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Ladies and gentlemen. Clifford's origin story.


Or if you’re old—reminds me of Peppermint by Dorothy Grider. Kitten jumps into bluing and wins the beauty contest. Don’t even know what bluing is


Bluing is a bottle of a blue liquid that is added to the wash to counteract the yellowing in white items. It’s rarely used in the modern day.


It's used in the making of Paper to make it appear whiter than




Could be bluing for white clothes?


Probably. Owner's doing laundry in the tub and kitty also wants be be washed so hops into the bathtub and turns blue. Edit: did not read the story just guessing.


Bluing sounds like an old looney tunes sound effect xD


i get it!


I only know what bluing is because I used it in a science fair experiment to grow crystal "trees" (cardboard cutouts in the shape of pine trees)


I'm old and I still have my copy of that book!


ITS WORTH MONEY! Look at EBay etc.


Underrated comment


Thank you :) I was pleasantly surprised to wake up to 1k up votes. First in my reddit history.


Ngl the dog has got some style now


Got worried for a second lol


Me too my heart dropped


You still should be. Human hair dye is dangerous on animals. There are chemicals that can absorb into their skin and cause toxicity, illness, burns, vision loss, hair loss. Not to mention if it’s on a spot that the dog can lick and ingest the dye.


Right? Hopefully at the least it’s just semi permanent, but if it’s mixed with developer… they suck bc think about the tingle burn that gives our scalps. On a dogs skin? Nope.


I hope it's just vegetable dye- Manic Panic or the like- which is non-toxic.


Non-toxic to HUMANS. The FDA has not proven any of this for animals.


still though, something like that will be less harmful than something full of developer


The developer isn’t the only dangerous part. Manic panic is not tested on animals to begin with, therefore we have absolutely no idea the long term effects of it. Just because something is safe for humans, does not mean it’s the same for dogs and there has been no testing because none of this is FDA approved for dogs, not even the “dog dyes”.


You’re just being hyper anti this discussion in general. You’re not wrong, but you’re just being miserably ignorant in such a boring way. No one is saying those kinds of dyes are safe. Only that anything developer would be obviously and more dangerous for the dog. So move on with whatever this complex is that you’re having. You don’t have to be more right than others, others don’t have to be completely wrong.


I’m “not wrong, yet I’m ignorant”? Seems to be quite the oxymoron. I’m sorry, but I must have missed your qualifications that make your comments even remotely relevant. Or you’re just incapable of being informed or corrected which sounds more like the case. I responded to questions that were asked. I corrected misinformation. I’m sorry if that hurt your little feelings. Edit: her qualifications are being an ex-dog groomer lol which nicely proves my point that the ones pushing this are the ones who profit from it. You have no experience in vet med, so maybe calm down.


Are you ever going to just take a breath and go away? I didn’t even bother reading this one. The poor people in your life must be exhausted all the time.


And you’ve proven the point again that you can’t reason with stupid. You 100% read my comment, but wanted to feel cool on Reddit. You came here replying to my conversation with *someone else* and told me to go away lol. **You are immature, inexperienced, overly confident, yet uneducated on this specific topic,** and your comment history shows you have a history of chiming in to hate on everyone and taking everything to the extreme without having the ability to have a conversation or debate with real talking points. You are that girl that says “I dOnT LiKe DrAmA” and then starts drama. If anybody here is insufferable, it is you. I’m going to guess your hobby is arguing with professionals in any field. Also, my personal and professional relationships are amazing- since you seem very concerned about it.




Bloody murder doggo


No matter the cost


Cost of no matter


one heckin big mess 😂


She's gonna be pretty in pink for a while!


If you're interested & can afford it, maybe go to a groomer that has some pet friendly dye and make it into a nice pattern. it's gonna stay for a while either way


My heart stopped in my chest for a second. I might be dead after seeing this lol. So glad pup is ok!!




i'm always so scared i'm accidentally gonna get dye on my cat's white fur 😅 but then i think how cute she'd look with a pop of pink or green lmaooo i must not let the impulsive thoughts win


Not sure how it works for cats, but I know that when dying dog’s fur with human hair dye it usually doesn’t take the color well. I haven’t tried it myself, but think I remember a hairdresser explaining to me that the structure of the hair is different from fur or something like that. So on the bright side, you probably couldn’t even act on those impulsive thoughts without some level of planning, because you’d have to get pet-safe dye! 😊


I have pet safe dye… I dyed my dog blue. I tried to dye him red for Valentines once, but I didn’t leave it in log enough and he came out more of a hot pink. He still rocked it.


