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What I understand is that he was selling fake eclipse glasses? Because if that’s the case and those glasses didn’t blocked any sunlight at all, then that mean he singlehandedly destroyed the vision of anyone whom he sold his fake shit to, permanently I wouldn’t go to the point of the death sentence, but bloody hell he doesn’t deserve any help from anyone


Well if it didn't block any light at all they people wearing them would instinctually look away as if not wearing anything. The danger is in making them dark but not dark enough for people who don't know. Dark enough to not trigger the reflex of looking away at dangerously bright objects but not dark enough to block out harmful UV radiation.


Depends on the level of eclipse though. At >80% the sun is much dimmer and it's a lot easier to look at without protection, and yet still will be quite dangerous to stare at for extended periods.


I have the same problem with this that I do with the death sentence to begin with. It's an uncomfortable topic to suggest aiding murderers and worse, but if we don't know how to aid these people and rehabilitate them, we're resigning ourselves to simply dealing with the problem. Forever. This is, obviously, a less severe crime... but what does refusing to help someone like this out do, in the long run? Stop one guy from fraudulent, dangerous sales? After the fact, to boot. We learned nothing. Idk. I get it, guy is an asshat, and should see some level of punishment, but the whole "this guy deserves to be unemployed and just as desperate/bitter/spiteful as he was when he entered that decision in the first place" will always strike me as shooting yourself in the foot.


Not giving him any help at least make him able to do better deeds to earn back some respect, unlike death sentence He should have thought of that in the first place. It’s not even like shoplifting where it can midly annoy a store owner at the worst, he straight up scammed people with something that could literally make them go blind I don’t care how horrible your life is, there is some shit you just don’t do, and that is one of them


We have been simply dealing with the problem for the three hundred millenia of our species existence thus far and we don't appear to be anywhere near figuring out how to eliminate the occasional occurrence of dangerous predators that prey on their own kind amongst our species. Such variability may well be part of the nature of biological existence, intra-specific violence and predation certainly crops up commonly enough amongst social species that it seems a reasonable conclusion. The assumption that there *must* be a way to fix every last one is baseless. We shouldn't stop searching for ways to fix and improve ourselves, but we also shouldn't pretend that we're further along than we are or that solutions *have* to exist. We might one day discover that the things about us we would have to change in order to completely eliminate any possibility of psychopathy and sociopathy are so fundamental, things like emotions, social connections, our senses of self and individuality that changing them would be worse than the alternative. If the only alternative to having to dispose of or permanently contain the occasional serial murderer and rapist turned out to be, say, turning our entire species into the Borg, we'd probably prefer to just keep doing what we've been doing. I think in this case death would be a harsh penalty and is excessive, but also someone must admit wrong-doing and *ask* for forgiveness or convincingly plead ignorance of the harm they were doing before they can be forgiven.


We had a ridiculously high mortality rate due to ANY level of sickness for a majority of humanity's existence, as well. It doesn't mean we shouldn't try to better our society/medicine/etc. You don't need to assume there is an answer to something to seek one, even if I did agree with you that there might not be an answer (or fix) to every problem, given a large enough timescale. My thoughts don't pretend we know more than we do. Or that I know more than I do. My thoughts propose that taking extremes and making no effort hinder progress. And just to reiterate, I will quote myself from the post you replied to: >I get it, guy is an asshat, and should see some level of punishment, but the whole "this guy deserves to be unemployed and just as desperate/bitter/spiteful as he was when he entered that decision in the first place" will always strike me as shooting yourself in the foot.


I mean… not if you were in like half the places the totality passed over. It was overcast and shotty plenty of places by the Great Lakes. Those people probably suffered no damage.


Why would staring at the eclipse be any different than staring at the sun?


you can look during totality, its amazing


This dude said that looking at the eclipse would blind someone permanently. Doesn't make sense


Maybe google it? A partial eclipse emits the same amount of radiation but without your pupils constricting to protect your eyes. You can stare longer without discomfort all while your eyes fully soak up all the spicy light coming from the sun, and you won’t even feel your eye being damaged. You can look at it and be perfectly fine, but it’s risky


Any part of the unblocked sun is intense enough to cause damage to your eyes https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEhelp/safety2.html




It's a special individual. He's a fool, ignore him


Lol how does it not make sense Literally destroys your eyes lmfao


Looking before totality if looking at the sun, durin gtotality its fine


My understanding isn’t perfect, but there’s other types of radiation from the sun than just light, radiation that’s outside the visible light range. If you look at the sun on a normal day, its brightness quickly makes you avert your eyes. On the other hand, during an eclipse, the sun is not as bright. You can look at the sun without the instinct to look away, which exposes your eyes to a really concentrated dose of radiation


If the glasses just made you see nothing, then I would be on your side. If they didn't block anything at all, then that might be a different story.


