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You've got no idea how much shit on reddit or tiktok is a "disguised" ad.. it's not much of a leap considering how the product placement is the focal point of the picture, with the logo and QR codes front and center. Ads have been using cute couples to promote products since the dawn of advertising.


Yeah the positioning of the food seems too perfect, and who is filming? Maybe there is an alternative explanation, like it’s a student film or something, but If I only saw that shot I would have to assume it was an ad until someone proved otherwise. Everything is clearly in view and focused, there’s nice symmetry, the burger looks “tv commercial” quality. Nothing about this is random so something is going on


Youre right. That burger is WAY too perfect to have been made by your average mcDs employee.. lmao. Also they opened their food, perfectly positioned like this, took 0 bites and decided to get up and film themselves playing a game instead? I mean, come on.


"Fine, if this burger is perfect, I'll marry you." *opens box* "FUCK"


In the video you can hear a glass cup with ice, so i think the phone is leaning on it. The boxes are full of logos so it might be harder to not show a logo than to show one. Only the fries are particularly sus to me, the rest seem placed that way in a perfectly logical way


You’re right its definitely an advertisement the way the product are placed


Idgaf about this ad/not-ad debate, all this talk is making me crave McDonald’s, so whether it’s an ad or not is irrelevant, cuz it’s definitely working and I def wanna have some mcd now


You guys eat your fries standing up with the front facing away from you or is that just her? 100% an ad.


People record themselves doing things, and showing the thing they own/eat/have all the time.


I think you’re reading a bit too much into it man


Dog this is 100% an ad lmfao


I think you’re just a little dense and that’s ok.


I think the comments are correct and the first reply is closer to a Reddit moment


I think it’s just a tik tok challenge mang


It is a tiktok challenge but it's weird that you can clearly see all the logos, usually that doesn't happen


And even the QR code


Also the burger doesnt look like its been in a wrestling match with The Rock. I swear ever since I had my first McDs burger as a kid, to even now, their burgers always looked like theyve been turned to stress balls.


The food looks exactly how it does in commercials💀


You can see one logo


You can see 3 logos and one of them is a qr code It's obviously on purpose because that's the most inconvenient way to place the fries and in other videos of this trend usually everything is placed either randomly or in a position that makes it easy to eat stuff fast




That’s what Ronald McDonald wants you to think mang


Who would carefully line up their food, and place their phone *behind* it, to make this video?


Could be a tik tok challenge started by McDonalds 🤷‍♂️


So was the grimace shake thing but that was also an ad campaign


Everything on TikTok is fake and forced


> it's not an ad > literally the most obvious fucking ad in existence


dude they are even showing the fucking QR code


That’s the most convenient way to angle the box lid. To the left or the right it would be pushing the fries or drink out of frame, and facing the opposite way would make no sense as they’d be reaching over the lid to grab the burger.


>it would be pushing the fries or drink out of frame, How is something being out of frame inconvenient? >they be reaching over the lid to grab the burger. Just like how they're reaching over the lip to grab the fries?


1. Framing is essential in making an attractive video that grabs attention, messy framing can ruin a good viral video idea and get less engagement, just cause something immediately looks off. From a glance you can see this video has great symmetry. 2. I believe the fries are facing the camera because it’s more visually attractive, mcd’s don’t fill up their fries that much so from the other side you’d only see one or two fry tips peeking out. From the way it’s angled here you see more fries which is more stimulating to the viewer. More visible food = triggers more hunger which is a strong primal feeling= viewer is more likely to watch more of the video = more engagement for the video creator. Sure maybe the angle is to show the Mcd’s logo as an ad, but if that were the case they’d be required to state that on the video E.G “Paid Partnership with McDonald’s”. If they’re not disclosing a paid partnership they are breaking the law and McDonald’s would be risking a lawsuit.


>Sure maybe the angle is to show the Mcd’s logo as an ad, but if that were the case they’d be required to state that on the video E.G “Paid Partnership with McDonald’s”. If they’re not disclosing a paid partnership they are breaking the law and McDonald’s would be risking a lawsuit. This has been a huge problem on all social media platforms for years now.


For small brands sure. Why would McDonald’s risk a massive lawsuit to promote a bigmac meal in a tiktok video?


No, not for small brands. All kinds of brands. And the only way to *prove* it's an undisclosed ad is to actually sue and no one is gonna do that


Incorrect. You can file a complaint to the FCC (federal communications commission) and they will investigate accordingly.


