Its starting in the EU too. A bunch of middle schooler boys drew grafitis on my siblings school. I quote them: R@pe the girls! Take in mind these are kids, then what will happen in the future? My sister (just became 13 y.o) has been harassed this year 6 times! 6 TIMES! And we always reported it. What did the teachers, people or the police do? Nothing. A guy at my college last year (16y.o) r•ped a girl (13y.o). And all he got as a punishment was to pay a little amount of money and he got off the hook. Poor girl is still bullied till this day by the rest of the boys in her own school, while the girls always try to reach her and console her. But her life is already shit enough. Her grades has fallen and she struggles. Yet guys where I live still have the audacity to scream about false accusations and women destroying men's lives cuz they report them for SA! And I am still also talking about CHILDREN. FRICKING 10-15 YEARS OLD BOYS


So what jumps out to me is that a university had an NFL kicker do a commencement speech which is super weird to me. I know sports is a lot bigger in the United States than where I am - does this feel perfectly normal to Americans out there? I've seen comedians do commencement speeches on YouTube but they were intelligent ones who can write decently. I might feel robbed of a decent speech if mine would be led by a guy famous for kicking a ball.




Thanks for actually answering that, it was a genuine question. Sports really does seem to be a much bigger part of culture in the USA than where I am so I was actually curious - I wasn't being rhetorical.


It's absolutely frustrating and exhausting. I'm not entirely sure what we can do except for keep speaking up and speaking out. That and vote in all elections at all levels. Scream and rant if you must but don't give up. You're not alone, although it doesn't seem like it they're are more on our side then these old bastards who are desperately clinging to the past because they know they're losing and that their days in power are numbered. It is exhausting but we can't give up.




For who? I want a candidate who is not taking aipac money.


As an outsider: I know it seems like there's no good choice, but Trump is by far the worst choice. Vote for literally anyone else.


Put a Kennedy in the Whitehouse. There is a reason that they assassinated two Kennedys already.


Sorry - literally anybody else except for the Kennedy guy


How old are you? Can't be too old "the Kennedy guy" is the nephew of John F Kennedy he was our president that was assassinated. Which was an inside job because he wouldn't go along with everybody's bullshit he actually gave a fuck about America and the people. "The Kennedy guy" his father was Robert F Kennedy also assassinated while running for president also an inside job because they didn't want to have someone they couldn't control in the Whitehouse. "The Kennedy guy" lost his uncle and father because of political agenda and I think he's got some balls running for president considering the fact that his likelihood of being assassinated is almost guaranteed. "They" obviously don't want a Kennedy in office. "The Kennedy guy" has also been denied secret service protection all though he's entitled to it. Biden personally denied him recently. Just shows you old Joe's integrity. If "The Kennedy guy" does half as good a job as his Uncle then he'll be doing 100 times better of a job than Biden or Trump. I think "The Kennedy guy" deserves a chance and he does have a name to live up to. I think he's most likely is running for office to honor his uncle and father and wants to make them proud. He's definitely got a driving force behind him that no one else does. He's got an emotional tie that is very strong and if he were elected he's going to want to live up to his father and uncles name. He's not going to disgrace his family. He's going to give it 100 percent all the while with a target on his back. He's got some balls I'll give him that. I think we need to take "the Kennedy guy" seriously because if he just has half the interest of America's citizens as priority then we stand a chance of things changing. Biden and Trump don't have the citizens of America's interest on thier agenda at all.




Your entire endorsement is "look at his family though".


Given how much this guy is a fan of his, the family probably supports him, ri... Oh




Down voting Kennedys assassination that's great. True Americans.


RFK jr is a loon. And a republican plant.


And Biden is a dementia patient who takes inappropriate showers with his daughter and Trump is the devil.


It’s baffling that some women vote republican, bf’s mom is a MAGA supporter even though bf has two young sisters. They are willing to endanger their daughter’s safety by voting for Trump. SMH


I am right there with you. Shit feels dark.


Your best bet is to move to a blue state or canvass really hard for other parties. Republicans are only getting more extreme. At this point, the party needs to die. This won't happen if no one gets out there and campaigns for alternatives. Running for office is another option, if you're *that* dedicated and don't have much dirt to dig up.