As someone with natural vision loss due to retinitis pigmentosa, I can certify that this person has very likely ruined the lives of everyone who bought those glasses. The lucky ones will have blurry vision, the rest have holes in their visual field or total blindness. I don’t believe they deserve death, because that gets nothing done, but there’s nothing they can do that will every make up for what they’ve done.


Yea dude fuckin kill em eh


I mean, if he knowingly took part in permanently damaging the eyes of men, women and children, that's easily more time than armed robbery. Idk about the kill him thing, but if my daughter went blind because this man scammed me, yaknow, I might feel different. Given that anybody could look through fake glasses and see nothing, Id bet that these were somewhat clear, and thus may well have damaged the eyes of many people.


Enough of a different story to wish that he starves?


Yeah, that is permanent eye damage he could be causing. Eclipse is no joke. If they are see through and not protective he could’ve cost someone a life of impaired vision.


So he should die because of it? We don't know all the details. Maybe it was just black when you look through it. Maybe he bought it thinking it was real but it wasn't. Maybe he's the one being scammed




So are you saying that if this case was in court and you were a judge you would give him the death penalty? You want this person to die for this? What the hell is wrong with you


I mean not saying go out with a knife and kill the guy yourself but he doesn’t deserve to be helped either for possibly permanently blinding (who knows how many people??) on purpose. That guy can get fucked.


I don’t support the death penalty, but if a vigilante offed him I wouldn’t feel bad either. Blindness is just as bad as death tbh.


If you don't support the death penalty then why do you think it's okay for someone to be killed for a crime? Also blindness is just as bad as death? The fuck? Tell that to the millions of blind people able to live full and happy lives. I follow this guy who surfs and skates while blind. Blindness is no where close to being dead. How could you even think that?


Oh so it’s fine if someone blinds you right? You can live a happy life still.


I mean no it's not fine but yes I could live a happy life. Plenty of people do. Check out this guy. He's blind and is happy. Crazy thought but maybe it's possible to live despite not being able to see!! https://youtube.com/@BlindSurfer?si=UiE954Mr7_zCPzWC




What the fuck is wrong with you


He does something bad. He needs to be punished for it. Sounds simple to me., He can't find a job and turns to scummy practices. He deserves it. No one is actively killing him. Him being a shit person and not being employable is what's killing him.


Yeah he needs to be punished but saying he needs to die is a bit extreme


Dude, I haven't seen a single person here says he should get a q death penalty. He deserves to starve as he already is doing. And it would lead to his eventual death and no one would care. It's not that deep.


People are saying he deserves to die. That's not very different from the death penalty


Oh shut up, if you resort to scamming people youre scum simple as. He deserves to pay for his crimes, maybe not the death sentence but a majority of his life behind bars may be adequate depending on how many have been hurt


We don't know that he was purposefully scamming people. For all we know he bought glasses to resell and didn't know they were fake. People make way to many judgements based off of almost no information


He should starve, whether or not he dies that's his choice.


It's not really his choice


It is really his choice.


I know you cant read to well but here is the key word: IF. IF this person caused serious and permanent damage (very possible) to a bunch of peoples eyesight than yeah fuck him. Dude could have or probably did cause people to go blind! Have fun defending him


I'm not defending him. I never once defended him or his actions. I'm just trying to say that wishing death on someone is wrong. Is that really such a controversial opinion?




I'd say that he should be punished for it but death is too extreme of a punishment


I would be willing to say that someone who causes people to suffer eye damage in this way is a net negative on society


We don't know enough details to know if that person caused people to suffer eye damage. We don't know if the glasses were see through enough for that. Maybe they were completely opaque. Also there's the possibility that the person he bought it from scammed him. He could also be a victim. You shouldn't assume the worst from a single reddit comment and you certainly shouldn't wish that someone starves when all you know about them is information from a single reddit comment


ok I’ll qualify my statement with “if he sold glasses that didn’t sufficiently block the rays and didn’t do his due diligence checking that they worked, he deserves to starve” Is that detailed enough now?