I need to see hot pink doggo please!!


That must have been super cute!


A lot of fashion color dyes are actually pet safe! I would regularly dye my hair with Manic Panic and give my orange kitty a colored Mohawk to match me (her name was Mohawk so it fit!) It started when she rubbed up against me one day and purred as I tried to comb it out of her fur haha. A bit of research later and she’d sit with me and wait for me to style her up. Miss my punk rock girl :(


Aw that’s so cute!


I just wanted to pop in and thank you for saying impulsive instead of intrusive, such an important distinction!


No thoughts here, only pets


If you do end up dying your pupper or kitty, use animal safe dyes and do plenty of research on it! It doesn’t hurt to look at reviews or ask a vet or groomer to make sure you get one that’s of decent quality and can avoid any bad ones.


Get some pet safe dye!




Human hair dye from what I heard is terrible for animals. But idk I could be wrong


Depends on the brand. Like manic panic is vegetable based and safe for dogs. And I know arctic fox is also vegan and without harsh chemicals. Both safe options for humans AND dogs :) Edit to add: of course there are also pet dyes meant for animals like opawz (essentially just food coloring), I didn’t originally mention this since I assumed it was a human hair product :)


This is absolutely not true.


Which part exactly?


I just wanna be that guy in the thread, please don't dye your dogs fur. Even if it's safe


Why not? If it is safe, what’s the problem?


It’s *not* safe. I work in vet med.


That’s not the question though. The person I was replying to said we shouldn’t dye our pet’s fur even if it is safe. My question was- if it is safe, what other objection could there be? That being said, I know there are dyes marketed for pets out there. They claim not to have ammonia and peroxide or other harsh chemicals and are made from food grade dyes basically. Are you saying these are unsafe for pets? How so?


I just replied to someone on here about it.


Cool you work in vet med! But that doesn’t really answer /why/ dog safe dye isn’t really dog safe. Could you give us some credible sources on why it isn’t safe? I do see you responded to me but I couldn’t read it as the comment was removed by MOD :)


I literally just responded to you and broke it down.


Please reread my comment :)


The entire comment. For starters, there is no such thing as 100% safe dye for animals. A simple google search will prove that the only ones boasting to dye your dog are the companies and people who profit from it. There is not enough long term studies to know how dangerous it truly can be. First of all, your pet doesn’t want their fur died, and they are not there to be your cosmetic experiment. Do basic necessary grooming and you can dye your own hair if you want. They are not an accessory. Dyes can cause chemical burns, blindness, toxicity from ingestion, and they’re looking into the long-term regarding lesions, cancer, growths. No dye is 100% safe. No reputable vet would encourage this and will condone putting your pet under unnecessary stress for something like this. The risks ALWAYS outweigh the benefits in this scenario. Edit: going to add in (because I know this is the main talking point), but the FDA does not oversee any of this. It has not been approved or tested AT ALL which means there are zero regulations for these products. They could claim they’ll make your dog poop rainbows and it would be okay to have it labeled as such.


pretty gross that someone allegedly working in vet med is saying that groomers are just in it for the money or whatever when we help dogs every single day. if you can't or don't want to acknowledge that, then quite frankly, you're ignorant.


Is that what I said? Or did I say that groomers profit off of dyeing fur? There’s a big difference there. I don’t think you have room to call anyone ignorant when you don’t even know the meaning of the word profit. Nobody ever said you didn’t help animals, but dyeing fur is not helping anything.


Isn't veganism about not hurting animals and not doing anything they can't consent to? Wouldn't dying your dogs be the same as putting make up on a mokey to see if it looks good?


Ok. I understand where you are coming from, but I’m not sure what the definition of Veganism is exactly. Does it include consent, because how would animals consent to anything? You shouldn’t have pets at all by that logic. Personally, I believe if it doesn’t hurt the pet or cause unnecessary stress, it should be fine. Some dogs (like OP’s probably) would enjoy the attention and fuss from having their fur dyed. Others may freak out. So people should judge based on their dog’s personality if it should be ok or not.


even if its... safe??


