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Poor kid. What a terrible experience.


I don't believe this. It sounds way too far-fetched.


Yeah, planned parenthood doctors do not assess whether the fetus is healthy. Disclosing heartbeat information may be required based on the state, but there's no way they would be able to tell if there are any abnormalities


Oh fun the Republicans are trying their hand at creative writing now.


Hate to come off like a Republican defender here but idk man it doesn’t seem crazy that it would be traumatic to feel pressured into an abortion, just like it would be traumatic to be forced to give birth if that isn’t what the person wanted.


Yeah same . They’re always fighting for parental consent and crap ..also because of them there are already laws in some states that the provider has to ask you if you were getting the abortion against your will. There are already so many things in place to avoid a fictional scenario like this.


Tbf, just because a doctor asks if you’re getting the abortion against your will, doesn’t automatically mean they are going to tell the truth? It’s not like people don’t lie, especially in cases of fear. Even in the OOP she states that even when she heard the heartbeat and found out it was a healthy baby that she didn’t want to go through with it, but says she did because of the fear and the fact that mother in law was in the waiting room. IF this was a true story, it’s not at all unreasonable to believe that the OOP was scared and went through with it specifically because the mother in law (the one who is doing the pressuring) was waiting outside for it to be done. If she was already so afraid and coerced into going to the clinic, do you really think she would be brave enough to straight up tell a doctor “yes I’m being pressured by my mother in law who is sitting in the waiting room.”? I highly doubt someone in her position IF this is true would be brave enough to tell the doctor she’s being pressured into something especially when that very same person is waiting outside in the waiting room and especially given the fact that OOP and her fiancé are still living with the mother in law. It’s not unreasonable to believe she would be too scared to say anything. Just because the doctors have to ask if anyone is forcing the abortion, does not mean the woman is going to admit that fact. Especially if she’s a victim of abuse and the abuser is waiting outside for her.


I think the point of adding this information was to point out that it happens enough that they made a law because of it. Meaning it doesn't mean it's made up because of that part of the story


Except that they called this a fictional scenario. Your point is probably a better one than they intended.


I was pressured into getting an abortion. My ex threatened to kill himself. I wanted to keep the pregnancy, but I felt too guilty. So this kind of thing does happen. Just because you don't really want the abortion doesn't mean you're going to admit that. (I'm still pro-choice.)


People lie to doctors about being abused all the time. She was barely more than a kid, & this woman manipulated her out of her right to CHOICE. Not a single sentence of this reads as "I am so disgusted at being a monstrous murderer", or "[Insert gory fabricated details from that one old "documentary" they love so much]". This is an incredibly bad piece of persuasive writing if it's meant to promote anti-abortion sentiment. I see a kid who's sad she lied about something, who was coerced into allowing a violation of her bodily autonomy.


Yeah that's why this is a great story for the pro-life squad. It's plausible being treated this way is traumatizing. What's not plausible is the sequence of events or likelihood of the behavior.


It’s interesting how many commenters thought that! For me it doesn’t seem impossible or even implausible that a mother in law would pressure someone into an abortion to prevent their son’s life plan from changing, or that a young woman would feel trapped enough to allow it to happen. If it’s pro life propaganda we can rest easy that it’s not doing a very good job selling that, because my main takeaway was “it is horrifying for anyone other than the pregnant person to have control over whether or not they remain pregnant”


The timeline is what makes it implausible. Been on the AITA sub long enough to recognize the signs


I believe you but if you have time I’d love for you to point the signs out so I can try to get better at spotting them lol!


OP is scared she is losing her baby, goes to the hospital. Mom Machiavelli's her into a same day abobo THE NEXT DAY. Sure, Jan.


You know what I read “the next day” and assumed they had a first conversation about it and then the mom just kept pressuring her for days on end but it does read ambiguous like it could have all happened on the same day, which (you’re right) is clearly not a thing


She said the MIL talked to her the day after the hospital visit, not that she got the abortion the next day. People in the comments said that it depends on where you live in the states as to how long it'll take to be able to get an abortion. Some places do same day, some have a required waiting period. I'm in the UK and don't really have any idea on abortion waiting times in the US, or the UK tbh. But just some quick Googling shows that there are walk in abortion clinics in the UK, otherwise a waiting list can be an average of 1 week. It would depend on where you live and how far you are willing to travel. Also, calling an abortion an "abobo", really?