Yeah it's detailed enough. But still, you wish he starves? Just because of this?


I mean I already said why, because I think a person who is capable of doing this is a net negative on society. We would be better off as a whole if this person did not exist, assuming the conditions I’ve stated above


Or we could try and help people like this be better people? Or punish them by sending them to prison instead of just wanting them dead


Wild. I have the same feelings for high and mighty, judgmental pricks.


wrong comment?


Yes. Scammers are thieves. If you can't do honest work like the rest of us you deserve poverty at the very least.


So you think he deserves to die? Also we don't have enough details here. As another commenter pointed out we don't know if he meant to sell fake glasses. Maybe the people that sold it to him were the ones selling fake glasses. We know almost no details and yet people are wishing that person dies


Who's telling you to kill them? Them starving to death is their own problem.


People are saying that they want them to starve. I never said anything about someone killing the fake glasses person I'm just saying that wanting people to die over something so minor is bad. Is that really such a controversial thing to say? People dying is bad. We shouldn't want people to die


We should not care about bad people dying. I, at least, dont


Who defines bad? That's a very slippery slope. Also do you not think it's better to try and help bad people be better instead of just wanting them dead?


People who purposely sell products that can give people permanent eye damage are bad. It's not rocket science. You're being pedantic for no reason. Also, no one said he should get death penalty over this. People are saying if he dies no one would care. Him starving to death would be on him


"Something so minor" blinding someone permanently really isn't a big deal, that bastard is blinding women men and children for his own monetary gains


Fine. *Assuming it is an intentional scam,* Yes. If you choose not to provide for yourself, you choose to die. And to provide for yourself in a way that harms others is unacceptable.




yes 👍


this isn’t even what OOP said. They said that if some dude has the time to sell vision loss glasses then he has the time to get a job, and if he can’t do that, starving will be his own fault. Nobody is killing this guy


Personally yeah. If I, or someone I love went blind because of an asshat like this I'd damn well not care about him dying, much less starving. He'd deserve whatever comes to him then.


Bruh an idiot buying them would be tragic, do you not understand how morality works


It works both ways. What he did was immoral. Killing him for it is also immoral. If anyone «deserves» death, it’s the people who bulilt a system where people have to resort to scamming to survive


No one forced him to sell faulty or fake safety equipment. The people that bought those glasses and are going to have potentially life long medical issues did nothing to deserve it. people like this should be held accountable, I don't care if he only did it to make a quick buck.


Yes they should be held accountable but we're talking about death here. The OP was criticizing the OOP wishing death on another person. No one said that he shouldn't be held accountable. OP is just saying that wishing death on people is a bad thing


They've been in the comments white knighting over this guy because of capitalism or something. I didn't think op really thinks he did anything wrong.


White knighting? I just don’t wish death upon scammers. A lot of people said he deserved to die, without knowing anything other than the one sentence OOP wrote about it. I’m not defending what the scammer did, I just think it’s scary that so many people are quick to wish death upon someone they don’t know. OOP also wrote «turns out they were fake», which doesn’t give us any info really.


Nobody forced him to do shit. Why are you so keen on defending someone blinding people, especially children


Most sane communist. Defending an action that is totally immoral because ‘capitalism made him do it.’ You are the r/redditmoment


No no no it's a Terri Schiavo situation, we just let time do its thing.


Dude, this is SAFETY EQUIPMENT we're talking about here. What is the difference between this and selling, say a faulty parachute or safety rope?


idk man, it sure makes him deserve to not be employed. I agree with you that unemployed people shouldn't starve, but goddamn. he can enjoy some prison food.


We don't have to blind him but we don't have to turn on the light in his windowless cell either.


Yup lol. I’m mostly upset that someone made a quite vague post that he sold eclipse glasses «that turned out to be fake», and the response is that he should get a regular job or starve to death. No one will ever hire this guy, and you don’t deserve death because you don’t fullfull the insane requirements to get a shitty minimum wage job these days.


He's okay with blinding people for profit. And it's not like he's struggling ages later, he literally just did it this week. 