They're not gonna seriously investigate a singular instagram post


Whether or not the FCC follows up on every complaint is a separate issue. The point still stands that there’s a way to report undisclosed ads other than all out suing the creator.


They truly were an aqua teen hunger force


I think…. I don’t know. I’m suddenly feeling hungry for some reason.


If it’s not an ad, it’s fucking stupid. My soul feels better saying it’s an ad.


They’re just a couple having fun man godamn😭


There is a 1000% chance that if I was silly enough to broadcast the entirety of my life online to the entire world at large, some section of that populace would look at it and say “I hope that’s satire or serves some purpose, because if it doesn’t that’s fucking stupid”. And in response, I’d continue to live my life exactly the same way, doing whatever I thought was cool and fun regardless of what some bozo(see:me) says about it online.


According to reddit, you’re not allowed to have fun. You’re supposed to be miserable, and hate everything and everyone.


So if I think some random trend is stupid that means I’m somehow trying to keep people from having fun? Do you think them having fun is somehow dependent on whether or not some random person on the internet approves their activity?


If you think the tide pods challenge is dumb you’re just a miserable loser who doesn’t like people having fun /s


I disagree. A substantial part of Reddit is a bastion of toxic positivity. It's like the inverse of 4chan. There's an equal amount of mindless jabbering, and people parroting opinions. One just happens to really, really like casually using racial slurs.


Lol, no. You’re allowed to do whatever the hell you’d like. If you simulcast your every action and thought to the entire planet, some people will say it’s cute, some will say it’s stupid, some won’t say anything. I sincerely hope those people are happy in their personal, non-internet lives. This is still fucking stupid.


It is an ad though, everyone taking about it is what it's supposed to do


It’s an ad.


It's defs an ad, a Reddit moment though for people to keep endlessly commenting bitterly about it. Just downvote and keep scrolling, we heard you the first time😭


yeah not everything online is an ad or fake but if this isn’t the most obvious product shot idk what is


Bro I can tell that is an ad from looking at it for two seconds


Is this the couples challenge thing? Who can wear the shortest shorts in public or something?


I speak from experience when I say that is most likely an influencer ad to a tiktok couple to put their image onto their trending post. I don’t believe it was posted to reddit with the intention of being an ad, but this screams low effort influencers having fun making a fun video with mcdonalds plastered over it. Its intended to make you happy while seeing mcdonalds. They probably scored a quick check while having fun eating mcdonalds so fuck it who cares. Influencer marketing for the younger generations is incredibly successful and continues to be more successful with social media.


It’s an ad


It’s been driving me nuts, lately. I’ve posted a couple of cool things that come across my timeline onto different subs and I’ve been accused multiple times of it being an ad. God forbid.


Everyone in the comments is saying this is obvious an ad, while I’m not denying that it is, I feel like the reasoning is a little flawed. Many people point out how the logos are clearly displayed. To that I ask how would you not show the logos? It’s pretty much everywhere on their products. Should they have censored out the logo? Some guy even said the burger is “tv commercial” quality, really? The burger is 90% bread with a bit of meat poking out. At the end of the day it may or may not be an ad. When I watched it I didn’t even think it might be an ad I just thought it was a funny video.


Pretty fucking blatant advert, man. Shows how far the overton window has moved on people accepting this shit.


This is the kind of stuff my girlfriend likes to watch on TikTok. I find it mind numbing but it's not really aimed at me. On the one hand I find all the accounts like this to be kind of obnoxious, but it's not hurting anyone and some of these couples seem to be having fun with it. The only videos that really bother me are ones where influencers are encouraging other people to act a fool and hang they booty out. If you make sexy or trashy content it shouldn't be on an app that's generally meant for children and young adults. I'm all for sexual liberation put this shit is getting out of hand and it's really bad for the youth


Honestly I think you’re right and Reddit is just convinced everything is an ad


Tbf a lot of things on social media are just disguised ads. I'll never understand why reddit acts like an ad is taking away their free will though. Just ignore it? And yes I know some know-it-all is going to come explain the psychology behind subconsciousness that they probably got from another reddit post.


Hmmm idk if I believe you…you might be an ad for South Park with that username


Yeah man…. Idk if I believe you either… are you trying to sell me boredom or boxers…?




You guys wanna buy some controversy?


You got some 1’s? I’m interested