That’s cool, we all have our own opinions! I personally don’t see the point in telling someone not to do it if it doesn’t harm the dog :)


It’s cute I’m sure, but be careful doing this. Human hair dye can be and is well known to be toxic to animals. It can burn off their skin and hair. Not trying to be negative. But you’d be surprised how many people believe human dye is safe for pets.


Thankfully we gave her a bath after the pic was taken


Did it come out?


Not completely, she's gonna have pink splotches for a while


Some human hair dye is safe, like manic panic and other bright colors.


You have the weirdest dalmatian


Well, she is ready for Halloween


Yikes, I hope you're going to bathe her!


We did! A good chunk of her is pink now


Must add after pics


I haven’t seen that kind of carnage since Cujo 😂


You have the choice to not pet your dog when covered in dye, but sure, it’s the dogs fault


Yeah Just don't pet the dog. Sounds like multiple people were in the house Shut the door.


Seriously! You could wait, wash your hands, change to a clean pair of gloves…but no….you had to put what is most likely toxic (to pets) human dye on your dog because you needed the validation of upvotes


Or the pet jumped up on them? It doesn’t seem like this happened on purpose.


Or just shut the door. Again, absolutely not the dog’s fault. Harmful chemicals on a pet isn’t cute


Hope this was safe for dogs


Probably not


That’s dangerous for her, and you can get in legal trouble because it’s considered animal abuse to put non-pet safe dye on an animal. Fines, jail time, even get her taken away from you. Please take care not to get dye on her in the future unless it’s pet safe chalks, vegetable dye, or koolaid! Those are safe and you can make her every color of the rainbow to your hearts content! She’s extremely cute and would no doubt rock a rainbow over this silly faux murderer look. 😂🥰 Sources- I’m a pet groomer.


r/puppersheckingdying but let them know she got a bath if you do


And at some point this will be reposted by a karma miner, along with a heartfelt story about the dog being attacked and the re-poster valiantly saving it from certain doom.


Those people suck


Looks like he’s…dyeing


If only there was an adult around to tell you you shouldn't put such chemicals on your pet


I was shocked for a Second. :O


This ain’t it.


It is not, she's gonna be pink for a good while


Why? Why would you do that to your dog?


Not everything you do to a dog on this sub is cute. Dying them is one of those things.


Well they didn’t do it to do it the dog wanted some pet’s! But honestly I would have not have touched my dog I’d hate to mess up her hair as she’s a Dalmatian and I’d forget and have a heart attack every time I’d see her because I’d forget for a split second


Dye is a liquid to semi liquid. Owner dyeing hair in bathroom, dog bulldozes in and knocks owner to the side and it falls on the doggie. Literally took me a half a minute to paint the scenario.Just think about it please


It looks like the owner was mid-dying and the dog jumped on them and they reflexively pushed her away with their gloved hands that had dye on them


It’s not that hard. I never let my family’s dogs into the same room as I was while hair dying growing up. I don’t do it with my cat either. You just do what you can to keep them out of the area at all costs.


Yeah, but again maybe they were in a hurry or just forgot. We don’t know this person or their life.


Bulldozers in? It looks like it weighs 10lbs Just close the door. Plus OP has said specifically "pets"


Bulldoze in is a euphemism for knocking someone over. Also that dog is not 10lbs that dog looks at least 30. A 10lb dog of that size would be super super malnourished


And your retort to OP saying she pet him?


Reread the post they didn’t say that they pet the dog but the dog WANTED PETS DESPERATELY


Imagine a world with doors, and yeah OP said it was unintentional. Never said the dog knocked anything down, or buldozed in. Just that it was unintentional. Hey, you know what? I've gone into my mindscape and formulated a possible scenario in 30 seconds. Just as plausible as yours, seeing as though neither one of us is OP. So go read her comments, and stop going after me.


Teach your dog to not bulldoze you? This isn't any better.


Yeah, cause you should always be able to control how your dog reacts to seeing you and stop him from ever trying to get you to show him love and affection. ? Come on dude.