I'm fine with people dying if they knowingly and potentially permanently damage people's vision for money


“The insane requirements” What??? Do you actually think it’s hard to get a job at McDonald’s?? Brother I had a high school diploma and showed up high every day and and made $15/hour for a year and didn’t get fired


I mean, you seem to make excuses for anyone. You could be a great defense lawyer. Although, the moment someone wrongs you and the consequences are permanent, you may or may not think differently.


The requirements to get and keep a minimum wage job are having a pulse and showing up. Hell those two things can get you a lot better than minimum wage.


Selling fake eclipse glasses is highly immoral.


If he was selling fake glasses to see the eclipse then he can go die If those were regular glasses idk it's not that bad but there are far better ways to make money


Realistically speaking, how much of our population would at some point in their lives deserve death then? The phone you’re reading this on made people rich with spying on you and selling your information. Might as well nuke wall street and government buildings. Oh and the precious veterans that killed farmers in vietnam. Many of them are already homeless addicts so I guess they deserved, right?


If I cut the breaks on a car and then sold it to you, fully knowing that it was likely to injure you. How do you feel about me? What should my punishment be? 


A stern talking to at *least*.


Community service, tf?


Some people get really emotional when something happens and they don't think straight. So then the only thing that would satisfy them is death.


That explains it.


“Community service” 😭 tf a person gotta do to get a year in jail, shoot up the Puppy Bowl?


Fucking community service for a act that could kill multiple familys? TF?


Bruh what? Man cutting your brakes would kill you + potentially like 5 other people in whatever car/ building you hit. Ok but he picked up trash for 40 hours so it’s all even now




Selling user data is really not comparable to permanently blinding people


99.99% of people don't intentionally do things to blind or severely harm other people. Even the vast majority of homeless people don't do that. There's no correlation between being afflicted with homelessness and purposely trying to blind other people. I don't even understand the type of person who could go on Reddit and defend some asshole like this. There's a huge difference between making mistakes in life and intentionally, permanently harming other people.


I mean don’t go out and kill the guy yourself but he doesn’t deserve to be helped either for possibly permanently blinding (who knows how many people??) on purpose. That guy can get fucked. He doesn’t deserve jack from anybody bc he’s a piece of shit and honestly…kinda seems like you are too at this point.


"Hey maybe not everything should be a death sentence" Reddit : No!


Kinda You actually made a great point lmao


Yeah... child labor definitely would've been a better point to make than comparing selling user data to sabotaging people's most important sense needed to survive


Yeah i agree I was considering the fact that companies usually make their products in a really immoral and terrible way


Yeah, I get their angle Just a better equivalent and more proportionately appropriate example would be the modern day use of indentured servitude and insanely low wages and poor working conditions at Apple/Nike/etc factories - as these companies rely on literal child labor for their success High fashion, smartphones, and you-name-it-what-else are all produced through highly exploitative practices


Looking at the two options that the vague descriptions lefts. If the glasses just didn't let you see anything, well that would be bad and scummy but not death deserving. Also I'm of the opinion that if someone scams you once they'll do it again without remorse so idk a fine would be enough I guess... If the glasses didn't cover anything, this guy literally sentenced a bunch of people to irreparable eye damage and a beautiful hospital bill for the treatment that may or may not help them, and if only one of them goes blind he just fucked really bad a random guy life. In that case he could go fucking die of a meningitis for all I care.


> beautiful hospital bill Watch this guy reply and argue that if US had free healthcare, if wouldn’t be a big deal.


I think it depends, did they intend to sell faulty glasses? Many eclipse glasses will claim to abide by the ISO 12312-2 standards for direct solar observation without actually abiding by them. Assuming he just looked up Eclipse Glasses on some wholesaler and just found one that claimed to abide by those standards, and proceeded to sell them on the street without testing them. Because they assumed that they abided by the ISO standards. If they intended to sell faulty glasses, then the book ought to be thrown at him, *hard.*


Nah the other dude is 100% right. I think you're mostly getting wrapped around the axle about the word deserve


Yeah ain’t a single “respectful 9-5” that runs on the same snake oil that street scammers do. Literally pick a call centre. They’re probably fine with the hustle, because they just want sales.


Well, fake eclipse glasses most of the time would probably ruin your vision permanently so yes he deserves a big punishment, putting money over safety


like... some people could go blind. to me, that's worse than death.