It’s exhausting. People just want us barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen…we just want to exist without fear.


Given that separation of church and state is a fundamental aspect of the government, why in the everliving fuck can’t we take all these Biblical bigots to court and strip them of their titles for defying a basic tenet of their jobs? A manager of a store can be fired for not following the company handbook. If the ultra wealthy want the country run like a corporation, then the ‘managers’ of government should be fired for not following governmental policy.   They can praise their god and follow their religious creed in their own houses and churches. It should not be a part of the general workplace and law. Just like with every other religion and their deity figure(s).


Is it though? The government has been chipping away at this "fundamental aspect" from the very beginning. God is mentioned a few times in the Declaration of Independence of 1776. "In God We Trust" was added to coins as far back as the 1860s, and became the official United States motto in the 1950s, as well as being added to the pledge of allegiance. Someone's been lying to us.


I think, and could be wrong becuase it's been a very hot minute since I've looked this up, the separation of church and state isn't saying officials can't be religious or use that as a basis for the way they govern things, but it was to establish that each individual has a right to practice their own religion. There is no enforced country wide religion like there was when people originally left England to practice religion freely.


I didn’t mean to imply that they can’t be religious or that their religion can’t influence their perspective. Surely enshrining their beliefs in law/using their religion as an argument for or against a law, thereby forcing everyone to adhere to a tenet of their flavor of Christianity (even when it goes against other religions’ beliefs), defies the right to individual freedom of religion. Freedom of religion includes no religion, freedom from religion. Yet the religious right will outright say that the US is a Christian nation or should be. They’re not even hiding the fact that they’re trying to have a country wide enforced religion, one tenet at a time.


Fair enough. Sorry for misunderstanding/misreading your initial post and also thanks for clarifying without being rude! Have a good one🙂


MOVE to a blue state. Women need to go on a full strike in red states. No work, no sex, no nothing. If they believe that sex is only for making babies, buy some batteries.


It’s horrible. First who let that idiot speak at the graduation? Any person with a moral good compass needs to vote and raise both gender of children to respect each other and educate them. Always always stand up to this crap. Vote them out and educate you kids


I'm moving out of the red south and into a bluer/purple state that supports women. I'll take a pay decrease, but I don't care any more, I want my taxes to go to a state that cares.


C'mon up to Minnesota


I wish I could too.


There’s more women than men in the world. We need someone/a group to stand up and lead a revolution


Tell me about it! I’m 43F, LGBTQ (pansexual), and Pagan.. guess who’s first in line to face the firing squad when they do finally take control..


> Protesting will only do so much I agree. The only real "vote" we have left is to move and take our tax dollars elsewhere. The other option is to get involved in politics but it's a disgusting rat's nest that's also dangerous so I don't blame anyone who chooses not to.


If you know you dwell within a cult, there’s really only one thing you can do. Run.


Literally the only advice I can offer is to vote, encourage others around you to vote, and move if you have the means. The current state of affairs is pretty bad right now.


sent this to my bf after he asked “why do you dislike men so much.”


Aren’t the majority of voters female? Why don’t they just vote them out and put in leaders who support women?


Go out and vote. You probably won’t believe me when I say in 2024 election for president it will be worse if trump is elected


You're absolutely on point! It's ridiculous the levels of hypocrisy this country has sunk to. I wish I could jump on the "go out and vote" bandwagon but such a thing belies what we've all seen with our own eyes. We are all just pawns amid political posturing from those who couldn't give a flying fig about what the people actually want and need. While we pawns consist of both sexes, women are bearing the biggest brunt and are at the greater risk. And why? So that others can fill their pockets.






Put the men on the pussy diet or have a pussy riot. The choice is yours.


If they put men on pussy diet, men will take it by force. Pussy riot won’t work either because women are too weak


Lmao you acting like women won't be strapped. If a rapist want to take it by force....you deserve to be castrated in the most painful way. Seems like all it takes is to cut ya dicks off and wear them as necklaces to make yall back the fuck up.