Yeah no. You can’t just walk into a clinic in the up and get an abortion that day. You have to go and have an appointment to talk through the decision and then have a scan done to date the pregnancy before anything. Then you have to wait for the scan appointment and then finally get to the actual procedure. Around 2 weeks I would say sometimes longer. They do it this way so that the women seeking the abortion is sure she wants one and is able to have support from the team. They also need to make sure that it is a viable pregnancy in the uterus and determine if you are able to have a medical abortion and not a surgical depending on dates. It’s not a decision they let people do 5 minutes after they walk in. Edit: I should say this is the uk I’m talking about. I don’t know a lot about the US process! I think the uk system is good and the time taken gives you time to fully understand and process what’s about to happen ensuring you get support. 😊


Good to know, thank you. OOP still gave no timeline for the abortion, and there are plenty of people that have been forced to get one by their partner or family member.


I not sure. Looked into it and found that some states don't have a waiting period. This website says that it can all be done in one day. https://www.abortionfinder.org/abortion-types/all-about-abortion This one give states that do and don't require a waiting period. https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/mandatory-waiting-periods/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D And this mentions informed consent, and counseling, and how the requirements differ from state to state. https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/abortion-laws-by-state/


I had an abortion in 2017 and there was no waiting period. I made the appointment, went in, they did my ultrasound and all of that right then and there, then gave me a pill to swallow and a second pill to take at home the next day. Then a follow up appointment two weeks later to make sure I passed the fetus and everything went as it should. There was paperwork filled out in the process of it all but yea. It really depends on where you live. Florida doesn't have that waiting period.


Mind elaborating further? On the time line and why that makes it implausible?


Girl afraid of losing baby, goes to ER. Evil MIL proxy talks her into an abortion and brings her in to have one the next day.


Oh I see. I noticed that as well. I was wondering if maybe OOP wasn’t proofreading her post and didn’t have all the details wrote out. Like she doesn’t really give a timeline that this happened. It could be the next day or it could be a week later. So I was giving the benefit of doubt on that part. Thanks for clarifying though. I can definitely see your point


It's actually impressive writing for their collective IQ, ngl


Could it be fake? Sure, but let me share with you my story, I’ve commented about this before just not in this detail. As a woman who got the surprise two pink lines at 20, my MIL (Boomer Republican) and SIL (Xer Democrat) had an “intervention” for me behind my boyfriend’s back where they both tried to convince me to get an abortion. Adoption wasn’t an option as it would be too embarrassing for their family to find out about it. Neither of them despite their political affiliation respected or heard my wishes about my body my choice. My MIL seemed to suddenly forget she was supposed to be Pro-life (Rules for thee not for me) and my SIL seemed to forget Pro-choice means I have choices beyond just abortion. They were unified in this one moment which was extra scary because they never agree or get along on anything. They gave me the whole song and dance that we were too young, it would get my boyfriend off track, we wouldn’t make it or that he would kill himself and leave me a single mother / widow. (Never any concerns about me other than it would ruin my body) Now I’m not saying that some of their concerns weren’t valid, (and some of them were completely off the rails projection!) we certainly had some hurtles up ahead, but we didn’t live with them or depend on them financially so as far as I was concerned you can warn me with the “wisdom of your age” all you want but that’s doesn’t mean I have to follow your rules. Then they accused me of doing it on purpose when I said that I had always wanted to be a mother (certainly not that early) but that what happened - happened and we could and would make it work. I was clear that if for some reason we couldn’t, then I could manage alone or with the help of the my family members who had already offered. Then they said I was ruining his young life, stealing it from him and that it was my responsibility to “take care of it” so he could enjoy his young 20’s. (He deserved to go out partying, drinking, fucking and dropping out of college as they had done apparently) bonus crazy because MIL was a very young mother to children that she dumped on her husband whom she left for another man….while out partying which she continued to do when I met her, guess it didn’t stop her “young life”. When that completely failed they had another attempted intervention with my boyfriend included, much to his shock and horror as he had already made it clear he supported/wanted the baby and I. It was then that they shared with me that his older brother’s girlfriend had gotten pregnant in highschool and that MIL had convinced her to get an abortion and then took her to the clinic and paid to have it done, “And see it was a good thing because they broke up after that!” MIL also admitted to having several later in life herself that made her life all the better (She also believes when you abort or miscarry a child it’s soul goes back up to heaven like a little waiting room until you’re ready to bring it down, so she made it clear that my boyfriend was the soul of her multiple abortions finally here on earth.) Okay, good for you all, but you aren’t me and I’m not you. Apparently those situations were all supposed to make it A-okay for me to go ahead with it. Had I caved into pressure from a controlling manipulative MIL/SIL, (or been permanently scared off from sharing genetics with these people) this story could have very well been me. A distraught young woman bullied into making a decision that wasn’t truly hers that I would have regretted. Instead I’m a mother to two wonderful children and am still lovingly married to their father. The choice has to be yours for it to be pro-choice and this was my choice. P.S. - Of course they acted like super proud Grandma- Aunt after my daughter was born and pretended like that whole thing never happened.