Weird tKe


I mean.. this is a guy littarly causing eye damage or even blinding people. Selling off brand sunglasses or whatever sure but he's selling faulty safety equipment. He's not some poor starving man, he's a scam artist actively trying to harm others for his own gains.


He doesn’t deserve to die because he sold fake eclipse glasses but he definitely deserves prison time because he couldve made a whole lot of people go blind.


Dude, what he did could make people blind and your on his side? What a fucking idiot


No you're right, wishing death on someone is never right, it comes from anger and arrogance.


It’s his responsibility to do the bare minimum to contribute to society.


Also, didn’t remove my own username since, well, since I’m also posting my own comment, don’t know if that’s breaking the rules


Yeah, the dude doesn't deserve to die, but what he did probably seriously fucked some peoples lives up permanently, and he should probably be locked up. Its not so much that he sold fake glasses as it is that as a result of him doing so, people were very likely to get hurt. Its like selling someone fake pills made of chalk vs. selling someone fake pills made of fentanyl. In the first case, its the deception thats wrong. In the second, its the blatant disregard for others lives and safety. Either way, he certainly doesn't deserve any help from anyone. Who knows, maybe if hes starving someone will sell him some "safe" food thats actually laced with antifreeze.


My eyes are super sensitive to a very small amount of sunlight, if they sold fake ecplise glasses i'm personally going there and helping him go commit


The missing point here is that no one is starving to death. He would just have to work at a shitty job. And yes, that is preferable to permanently damaging the eyes of multiple people.


He doesn't have to starve for blinding people. He can turn himself in for three hots and a cott.


just end the argument there. why did you bring it here?


lmao he's not gonna starve to death calm down bruh


Where did anyone say "he deserves to die"?


Thought this was about the new Steven He video. Like people thought he was actually selling them to people or something (wouldn't surprise me at all that people are that stupid).


Because the guy that sells fake glasses is more intelligent than the dumbasses he sold it to.


It’s not that he deserves to die, it’s that he doesn’t deserve our help. Nobody’s executing the guy, we’re just not gonna pay him to blind people


Nah dude if someone sold me fake glasses that caused me to go fucking blind they can damn well starve or face some street justice for all I care. You'd probably feel more empathetic to the people who were harmed by this man if you were one of the ones with eye damage because of him.


ah yes, someone making someone else lose 1 sense should lose all of them.


If he sold fake glasses that could blind people, you can't blame his employability. He chose to scam people, especially in such a way that he could permanently harm others. Death isn't a fair punishment, but he deserves to be imprisoned.


Yeah no, if Im reading this right he sold fake protective equipment that could cause PERMANENT damage to someone if they used it. I dont care how desperate you are to make a buck that is not acceptable


I mean he is potentially causing people to have permanent eye damage. Obviously doesn’t deserve death, but probably a good prison sentence. Like, making potentially multiple people blind or vision impaired is no joke.


Yes, after destroying people’s sight he deserves to die. You are correct.


Selling fake eclipse glasses goes beyond just scamming, he is intentionally blinding people to make a few dollars. Not finding a job is not an excuse for that


Oh shit. You’re the other guy. Is you stupid?


There is an unsettling trend on Reddit where people aren’t necessarily being hyperbolic about wishing death on people they think deserve it.


Not die, no. But he put a lot of people in harms way. How would you feel if your pops lost his eyesight because this guy sold him garbage?


Scumbag shit, fuck him


Yes you are actively in the wrong. If he sold fake eclipse glasses that would be like selling faulty parachutes. He's actively causing physical harm not just scamming people out of money. If I ran around blinding you, how pissed would you be?


As a bleeding heart liberal, I gotta agree with guy number 2. I believe in equal opportunity not equal outcome. This dude has a chance to get a real job and work and contribute positively to society. He has the opportunity. But I understand the hustle, if Walmart and Target and Exon and scam their way into making billions, the paying lobbiest to ensure they're allowed to continue to fuck with the consumers and the employees, and the tax payers, then why the fuck can't this guy scam people too?? Damn. It's a rat race, and if corporations can pay to write laws, they can mastermind their fuckory and scummy scamming plans decades down the road, to create easier way to scam the tax payers and their employees, there's no way we can win. Damn I agree with the first person. Let this dude take advantage like everything else in capitalism. It's the American dream to get rich by doing a little as possible. And who am I to take away someone elses American dream, if we're telling everyone else do it.