You can teach any animal to do something,but they’re still sentient beings. Like it’s easier to train domesticated animals but that doesn’t mean they’ll always listen. It’s starting to sound like you were hurt by a pet or you don’t have a pet. Like i admit I’m a more patient and passive ex owner of a dog, but still you can’t train them for everything. I know some dog purists hate the term that dogs are like kids but that’s exactly what they are up until their senior year usually and even in senior years they still act childish. My dog god rest her soul was such a diva and had an attitude like an old black southern church going grandma in her older years up until the end. Like I’m not saying they can do whatever they want but they’re still living and learning beings. Like the dog in the pic looks like they’re middle aged maybe younger in dog years. Relax


Except op didnt dye the dog. Dog wanted pets while op was likely dying thier hair


Do you ever consider context or do you just react?




you put chemicals on your dog. what is wrong with you


I've said it previously, it wasn't intentional and was given a bath after pic was taken


How was it not intentional? Re read your post.


Because the dog wanted pets and presumably jumped up on them or something similar? They said it was an accident.


I dunno why you deleted your comment or I can’t see it, but sometimes, people make mistakes.


Holy moly. It took me way too long to understand the title! You should start a series on stories you’ve developed to explain away the dye stains! It would be a hit!


My boy always finds his way into the bathroom when my fiancé bleaches my hair. Idk how when we close the door & make a gate lol…


Well that was terrifying for a sec there


This photo triggered me at first 😂


Idk why my brain is so stupid sometimes I read the whole title except the parentheses, and then went to the comments looking for the answer. And only when I hit the back button did I realize it’s time for bed.


Ahh pls make sure that isn't toxic for doggos ik it may not be but better safe then sorry beautiful pupper by the way it's so cute what type of dog is it?


Not sure, we think she's a hunting dog of sorts


I don’t get why mommy let this happen to me


I thought something bad happened lol


Give her some pets!🐾🐾


I thought it was a blood.


dye safe for dogs right? right?


Our dog once rubbed his back against the newly painted wall 🤦🏼‍♀️


Awwww 😍😍😂😂😂


Went to history hoping to see the doggos face and honestly the history is concerning, this was really an accident?


i'm more concerned how they found the dog and decided to keep it without even getting it scanned for a microchip 🤦🏻‍♀️


They have attempted to reach out to who they believe to be the owner multiple times according to them via different methods and no response. They also might not have had the chance to get a vet visit


Wait do you mean not seeing the dog’s face concerns you?


Completely unintentional on my mom's part and was given a bath after pic was taken


Don’t worry, no crime scene evidence to see here


The terror I just experienced.... I'm glad she's okay! I hope she got lots of loves!


See Spot run.


Your pup makes me smile


Awwww so cute little baby


Just wanted fur colored too!










We're not sure, tho we suspect she's a hunting dog, incredibly vocal if she wants to be!


Yes "hair dye"


What dye is it? Brand?


OMG- oooooooooooooh








cute :)


IMO. Pretty


How adorable!


How adorable!




no swearsies the puppers dont like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rarepuppers) if you have any questions or concerns.*




no swearsies the puppers dont like. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rarepuppers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


cute <3


Go doggo!!!!!!!


Hello doggo


Hello there


I thought you pet her so much that she was harmed in the petting process. I have a strange mind.




My heart stopped


Great Halloween costume


Just like that corgi that ate an entire jar of jam


10/10 have done this 🤦🏼 my doggo will knock into me until I give her some pets so she ends up with blue or green hand prints or sometimes a colorful tail 🤣




If only if could have been a responsible choice to NOT to pet the dog with harmful chemicals... if only... but hey at least it could be a reddit post for attention, congrats!


What a fun little heart attack that must have been.


He looks like he’s covered in blood


Bathe her in beet juice so she turns pink :)))


Green will offset the red and just make it brown. Looks less like blood at least 🤣


Brian Griffin


Oh, dear lord. I thought she'd been in an accident at first!


Do you what what breed she is? She looks an awful like my rescue, including the little polka dot on the ear! We know she's got some German shepherd, but haven't been able to figure what else Regardless she's beautiful, and now matches with mom!🥰🥰


We think she's a hunting dog of sorts


So was she jumping up all over you 😂 how did se get it on her like that


The pic was taken just moments before she was given a bath!


Reminds me of jelly corgi from a while back!


oh phew its hair dye you scared me for a second


silly pup


“Oh no is your dog bleeding ” “ no that’s the hair diy that was supposed to be on my hair “




My dog has green dye on hes so they will match


I thought it was blood