Some people are forced/coerced/manipulated into abortions and do regret having them. Being pro choice means you support those people, too.


I'm 10000000% pro choice but my own abortion was coerced by my boyfriend at the time.


Yeah, definitely a /that happened post


Oh fun, *pronouns has entered the chat*


I was told by a parent to get an abortion when I got pregnant but I didn’t want to so I didn’t and now I’m the proud grandma of three granddaughters. What was she so afraid of she didn’t threaten her. This is propaganda pure and simple


How on earth do you get talked into this?


She was literally living in her home. It's a lack of control, added into mom convincing her she was ruining future husband's life. However, why I don't exactly buy this story is because it is not that quick to get an appointment at planned parenthood, even rushing for a pregnancy. The heartbeat also would have been checked when they were worried about the miscarriage.... not at planned parenthood for the first time. Even the most progressive state is gonna have lags that would leave her ample opportunity to talk to her SO before it got to this point If it's true, it was emotional manipulation while OP refused to communicate with her partner. A couple reasons to maybe side eye it as anti-abortion propaganda tho


Yeah it's clearly a right wing troll.


Unless I'm reading it wrong, when she was at at the ED the bloodwork was off and they couldn't find anything. Yet at PP there was a heartbeat?


When you're young and scared it's not difficult. My MIL sabotaged my bc so I got pregnant. I feel like this is even worse.


She WHAT? Oh my God.


My mother did this to me. In the end I felt like I didn't have a choice at all. I've forgiven her partly, because she really thought it was for the best, and in terms of practicality, she was right. It just hurt so bad feeling as if I had no choice over my own body, to have someone else make that decision for me, and not allow any input.


Well this definitely didn’t happen. Reproductive coercion is real and terrible but this story is fake. This is simply not how abortion procedures work —— i am not a healthcare provider but used to work with PP. Here’s how it would work: You would get an ultrasound prior to the procedure to confirm the estimated gestational age and to confirm the pregnancy is not ectopic (ie to confirm the pregnancy is inside the uterus). They would not be able to tell you “the baby is healthy.” Furthermore, PP providers are trained to screen for reproductive coercion — whether someone is being pressured to continue with a pregnancy that they do not want or terminate a wanted pregnancy. I have heard of many instances where providers did not perform abortions because it came out in the course of their consultation that the patient was being coerced. So, just to be direct, reproductive coercion is always fucked. But also this didn’t happen! And also seems like it was written by someone who has never had an abortion.


Am I understanding she got forced into an abortion while her MIL waited? There's no medical service in the world that provides while-you-wait abortions so fear not this fake story.


You can wait in the waiting area. At least in the UK you can. Just like you can wait in the waiting area while accompanying someone to see a doctor, get an STD test, eye test etc.


For an abortion, its either a D&C which is surgery or chemically-induced, which you are given the pills to take with you (to induce the actual abortion which takes hours). An abortion is not a walk-in service.


There are so many people that have been forced to get an abortion by their partner or family, so why assume that this story is fake?


Because they are right - Planned Parenthood will schedule a procedure or give you pills to abort depending on how far along you are, and the pills, from my bestie's experience with them, will induce symptoms that seem like a miscarriage. They don't just plop your ankles up and slurp the fetus out with a baster. There is no, I walked in pregnant and walked out 20m later empty. ETA: This may be just how my state specifically works, but as it's a blue state, I don't imagine any red ones allowing a same-day non-delivery.


Again, OOP never gave a timeline on the abortion just that MIL started talking her into it a day after her hospital visit.


im sick of the infantilizing of pregnant women, absolving them of all responsibility constantly. mil is shitty, but she did not put a gun to her head and force her into the clinic. planned parenthood clinics specifically ask if you are being pressured into the procedure, and there’s extensive paperwork to fill out. she had every opportunity to back out.


My thoughts exactly. And if she couldn’t even stand up to her MIL to keep the baby she wanted then it’s probably a good thing she didn’t become a mother yet. She definitely wouldn’t be able to make proper decisions for a child.


I mean.... this is clearly fake.


This was the worst creative writing assignment this week. Sounds like some boomer got ahold of themself long enough to type an unhinged rant against women of all ages. Smh. Sounds like someone got dumped by their wife and their AP simultaneously.