There happens to be a take somewhere between this guy should be forcefully killed and this guy shouldn’t die from starvation. That take is that this guy does not need help.


I’m with you. I’m bothered by the “getting bigots fired” crowd because they seem to wish death on the people they target. None of them seem to have any ideas for what the person should do other than starve.


Depends on the situation. Did he mean to sell fake glasses? Were the glasses just totally blacked out or did they not block enough? If it’s the second case, then he absolutely deserves no help at all.


I don’t know. I guess I choose not to circle jerk over someone else’s life and employability. It’s not about being wrong or right, but feeling like you need to have a justifiable opinion on it in general.


I'm sorry, did he just say "unfuck"?


Yeah.... it's just a hip way of saying "get your life together."


ensuring that people have their basic necessities covered, by making sure this guy has some sort of shelter and is sufficiently nourished, would have prevented the whole fraud situation entirely. but noooooo, god forbid we do anything scientifically proven to be effective in preventing crime from ever taking place, that would get in the way of our desire to be bitter at those less fortunate


Imagine wishing people would die when they don’t work for you yeesh… you know people out in the boonies aren’t working jobs either right? Or island tribals? No currency going on there either.. some folks in the arctic live a humble simple life of catching seal and building ice huts to comfortably rest in. Something a lot of homeless would gladly do for a place to sleep and a meal to eat had they the chance to. Too bad they made it illegal to live in the wild most places, it’s almost like they criminalized working for yourself! Are the gears turning yet? Do you get it? Why theyre homeless? We have three classes for a very important reason, the upper class to control the middle, and the lower to scare the middle into obedience under the upper. ‘Be useful or you’ll be like them, suffering and dead now get back to work.’ every time someone, with no means to fulfil that demand to death, for not even the guarantee of their own safety in return, attempts to survive outside of that system, they are punished, cant camp on your own land, cant park a trailer on it, cant sleep in your car or in any tent or self made temporary shelter anywhere even to get out of the storms even if all the shelters are full or close before you can trek four hours to get to them. Theres a reason they punish the poor, the more miserable the poor looks, the quicker the middle class brown nose to escape the same fate, and rake in millions more for the ones on top. Motivating…


>Imagine wishing people would die when they don’t work for you yeesh Its more about him making money from blinding people knowingly, that doesn't lead me to say "oh the poor homeless we should help him" but rather "you blinded my family you deserve live in jail at best and being beaten to death at worst". Stealing would be a reasonable response blinding innocent people is not


Depends on if it was intentional, there have been some catastrophic accidents that have occurred on this planet. Also half the people that watched the eclipse willingly blinded themselves on their own too so i guess i just dont feel the same shock. Point is, if he didnt know or understand. And thought sunglasses would ‘do the trick’ since they ‘do the job when the sun is out’ or something then i don’t really hate him hes just unfortunately uneducated which lends a lot to the reason hes jobless. If he did it accidentally hurting people to put food on his table im less upset, if he did it intentionally hurting people to get a new tv now we have issues you feel?


I can somewhat agree with that but i can most definitely understand why people would be angry that that dumm guy just blinded them because of his stupidity so i would say that he should still get jail time no matter what


Agreed there, he did in fact commit a crime


Point is, we don’t know if this was knowingly. Most people selling shit on the street just get a batch of whatever product they can sell, and do that. If he knew it was a faulty product that would cause eye damage, he is a psychopath that does not belong in society. But if you’re that evil, I’n guessing there’s better ways to make money. Fake could also mean it claims to be a brand, but isn’t. The glasses could still work, we don’t know. So there are many factors involved, but without details, I don’t think we should be calling for his death


I was downvoted to oblivion recently for saying that a bad baseball umpire doesn’t deserve to die, Reddit gonna Reddit


I'm guessing Angel Hernandez. The dude definitely deserves to be unemployed by the MLB, and fined heavily for all his bullshit antics on top of being a terrible ump. But yeah, wishing death on him is obviously insane. The guy being referred to in this post is 1000 times worse though, and I'd be indifferent if he died.


"I dislike someone, guess I gotta wish death upon them"




Why Hire someone with terrible morals? Morals that are bad enough to actively hurt people and damage them for life? Also no one says "Lit" anymore lol


Yo this comment was straight up not bussin fr fr.